875 resultados para repetition priming


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Anteriores investigaciones confirmaban que cuando se presenta a los sujetos experimentales palabras que pertenecen en su totalidad a la misma categoría, se recuerdan mejor que cuando la presentación ha sido realizada de forma caótica, entremezclando aleatoriamente unos ejemplares con otros de distintas categorías. No obstante, estas investigaciones han estado orientadas al análisis de la estructura de la memoria explícita, sin considerar la implícita. Este estudio en un principio trataba de comprobar como el priming es mayor en una lista de palabras presentadas de forma bloqueada (por categorías) que en otra lista de palabras presentadas al azar en una prueba de producción categórica. A raíz de los resultados encontrados se observó la dificultad que existe en la evaluación de la memoria implícita, utilizando conceptos. Para poder discernir el efecto del priming de la memoria implícita de otras hipótesis como los elementos prototípicos de la memoria semántica, este trabajo propone un diseño alternativo para aumentar la validez interna de esta clase de pruebas.


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Resumen tomado del autor. Resumen en castellano e inglés. Apéndice al final


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Resúmen basado en el del autor. Resúmen en castellano e inglés


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Federmeier and Benjamin (2005) have suggested that semantic encoding for verbal information in the right hemisphere can be more effective when memory demands are higher. However, other studies (Kanske & Kotz, 2007) also suggest that visual word recognition differ in function of emotional valence. In this context, the present study was designed to evaluate the effects of retention level upon recognition memory processes for negative and neutral words. Sample consisted of 15 right-handed undergraduate portuguese students with normal or corrected to normal vision. Portuguese concrete negative and neutral words were selected in accordance to known linguistic capabilities of the right hemisphere. The participants were submitted to a visual half-field word presentation using a continuous recognition memory paradigm. Eye movements were continuously monitored with a Tobii T60 eye-tracker that showed no significant differences in fixations to negative and neutral words. Reaction times in word recognition suggest an overall advantage of negative words in comparison to the neutral words. Further analysis showed faster responses for negative words than for neutral words when were recognised at longer retention intervals for left-hemisphere encoding. Electrophysiological data through event related potentials revealed larger P2 amplitude over centro-posterior electrode sites for words studied in the left hemifield suggesting a priming effect for right-hemisphere encoding. Overall data suggest different hemispheric memory strategies for the semantic encoding of negative and neutral words.


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Esta investigação faz um registro de um estudo de caso realizado com o objetivo de avaliar quais as contribuições trazidas pelo Fundo de Manutenção e Valorização da Educação Básica (FUNDEB) ao ensino fundamental, no Município de Nazarezinho – Paraíba/Brasil, no período de 2007 a 2009. O estudo está fundamentado nos principais acontecimentos históricos da educação brasileira: o financiamento educacional, as políticas de investimento e monitoramento internacional, as políticas neoliberais, o governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, a organização e vigência das principais legislações educacionais do país. Os principais programas educacionais da gestão do Presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, origem e desenvolvimento do FUNDEB a nível nacional e local, também fundamentaram a pesquisa conceitos de qualidade, financiamento educacional e políticas educacionais. Como aporte teórico, buscou-se as principais referências brasileiras: Davies (2008), Pinto (2004), Arelaro (2005), Azevedo (2005) e (Saviani) (2008). Como metodologia foram utilizadas técnicas de análise documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores da rede municipal de ensino. A amostra documental foi feita através de estudo dos relatórios, balanços, demonstrativos de receitas e despesas do FUNDEB, Atas do Conselho de Acompanhamento do FUNDEB. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que o novo fundo, no citado município, trouxe significativas melhorias em vários aspectos educacionais: formação docente, aquisição de equipamentos e infraestrutura das escolas. Porém, na questão da aplicação condigna dos recursos, ainda são necessários ajustes. Também percebemos que o índice de evasão e repetência continua muito alto. A pesquisa trouxe contribuições efetivas no que diz respeito às informações sobre os recursos do FUNDEB, inclusive abrindo debate para que o município pudesse discutir as formas de aplicação dos recursos conforme a lei na sociedade e no Conselho de Acompanhamento do FUNDEB.


