957 resultados para Riccati Transform


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Perceiving the world visually is a basic act for humans, but for computers it is still an unsolved problem. The variability present innatural environments is an obstacle for effective computer vision. The goal of invariant object recognition is to recognise objects in a digital image despite variations in, for example, pose, lighting or occlusion. In this study, invariant object recognition is considered from the viewpoint of feature extraction. Thedifferences between local and global features are studied with emphasis on Hough transform and Gabor filtering based feature extraction. The methods are examined with respect to four capabilities: generality, invariance, stability, and efficiency. Invariant features are presented using both Hough transform and Gabor filtering. A modified Hough transform technique is also presented where the distortion tolerance is increased by incorporating local information. In addition, methods for decreasing the computational costs of the Hough transform employing parallel processing and local information are introduced.


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Quality inspection and assurance is a veryimportant step when today's products are sold to markets. As products are produced in vast quantities, the interest to automate quality inspection tasks has increased correspondingly. Quality inspection tasks usuallyrequire the detection of deficiencies, defined as irregularities in this thesis. Objects containing regular patterns appear quite frequently on certain industries and science, e.g. half-tone raster patterns in the printing industry, crystal lattice structures in solid state physics and solder joints and components in the electronics industry. In this thesis, the problem of regular patterns and irregularities is described in analytical form and three different detection methods are proposed. All the methods are based on characteristics of Fourier transform to represent regular information compactly. Fourier transform enables the separation of regular and irregular parts of an image but the three methods presented are shown to differ in generality and computational complexity. Need to detect fine and sparse details is common in quality inspection tasks, e.g., locating smallfractures in components in the electronics industry or detecting tearing from paper samples in the printing industry. In this thesis, a general definition of such details is given by defining sufficient statistical properties in the histogram domain. The analytical definition allowsa quantitative comparison of methods designed for detail detection. Based on the definition, the utilisation of existing thresholding methodsis shown to be well motivated. Comparison of thresholding methods shows that minimum error thresholding outperforms other standard methods. The results are successfully applied to a paper printability and runnability inspection setup. Missing dots from a repeating raster pattern are detected from Heliotest strips and small surface defects from IGT picking papers.


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This thesis studies gray-level distance transforms, particularly the Distance Transform on Curved Space (DTOCS). The transform is produced by calculating distances on a gray-level surface. The DTOCS is improved by definingmore accurate local distances, and developing a faster transformation algorithm. The Optimal DTOCS enhances the locally Euclidean Weighted DTOCS (WDTOCS) with local distance coefficients, which minimize the maximum error from the Euclideandistance in the image plane, and produce more accurate global distance values.Convergence properties of the traditional mask operation, or sequential localtransformation, and the ordered propagation approach are analyzed, and compared to the new efficient priority pixel queue algorithm. The Route DTOCS algorithmdeveloped in this work can be used to find and visualize shortest routes between two points, or two point sets, along a varying height surface. In a digital image, there can be several paths sharing the same minimal length, and the Route DTOCS visualizes them all. A single optimal path can be extracted from the route set using a simple backtracking algorithm. A new extension of the priority pixel queue algorithm produces the nearest neighbor transform, or Voronoi or Dirichlet tessellation, simultaneously with the distance map. The transformation divides the image into regions so that each pixel belongs to the region surrounding the reference point, which is nearest according to the distance definition used. Applications and application ideas for the DTOCS and its extensions are presented, including obstacle avoidance, image compression and surface roughness evaluation.


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Technological progress has made a huge amount of data available at increasing spatial and spectral resolutions. Therefore, the compression of hyperspectral data is an area of active research. In somefields, the original quality of a hyperspectral image cannot be compromised andin these cases, lossless compression is mandatory. The main goal of this thesisis to provide improved methods for the lossless compression of hyperspectral images. Both prediction- and transform-based methods are studied. Two kinds of prediction based methods are being studied. In the first method the spectra of a hyperspectral image are first clustered and and an optimized linear predictor is calculated for each cluster. In the second prediction method linear prediction coefficients are not fixed but are recalculated for each pixel. A parallel implementation of the above-mentioned linear prediction method is also presented. Also,two transform-based methods are being presented. Vector Quantization (VQ) was used together with a new coding of the residual image. In addition we have developed a new back end for a compression method utilizing Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Integer Wavelet Transform (IWT). The performance of the compressionmethods are compared to that of other compression methods. The results show that the proposed linear prediction methods outperform the previous methods. In addition, a novel fast exact nearest-neighbor search method is developed. The search method is used to speed up the Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG) clustering method.


