902 resultados para Toponímia. Lugar. Espaço. Gênero. Caicó


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En el presente trabajo se ha realizado una revisión del género Seseli L. en la Península Ibérica: en él se incluye una clave para la determinación de los táxones existentes, así como un mapa corológico de los mismos y las localidades estudiadas, pliegos y herbarios consultados. Se proponen dos combinaciones nuevas, S. granatense Will. por S. montanum L. subsp. granatense (Will.) Pardo y S. varyredanum Font Quer por Athamanta vayredana (Font Quer) Pardo, teniendo en cuenta tanto los caracteres morfológicos de la planta como los polínicos y anatómicos de los mericarpos (Pardo inéd.). En el presente trabajo no se incluye el taxon S. farrenyi Molero & Pujadas, debido a que esta nueva especie fue publicada con posterioridad a la realización de nuestro estudio.


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Se estudian 44 poblaciones de 7 táxones ibéricos del género Serratula L. Se obtienen como resultado los números cromosomáticos siguientes: S. tinctoria L., 2n=22; S. nudicaulis (L.) DC., 2n= 30 + (0-4) B; S. flavescens (L.) Poiret subsp. flavescens, 2n=30; S. flavescens subsp. leucantha (Cav.) Cantó & Costa stat. nov., 2n=30; S. flavescens subsp. mucronata (Desf.) Cantó stat. nov., 2n=60; S. pinnatifida (Cav.) Poiret, 2n=60, 90; S. legionensis Lacaita, 2n=30.


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Radio advertising is suffering from a remarkable crisis of creativity as it has yet not found its role in a radio model based on voice locution and information genres. This article suggests the need for implementing a peripheral or heuristic strategy to attract and hold listeners’ attention. Within this framework, the narration and scene representation are proposed as suitable persuasion techniques. The objective is to design a useful conceptual tool for an efficient creative conception of narration at the service of certain commercial strategy. First, the concept of narrative persuasion is grounded according to the possibilities of the sound code. Second, the keys of scene representation and commercial strategy (brand, product, advantage, benefit and target) within the sound message are presented. And third, these keys are articulated in a model. This model is pre-tested by means of analyzing eight different case-radio ads.


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Through an ethnographic account, this text analyses how social dance may become a discourse involving the cultural affirmation of a subordinate group. It describes how a group of girls faced with a complex of outlooks that construed them as Moroccan, Muslim or unattractive —or as objects of education and intervention— responded by affirming their own culture with an unanticipated corporal discourse. The way in which looking construes bodies is explored through metaphors: a hand that touches, a chisel that sculpts, a whip that lashes and a cobweb that controls and traps bodies. Owing to this political dimension of dance, workshops can also be an oppressive and silencing tool; to prevent this, the article concludes with a series of recommendations to implement dance in social intervention processes.


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Definición de la etapa de crisis del aparato cinematográfico franquista, llamada aquí “Período Oscuro” (1969-1975), discusión de la etiqueta de subgéneros aplicada al cinema bis de la época, y caracterización histórica del thriller español y de sus corrientes estéticas y conceptuales internas en dicho período. La acotación del período 1969-1975 es clarificada previamente ante el vacío historiográfico al respecto. Se caracteriza la crisis que tiene lugar en el “Período Oscuro”, desde su comienzo oficial en 1969, que supuso el definitivo cierre de las políticas proteccionistas emprendidas por el Director General de Cinematografía García Escudero en 1962. Después se define y discute la etiqueta de subgéneros aplicada tradicionalmente al cine español de género de bajo presupuesto. Luego, se especifican, definen y analizan las diversas categorías dentro del thriller español de 1969-1975: se trata de categorías temáticas y argumentales, estéticas, o bien relacionadas con corrientes internacionales del policíaco europeo. Por último, se extraen las conclusiones pertinentes.


