975 resultados para Parasitoid-host-interactions


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Using UVPES and electronic spectral data the presence of an interaction between thd 1,3-thiocarbonyl groups in Image has been identified. EHT calculations also predict such an interaction. Presence of weak interaction between 1,3-carbonyl and thiocarbonyl groups in Image has been inferred from electronic absorption and emission spectra.


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Base-base interactions were computed for single- and double- stranded polynucleotides, for all possible base sequences. In each case, both right and left stacking arrangements are energetically possible. The preference of one over the other depends upon the base-sequence and the orientation of the bases with respect to helix-axis. Inverted stacking arrangement is also energetically possible for both single- and double-stranded polynucleotides. Finally, interaction energies of a regular duplex and the alternative structures3 were compared. It was found that the type II model3 is energetically more favourable than the rest.


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Stacking interactions in free bases were computed on the basis of molecular association. The results of the calculations were compared with the stacking patterns observed in a few single crystals of nucleic acid components as examples. The following are the conclusions: (i) there can be two types of stacking pattern classified as normal and inverted types for any two interacting bases and both can be energetically favourable (ii) in both the types the stacking interaction is a combined effect of the overlap of the interacting bases and relative positions and orientations of the atomic centres of the two bases (iii) crystal symmetry and H-bonding interaction may influence stacking patterns.


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The ongoing rapid fragmentation of tropical forests is a major threat to global biodiversity. This is because many of the tropical forests are so-called biodiversity 'hotspots', areas that host exceptional species richness and concentrations of endemic species. Forest fragmentation has negative ecological and genetic consequences for plant survival. Proposed reasons for plant species' loss in forest fragments are, e.g., abiotic edge effects, altered species interactions, increased genetic drift, and inbreeding depression. To be able to conserve plants in forest fragments, the ecological and genetic processes that threaten the species have to be understood. That is possible only after obtaining adequate information on their biology, including taxonomy, life history, reproduction, and spatial and genetic structure of the populations. In this research, I focused on the African violet (genus Saintpaulia), a little-studied conservation flagship from the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests hotspot of Tanzania and Kenya. The main objective of the research was to increase understanding of the life history, ecology and population genetics of Saintpaulia that is needed for the design of appropriate conservation measures. A further aim was to provide population-level insights into the difficult taxonomy of Saintpaulia. Ecological field work was conducted in a relatively little fragmented protected forest in the Amani Nature Reserve in the East Usambara Mountains, in northeastern Tanzania, complemented by population genetic laboratory work and ecological experiments in Helsinki, Finland. All components of the research were conducted with Saintpaulia ionantha ssp. grotei, which forms a taxonomically controversial population complex in the study area. My results suggest that Saintpaulia has good reproductive performance in forests with low disturbance levels in the East Usambara Mountains. Another important finding was that seed production depends on sufficient pollinator service. The availability of pollinators should thus be considered in the in situ management of threatened populations. Dynamic population stage structures were observed suggesting that the studied populations are demographically viable. High mortality of seedlings and juveniles was observed during the dry season but this was compensated by ample recruitment of new seedlings after the rainy season. Reduced tree canopy closure and substrate quality are likely to exacerbate seedling and juvenile mortality, and, therefore, forest fragmentation and disturbance are serious threats to the regeneration of Saintpaulia. Restoration of sufficient shade to enhance seedling establishment is an important conservation measure in populations located in disturbed habitats. Long-term demographic monitoring, which enables the forecasting of a population s future, is also recommended in disturbed habitats. High genetic diversities were observed in the populations, which suggest that they possess the variation that is needed for evolutionary responses in a changing environment. Thus, genetic management of the studied populations does not seem necessary as long as the habitats remain favourable for Saintpaulia. The observed high levels of inbreeding in some of the populations, and the reduced fitness of the inbred progeny compared to the outbred progeny, as revealed by the hand-pollination experiment, indicate that inbreeding and inbreeding depression are potential mechanisms contributing to the extinction of Saintpaulia populations. The relatively weak genetic divergence of the three different morphotypes of Saintpaulia ionantha ssp. grotei lend support to the hypothesis that the populations in the Usambara/lowlands region represent a segregating metapopulation (or metapopulations), where subpopulations are adapting to their particular environments. The partial genetic and phenological integrity, and the distinct trailing habit of the morphotype 'grotei' would, however, justify its placement in a taxonomic rank of its own, perhaps in a subspecific rank.


