950 resultados para Brasil política e governo 1964-1985


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Este trabalho tem como objecto de estudo a interveno política e a aco governativa de Domingos Leite Pereira (1882-1956) durante a Primeira Repblica. Nesse sentido, pretendemos estudar a sua actividade parlamentar, partidria e governativa, apontando as suas principais linhas de fora, incindindo, especialmente, no quadro de grande instabilidade política, social e econmica que caracterizaram o regime republicano portugus aps a I Guerra Mundial. Por outro lado, este trabalho procura estudar a luta pelo controlo e liderana do Partido Republicano Portugus, no mesmo perodo de tempo, incindindo, com mais pormenor, na dissidncia partidria que Domingos Pereira lidera entre 1920 e 1921.


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Tese de doutoramento, Histria (Histria Contempornea), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016


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Desde 2014 nossas anlises tm enfatizado o vnculo entre a política e a economia para explicar a crise pela qual o pas passa desde ento. De um lado, a falta de consenso poltico tem impedido respostas mais fortes ao quadro de deteriorao fiscal. Isso derrubou a confiana de empresrios e consumidores, levando junto o nvel de atividade e, em um crculo vicioso, as receitas tributrias, dessa forma agravando ainda mais o quadro fiscal. De outro lado, a deteriorao econmica enfraqueceu a disposio dos polticos, a comear pelo prprio Executivo, de adotar medidas mais fortes na rea fiscal, levando a um quadro de quase inrcia na política econmica.


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In recent years, as part of the expansion process of its activities, the Instituto Federal de Educao, Cincia e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte IFRN (Federal Institute for Education, Science and Technology of the State of Rio Grande do Norte IFRN) detected the need to hire more employees for the institution. This expansion process, a policy of the Federal Government, together with the increase of human resources, required the construction of an adequate facility in the municipality of So Gonalo do Amarante-RN, for training and qualification and as a means of better enabling its personnel. Along with this policy, the Federal Government is also deeply concerned that its buildings be environmentally friendly. This study deals with this subject matter, as it develops an architectural design of a public building with an emphasis upon the reduction of energy consumption, through the study of energy performance factors such as defined by Carneiro (1988) and adapted by the author of the present study. It is known that residential, commercial and public buildings represent about 45 % of energy consumption in Brazil. That is why it is necessary to consider the reduction of such consumption in buildings, as well as the role that professionals, especially architects, play in this issue. The most effective participation in this regard in the field of architecture occurs in the design phase. However, the architectural solution proposed here goes beyond the energy performance factors, since it also involves other aspects, such as the definition of the concept, the parti and the spatial solution itself. In this sense, the architectural project of the Centro de Treinamento dos Servidores do IFRN - CTSIFRN (Training Center for IFRN Personnel CTSFIRN) is particularly fitting as a subject for research at the Professional Master Program at PPGAU/UFRN, which is devoted to research on architecture, design and the environment.


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For many y ears, the federal government policy is to use project for in order to speed up the work for decreasing the elementary education deficit vacancy . In Natal municipality the schoolhouses for children, from 0 to 6 years of age are denom inated Muinicipality Centre for Elementary Education. The federal government provides capital for the news edifications by the program of government named PROINFNCIA. This program embraces three types of projects. Type A must be furnished by the interes ted municipality and approved by Education and Cultura Ministry. The type B is standard plan with capability to 120 schoolchildren in full - time or 240 in two turns and ground plot measuring 40 x 70m and the type C also a standart projects to 60 schoolc hildren in full - time or 120 in two turns and ground plot measuring 35 x 45m. Sometimes , due to scarcity of bigger ground plot s is the type C instead of type B, referring to offering vacancies. In this meaning, this study intend s to present the draft - project to elementary schoolhouse, modulated and flexible, emphasizing the children needs . Therefore, it was studied concept, school architecture, construction technology, reference study and visiting to MCEE Fernanda Jales (PROINFNC IA tipo B). However, the proposal synthesizes the draft - project by module, implanting in its totality or in parts, according to its necessity and lot cha racteristic.


