955 resultados para Temple of Jerusalem (Jerusalem)
Resumen: Hannah Arendt y Walter Benjamin examinan los fenómenos asociativos de masa, multitud y populacho. Ambos sustraen tales grupos del ámbito político y los sitúan en el ámbito social. En Los orígenes del totalitarismo, Arendt indaga la noción de populacho o mob en el contexto del fenómeno imperialista. Asocia el carácter del populacho con el de la clase burguesa y posiciona ambos grupos en la emergencia de los nacionalismos tribales, ambos antecesores del totalitarismo. La masa es consustancial con los regímenes totalitarios. La apatía cívica, el cinismo y el derrumbe de las costumbres burguesas no alcanzan para explicar el fenómeno totalitario. El hombre masa ha perdido incluso el interés por sí mismo y el gusto por las asociaciones no partidarias. Walter Benjamin reflexiona literariamente los fenómenos de la bohème y de la multitud (crowd), a través de la poesía de Baudelaire y los relatos de Poe. El primer grupo incluye los conspiradores profesionales, cuyo aislamiento y resentimiento los emparenta con los miembros del mob. La falta de pertenencia y la ausencia de vínculos los conduce al activismo, sin un programa de acción. En el contexto de su reflexión sobre el fenómeno de la multitud, Benjamin indaga el impacto de las condiciones de vida moderna en las conductas automatizadas de los individuos. Los comportamientos reflejos, las respuestas automatizadas y los clichés, son las notas que también Arendt encuentra en el hombre “normal” y diluido en la masa, como lo evidenció la conducta de Eichmann durante el proceso en Jerusalén
Esta tese trata da ficcionalização das questões de identidades, lugares e imaginários judaicos e brasileiros nos romances contos e novelas de temática judaica escritos pelo gaúcho Moacyr Scliar. Na introdução, apresento os objetivos e pressupostos gerais do trabalho, bem como proponho uma divisão da obra em questão em duas fases. No primeiro capítulo, analiso os romances A Guerra no Bom Fim (1972) e O Exército de um Homem Só (1973), sob o ponto de vista da testagem de lugares judaicos clássicos enquanto fontes de inspiração para a resolução dos dilemas que emergem na diáspora brasileira e o início de um processo de dotação de legitimidade ao viver judaico na diáspora sul-americana. No segundo capítulo, analiso o conto A Balada do Falso Messias (1976) e o romance Os Voluntários (1979), sob o ponto de vista da tematização do Messianismo, do Sionismo e do papel que Jerusalém exerce no imaginário judaico moderno e de sua adequação ou não para alimentar o imaginário judaico na contemporaneidade. No terceiro capítulo, trato da ficcionalização das construções identitárias das personagens judias da primeira fase da obra scliariana (1972 a 1980), sob o ponto de vista das noções de hibridismo, aculturação e assimilação. Neste capítulo, analiso as personagens centrais dos romances A Guerra no Bom Fim, O Exército de um Homem Só, Os Deuses de Raquel (1975), (O Ciclo das Águas) (1975), Os Voluntários e O Centauro no Jardim (1980). No quarto capítulo, analiso o romance A Estranha Nação de Rafael Mendes (1983), tentando demonstrar que esta narrativa representa um divisor de águas na obra do autor, por tematizar as raízes judaicas da cultura brasileira através dos marranos, cristãos-novos e cripto-judeus que aqui aportaram com os portugueses em 1500. No quinto e último capítulo, analiso os romances da Segunda fase scliariana: Cenas da Vida Minúscula (1991), A Majestade do Xingu (1997) e A Mulher que Escreveu a Bíblia (1999). Neste capítulo, tento demonstrar que nestas narrativas dá-se o início de uma tentativa de construção de um imaginário judaico-brasileiro próprio, formado por uma fusão de motivos tipicamente brasileiros e outros especificamente judaicos, o que seria o corolário do já mencionado processo de dotação de legitimidade e viabilidade da diáspora judaico-brasileira frente à concretude e a reificação do Israel moderno. Na conclusão, teço algumas considerações sobre o todo do trabalho e levanto algumas questões relativas à construções de imaginários coletivos nas diásporas judaicas, mais especificamente na brasileira
O paradigma de circularidade cultural entre a comunidade judaica e a sociedade romana foi construído pela historiografia através da análise do contato sociocultural e embates entre romanos e judeus que, ao longo da história, ocuparam o mesmo espaço em diversas regiões anexadas ao Império Romano. As relações de poder estabelecidas entre Roma e Jerusalém, após a ocupação da Judéia, apontam para uma hierarquização nas relações sociais, culturais e políticas entre romanos e judeus. O conceito de circularidade cultural de Carlo Ginzburg nos permite, a partir da trajetória de Flávio Josefo, identificar a dualidade no mundo social de Josefo, na qual, de um lado estavam as culturas dominantes (sociedade romana) e, do outro, as culturas subalternas (comunidades judaicas) que, apesar da marcação das diferenças, se influenciavam reciprocamente.