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The aim of the studies reported in this thesis was to examine the feeding interactions between calanoid copepods and toxic algae in the Baltic Sea. The central questions in this research concerned the feeding, survival and egg production of copepods exposed to toxic algae. Furthermore, the importance of copepods as vectors in toxin transfer was examined. The haptophyte Prymnesium parvum, which produces extracellular toxins, was the only studied species that directly harmed copepods. Beside this, it had allelopathic effects (cell lysis) on non-toxic Rhodomonas salina. Copepods that were exposed to P. parvum filtrates died or became severely impaired, although filtrates were not haemolytic (indicative of toxicity in this study). Monospecific Prymnesium cell suspensions, in turn, were haemolytic and copepods in these treatments became inactive, although no clear effect on mortality was detected. These results suggest that haemolytic activity may not be a good proxy of the harmful effects of P. parvum. In addition, P. parvum deterred feeding, and low egestion and suppressed egg production were consequently observed in monospecific suspensions of Prymnesium. Similarly, ingestion and faecal pellet production rates were suppressed in high concentration P. parvum filtrates and in mixtures of P. parvum and R. salina. These results indicate that the allelopathic effects of P. parvum on other algal species together with lowered viability as well as suppressed production of copepods may contribute to bloom formation and persistence. Furthermore, the availability of food for planktivorous animals may be affected due to reduced copepod productivity. Nodularin produced by Nodularia spumigena was transferred to Eurytemora affinis via grazing on filaments of small N. spumigena and by direct uptake from the dissolved pool. Copepods also acquired nodularin in fractions where N. spumigena filaments were absent. Thus, the importance of microbial food webs in nodularin transfer should be considered. Copepods were able to remove particulate nodularin from the system, but at the same time a large proportion of the nodularin disappeared. This indicates that copepods may possess effective mechanisms to remove toxins from their tissues. The importance of microorganisms, such as bacteria, in the degradation of cyanobacterial toxins could also be substantial. Our results were the first reports of the accumulation of diarrhetic shellfish toxins (DSTs) produced by Dinophysis spp. in copepods. The PTX2 content in copepods after feeding experiments corresponded to the ingestion of <100 Dinophysis spp. cells. However, no DSTs were recorded from field-collected copepods. Dinophysis spp. was not selected by the copepods and consumption remained low. It seems thus likely that copepods are an unimportant link in the transfer of DSTs in the northern Baltic Sea.