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The objective of industrial crystallization is to obtain a crystalline product which has the desired crystal size distribution, mean crystal size, crystal shape, purity, polymorphic and pseudopolymorphic form. Effective control of the product quality requires an understanding of the thermodynamics of the crystallizing system and the effects of operation parameters on the crystalline product properties. Therefore, obtaining reliable in-line information about crystal properties and supersaturation, which is the driving force of crystallization, would be very advantageous. Advanced techniques, such asRaman spectroscopy, attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR FTIR) spectroscopy, and in-line imaging techniques, offer great potential for obtaining reliable information during crystallization, and thus giving a better understanding of the fundamental mechanisms (nucleation and crystal growth) involved. In the present work, the relative stability of anhydrate and dihydrate carbamazepine in mixed solvents containing water and ethanol were investigated. The kinetics of the solvent mediated phase transformation of the anhydrate to hydrate in the mixed solvents was studied using an in-line Raman immersion probe. The effects of the operation parameters in terms of solvent composition, temperature and the use of certain additives on the phase transformation kineticswere explored. Comparison of the off-line measured solute concentration and the solid-phase composition measured by in-line Raman spectroscopy allowedthe identification of the fundamental processes during the phase transformation. The effects of thermodynamic and kinetic factors on the anhydrate/hydrate phase of carbamazepine crystals during cooling crystallization were also investigated. The effect of certain additives on the batch cooling crystallization of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) wasinvestigated. The crystal growth rate of a certain crystal face was determined from images taken with an in-line video microscope. An in-line image processing method was developed to characterize the size and shape of thecrystals. An ATR FTIR and a laser reflection particle size analyzer were used to study the effects of cooling modes and seeding parameters onthe final crystal size distribution of an organic compound C15. Based on the obtained results, an operation condition was proposed which gives improved product property in terms of increased mean crystal size and narrowersize distribution.


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This paper asks a simple question: if humans and their actions co-evolve with hydrological systems (Sivapalan et al., 2012), what is the role of hydrological scientists, who are also humans, within this system? To put it more directly, as traditionally there is a supposed separation of scientists and society, can we maintain this separation as socio-hydrologists studying a socio-hydrological world? This paper argues that we cannot, using four linked sections. The first section draws directly upon the concern of science-technology studies to make a case to the (socio-hydrological) community that we need to be sensitive to constructivist accounts of science in general and socio-hydrology in particular. I review three positions taken by such accounts and apply them to hydrological science, supported with specific examples: (a) the ways in which scientific activities frame socio-hydrological research, such that at least some of the knowledge that we obtain is constructed by precisely what we do; (b) the need to attend to how socio-hydrological knowledge is used in decision-making, as evidence suggests that hydrological knowledge does not flow simply from science into policy; and (c) the observation that those who do not normally label themselves as socio-hydrologists may actually have a profound knowledge of socio-hydrology. The second section provides an empirical basis for considering these three issues by detailing the history of the practice of roughness parameterisation, using parameters like Manning's n, in hydrological and hydraulic models for flood inundation mapping. This history sustains the third section that is a more general consideration of one type of socio-hydrological practice: predictive modelling. I show that as part of a socio-hydrological analysis, hydrological prediction needs to be thought through much more carefully: not only because hydrological prediction exists to help inform decisions that are made about water management; but also because those predictions contain assumptions, the predictions are only correct in so far as those assumptions hold, and for those assumptions to hold, the socio-hydrological system (i.e. the world) has to be shaped so as to include them. Here, I add to the ``normal'' view that ideally our models should represent the world around us, to argue that for our models (and hence our predictions) to be valid, we have to make the world look like our models. Decisions over how the world is modelled may transform the world as much as they represent the world. Thus, socio-hydrological modelling has to become a socially accountable process such that the world is transformed, through the implications of modelling, in a fair and just manner. This leads into the final section of the paper where I consider how socio-hydrological research may be made more socially accountable, in a way that is both sensitive to the constructivist critique (Sect. 1), but which retains the contribution that hydrologists might make to socio-hydrological studies. This includes (1) working with conflict and controversy in hydrological science, rather than trying to eliminate them; (2) using hydrological events to avoid becoming locked into our own frames of explanation and prediction; (3) being empirical and experimental but in a socio-hydrological sense; and (4) co-producing socio-hydrological predictions. I will show how this might be done through a project that specifically developed predictive models for making interventions in river catchments to increase high river flow attenuation. Therein, I found myself becoming detached from my normal disciplinary networks and attached to the co-production of a predictive hydrological model with communities normally excluded from the practice of hydrological science.


