998 resultados para absorción de I D


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We obtain minimax lower and upper bounds for the expected distortionredundancy of empirically designed vector quantizers. We show that the meansquared distortion of a vector quantizer designed from $n$ i.i.d. datapoints using any design algorithm is at least $\Omega (n^{-1/2})$ awayfrom the optimal distortion for some distribution on a bounded subset of${\cal R}^d$. Together with existing upper bounds this result shows thatthe minimax distortion redundancy for empirical quantizer design, as afunction of the size of the training data, is asymptotically on the orderof $n^{1/2}$. We also derive a new upper bound for the performance of theempirically optimal quantizer.


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Let a class $\F$ of densities be given. We draw an i.i.d.\ sample from a density $f$ which may or may not be in $\F$. After every $n$, one must make a guess whether $f \in \F$ or not. A class is almost surely testable if there exists such a testing sequence such that for any $f$, we make finitely many errors almost surely. In this paper, several results are given that allowone to decide whether a class is almost surely testable. For example, continuity and square integrability are not testable, but unimodality, log-concavity, and boundedness by a given constant are.


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The trade-off between property rights/price regulation and innovation depends on countrycharacteristics and drug industry specificities. Access to drugs and innovation can bereconciled by seven ways that, among others, include: public health strengthening in thecountries with the largest access problems (those among the poor with the weakestinstitutions); public and private aid to make attractive R&D on neglected diseases; pricediscrimination with market segmentation; to require patent owners to choose eitherprotection in the rich countries or protection in the poor countries (but not both).Regarding price regulation, after a review of theoretical arguments and empirical evidence,seven strategies to reconcile health and industrial considerations are outlined, including:mitigation of the medical profession dependence on the pharmaceutical industry; considerationof a drug as an input of a production process; split drug authorization from public fundingdecisions; establish an efficiency minimum for all health production inputs; and stop theEuropean R&D hemorrhagia.


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This paper proposes a new time-domain test of a process being I(d), 0 < d = 1, under the null, against the alternative of being I(0) with deterministic components subject to structural breaks at known or unknown dates, with the goal of disentangling the existing identification issue between long-memory and structural breaks. Denoting by AB(t) the different types of structural breaks in the deterministic components of a time series considered by Perron (1989), the test statistic proposed here is based on the t-ratio (or the infimum of a sequence of t-ratios) of the estimated coefficient on yt-1 in an OLS regression of ?dyt on a simple transformation of the above-mentioned deterministic components and yt-1, possibly augmented by a suitable number of lags of ?dyt to account for serial correlation in the error terms. The case where d = 1 coincides with the Perron (1989) or the Zivot and Andrews (1992) approaches if the break date is known or unknown, respectively. The statistic is labelled as the SB-FDF (Structural Break-Fractional Dickey- Fuller) test, since it is based on the same principles as the well-known Dickey-Fuller unit root test. Both its asymptotic behavior and finite sample properties are analyzed, and two empirical applications are provided.


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OBJECTIVE: To measure the in vivo variations of CYP3A activity induced by anti-HIV drugs in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)1-positive patients. METHODS: A low oral dose of midazolam (MID) (0.075 mg) was given to the patients and the 30-min total 1-OH midazolam (1-OHMID)/MID ratio was determined. Patients were phenotyped either before the introduction of antiretroviral treatments (control group, 90 patients) or after a variable period of antiretroviral treatment (56 patients). Twenty-one subjects underwent multiple phenotyping tests (before and during the course of the treatment). RESULTS: The median MID ratio was 3.51 in the control group (range 0.20-14.6). It was 5-fold higher in the group with efavirenz (28 patients; median, range: 16.0, 3.81-367; P < 0.0001), 13-fold lower with nelfinavir (18 patients; 0.27, 0.06-36.3; P < 0.0001), 17-fold lower with efavirenz + ritonavir (three patients; 0.21, 0.05-0.47; P = 0.006), 50-fold lower with ritonavir (four patients; 0.07, 0.06-0.17; P = 0.0007), and 7-fold lower with nevirapine + (ritonavir or nelfinavir or grapefruit juice) (three patients; 0.48, 0.03-1.83; P = 0.03). CYP3A activity was lower in the efavirenz + ritonavir group (P = 0.01) and in the ritonavir group (P = 0.04) than in the nelfinavir group, although already strongly inhibited in the latter. CONCLUSION: The low-dose MID phenotyping test was successfully used to measure the in vivo variations of CYP3A activity induced by antiretroviral drugs. Efavirenz strongly induces CYP3A activity, while ritonavir almost completely inhibits it. Nelfinavir strongly decreases CYP3A activity, but to a lesser extent than ritonavir. The inhibition of CYP3A by ritonavir or nelfinavir offsets the inductive effects of efavirenz or nevirapine administered concomitantly. Finally, no induction of CYP3A activity was noticeable after long-term administration of ritonavir at low dosages (200 mg/day b.i.d.) or of nelfinavir at standard dosages (2,500 mg/day b.i.d.).


