944 resultados para Lycopersicon esculentum Mill


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Cereal kernels are known to contain a number of minor components that possess beneficial health attributes. In this thesis rye and wheat were studied as sources of steryl ferulates and steryl glycosides and their behaviour in processing were evaluated. Further, enzymatic hydrolysis of these conjugates was studied, as well as the capacity of steryl ferulates to inhibit lipid oxidation at different temperatures. Steryl ferulates were shown to have a strong positive correlation with dietary fibre contents in milling fractions from the outer parts of the kernels obtained from a commercial scale mill. Highest contents of steryl ferulates were found in the bran in both cereals, with the content decreasing once moving towards the inner parts of the kernel. Variation in the contents of steryl ferulates was higher in wheat fractions than rye fractions. Steryl glycosides, on the other hand, had either negative or no correlation with dietary fibre, and the range of the steryl glycoside contents was much narrower than that of steryl ferulates in both cereals. There were significant differences in the sterol compositions of these steryl conjugates when compared with each other or with the total plant sterols in the corresponding fractions. Properties of steryl ferulates and steryl glycosides were evaluated after common processing methods and in enzymatic hydrolysis. Thermal and mechanical processing had only minor or no effects on the contents of steryl conjugates from rye and wheat bran. Enzymatic treatments on the other hand caused some changes, especially in the contents of glycosylated sterols. When steryl ferulates extracted from rye or wheat bran were subjected to enzymatic treatments by steryl esterase, significant differences in the rates of hydrolysis were observed between steryl ferulates from different sources with differing sterol compositions. Further, differences were also observed between enzymes from different sources. Steryl glycosides were shown to be hydrolysed by β-glucosidase (cellobiase) from A. niger, but less with β-glucosidases from other sources. Steryl ferulates showed good antioxidant activity at both moderate and high temperatures. In bulk and emulsion systems of methyl linoleate at 40°C steryl ferulates extracted from rye and wheat bran inhibited hydroperoxide formation much more effectively than synthetic steryl ferulates or those extracted from rice (γ-oryzanol), demonstrating that the sterol composition has an effect on the activity. At cooking (100°C) and frying temperatures (180°C) sitostanyl ferulate was shown to inhibit polymer formation significantly and, especially at 100°C, comparably to α-tocopherol. The rate of antioxidant degradation was slower for sitostanyl ferulate, showing higher heat stability than α-tocopherol. When evaluated as a mixture, no synergistic effect was observed between these two antioxidants. The data presented in this thesis provides information that may henceforth be applied when evaluating the intakes of steryl conjugates from cereal sources, as well as their possible influences as minor bioactive components. Wheat and rye both are good sources of steryl ferulates and steryl glycosides and, especially with steryl ferulates, what may be lost out to some other cereals on quantity is compensated with quality of the sterol composition.


