936 resultados para Sunday school teachers


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Acompanha: Glossário de termos biológicos em língua brasileira de sinais (GBLI)


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Der Autor verweist in seinem Beitrag auf ein zentrales Spannungsverhältnis in der aktuellen Diskussion über Männer in Kindertageseinrichtungen. Auf der einen Seite werden männliche Erzieher in Kindertageseinrichtungen begrüßt, sie werden als Bereicherung angesehen und ihr ‚geschlechtsspezifischer‘ Beitrag zur frühkindlichen Bildung idealisiert. Wie der Autor hervorhebt, wird dieses ‚Andere‘, das Männer in die Kindererziehung einbringen sollen, dabei mit geschlechterstereotypen Erwartungen verknüpft. Männliche Erzieher können hier offenbar auf eine patriarchale Dividende (Connell) zurückgreifen, die ihnen in erster Linie qua Geschlecht und weniger qua Professionalität zuerkannt wird. Gleichzeitig werden männliche Erzieher als potentiell pädophile Täter unter einen ‚Generalverdacht‘ gestellt. Dieser Generalverdacht, so der Autor, verunsichert insbesondere Männer in der Phase der Berufsorientierung, der Berufsausbildung und des Berufseinstiegs. Als Bewältigungsstrategien macht der Autor zwei Muster aus: zum einen die Strategie der Neutralisierung, die mit einer Dethematisierung bzw. Entdramatisierung von Geschlechtsunterschieden einhergeht, zum anderen die Strategie der Resouveränisierung, bei der männliche Fachkräfte auf traditionelle Männlichkeitsmuster zurückgreifen. Hier versuchen männliche Erzieher in einer als weiblich wahrgenommenen Institution, den Anspruch männlicher Überlegenheit wieder herzustellen. Der Autor stellt mit seinem Beitrag somit die Widersprüche von Männlichkeitskonstruktionen in pädagogischen Institutionen heraus. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Die Autorinnen schließen in ihrem Beitrag Befunde und Thesen zur Problematik von Männern in frühpädagogischen Institutionen an die Diskurse um die Steigerung des Anteils männlicher Erzieher an, mit denen häufig die Vermutung einer Qualitätssteigerung verbunden ist. Sie fragen anhand von Interviews nach „Auffassungen und Ausgestaltungen der männlichen Geschlechtszugehörigkeit durch Erzieher in ihrer frühpädagogischen Arbeit“. Dabei schildern die Autorinnen große Akzeptanz im Feld und positive Zuschreibungen seitens der Institutionen. Die Erzieher explizieren dabei ihre Funktion als männliche Vorbilder in Form von Varianten wie ‚neue‘ Männer und ‚bessere‘ Väter, nicht zuletzt in Abgrenzung gegenüber den tatsächlichen Vätern der Kindergartenkinder. Augenfällig seien, so die Autorinnen, dass negative eigene Kindheitserfahrungen durch eine Romantisierung und stark emotionalisierende Aufladung der Beziehung zu den Kindern kompensiert werden und dies die notwendige generationale Differenz verwischt. Insgesamt stehen diese vergeschlechtlichten Positionierungen der Erzieher einer vertieften biographischen Selbstreflexion als Kernelement von institutionell zu fordernder Professionalisierung eher im Wege. (DIIPF/Orig.)


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação: área de especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica realizado sob a orientação científica de Professor Doutor João Carlos de Gouveia Faria Lopes


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Acompanha: Procedimento para o uso do Tracker como objeto de ensino, suas potencialidades e dificuldades para aprendizagem de física no ensino médio


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e ensino do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico


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There is variation in how teachers and schools implement bullying prevention programs. Although this variation has been discussed, there has been little empirical research concerning the relationship between implementation fidelity and program outcomes. This thesis contains three studies, each of them in the context of implementing the KiVa antibullying program, and examines teachers’ actions in preventing and intervening in school bullying. The first aim of this thesis is to examine implementation degree of the KiVa curriculum and its’ association with reductions in victimization and bullying perpetration (Study I). The second aim is to clarify why teachers displayed different degrees of adherence to the KiVa curriculum during a school year (Study II). Thirdly, it is investigated whether recognizing victimization can be difficult for school staff (Study III). In addition to these peer-reviewed studies, the thesis includes a qualitative analysis (unpublished) of the teachers’ open answers concerning their implementation experiences. The data were collected from elementary school teachers (Studies I–II; the unpublished study), elementary school students (Study I), and students on the elementary and middle school levels (Study III) during the evaluation of the effectiveness of KiVa antibullying program between 2007 and 2009. The findings demonstrate that a larger reduction in victimization can be achieved in classrooms where teachers display higher levels of adherence to the KiVa curriculum and invest more time for preparing the lessons. Bullying perpetration, however, was not equally affected by the level of curriculum implementation. With respect to the implementation process over one year, there was significant variation between individual teachers’ activity—ranging from systematic and high implementation to declining delivery from lesson to lesson. The sustained actions (high and moderate levels of implementation) were premised on principal support for antibullying work. Lesson preparation was associated with keeping implementation high throughout the school year. The findings also implied that the belief in the effectiveness of the program is important for a higher implementation degree at starting point of the process. Finally, there are severe flaws in teachers’ ability to identify students who are victimized. As it turns out, it is possible that only one-fourth of chronically victimized students are helped by the school staff. Especially when the victims are middle-school-aged girls, when they bully others themselves, or when they do not tell adults about bullying, reaching out for them is difficult. Implementation and dissemination of research-based interventions will take a good deal of time and effort. The findings demonstrate that active implementation is important for improving program outcomes. They also show how implementation can be sustained—there are both individual and interpersonal factors that facilitate or inhibit high-quality implementation. Thus, implications for future research regarding the implementation of school-based programs are suggested.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências da Educação - Especialização em Educação Especial. Apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti.