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Ruin occurs the first time when the surplus of a company or an institution is negative. In the Omega model, it is assumed that even with a negative surplus, the company can do business as usual until bankruptcy occurs. The probability of bankruptcy at a point of time only depends on the value of the negative surplus at that time. Under the assumption of Brownian motion for the surplus, the expected discounted value of a penalty at bankruptcy is determined, and hence the probability of bankruptcy. There is an intrinsic relation between the probability of no bankruptcy and an exposure random variable. In special cases, the distribution of the total time the Brownian motion spends below zero is found, and the Laplace transform of the integral of the negative part of the Brownian motion is expressed in terms of the Airy function of the first kind.


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Metastatic melanomas are frequently refractory to most adjuvant therapies such as chemotherapies and radiotherapies. Recently, immunotherapies have shown good results in the treatment of some metastatic melanomas. Immune cell infiltration in the tumor has been associated with successful immunotherapy. More generally, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in the primary tumor and in metastases of melanoma patients have been demonstrated to correlate positively with favorable clinical outcomes. Altogether, these findings suggest the importance of being able to identify, quantify and characterize immune infiltration at the tumor site for a better diagnostic and treatment choice. In this paper, we used Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) imaging to identify and quantify different subpopulations of T cells: the cytotoxic T cells (CD8+), the helper T cells (CD4+) and the regulatory T cells (T reg). As a proof of concept, we investigated pure populations isolated from human peripheral blood from 6 healthy donors. These subpopulations were isolated from blood samples by magnetic labeling and purities were assessed by Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS). The results presented here show that Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) imaging followed by supervised Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) allows an accurate identification of CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells (>86%). We then developed a PLS regression allowing the quantification of T reg in a different mix of immune cells (e.g. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs)). Altogether, these results demonstrate the sensitivity of infrared imaging to detect the low biological variability observed in T cell subpopulations.