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NY-ESO-1 has been a major target of many immunotherapy trials because it is expressed by various cancers and is highly immunogenic. In this study, we have identified a novel HLA-B*1801-restricted CD8(+) T cell epitope, NY-ESO-1(88-96) (LEFYLAMPF) and compared its direct- and cross-presentation to that of the reported NY-ESO-1(157-165) epitope restricted to HLA-A*0201. Although both epitopes were readily cross-presented by DCs exposed to various forms of full-length NY-ESO-1 antigen, remarkably NY-ESO-1(88-96) is much more efficiently cross-presented from the soluble form, than NY-ESO-1(157-165). On the other hand, NY-ESO-1(157-165) is efficiently presented by NY-ESO-1-expressing tumor cells and its presentation was not enhanced by IFN-γ treatment, which induced immunoproteasome as demonstrated by Western blots and functionally a decreased presentation of Melan A(26-35); whereas NY-ESO-1(88-96) was very inefficiently presented by the same tumor cell lines, except for one that expressed high level of immunoproteasome. It was only presented when the tumor cells were first IFN-γ treated, followed by infection with recombinant vaccinia virus encoding NY-ESO-1, which dramatically increased NY-ESO-1 expression. These data indicate that the presentation of NY-ESO-1(88-96) is immunoproteasome dependent. Furthermore, a survey was conducted on multiple samples collected from HLA-B18(+) melanoma patients. Surprisingly, all the detectable responses to NY-ESO-1(88-96) from patients, including those who received NY-ESO-1 ISCOMATRIX? vaccine were induced spontaneously. Taken together, these results imply that some epitopes can be inefficiently presented by tumor cells although the corresponding CD8(+) T cell responses are efficiently primed in vivo by DCs cross-presenting these epitopes. The potential implications for cancer vaccine strategies are further discussed.


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El concepce de paisatge ens permet una aproximació de síntesi al passat, present i a les tendències de futur dels territoris. En aquest sentit aquest concepte, entès com el conjunt de components de confereixen a un determinat espai unes característiques pròpies, és el reflex fidel d'evolució ambiental, econòmica, social, política i cultural que ha viscut un territori. En el cas concret de l'Alta Garrotxa el paisatge ha experinientat canvis radicals al llarg dels segles, i d'una manera molt especial en lesdarreres decades


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Es descriuen les diferents menes de roques utilitzades en la construcció de la Porta Ferrada de Sant Feliu de Guíxols. Les dades litològiques obtingudes permeten localitzar de manera aproximada les pedreres d'on procedeixen els carreus que la conformen. A més, la posició de les diferents varietats de roques dins el conjunt del monument permet arribar a distingir les parts que corresponen a l'edifici original d'aquelles que s'hi han afegit posteriorment


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O conhecimento da magnitude das chuvas intensas é de fundamental importância para a elaboração de projetos hidráulicos e gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos em engenharia, além do dimensionamento de estruturas para o controle de erosão hídrica na conservação do solo. No entanto, informações sobre a intensidade da chuva só podem ser obtidas diretamente de pluviogramas, os quais nem sempre estão disponíveis no local de estudo, sendo mais comum a presença de dados de pluviômetro (chuva de "um dia"). Nesse caso, pode-se utilizar o método que desagrega as chuvas diárias em chuvas de 24 horas de duração e menores, possibilitando, assim, estimar as intensidades correspondentes. O estudo foi desenvolvido na Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), em Lages (SC), durante o primeiro semestre de 1996. Utilizaram-se séries anuais de chuvas máximas de "um dia", obtidas de pluviômetros localizados em Lages e Campos Novos (SC), durante um período de 30 anos consecutivos (1966 a 1995). Aplicou-se a distribuição estatística de Gumbel para a obtenção das alturas de chuvas em períodos de retorno de 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50 e 100 anos e, a partir destas, o modelo de desagregação de chuvas diárias, obtendo-se as alturas máximas esperadas para tempos de duração entre 24 horas e 5 minutos e suas respectivas intensidades máximas médias. Foram obtidas as curvas intensidade-duração-freqüência (I-D-F) para os tempos de retorno selecionados, bem como suas relações matemáticas. Para Lages, a equação da família de curvas I-D-F obtida foi: I = 2050TR0,20 (T + 29,41)-0,89 e, para Campos Novos, a equação foi I = 2157TR0,17(T + 29,42) -0,89: , em que i é a intensidade máxima média (mm h-1),T a duração (minuto) e TR o período de retorno (ano) das chuvas.