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Väitöskirjani käsittele mikrobien ja erilaisten kemikaalien rooleja saostumien ja biofilmien muodostumisessa paperi- ja kartonkikoneilla. "Saostuma" tässä työssä tarkoittaa kiinteän aineen kertymää konepinnoille tai rajapinnoille konekierroissa, jotka on tarkoitettu massasulppujen, lietteiden, vesien tai ilman kuljetukseen. Saostumasta tulee "biofilmi" silloin kun sen oleellinen rakennekomponentti on mikrobisolut tai niiden tuotteet. Väitöstyöni työhypoteesina oli, että i. tietämys saostumien koostumuksesta, sekä ii. niiden rakenteesta, biologisista, fysikaalis-kemiallisista ja teknisistä ominaisuuksista ohjaavat tutkijaa löytämään ympäristöä säästäviä keinoja estää epätoivottujen saostumien muodostus tai purkaa jo muodostuneita saostumia. Selvittääkseni saostumien koostumista ja rakennetta käytin monia erilaisia analytiikan työkaluja, kuten elektronimikroskopiaa, konfokaali-laser mikroskopiaa (CLSM), energiadispersiivistä röntgenanalyysiä (EDX), pyrolyysi kaasukromatografiaa yhdistettynä massaspektrometriaan (Py-GCMS), joninvaihtokromatografiaa, kaasukromatografiaa ja mikrobiologisia analyysejä. Osallistuin aktiivisesti innovatiivisen, valon takaisinsirontaan perustuvan sensorin kehittämistyöhön, käytettäväksi biofilmin kasvun mittaukseen suoraan koneen vesikierroista ja säiliöistä. Työni osoitti, että monet paperinvalmistuksessa käytetyistä kemikaaleista reagoivat keskenään tuottaen orgaanisia tahmakerroksia konekiertojen teräspinnoille. Löysin myös kerrostumia, jotka valomikroskooppisessa tarkastelussa oli tulkittu mikrobeiksi, mutta jotka elektronimikroskopia paljasti alunasta syntyneiksi, alumiinihydroksidiksi joka saostui pH:ssa 6,8 kiertokuitua käyttävän koneen viiravesistä. Monet paperintekijät käyttävät vieläkin alunaa kiinnitysaineena vaikka prosessiolot ovat muuttuneet happamista neutraaleiksi. Sitä pidetään paperitekijän "aspiriinina", mutta väitöstutkimukseni osoitti sen riskit. Löysin myös orgaanisia saostumia, joiden alkuperä oli aineiden, kuten pihkan, saippuoituminen (kalsium saippuat) niin että muodostui tahmankasvua ylläpitävä alusta monilla paperi- ja kartonkikoneilla. Näin solumuodoiltaan Deinococcus geothermalista muistuttavia bakteereita kasvamassa lujasti teräskoepalojen pintaan kiinnittyneinä pesäkkeinä, kun koepaloja upotettiin paperikoneiden vesikiertoihin. Nämä deinokokkimaiset pesäkkeet voivat toimia jalustana, tarttumisalustana muiden mikrobien massoille, joka selittäisi miksi saostumat yleisesti sisältävät deinokokkeja pienenä, muttei koskaan pääasiallisena rakenneosana. Kun paperikoneiden käyttämien vesien (raakavedet, lämminvesi, biologisesti puhdistettu jätevesi) laatua tutkitaan, mittausmenetelmällä on suuri merkitys. Koepalan upotusmenetelmällä todettu biofilmikasvu ja viljelmenetelmällä mitattu bakteerisaastuneisuus korreloivat toisiinsa huonosti etenkin silloin kun likaantumisessa oli mukana rihmamaiseti kasvavia bakteereja. Huoli ympäristöstä on pakottanut paperi- ja kartonkikoneiden vesikiertojen sulkemiseen. Vesien kierrätys ja prosessivesien uudelleenkäyttö nostavat prosessilämpötilaa ja lisäävät koneella kiertävien kolloidisten ja liuenneiden aineiden määriä. Tutkin kiertovesien pitoisuuksia kolmessa eriasteisesti suljetussa tehtaassa, joiden päästöt olivat 0 m3, 0,5 m3 ja 4 m3 jätevettä tuotetonnia kohden, perustuen puhdistetun jäteveden uudelleen käyttöön. Nollapäästöisellä tehtaalla kiertovesiin kertyi paljon orgaanisesti sidottua hiiltä (> 10 g L-1), etenkin haihtuvina happoina (maito-, etikka-, propioni- ja voi-). Myös sulfaatteja, klorideja, natriumia ja kalsiumia kertyi paljon, > 1 g L-1 kutakin. Pääosa (>40%) kaikista bakteereista oli 16S rRNA geenisekvenssianalyysien tulosten perusteella sukua, joskin etäistä (< 96%) ainoastaan Enterococcus cecorum bakteerille. 4 m3 päästävältä tehtaalta löytyi lisäksi Bacillus thermoamylovorans ja Bacillus coagulans. Tehtaiden saostumat sisälsivät arkkeja suurina pitoisuuksina, ≥ 108 g-1, mutta tunnistukseen riittävää sekvenssisamanlaisuutta löytyi vain yhteen arkkisukuun, Methanothrix. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat että tehtaan vesikiertojen sulkeminen vähensi rajusti mikrobiston monimuotoisuutta, muttei estänyt liuenneen aineen ja kiintoaineen mineralisoitumista.