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Interactions among individuals give rise to both cooperation and conflict. Individuals will behave selfishly or altruistically depending on which gives the higher payoff. The reproductive strategies of many animals are flexible and several alternative tactics may be present from which the most suitable one is applied. Generally, alternative reproductive tactics may be defined as a response to competition from individuals of the same sex. These alternative reproductive tactics are means by which individuals may fine-tune their fitness to the reigning circumstances and which are shaped by the environment individuals are occupying as well as by the behaviour of other individuals sharing the environment. By employing such alternative ways of achieving reproductive output, individuals may alleviate competition from others. Conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) is an alternative reproductive strategy found in several egg laying animal groups, and it is especially common among waterfowl. Within this alternative reproductive strategy, four reproductive options can be identified. These four options represent a continuum from low reproductive effort coupled with low fitness returns, to high reproductive effort and consequently high benefits. It may not be evident how individuals should allocate reproductive effort between eggs laid in their own nest vs. in nests of others, however. Limited fecundity will constrain the number of eggs donated by a parasite, but also the tendency for hosts to accept parasitic eggs may affect the allocation decision. Furthermore, kinship, individual quality and the costs of breeding may play a role in complicating the allocation decision. In this thesis, I view the seemingly paradoxical effects of kinship on conflict resolution in the context of alternative reproductive tactics, examining the resulting features of cooperation and conflict. Conspecific brood parasitism sets the stage for investigating these questions. By using both empirical and theoretical approaches, I examine the nature of CBP in a brood parasitic duck, the Barrow's goldeneye (Bucephala islandica). The theoretical chapter of this thesis gives rise to four main conclusions. Firstly, variation in individual quality plays a central role in shaping breeding strategies. Secondly, kinship plays a central role in the evolution of CBP. Thirdly, egg recognition ability may affect the prevalence of parasitism. If egg recognition is perfect, higher relatedness between host and parasite facilitates CBP. Finally, I show that the relative costs of egg laying and post-laying care play a so far underestimated role in determining the prevalence of parasitism. The costs of breeding may outweigh possible inclusive fitness benefits accrued from receiving eggs from relatives. Several of the patterns brought out by the theoretical work are then confirmed empirically in the following chapters. Findings include confirmation of the central role of relatedness in determining the extent of parasitism as well as inducing a counterintuitive host clutch reduction. Furthermore, I demonstrate a cost of CBP inflicted on hosts, as well as results suggesting that host age reflects individual quality, affecting the ability to overcome costs inflicted by CBP. In summary, I demonstrate both theoretically and empirically the presence of cooperation and conflict in the interactions between conspecific parasites and their hosts. The field of CBP research has traditionally been divided, but the first steps have now been taken toward the acceptance of the opposite side of the divide. Especially the theoretical findings of chapter 1 offer the possibility to view seemingly contrasting results of various studies within the same framework, and may direct future research toward more general features underlying differences in the patterns of CBP between populations or species.


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Proteolysis is important in bacterial pathogenesis and colonization of animal and plant hosts. In this work I have investigated the functions of the bacterial outer membrane proteases, omptins, of Yersinia pestis and Salmonella enterica. Y. pestis is a zoonotic pathogen that causes plague and has evolved from gastroenteritis-causing Yersinia pseudotuberculosis about 13 000 years ago. S. enterica causes gastroenteritis and typhoid fever in humans. Omptins are transmembrane β-barrels with ten antiparallel β-strands and five surface-exposed loops. The loops are important in substrate recognition, and variation in the loop sequences leads to different substrate selectivities between omptins, which makes omptins an ideal platform to investigate functional adaptation and to alter their polypeptide substrate preferences. The omptins Pla of Y. pestis and PgtE of S. enterica are 75% identical in their amino acid sequences. Pla is a multifunctional protein with proteolytic and non-proteolytic functions, and it increases bacterial penetration and proliferation in the host. Functions of PgtE increase migration of S. enterica in vivo and bacterial survival in mouse macrophages, thus enhancing bacterial spread within the host. Mammalian plasminogen/fibrinolytic system maintains the balance between coagulation and fibrinolysis and participates in several cellular processes, e.g., cell migration and degradation of extracellular matrix proteins. This system consists of activation cascades, which are strictly controlled by several regulators, such as plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1), α2-antiplasmin (α2AP), and thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI). This work reveals novel interactions of the omptins of Y. pestis and S. enterica with the regulators of the plasminogen/fibrinolytic system: Pla and PgtE inactivate PAI-1 by cleavage at the reactive site peptide bond, and degrade TAFI, preventing its activation to TAFIa. Structure-function relationship studies with Pla showed that threonine 259 of Pla is crucial in plasminogen activation, as it prevents degradation of the plasmin catalytic domain by the omptin and thus maintains plasmin stability. In this work I constructed chimeric proteins between Pla and Epo of Erwinia pyrifoliae that share 78% sequence identity to find out which amino acids and regions in Pla are important for its functions. Epo is neither a plasminogen activator nor an invasin, but it degrades α2AP and PAI-1. Cumulative substitutions towards Pla sequence turned Epo into a Pla-like protein. In addition to threonine 259, loops 3 and 5 are critical in plasminogen activation by Pla. Turning Epo into an invasin required substitution of 31 residues located at the extracellular side of the Epo protein above the lipid bilayer, and also of the β1-strand in the N-terminal transmembrane region of the protein. These studies give an example of how omptins adapt to novel functions that advantage their host bacteria in different ecological niches.