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Las exacerbaciones de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EA-EPOC) constituyen una de las principales causas de hospitalización y de asistencia a los Servicios de Urgencias, lo cual les confiere ser las responsables de una gran carga sobre el sistema sanitario. En nuestro estudio hemos evaluado el impacto de un modo asistencial alternativo (los hospitales de día de enfermedades respiratorias -HDER-) sobre la tasa de ingresos durante las EA-EPOC. Los resultados muestran que la atención en los HDER puede disminuir el número de ingresos en comparación con los Servicios de Urgencias a partir de un modelo de atención continuada y multidimensional.


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Informe final. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Dirección General de Investigación . Proyectos de I+D, Acciones Estratégicas y Eranets. 2006-2009.


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La publicación de artículos científicos que tratan los trastornos del comportamiento alimentario (TCA) se ha incrementado en los últimos años y han experimentado un aumento significativo que puede ser atribuido a diferentes factores, entre ellos el surgimiento de nuevas publicaciones más selectivas y especializadas. La creciente investigación examina las preocupaciones de la imagen corporal y otras conductas asociadas, además de realizar investigaciones con diversos grupos poblacionales que incluyen a hispanos, asiáticos, europeos, etc. Este trabajo, muestra una revisión realizada a 136 artículos publicados en 67 revistas de ámbito internacional. Los artículos comprenden una selección realizada entre el año 2004 y el año 2008, como fruto de una revisión bibliográfica que sirvió de base para el desarro-llo del proyecto I+D denominado “La Publicidad de TV entre otros factores socioculturales influyentes en los TCA, estudio experimental y panel de expertos internacional” (2006-2010), proyecto del cual las autoras forman parte. En el artículo se concluye que existe una amplia tendencia a examinar los medios de comunicación y su influencia en los TCA y que las muestras tienden a utilizar a mujeres en su mayoría jóvenes, las cuales presentan un mayor grado de incidencia hacia los trastornos alimentarios que los hombres jóvenes. Se observó además que los investigadores detectan la sintomatología en grupos con una edad cada vez menor.


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L'objectiu de la realització d'aquest treball és la creació d'un teclat virtual destinat a ajudar a persones amb mobilitat redda, que no poden utilitzar el teclat físic de l'ordinador, a escriure intentant aconseguir una velocitat d'escriptura raonable per a textos de qualsevol mida. Per aconseguir aquesta velocitat d'escriptura raonable s'ha implementat un sistema de predicció del llenguatge que té dos aspectes. D'una banda es prediuen paraules segons la seva freqüència d'ús en un determinat diccionari i, d'altra banda, es prediuen paraules seguint les regles d'escriptura de la gramàtica catalana. Un altre aspecte important era que el programa creat es pogués utilitzar en diferents sistemes operatius ja que només hi havia versions específiques per a cada un d'ells. El programa creat es pot executar en els sistemes operatius Windows XP, Mac OS i Ubuntu Linux. El programa creat pretén ser una base per a posteriors millores i ampliacions en diferents parts del seu conjunt. No obstant això, com a resultat s'ha obtingut un programa que permet escriure raonablement ràpid i permet a l'usuari gestionar diccionaris i els dos tipus de predicció que s'han implementat.


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Arising from M. A. Nowak, C. E. Tarnita & E. O. Wilson 466, 1057-1062 (2010); Nowak et al. reply. Nowak et al. argue that inclusive fitness theory has been of little value in explaining the natural world, and that it has led to negligible progress in explaining the evolution of eusociality. However, we believe that their arguments are based upon a misunderstanding of evolutionary theory and a misrepresentation of the empirical literature. We will focus our comments on three general issues.


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El PFC tracte de la implementació d'un web de serveis informàtics basat en software de codi obert i per tal de emprendre-ho i tirar endavant com a negoci, s'ha dut a terme un estudi de les tecnologies i un pla d'empresa, mirant de treu-re la màxima rendibilitat al web.Els serveis escollits com a model de negoci són bàsicament quatre: el disseny web, el disseny de webs e-commerce o tendes virtuals, la implementació de gestors de recursos d'empresa coneguts com ERP (de l'anglès Enterprise Resources Planning), i la implementació de gestors de relacions amb els clients coneguts com CRM (de l'anglès Customer Relationship Management).El primer capítol es una introducció, el segon capítol tracta de el software lliure, que és, quins models de negoci aporta i els tipus de llicència existents, el tercer capítol es un pla d'empresa on es detalla els serveis que oferirem i com ho gestionarem, el quart capítol tracta de les tecnologies utilitzades i el per que, i finalment unes conclusions.La web, netsolucion.com, que s'ha dissenyat amb Wordpress, implica no tan sols el haver d'estudiar i d'aprendre aquesta plataforma sinó també totes les que s'ofereixen com a serveis, que son:Gestor de Bases de Dades MySQL i PHP per al disseny web, Prestashop per al disseny de tendes virtuals, OpenERP per a la implementació dels gestors de recursos de empresa (ERP's) i els gestors de relacions amb els clients (CRM's).