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Las empresas de economía social comparten unos valores que motivan un comportamiento diferente de éstas en relación con la composición de sus plantillas, las condiciones de trabajo, su especialización productiva y su ubicación geográfica frente a las empresas ordinarias (sociedades anónimas y laborales) que no son de economía social. Este comportamiento diferencial constituye, a su vez, una importante aportación a la cohesión social y, de forma específica, desde el punto de vista de género, proporciona una mejora de la presencia y posición de las mujeres en el ámbito laboral. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es evaluar la existencia de elementos diferenciales entre las empresas de economía social y las ordinarias en cuanto a la igualdad de oportunidades, condiciones y trayectorias laborales desde una perspectiva de género, centrando el estudio en el caso de España. A partir de la Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales (2010) se identifican dos grupos de empresas, de economía social (grupo objetivo) y de economía "no social" u ordinaria (grupo de control) equivalentes en cuanto a tamaño y sector de actividad. Para cada grupo y sus respectivos/as trabajadores/as, se realizan contrastes paramétricos y no paramétricos de diferencias de medias entre mujeres y hombres en relación a diferentes características laborales como el tipo de jornada, la duración del contrato o la estabilidad en la trayectoria laboral en la empresa. Además, se lleva a cabo una estimación de la discriminación salarial en ambos grupos siguiendo el modelo Oaxaca-Blinder. Los resultados muestran que las empresas de economía social ofrecen mejores condiciones en el acceso y la permanencia en el puesto laboral a las mujeres, una mayor estabilidad laboral y menor discriminación salarial frente a los hombres.


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With the impetus that has led recent studies on Latin American Modernism to a reevaluation of the sense of cultural fluxes from the modernity capitals to its peripheries –discarding categories such as “influence”, “exotism” and “ivory tower”, stereotypes that have clouded critical understanding of this aesthetics for decades- the present study intends to investigate a persistent practice of the main writers of the movement. This practice is modernist pictorial criticism, a genre that will be approached through the analysis of an unknown corpus: the seven chronicles Rubén Darío published in the journal La Prensa on occasion of the third art exposition of the Ateneo de Buenos Aires. Our hypothesis is that the rare creators of images portrayed by Darío by the end of 1895 work as a visual counterpoint of the eccentric writers’ biographical sketches that a year later will be part of the fundamental volume Los raros (1896). In this early “salon”, which we reproduce in its entirety, accompanied by explanatory notes, the leader of Modernism rehearses and consolidates his transcultural work with the universal tradition –now applied to the Salons (1845-1860) by Charles Baudelaire and to the monumental project by John Ruskin in Modern painters (1843-1860)- to legitimate, from another subgenre of Modernist criticism, a new figure of the critic, in dissent with the Enlightenment model of the writer.


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Relatório de estágio, apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação, para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e em Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Orientadoras: Maria João Cardona Correia Antunes e Marta Andreia de Sousa Jacinto Uva


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em educação e Comunicação Multimédia


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A identificação de critérios para a definição de entidades linguísticas é complexa. No espaço lusófono, tal definição tem associadas consequências em termos linguísticos e sócio-políticos que se procuram caracterizar no presente trabalho, em que se recorre a dados da Aquisição das normas europeia e brasileira do Português para responder a uma questão complexa: quantas línguas existem no espaço da lusofonia? A principal conclusão é a de estamos (ainda) perante uma única entidade linguística a que chamamos "língua", apesar das diferenças que aqui são apontadas e caracterizadas.


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The practical knowledge has characteristics of a process with peculiar idiosyncrasies that require disruption with preconceived ideas, dialogue, negotiation and joint action. The knowledge underlying remains unclear despite of being what informs decision making. It is academia’s responsibility to unveil and nominate knowledge and that is the reason why we conducted two studies with clinical nurses. The aim is to understand the social representation that nurses make of their knowledge about nursing and analyze their clinical practices. In one of the studies, based on the theoretical-methodological referential of social representations, we used the technique of free association of words with the stimulus “knowledge in nursing”. In another study, developed within a naturalistic context and under the “Grounded Theory” referential, we used non-participative observation and explanatory interviews. From the first study we identified the structure of social representations of knowledge in nursing, from which emerged the central core constituted by four elements (Investigation, Wisdom, help Relation, Competence) and a second periphery with one element (Reflection). With the second study we identified that decisions are made within a dynamic, systematic and continuous process of diagnostic evaluation and clinical intervention using the various types of knowledge (e.g. clinic, experiential, scientific, personal). We concluded that the various types of knowledge in nursing, represented by the expressions mentioned above, are systematically and creatively mobilized within the dynamic process of diagnostic evaluation and clinical intervention. It is therefore important to unveil and nominate the different knowledge implicit in the clinical practice and Academia should be responsible for that task.