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One major benefit of land application of biosolids is to supply nitrogen (N) for agricultural crops, and understanding mineralisation processes is the key for better N-management strategies. Field studies were conducted to investigate the process of mineralisation of three biosolids products (aerobic, anaerobic, and thermally dried biosolids) incorporated into four different soils at rates of 7-90 wet t/ha in subtropical Queensland. Two of these studies also examined mineralisation rates of commonly used organic amendments (composts, manures, and sugarcane mill muds). Organic N in all biosolids products mineralised very rapidly under ambient conditions in subtropical Queensland, with rates much faster than from other common amendments. Biosolids mineralisation rates ranged from 30 to 80% of applied N during periods ranging from 3.5 to 18 months after biosolids application; these rates were much higher than those suggested in the biosolids land application guidelines established by the NSW EPA (15% for anaerobic and 25% for aerobic biosolids). There was no consistently significant difference in mineralisation rate between aerobic and anaerobic biosolids in our studies. When applied at similar rates of N addition, other organic amendments supplied much less N to the soil mineral N and plant N pools during the crop season. A significant proportion of the applied biosolids total N (up to 60%) was unaccounted for at the end of the observation period. High rates of N addition in calculated Nitrogen Limited Biosolids Application Rates (850-1250 kg N/ha) resulted in excessive accumulation of mineral N in the soil profile, which increases the environmental risks due to leaching, runoff, or gaseous N losses. Moreover, the rapid mineralisation of the biosolids organic N in these subtropical environments suggests that biosolids should be applied at lower rates than in temperate areas, and that care must be taken with the timing to maximise plant uptake and minimise possible leaching, runoff, or denitrification losses of mineralised N.


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The genus name Limnocharis is derived from the Greek limno (meaning marsh or pond) and charis (meaning grace) (Haynes and Holm-Nielson 1992) and flava is Latin for yellow. The genus is generally accepted to have two species, Limnocharis flava (Linneaus) Buchenau 1868 and L. laforestii (Duchass. ex Griseb) 1858. L. flava was first named Alisma flava by Linneaus in 1753 (Haynes and Holm-Nielsen 1986). Since then, other synonyms have included Damasonium flavum Mill. 1772, Limnocharis emarginata Humb. and Bonpl. 1808, Limnocharis plumieri Rich. 1815, Limnocharis laforestii Duchas. ex Griseb (1858) and Limnocharis mattogrossensis O. Ktze. (1893) (Woodson and Schery 1943).


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The purpose of the study was to analyse factors affecting the differences in land prices between regions. The key issue was to find out the policy effects on farmland prices. In addition to comprehensive literature review, a theoretical analysis as well as modern panel and spatial econometric techniques were utilized. The study clearly pointed out the importance of taking into account the possible spatial dependence. The data were exceptionally large, comprising more than 6 000 observations. Thus, it allowed a thorough econometric estimation including the possibility to take into account the spatial nature of the data. This study supports the view that there are many other factors that affect farmland prices besides pure agricultural returns. It was also found that the support clearly affects land prices. However, rather than assuming the discount rates for support and market returns to be similar, the rough analysis refers to the discount rate for support being a little lower. If this were true it would indicate that farmers rely more on support income than market returns. The results support the view presented in literature that land values are more responsive to government payments when these payments are perceived to be permanent. An important result of this study is that the structural differences between regions and the structural change in agriculture seemed to have a considerable role in affecting land prices. Firstly, the present structure affects the competition in the land market: the more dense farms are in the region the more there are potential buyers, and the land price increases. Secondly, the change in farm structure (especially in animal husbandry) connected to the policy changes that increase area-based support affects land prices. The effect comes from two sources. Growing farms need more land for the manure, and the proportion of retiring farmers may be lower. The introduction of the manure density variable proved to be an efficient way to aggregate the otherwise very difficult task of taking into account the environmental pressure caused by structural change in animal husbandry. Finally, infrastructure also has a very important role in determining the price level of agricultural land. If other industries are prospering in the surrounding area, agricultural viability also seems to improve. The non-farm opportunities offered to farm families make continuing and developing farming more tempting.