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Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is a common cause of gastroenteritis in humans and, occasionally, also causes systemic infection. During systemic infection an important characteristic of Salmonella is its ability to survive and replicate within macrophages. The outer membrane protease PgtE of S. enterica is a member of the omptin family of outer membrane aspartate proteases, which are beta-barrel proteins with five surface-exposed loops. The main goals of this study were to characterize biological substrates and pathogenesis-associated functions of PgtE and to determine the conditions where PgtE is fully active. In this study we found that PgtE requires rough lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to be functional but is sterically inhibited by the long O-antigen side chain in smooth LPS. Salmonella isolates normally are smooth with a long oligosaccharide O-antigen, and PgtE remains functionally cryptic in wild-type Salmonella cultivated in vitro. Interestingly, our results showed that due to increased expression of PgtE and to reduced length of the LPS O-antigen chains, the wild-type Salmonella expresses highly functional PgtE when isolated from mouse macrophage-like J774A.1 cells. Salmonella is thought to be continuously released from macrophages to infect new ones, and our results suggest that PgtE is functional during these transient extracellular growth phases. Six novel host protein substrates were identified for PgtE in this work. PgtE was previously known to activate human plasminogen (Plg) to plasmin, a broad-spectrum serine protease, and in this study PgtE was shown to interfere with the Plg system by inactivating the main inhibitor of plasmin, alpha2-antiplasmin. PgtE also interferes with another important proteolytic system of mammals by activating pro-matrix metalloproteinase-9 to an active gelatinase. PgtE also directly degrades gelatin, a component of extracellular matrices. PgtE also increases bacterial resistance against complement-mediated killing in human serum and enhances survival of Salmonella within murine macrophages as well as in the liver and spleen of intraperitoneally infected mice. Taken together, the results in this study suggest that PgtE is a virulence factor of Salmonella that has adapted to interfere with host proteolytic systems and to modify extracellular matrix; these features likely assist the migration of Salmonella during systemic salmonellosis.


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Habitat fragmentation is currently affecting many species throughout the world. As a consequence, an increasing number of species are structured as metapopulations, i.e. as local populations connected by dispersal. While excellent studies of metapopulations have accumulated over the past 20 years, the focus has recently shifted from single species to studies of multiple species. This has created the concept of metacommunities, where local communities are connected by the dispersal of one or several of their member species. To understand this higher level of organisation, we need to address not only the properties of single species, but also establish the importance of interspecific interactions. However, studies of metacommunities are so far heavily biased towards laboratory-based systems, and empirical data from natural systems are urgently needed. My thesis focuses on a metacommunity of insect herbivores on the pedunculate oak Quercus robur a tree species known for its high diversity of host-specific insects. Taking advantage of the amenability of this system to both observational and experimental studies, I quantify and compare the importance of local and regional factors in structuring herbivore communities. Most importantly, I contrast the impact of direct and indirect competition, host plant genotype and local adaptation (i.e. local factors) to that of regional processes (as reflected by the spatial context of the local community). As a key approach, I use general theory to generate testable hypotheses, controlled experiments to establish causal relations, and observational data to validate the role played by the pinpointed processes in nature. As the central outcome of my thesis, I am able to relegate local forces to a secondary role in structuring oak-based insect communities. While controlled experiments show that direct competition does occur among both conspecifics and heterospecifics, that indirect interactions can be mediated by both the host plant and the parasitoids, and that host plant genotype may affect local adaptation, the size of these effects is much smaller than that of spatial context. Hence, I conclude that dispersal between habitat patches plays a prime role in structuring the insect community, and that the distribution and abundance of the target species can only be understood in a spatial framework. By extension, I suggest that the majority of herbivore communities are dependent on the spatial structure of their landscape and urge fellow ecologists working on other herbivore systems to either support or refute my generalization.