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An analytical approach for the interpretation of multicomponent heterogeneous adsorption or complexation isotherms in terms of multidimensional affinity spectra is presented. Fourier transform, applied to analyze the corresponding integral equation, leads to an inversion formula which allows the computation of the multicomponent affinity spectrum underlying a given competitive isotherm. Although a different mathematical methodology is used, this procedure can be seen as the extension to multicomponent systems of the classical Sips’s work devoted to monocomponent systems. Furthermore, a methodology which yields analytical expressions for the main statistical properties (mean free energies of binding and covariance matrix) of multidimensional affinity spectra is reported. Thus, the level of binding correlation between the different components can be quantified. It has to be highlighted that the reported methodology does not require the knowledge of the affinity spectrum to calculate the means, variances, and covariance of the binding energies of the different components. Nonideal competitive consistent adsorption isotherm, widely used in metal/proton competitive complexation to environmental macromolecules, and Frumkin competitive isotherms are selected to illustrate the application of the reported results. Explicit analytical expressions for the affinity spectrum as well as for the matrix correlation are obtained for the NICCA case. © 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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Depuis leurs premières conceptualisations, les politiques publiques d'accueil systématique d'événements sportifs (PASES) ont beaucoup évolué du fait de la transformation concomitante du sport et des événements, ainsi que l'émergence du concept de marketing territorial. Au cours des dernières décennies, ces politiques publiques se sont popularisées pour ne plus être simplement l'oeuvre de collectivités locales, mais également régionales, voire nationales. Cet article s'intéresse aux principales évolutions des PASES à la lumière de la ville de Lausanne et du canton de Vaud. Bien que la situation lausannoise soit particulière à bien des égards, dû notamment à la présence en Suisse et sur le territoire vaudois du siège de nombreuses fédérations sportives internationales (une soixantaine basée dans le pays, dont notamment le CIO, la FIFA, l'UEFA, etc.), des exemples sont également mobilisés pour d'autres territoires (Monaco, Doha, Londres, Danemark, Russie) afin de montrer que les évolutions lausannoises ne sont pas uniques. L'article entend ainsi donner un panorama des évolutions managériales actuelles qui transforment les PASES en SASES (stratégies d'accueil systématique d'événements sportifs), le cas lausannois servant de fil rouge pour présenter six grandes transitions observables. Abstract Since their first conceptualizations, systematic sports events hosting policies (SSEHP) evolved due to the simultaneous transformation of sport and sports events, as well as the emergence of territorial marketing. In the last decades, the popularity of SSEHP among territorial managers grew dramatically to move from purely local polices to regional and even national policies. This article focuses on the main evolutions of these SSEHP through the case of one city, Lausanne, and its canton, Vaud. Although, Lausanne's situation is particular in many ways, due to the presence throughout the country of many international sports federations (over sixty among which, the IOC, FIFA, UEFA, etc.), examples from other destinations (Monaco, Doha, London, Denmark, Russia) are also used to show that the evolutions observed in Lausanne are not unique. This article aims to give an overview of the major managerial evolutions which transform SSEHP into SSEHS (systematic sports events hosting strategies). The city of Lausanne is used through the article to underline the six significant evolutions.


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VariScan is a software package for the analysis of DNA sequence polymorphisms at the whole genome scale. Among other features, the software:(1) can conduct many population genetic analyses; (2) incorporates a multiresolution wavelet transform-based method that allows capturing relevant information from DNA polymorphism data; and (3) it facilitates the visualization of the results in the most commonly used genome browsers.


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The emergence of chirality in enantioselective autocatalysis for compounds unable to transform according to the Frank-like reaction network is discussed with respect to the controversial limited enantioselectivity (LES) model composed of coupled enantioselective and non-enantioselective autocatalyses. The LES model cannot lead to spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking (SMSB) either in closed systems with a homogeneous temperature distribution or in closed systems with a stationary non-uniform temperature distribution. However, simulations of chemical kinetics in a two-compartment model demonstrate that SMSB may occur if both autocatalytic reactions are spatially separated at different temperatures in different compartments but coupled under the action of a continuous internal flow. In such conditions, the system can evolve, for certain reaction and system parameters, toward a chiral stationary state; that is, the system is able to reach a bifurcation point leading to SMSB. Numerical simulations in which reasonable chemical parameters have been used suggest that an adequate scenario for such a SMSB would be that of abyssal hydrothermal vents, by virtue of the typical temperature gradients found there and the role of inorganic solids mediating chemical reactions in an enzyme-like role.


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In 1999, a set of coordinated projects and investments whose principal objective was to transform Barcelona into one of the main distribution points of southern Europe resulted in the relocation of the Llobregat River mouth. The mouth was relocated by draining the old river mouth and constructing a new one. The aim of this study was to characterise the physico-chemical properties and the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of the new river mouth and to monitor the changes experienced by the estuarine environment during its creation. A sampling point was established in the river 1.8 km upstream from its connection with the new mouth, and two sampling points were established in the new mouth. Samples of water and macroinvertebrates were collected every two months from May 2004 to June 2005, covering the periods before (from May to September 2004) and after (from September 2004 to June 2005) the new mouth was connected to the river and the sea. During the period before its connection to the river and the sea, the new mouth was functionally similar to a lagoon, with clear waters, charophytes and a rich invertebrate community. After the connection was completed, seawater penetrated the river mouth and extended to the connection point with the river (approximately 3.9 km upstream). An increase in conductivity from 4-6 mS cm 1 to 24-30 mS cm 1 caused important changes in the macroinvertebrate community of the new mouth. An initial defaunation was followed by a colonisation of the new mouth by brackish-water and marine invertebrate species. Due to its design (which allows the penetration of the sea) and the decreased discharge from the lower part of the Llobregat River, the new mouth has become an arm of the sea