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kansainvälisen kaupan teorian lähtökohdista Euroopan unionin maataloustuotteiden tuontia Mercosur-maista. Tarkastelun kohteeksi valittiin seitsemän maataloustuotetta: naudanliha, kaakao, kahvi, appelsiinimehu, siipikarjanliha, soija ja vehnä. Tutkimusongelmana oli tuonti- ja vientikysyntöjen estimointi näille tuotteille. Tutkimuksessa tehtiin myös simulaatioita, joilla pyrittiin kuvaamaan kaupan vapautumisen vaikutuksia. Lisäksi pyrittiin vastaamaan kysymykseen: millä tavoin kaupan vapautuminen olisi vaikuttanut EU:n maataloustuotteiden kokonaistuontiin ja tuontiin Mercosur-maista? Tutkimuksen tutkimusmenetelmänä oli ekonometrinen estimointi. Ensin estimoitiin EU:n tuotteen tuontikysyntä eli kokonaistuonti, josta johdettiin kysyntä EU:n tuonnille eri Mercosur-maista eli vientikysynnät. Tuotteiden tuontikysynnöille estimoitiin tulo- ja hintajoustot ja vientikysynnöille joustot kokonaistuonnin ja hinnan suhteen. EU:n tuontikysyntää selittäviksi tekijöiksi valittiin EU:n tulotaso ja tuotteen reaalihinta. Muutamiin tuontikysyntä -malleihin lisättiin vielä niin sanottu dummy-muuttuja kuvaamaan suuria tuonnin vaihteluita. Kaikille seitsemälle tuotteelle estimoitiin myös vientikysyntämallit eli estimoitiin EU:n tietyn tuotteen tuontia yhdestä Mercosur-maasta kerrallaan. Vientikysyntää selittäviksi tekijöiksi valittiin EU:n kyseisen tuotteen kokonaistuonti ja kyseisen tuotteen suhteellinen hinta. Log-lineaariset mallit estimoitiin pienimmän neliösumman menetelmällä ja malleissa, joissa esiintyi autokorrelaatiota hyödynnettiin Cochrane-Orcutt -tekniikkaa. Tutkimuksessa tehtiin tuonti- ja vientikysyntöjen regressiokertoimien estimaateilla historiallisia (ex post) simulaatioita vuosille 1988-2006. Simulaatioiden avulla pyrittiin saamaan selville, mitä vaikutuksia kaupanvapautumisella ja EU:n ja Mercosurin välisellä vapaakauppaliitolla olisi ollut EU:n tuonti- ja vientikysyntöihin kyseisten tuotteiden kohdalla ceteris paribus. Estimoitujen EU:n tuontikysyntä -mallien hintajoustot vaihtelivat -0,69 ja 1,97 välillä, mistä voidaan päätellä, että kaupan vapauttaminen tai lähinnä tariffien poistaminen ei vaikuttaisi kovin merkittävästi EU:n kokonaistuonnin määrään. Tuontikysyntämallien tulojoustot vaihtelivat 0,77 ja 5,98 välillä. Tuontikysynnät olivat tulojen suhteen aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin verrattuna huomattavasti joustavampia. Tutkimuksessa estimoitujen EU:n vientikysyntä -mallien joustot kokonaistuonnin suhteen vaihtelivat -6,31 ja 4,69 välillä ja hintajoustot vaihtelivat -14,51 ja 0,87 välillä. Vientikysynnät kokonaistuonnin että hinnan suhteen olivat joustavampia aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin verrattuna. Tuontikysyntöjen simulaatiot osoittivat, että aikavälillä 1988-2006 EU:n ja Mercosurin välisen vapaakauppaliiton tapauksessa EU:n tuonti olisi ollut suurempaa kuin perusskenaariossa ja vapaankaupan tapauksessa tuonti olisi ollut vieläkin suurempaa alhaisemmasta hinnasta johtuen. Vientikysynnöissä perusskenaarion ja vapaakauppa-skenaarion välille ei syntynyt useiden tuotteiden kohdalla kovinkaan suurta eroa tuonnin määrään, mutta EU:n ja Mercosurin välinen vapaakauppaliitto olisi tämän tutkimuksen mukaan lisännyt EU:n maataloustuotteiden tuontia Mercosur-maista aikavälillä 1988-2006. Avainsanat: tuontikysyntä, vientikysyntä, kansainvälisen kaupan teoria, ekonometrinen estimointi


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Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a method for thin film deposition which has been extensively studied for binary oxide thin film growth. Studies on multicomponent oxide growth by ALD remain relatively few owing to the increased number of factors that come into play when more than one metal is employed. More metal precursors are required, and the surface may change significantly during successive stages of the growth. Multicomponent oxide thin films can be prepared in a well-controlled way as long as the same principle that makes binary oxide ALD work so well is followed for each constituent element: in short, the film growth has to be self-limiting. ALD of various multicomponent oxides was studied. SrTiO3, BaTiO3, Ba(1-x)SrxTiO3 (BST), SrTa2O6, Bi4Ti3O12, BiTaO4 and SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) thin films were prepared, many of them for the first time by ALD. Chemistries of the binary oxides are shown to influence the processing of their multicomponent counterparts. The compatibility of precursor volatilities, thermal stabilities and reactivities is essential for multicomponent oxide ALD, but it should be noted that the main reactive species, the growing film itself, must also be compatible with self-limiting growth chemistry. In the cases of BaO and Bi2O3 the growth of the binary oxide was very difficult, but the presence of Ti or Ta in the growing film made self-limiting growth possible. The application of the deposited films as dielectric and ferroelectric materials was studied. Post-deposition annealing treatments in different atmospheres were used to achieve the desired crystalline phase or, more generally, to improve electrical properties. Electrode materials strongly influenced the leakage current densities in the prepared metal insulator metal (MIM) capacitors. Film permittivities above 100 and leakage current densities below 110-7 A/cm2 were achieved with several of the materials.