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The numerous political theories of the modern time were committed to thesocial-political and economic restructuring of the European States, but parallel to those conceptions emerged proposals of a broader range regarding the concern with the harmony among the States and their respective external safety, that is, they envisioned an International System among the European States. In that purpose, the Project of peace by the abb de Saint-Pierre which glimpses perpetual peace in Europe under institutionalized conditions in order to legitimate a space that aims at facilitating a unified market among the member States. In this context, the sovereign role stands out, given the fact that he is the mediator between the interests of the State and the objectives proposed by the International System of States. However, according to Jean-Jacques Rousseaus point of view it is evident that the thought of Saint-Pierre is impregnated by a naivety regarding the sovereigns government policy and, moreover, for believing that, mediated by a confederal assembly, the princes would voluntarily agree to be part of this project of perpetual peace. Nevertheless, Rousseau does not consider impossible the realization of this project, however, to achieve peace it is necessary force. Therefore, the comprehension of this debate was only possible guided, mainly, by the analyses of the primary works of such thinkers and the theoretical basis of the experts that is necessary, for instance, Evaldo Becker, Gelson Fonseca Jr., Luiz Felipe de Andrade e Silva Sahd, Jos Oscar de Almeida Marques, Jos Benedito de Almeida Jr. who enabled a broad comprehension of the purpose to which we dedicated ourselves in this research, allowing the understanding of thekey concepts elaborated by the Genevan philosopher and the themes that concern the relationship between States.


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O texto procura elucidar as solues e propostas contidas na PEC n 241/2016 enviada ao Congresso Nacional pelo Poder Executivo visando instituir o Novo Regime Fiscal. Avalia os impactos da aprovao da PEC em tela sobre cada um dos principais grupos que compem as despesas primrias do Governo, quais sejam: despesas previdencirias, despesas com pessoal, despesas com sade, despesas com educao, despesas com benefcios e programas sociais e despesas com investimentos


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Estuda o conceito do poltico em Carl Schmitt e de que forma ele se relaciona com a posterior adeso do pensador ao nazismo.


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Neste trabalho avaliamos os resultados macroeconmicos recentes da economia brasileira por meio de um instrumental analtico baseado em uma extenso geomtrica e algbrica do artigo seminal de Kaldor (1971), que levou criao do quadrado mgico. Essa abordagem permite a comparao do desempenho pr-crise (2007-2008) e durante a crise (2009-2010). Nossa anlise levanta algumas dvidas sobre as medidas de política econmica adotadas na busca por contornar a presente crise e reduzir obstculos estruturais no processo de desenvolvimento econmico no Brasil. Conclumos que a complexidade da gesto macroeconmica tem sido subestimada. No que tange s estratgias econmicas, nossa abordagem est centrada na controvrsia entre export-led growth vs consumption-led growth. _________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMEN


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Tese (doutorado)Universidade de Braslia, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentvel, 2016.


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Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Faculdade UnB Planaltina, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Gesto Pblica, Mestrado Profissional em Gesto Pblica, 2016.


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Based on the contribuions from Ryngaert (1995); Prado (2009); Magaldi (2008); Faria (1998); Heliodora (2008); Guinsburg, Faria and Lima (2009), refering to the constituion of the theatrical discourse, in studies of Fausto (2012); Cotrim (2005); Gaspari (2002) and Garcia (2008), about the notes Brazilian historical and the theoretical presupposes of Carvalhal (2003, 2006); Nitrini (2000); Nascimento (2006) and Maddaluno (1991) to approach to the study of comparative literature, this work aims to analyze the play Liberdade, liberdade (1965), by Millôr Fernandes and Flávio Rangel whit the Brazilian dictatorship period (1964-1985). This play was written and performed at the beginning of the regime, as it wished to withdraw from the scheme repressor that dominated Brazil. Millôr Fernandes and Flávio Rangel resorted to the use of classical texts and historical preparation for the work, and make use of music to bring up the subject of ceaseless quest for freedom. The play runs from dramatic to comedic, supported by political discourse, which leads, the called Theatre of resistance. For this work, the basic procedure was the literature search. Through the analysis of the dramatic text and the recurrent use of bricolage (collage of historical texts), perceives the practice of intertextuality theme. Thus, one can understand that Liberdade, liberdade is a dramatic text produced in the second half of the twentieth century, which establishes dialogue with texts embodied historical aspect with literary verve.


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Apresenta o Projeto de Lei 8530/10 de autoria do Poder Executivo, que institui o Plano Nacional de Educao (PNE).


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Rene a legislao pertinente para o debate sobre o novo Plano Nacional de Educao (PNE) que estar em vigor no perodo de 2011 a 2020: Portaria CNE/CP de 2009 e a Lei n 10.172/2001.