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Relatório de estágio para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino de pré-escolar e de 1º ciclo do ensino básico


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Description based on: 1926.


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"The Sunday School Publishing Board of the National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., is sending this book as the official teacher training manual for Negro Baptist Sunday Schools of America ...": Publisher's note (p. 6).


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para a obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e em Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Numa época em que nos regemos, cada vez mais, pela Ciência e Tecnologia é fundamental que os cidadãos estejam devidamente informados, exercendo uma cidadania plena, tomando decisões fundamentadas e intervindo na sociedade. Para viabilizar estes intentos, é importante que a educação científica se inicie nas escolas o mais cedo possível, para a edificação de futuros cidadãos cientificamente literatos. Apesar das dificuldades manifestadas pelos professores na implementação do ensino das Ciências nas escolas do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1.º CEB), são várias as potencialidades que têm vindo a ser atribuídas a este campo curricular. Com este estudo pretendeu-se descrever e interpretar as conceções de ensino e aprendizagem de professores do 1.º CEB, no contexto do Programa de Formação em Ensino Experimental das Ciências (PFEEC), bem como averiguar como implementam as atividades práticas de índole experimental e investigativo em sala de aula, e quais as dificuldades sentidas durante a sua realização. Para atingir estas finalidades, utilizou-se uma abordagem metodológica de orientação interpretativa, de base naturalista, recorrendo-se ao método de estudo de casos múltiplos, fazendo-se uso de distintos instrumentos de recolha de dados: observação naturalista, entrevistas, notas de campo e documentos escritos. Participaram neste estudo três professoras do 1.º CEB, pertencentes a duas escolas do concelho de Faro. Os resultados evidenciaram que a maioria das conceções das professoras relativamente às categorias edificadas foram modificadas após a frequência do PFEEC. Contudo, outras aparentam estar fortemente enraizadas. Estas mudanças que ocorreram parecem estar relacionadas com a modificação das ações, atitudes e sentimentos das professoras que se coadunaram com a metodologia de trabalho defendida pelo PFEEC, culminando na modificação das suas práticas letivas. Durante a planificação e implementação das atividades as professoras manifestaram algumas dificuldades e constrangimentos. Todavia, no decorrer do PFEEC, estes obstáculos foram sendo minimizados; IMPACT OF A TRAINING PROGRAMME ON THE CONCEPTIONS AND PRACTICES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS ABSTRACT: In an era in which we are governed, more and more, by Science and Technology, it is fundamental that citizens are properly informed; exercising full citizenship; making fundamental decisions and intervening in society. To enable these intentions, it is important that scientific education takes place in schools as soon as possible, so as to edify future scientifically literate citizens. Despite the teachers' difficulties in implementing Science teaching in Primary Schools, there are many potentialities that have come to be attributed to this curricular field. This study is intended to describe and interpret science learning and teaching conceptions of the Primary School teachers, in the context of the Training Programme in Experimental Science Teaching (PFEEC), as well as determine how they implement the experimental science and inquiry based learning activities in the classroom, and take into account what experienced difficulties occur during their execution. To reach these goals, a methodological approach of interpretive orientation, on a naturalistic basis, using a method of multiple case study, by means of distinct data collection tools was used: naturalistic observation, interviews, field research notes and written documents. Three Primary School teachers of the municipality of Faro took part in this study. The results showed that the majority of the teachers' conceptions in relation to the edified categories were modified after the attendance of the PFEEC. However, others seem to be deeply rooted. These changes that occurred seem to be related to the modification of actions, attitudes and feelings of the teachers who complied with the work methodology defended by the PFEEC, culminating in the modification of their session practices. During the planning and implementation of the activities, the teachers showed some difficulties and constraints. Nevertheless, during the PFEEC, these obstacles were minimized.