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Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender as diferenças relativamente ao ciúme nas relações amorosas de adolescentes, tendo em conta o género e a orientação sexual. Para tal, foi criado um questionário (Questionário de Ciúme nas Relações Amorosas Adolescentes - QCRAA) que pretende avaliar aspetos do ciúme presentes em relações amorosas adolescentes - Preocupação, Controlo do Comportamento e Comportamentos de Investigação e Agressão. O QCRAA foi aplicado a 316 jovens, tendo sido comparados os resultados em função do género, da orientação sexual, do nível de ensino e da estabilidade da relação amorosa. Os resultados sugerem que as raparigas possuem mais comportamentos de investigação e agressão, e que os níveis de preocupação nas relações amorosas dos/as jovens variam conforme a estabilidade da relação, sendo mais elevados quando a relação não é estável. Neste estudo serão analisados e discutidos os principais resultados obtidos, bem como as suas implicações para a intervenção psicológica na prevenção da violência nas relações amorosas.


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UNVEILING PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGES: A SCOPE OF HIGHER EDUCATION The practical knowledge has characteristics of a process with peculiar idiosyncrasies that require disruption with preconceived ideas, dialogue, negotiation and joint action. The knowledge underlying remains unclear despite of being what informs decision making. It is academia’s responsibility to unveil and nominate knowledge and that is the reason why we conducted two studies with clinical nurses. The aim is to understand the social representation that nurses make of their knowledge about nursing and analyze their clinical practices. In one of the studies, based on the theoretical-methodological referential of social representations, we used the technique of free association of words with the stimulus “knowledge in nursing”. In another study, developed within a naturalistic context and under the “Grounded Theory” referential, we used non-participative observation and explanatory interviews. From the first study we identified the structure of social representations of knowledge in nursing, from which emerged the central core constituted by four elements (Investigation, Wisdom, help Relation, Competence) and a second periphery with one element (Reflection). With the second study we identified that decisions are made within a dynamic, systematic and continuous process of diagnostic evaluation and clinical intervention using the various types of knowledge (e.g. clinic, experiential, scientific, personal). We concluded that the various types of knowledge in nursing, represented by the expressions mentioned above, are systematically and creatively mobilized within the dynamic process of diagnostic evaluation and clinical intervention. It is therefore important to unveil and nominate the different knowledge implicit in the clinical practice and Academia should be responsible for that task.


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A presente tese problematiza a formação de professores/as, buscando sentidos de uma racionalidade instituinte que incorpore a vida dos sujeitos, em toda sua complexidade existencial, como componente fundamental do processo formativo. Num contexto de investigação-formação, tomamos as biografias educativas de seis professoras do Primeiro Ciclo do Ensino Básico, em Portugal, e seis dos primeiros anos do Ensino Fundamental, no Brasil como uma alternativa teórico-metodológica na tematização da vida como espaço/tempo de formação. No desenvolvimento, encontramos vestígios de que o processo formador se torna inteligível numa perspectiva que entretece os diferentes episódios em tessitura, onde as intrigas são articuladas na experiência narrativa. Reafirmamos, também, o sentido da docência como "lugar de memória", a contribuição do registro da história de vida, transformando biografia em herança e a perspectiva dialógica da aprendizagem que se dá quando nos confrontamos com o outro de quem, dialecticamente, nos ligamos e nos distanciamos, mediados por desejos e desafios. ### Abstract - The present thesis discusses the formation of teachers, looking for senses of a founding rationality that incorporates the life of individuals in all its existential complexity as a fundamental component in the formation process. In an investigation-formation context, we took the educational biographies of six teachers from Portuguese Elementary Schools, and six teachers from Brazilian Elementary Schools, as a theoretical-methodological alternative on the theme of life as space/time of formation. In the development, we find indications that the formation process becomes comprehensible under a perspective that interlaces different episodes, where the intrigues are articulated in the experience narrative. We also reassert the teaching sense as being "the memory place", the registry contribution of life history, converting biography into legacy, and the learning dialogical perspective that happens when we confront ourselves with the other, from whom, dialectically speaking, we are close to and far-off, mediated by longings and challenges.