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The relationship between sexual reproduction of littoral chydorid cladocerans (Anomopoda, Chydoridae) and environmental factors in aquatic ecosystems has been rarely studied, although the sexual behavior of some planktonic cladocerans is well documented. Ecological monitoring was used to study the relationship between climate-related and non-climatic environmental factors and chydorid sexual reproduction patterns in nine environmentally different lakes that were closely situated to each other in southern Finland. Furthermore, paleolimnological ephippium analysis was used to clarify how current sexual reproduction is reflected in surface sediments of the same nine lakes. Additionally, short sediment cores from two of the lakes were studied with ephippium analysis to examine how recent climate-related and non-climatic environmental changes were reflected in chydorid sexual reproduction. Ephippium analysis uses the subfossil shells of asexual individuals to represent asexual reproduction and the shells of sexual females, i.e. ephippia, to represent sexual reproduction. The relative proportion of ephippia of all chydorid species, i.e. total chydorid ephippia (TCE) indicates the relative proportion of sexual reproduction during the open-water season. This thesis is part of the EPHIPPIUM-project which aims to develop ephippium analysis towards a quantitative climate reconstruction tool. To be able to develop a valid climate model, the influence of the environmental stressors other than climate on contemporary sexual reproduction and its reflection in sediment assemblages must be clarified so they can be eliminated from the model. During contemporary monitoring a few sexual individuals were observed during summer, apparently forced to sexual reproduction by non-climatic local environmental factors, such as crowding or invertebrate predation. Monitoring also revealed that the autumnal chydorid sexual reproduction period was consistent between the different lakes and climate-related factors appeared to act as the main inducers and regulators of autumnal sexual reproduction. However, during autumn, chydorid species and populations among the lakes exhibited a wide variation in the intensity, induction time, and length of autumnal sexual reproduction. These variations apparently act as mechanisms for local adaptations due to the genetic variability provided by sexual reproduction that enhance the ecological flexibility of chydorid species, allowing them to inhabit a wide range of environments. A large variation was also detected in the abundance of parthenogenetic and gamogenetic individuals during the open-water season among the lakes. On the basis of surface sediment samples, the general level of the TCE is ca. 3-4% in southern Finland, reflecting an average proportion of sexual reproduction in this specific climate. The variation in the TCE was much lower than could be expected on the basis of the monitoring results. This suggests that some of the variation detected by monitoring may derive from differences between sampling sites and years smoothed out in the sediment samples, providing an average of the entire lake area and several years. The TCE is always connected to various ecological interactions in lake ecosystems and therefore is always lake-specific. Hypothetically, deterioration of climate conditions can be detected in the TCE as an increase in ephippia of all chydorid species, since a shortening open-water season is reflected in the relative proportions of the two reproduction modes. Such an increase was clearly detected for the time period of the Little Ice Age in a sediment core. The paleolimnological results also indicated that TCE can suddenly increase due to ephippia of one or two species, which suggests that at least some chydorids can somehow increase the production of resting eggs under local environmental stress. Thus, some environmental factors may act as species-specific environmental stressors. The actual mechanism of the increased sexual reproduction seen in sediments has been unknown but the present study suggests that the mechanism is probably the increased intensity of gamogenesis, i.e. that a larger proportion of individuals in autumnal populations reproduce sexually, which results in a larger proportion of ephippia in sediments and a higher TCE. The results of this thesis demonstrate the utility of ephippium analysis as a paleoclimatological method which may also detect paleolimnological changes by identifying species-specific environmental stressors. For a quantitative TCE-based climate reconstruction model, the natural variation in the TCE of surface sediments in different climates must be clarified with more extensive studies. In addition, it is important to recognize the lakes where the TCE is not only a reflection of the length of the open-water season, but is also non-climatically forced. The results of ephippium analysis should always be interpreted in a lake-specific manner and in the context of other paleoecological proxies.