The phytoplankton species composition and abundance in Ogun River, Ogun state, Southwest Nigeria was studied for a period of seven months (December, 2011 - June, 2012), a total of forty-one genera belonging to five taxonomic groups were recorded from Ogun River. The phytoplankton species composition was surpassed by Chrysophyta with 15 species consisting of 36.6% followed by Chlorophyta with 14 consisting of 34.1%. This was followed by Cyanophyta (7 species) consisting of 17.1%, Euglenophyta with 3 species consisting of 7.3% and Pyrrophyta with 2 species consisting 4.92%. Cyanophyta was the highest in abundance consisting of 41% while the lowest in abundance was Pyrrophyta consisting of 1.5%. The low nature of phytoplankton abundance and diversity observed in this study must have been caused by the polluted nature of the water due to the anthropogenic activities carried out around its shores The dominance of Cyanophyta in this river is similar to findings from Lake Victoria, Lake Bishoftu, Lake Chaohu and the temple pond of Thirupour.
Inkjet printing relies on the formation of small liquid droplets to deliver precise amounts of material to a substrate under digital control. Inkjet technology is becoming relatively mature and is of great industrial interest thanks to its flexibility for graphical printing and its potential use in less conventional applications such as additive manufacturing and the production of printed electronics and other functional devices. Its advantages over traditional methods of printing include the following: it produces little or no waste, it is versatile because several different methods exist, it is noncontact, and it does not require a master template so that printed patterns can be readily modified on demand. However, the technology is in need of further development to become mainstream in emerging applications such as additive manufacturing (3D printing). This review contains a description of conventional and less common inkjet methods and surveys the current applications of inkjet in industry. This is followed by specific examples of the barriers, limitations, and challenges faced by inkjet technology in both graphical printing and manufacturing. © 2013 by Begell House, Inc.
The acceleration response of fiber optic mandrel hydrophone is studied based on the theory of elastic dynamics in this paper. For the first time the influence of the optical fiber on the acceleration response is taken into consideration. And the derivation of the radial deformation of the mandrel is presented in details. The acceleration response is evaluated both theoretically and experimentally and the results are in good agreement.
Confirmation of quantum dot lasing have been given by photoluminescence and electro-luminescence spectra. Energy levels of QD laser are distinctively resolved due to band filling effect, and the lasing energy of quantum dot laser is much lower than quantum well laser. The energy barrier at InAs/GaAs interface due to the built-in strain in self-organized system has been determined experimentally by deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). Such barrier has been predicted by previous theories and can be explained by the apexes appeared in the interface between InAs and GaAs caused by strain.
The ground and excited state excitonic transitions of stacked InAs self-organized quantum dots (QDs) in a laser diode structure are studied. The interband absorption transitions of QDs are investigated by non-destructive PV spectra, indicating that the strongest absorption is related to the excited states with a high density and coincides with the photon energy of lasing emission. The temperature and excitation (electric injection) intensity dependences of photoluminescence and electroluminescence indicate the influence of state filling effect on the luminescence of threefold stacked QDs. The results indicate that different coupling channels exist between electronic states in both vertical and lateral directions.
Growth interruption was introduced after the deposition of GaAs cap layer, which is thinner than the mean height of Quantum dots. Uniformity of quantum dots has been enhanced because the full width of half maximum of photoluminescence decrease from 80meV to 27meV in these samples as the interruption time increasing from 0 to 120 second. Meanwhile, we have observed that the peak position of photoluminescence is a function of interruption time. This effect can be used to control the energy level of quantum dots. The phenomena mentioned above can be attributed to the diffusion of In atoms from the top of InAs islands to the top of GaAs cap layer caused by the difference of surface energies between InAs and GaAs.
This paper analyzes different experiences of space by which memory of Holocaust could be passed on. The Memorial for the murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin gives visitors the feeling of insecurity and overwhelms them with monumentality. For that reason it is criticized as reflecting the other side of German memory: The Third Reich’s megalomania and dream about power. The Hamburger memorial against fascism designed in 1986 by conceptual artists Jochen and Esther Gerz offers quite an opposite experience of space. A twelve-meter-high pillar has been established for visitors to sign on it. Once the area was covered by signature it was lowered into the ground till it completely disappeared. The intention of the artists was to put memory not into the monument but into people. Pozdrowienia z Alej Jerozolimskich (Greetings from the Jerusalem Avenue, 2002) by Joanna Rajkowska – a fifteen-meter tall artificial palm tree installed in the centre of Warsaw – is an attempt to infuse with Israel's scenery a Warsaw's street whose name and history sends the observer to the history of the Jews in Poland. In another work called Dotleniacz (Oxygenator, 2007) Rajkowska created an artificial lake with oxygen concentrators, gold fish, flowers and banks. Again, the installation was placed in a very meaningful place – Grzybowski Square – which is strongly connected with Jewish life in Poland as well as Polish anti-Semitism. The synagogue in Poznan was transformed during the Nazi occupation into a swimming pool which it has remained until the present day. This fact ( just like the building) seems to be invisible for most citizens. In 2003 Rafał Jakubowicz changed the fact by projecting a Hebrew inscription הייחש-תכירב (swimming pool) on the façade of the former synagogue. In Berek (The Game of Tag, 1999) by Artur Żmijewski a group of naked men and women of various age play tag. The artist filmed them in two rooms: in a symbolically neutral space and in a gas chamber of a former Nazi death camp. The film is an attempt at breaking the spell of this horrifying and paralysing space.
This file contains a finding aid for the American Palestine Exploration Society Photograph Collection. To access the collection, please contact the archivist (asorarch@bu.edu) at the American Schools of Oriental Research, located at Boston University.