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A Pesquisa apresentada nesta dissertação, intitulada “Fracasso Escolar em Escolas Públicas de Nossa Senhora da Glória: análise das implicações a partir da relação professor/aluno” foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de analisar alunos com dependência ou repetência em disciplinas do 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental, com o intuito de problematizar a percepção de professores e alunos, sujeitos da pesquisa. Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa descritiva, fundada em estudo de caso de base qualiquantitativa, sobre uma amostra de 100 alunos do 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental e 20 professores que lecionam disciplinas do núcleo comum e disciplinas da parte diversificada. O instrumento usado para a coleta de dados foi o questionário. O estudo mostrou que um só professor ensina alunos do 2º ao 5º ano, em única sala de aula, no Ensino Fundamental. Esses alunos chegam ao 6º ano, trazendo deficiências como domínio na leitura, escrita, interpretação de texto e cálculo matemático, ocasionando o fracasso escolar. Com efeito, os professores avaliam que a metodologia, a falta de empenho de alguns, e a falta de compromisso da escola, são fatores determinantes do fracasso escolar.


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Consumers are often exposed to brand names presented concurrently with information such as brand claims and warnings, prior to making product choices. As implicit memory has been implicated in the consumer choice process, two experiments were conducted to assess the influence of additional information, namely simple positive and negative statements, on implicit and explicit memory tasks. In Experiment 1, the mere presence of additional statements at study significantly reduced performance on a two-alternatives forced recognition task. However, the same manipulation had no effect on implicit preference judgement task performance. The valence of the accompanying information had no effect on either task. In Experiment 2, using modified implicit and explicit choice tasks, performance on the former was unaffected by statement valence, whereas the latter task was. Hence, positive priming was obtained for brand names previously shown with negative information. The results of the experiments are discussed in relation to both implicit memory and consumer choice.


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Two experiments investigated transfer effects in implicit memory and consumer choice, using a preference judgement task. Experiment 1 examined whether it is possible to obtain priming for unfamiliar food labels. Additionally, it investigated whether the experience of seeing a brand name with a particular product type would benefit subsequent processing of the brand name when linked with a different product type. Experiment 2 examined whether changes in modality between study and test would affect priming for unfamiliar brand names. Both questions are theoretically important, as well as pertaining to practical concerns in the consumer choice literature. Experiment 1 demonstrated significant priming for unfamiliar food labels, and established that priming was unaffected by changing the product type with which the brand name was associated. In Experiment 2, priming on both auditory and visual versions of the preference judgement task was reduced by changes in modality. The results and implications are discussed in relation to consumer choice and current theories of implicit memory.


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The authors examined whether background noise can be habituated to in the laboratory by using memory for prose tasks in 3 experiments. Experiment 1 showed that background speech can be habituated to after 20 min exposure and that meaning and repetition had no effect on the degree of habituation seen. Experiment 2 showed that office noise without speech can also be habituated to. Finally, Experiment 3 showed that a 5-min period of quiet, but not a change in voice, was sufficient to partially restore the disruptive effects of the background noise previously habituated to. These results are interpreted in light of current theories regarding the effects of background noise and habituation; practical implications for office planning are discussed.


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It has been suggested that higher in-group identifiers primed with an out-group stereotype show contrastive behavioral responses because they activate the in-group, social-self. However, priming the personal-self can lead to contrastive judgments. We investigated whether personal self-activation was also evident for higher identifiers primed with an out-group. An experiment demonstrated that higher identifiers primed with an out-group showed faster responses to self-words than higher identifiers primed with the in-group. This findings suggest that the personal-self is also activated for higher identifiers primed with an out-group, and this self-activation may underlie their contrastive responding.