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The present study examines citizen participation in local government and municipal democracy. Previous research has shown that the prerequisite for active citizenship lies in the opportunities available for local residents to determine which perspectives and planning needs are relevant. This research looks at whether the conception of knowledge employed in municipal planning allows for this kind of active role for local citizens. Methodologically the study employs an hermeneutic approach. The aim has been to identify various approaches steering the practice of municipal democracy. The theory behind the study comes from the assumption of the intersubjectivity of reality. Construing the rationality of one s own behaviour is seen as a prerequisite for meaningful action. In this context, criteria for the functionality of municipal democracy and the purpose of strengthening citizen participation are defined. The study is divided into two parts. Firstly, the purpose of participation and the opportunities for local residents to contribute is examined theoretically with reference to previous studies. The intention is to provide an overview of the Finnish cross-disciplinary debate on resident participation. This debate is reflected onto the prevailing views on changes in the municipal operating environment and modes of operation. In conclusion, a theoretical model is constructed to explain how the various modes of operation in regional municipalities affect the purpose of resident participation and the utilisation of information received through this participation. The second part of the study discusses the utilisation of this information and knowledge acquired through the participation of local residents and all those involved in political and administrative processes in municipalities. These first-hand reports are analysed using the model constructed earlier in the study. The goal is to understand how political and administrative practice affects opportunities for local residents to participate and contribute. The core of this analysis is based on the pragmatic conception of knowledge employed in municipal administration. The study argues that the normal practice of municipal administration does not support the systematic utilisation of local residents experience. This is caused by two interlinked factors: firstly, knowledge constructed through these practices requires that the knowledge is apolitical; secondly, arising from this there is confusion with regard to when during a planning process does information obtained from the public become relevant; in other words, what are the politics of knowledge? The study suggests that the solution is in the complementary concept of knowledge, which implicitly acknowledges the politics of knowledge. The complementary concept of knowledge would serve the politicisation of issues on the level of interpretations linked with social reality, an indispensable requirement for functional democracy. Keywords: participation, municipal democracy, knowledge base for planning, experiential knowledge


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Remote sensing provides methods to infer land cover information over large geographical areas at a variety of spatial and temporal resolutions. Land cover is input data for a range of environmental models and information on land cover dynamics is required for monitoring the implications of global change. Such data are also essential in support of environmental management and policymaking. Boreal forests are a key component of the global climate and a major sink of carbon. The northern latitudes are expected to experience a disproportionate and rapid warming, which can have a major impact on vegetation at forest limits. This thesis examines the use of optical remote sensing for estimating aboveground biomass, leaf area index (LAI), tree cover and tree height in the boreal forests and tundra taiga transition zone in Finland. The continuous fields of forest attributes are required, for example, to improve the mapping of forest extent. The thesis focus on studying the feasibility of satellite data at multiple spatial resolutions, assessing the potential of multispectral, -angular and -temporal information, and provides regional evaluation for global land cover data. Preprocessed ASTER, MISR and MODIS products are the principal satellite data. The reference data consist of field measurements, forest inventory data and fine resolution land cover maps. Fine resolution studies demonstrate how statistical relationships between biomass and satellite data are relatively strong in single species and low biomass mountain birch forests in comparison to higher biomass coniferous stands. The combination of forest stand data and fine resolution ASTER images provides a method for biomass estimation using medium resolution MODIS data. The multiangular data improve the accuracy of land cover mapping in the sparsely forested tundra taiga transition zone, particularly in mires. Similarly, multitemporal data improve the accuracy of coarse resolution tree cover estimates in comparison to single date data. Furthermore, the peak of the growing season is not necessarily the optimal time for land cover mapping in the northern boreal regions. The evaluated coarse resolution land cover data sets have considerable shortcomings in northernmost Finland and should be used with caution in similar regions. The quantitative reference data and upscaling methods for integrating multiresolution data are required for calibration of statistical models and evaluation of land cover data sets. The preprocessed image products have potential for wider use as they can considerably reduce the time and effort used for data processing.