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Diplomityö tehtiin Partek Oyj Abp:lle antamaan IT-järjestelmistä vastuussa oleville ja niihin tukeutuville johtohenkilöille yleisnäkemys IT-sovellusintegroinnista sekä luomaan ohjeet integrointi projekteihin. Diplomityön alkuosassa esitellään liiketoiminnan prosessien pulmakohtia ja sovellusintegrointien liiketoiminnalle tuomia etuja yleisellä tasolla perustuen kirjallisuuteen. Yleisen tason etuja saadaan mm. nopeampien prosessien, paremman tiedon saatavuuden ja ihmisille tulevien uusien toimintatapojen kautta tulevista eduista. Työn seuraavassa osiossa esitellään mitä sovellusintegraatio tarkoittaa käytännössä, mitä erilaisia vaihtoehtoja integroinneille on ja mitä etuja ja haittoja erilaisista integrointitavoista on. Integrointitavoista viesti-pohjainen integrointitapa on noussut suosituimmaksi sen yksinkertaisuuden, luotettavuuden ja helpon liitettävyyden takia. Integrointisovelluksilla on mahdollista siirtää, muokata, prosessoida ja varastoida viestejä. Näiden ominaisuuksien avulla on mahdollista luoda reaaliaikaisia yhteistyöverkostoja. Tämä osio perustuu kirjallisuuteen , artikkeleihin ja haastatteluihin. Kolmas osio keskittyy integrointi projektin ominaispiirteisiin luoden toimintakartan integrointiprojektin kululle. Osiossa esitellään huomioitavat tekniset asiat, kustannukset ja edut sekä mallipohjia integroinnin dokumentointiin. Osio perustuu omiin kokemuksiin, haastatteluihin sekä kirjallisuuteen. Neljännessä osiossa esitellään Partekissa tehty integrointiprojekti. Integrointityö tehtiin ostajille tarkoitetun toimittajarekisterin (PPM) ja ERP-järjestelmän (Baan) välillä. Integrointiin käytettiin yhtä suosituinta integrointityökalua nimeltään IBM WebSphere MQ.Osio perustuu projektin dokumentointiin, omiin kokemuksiin ja kirjallisuuteen. Diplomityön päättää yhteenveto. Kolme pääetua voidaan saavuttaa integroinneilla ja toimintakartalla; tiedon luotettavuus paranee, toimintakartalla saadaan integroinneille malli ja luodaan riippumattomuutta tiettyihin avain henkilöihin tarkalla dokumentoinnilla ja toimintatapojen standardoinnilla.


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Jatkuvasti muuttuva työympäristö vaatii organisaatiolta kykyä muuntua nopeasti vastaamaan tehokkaasti uusiin haasteisiin. Organisaation on tärkeää tuntea kriittiset menestystekijänsä ja pystyä mittaamaan suorituskykyään. Tämän vuoksi asiantuntijaorganisaatioiden suorituskykyyn on alettu kiinnittää entistä enemmän huomiota. Mittareiden käyttö asiantuntijatyön suorituskyvyn mittaamisessa ei ole kovinkaan yleistä johtuen tehtävän työn erityispiirteistä. Asiantuntijatyössä älyllisellä pääomalla, kuten esimerkiksi henkilöstön tiedoilla ja osaamisella, on merkittävä rooli organisaation toimintaan. Tämä asettaa omat erityisvaatimuksensa suorituskyvyn mittaamiselle, toiminnan ohjaamiselle ja erityisesti motivoinnille. Tutkielmassa pyrittiin löytämään tutkimuksen kohteena olleen yrityksen kehittämisen tärkeät toiminta-alueet henkilöstölle suunnatun kyselyn avulla. On erittäin tärkeää, että henkilöstö kokee mittauksen ja tehostamistoimenpiteet omaa työtä tukeviksi asioiksi. Tutkimuksen tuloksena löytyivät selkeästi kehittämistä vaativat osa-alueet. Haastava jatkotoimenpide on määritellä sopivat suorituskykymittarit älylliseen pääomaan liittyville kriittisille menestystekijöille.