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The present study examines how the landscape of the rural immigrant colony of New Finland (Saskatchewan, Canada) has reflected the Finnish origins of the about 350 settlers and their descendants, their changing ideologies, values, sense of collectiveness and the meanings of the Finnish roots. The study also reveals the reasons and power structures behind the ethnic expressions. Researched time period runs from the beginning of the settlement in 1888 to the turn of the millennium. The research concentrates on buildings, cemeteries, personal names and place names which contain strong visual and symbolic messages and are all important constituents of mundane landscapes. For example, the studied personal names are important identity-political indexes telling about the value of the Finnish nationalism, community spirit, dual Finnish-Canadian identities and also the process of assimilation which, for example, had differences between genders. The study is based on empirical field research, and iconographical and textual interpretations supported by classifications and comparative analyses. Several interviews and literature were essential means of understanding the changing political contexts which influenced the Finnish settlement and its multiple landscape representations. Five historical landscape periods were identified in New Finland. During these periods the meanings and representations of Finnish identity changed along with national and international politics and local power structures. For example, during the Second World War Canada discouraged representations of Finnish culture because Finland and Canada were enemies. But Canada s multicultural policy in the 1980s led to several material and symbolic representations indicating the Finnish settlement after a period of assimilation and deinstitutionalization. The study shows how these representations were indications of the politics of a (selective) memory. Especially Finnish language, cultural traditions and the Evangelical-Lutheran values of the pioneers, which have been passed down to new generations, are highly valued part of the Finnish heritage. Also the work of the pioneers and their participation in the building of Saskatchewan is an important collective narrative. The selectiveness of a memory created the landscape of forgetting which includes deliberately forgotten parts of the history. For example, the occasional disputes between the congregations are something that has been ignored. The results show how the different landscape elements can open up a useful perspective to diaspora colonies or other communities also by providing information which otherwise would be indistinguishable. In this case, for example, two cemeteries close together were a sign of religious distributions among the early settlers.


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Kieltenvälisessä tiedonhaussa hakija voi esittää kyselyn eri kielellä kuin millä dokumentit on kirjoitettu. Kyselyn ja dokumenttien täsmäytys voidaan toteuttaa esimerkiksi kääntämällä kysely dokumenttien kielille. Kyselyn kääntäminen sanakirjojen avulla on kieltenvälisessä tiedonhaussa yleisimmin käytetty menetelmä. Tässä työssä tutkitaan kyselyn kääntämistä monikielisen tesauruksen avulla kieltenvälisessä tiedonhaussa ja verrataan sitä sanakirjan avulla kääntämiseen ja yksikieliseen tiedonhakuun. Menetelmien vertailua varten tutkimuksessa muodostetaan englanninkielinen dokumenttikokoelma, johon tehdään hollanninkielisestä monikielisen EuroWordNet-tesauruksen tai hollanti-englanti-sanakirjan avulla englanninkieliseksi käännettyjä kyselyitä tai yksikielisiä englanninkielisiä kyselyitä käyttäen Indri-hakukonetta. Kaikista kyselyistä muodostetaan kaksi eri versiota, rakenteeton ja rakenteinen. Tutkimuksessa saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että tesaurusperusteinen kieltenvälinen tiedonhaku toimi vähintään yhtä hyvin kuin yleisimmin käytetty sanakirjaperusteinen kieltenvälinen tiedonhaku. Tesaurusperusteisessa kieltenvälisessä tiedonhaussa olisi mahdollista hyödyntää enemmän tesauruksen sisältämää tietoa sanojen välisistä suhteista.