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The novel multidomain organization in the multimeric Escherichia coli AHAS I (ilvBN) enzyme has been dissected to generate polypeptide fragments. These fragments when cloned, expressed and purified reassemble in the presence of cofactors to yield a catalytically competent enzyme. Structural characterization of AHAS has been impeded due to the fact that the holoenzyme is prone to dissociation leading to heterogeneity in samples. Our approach has enabled the structural characterization using high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance methods. Near complete sequence specific NMR assignments for backbone H-N, N-15, C-13 alpha and C-13(beta) atoms of the FAD binding domain of ilvB have been obtained on samples isotopically enriched in H-2, C-13 and N-15. The secondary structure determined on the basis of observed C-13(alpha) secondary chemical shifts and sequential NOEs indicates that the secondary structure of the FAD binding domain of E. coli AHAS large Subunit (ilvB) is similar to the structure of this domain in the catalytic subunit of yeast AHAS. Protein-protein interactions involving the regulatory subunit (ilvN) and the domains of the catalytic subunit (ilvB) were studied using circular dichroic and isotope edited solution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic methods. Observed changes in circular dichroic spectra indicate that the regulatory subunit (ilvN) interacts with ilvB alpha and ilvB beta domains of the catalytic subunit and not with the ilvB gamma domain. NMR chemical shift mapping methods show that ilvN binds close to the FAD binding site in ilvB beta and proximal to the intrasubunit ilvB alpha/ilvB beta domain interface. The implication of this interaction on the role of the regulatory subunit oil the activity of the holoenzyme is discussed. NMR studies of the regulatory domains show that these domains are structured in solution. Preliminary evidence for the interaction of ilvN with the metabolic end product of the pathway, viz., valine is also presented.


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Filamentous fungi of the subphylum Pezizomycotina are well known as protein and secondary metabolite producers. Various industries take advantage of these capabilities. However, the molecular biology of yeasts, i.e. Saccharomycotina and especially that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the baker's yeast, is much better known. In an effort to explain fungal phenotypes through their genotypes we have compared protein coding gene contents of Pezizomycotina and Saccharomycotina. Only biomass degradation and secondary metabolism related protein families seem to have expanded recently in Pezizomycotina. Of the protein families clearly diverged between Pezizomycotina and Saccharomycotina, those related to mitochondrial functions emerge as the most prominent. However, the primary metabolism as described in S. cerevisiae is largely conserved in all fungi. Apart from the known secondary metabolism, Pezizomycotina have pathways that could link secondary metabolism to primary metabolism and a wealth of undescribed enzymes. Previous studies of individual Pezizomycotina genomes have shown that regardless of the difference in production efficiency and diversity of secreted proteins, the content of the known secretion machinery genes in Pezizomycotina and Saccharomycotina appears very similar. Genome wide analysis of gene products is therefore needed to better understand the efficient secretion of Pezizomycotina. We have developed methods applicable to transcriptome analysis of non-sequenced organisms. TRAC (Transcriptional profiling with the aid of affinity capture) has been previously developed at VTT for fast, focused transcription analysis. We introduce a version of TRAC that allows more powerful signal amplification and multiplexing. We also present computational optimisations of transcriptome analysis of non-sequenced organism and TRAC analysis in general. Trichoderma reesei is one of the most commonly used Pezizomycotina in the protein production industry. In order to understand its secretion system better and find clues for improvement of its industrial performance, we have analysed its transcriptomic response to protein secretion stress conditions. In comparison to S. cerevisiae, the response of T. reesei appears different, but still impacts on the same cellular functions. We also discovered in T. reesei interesting similarities to mammalian protein secretion stress response. Together these findings highlight targets for more detailed studies.


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Molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out on all the jacalin-carbohydrate complexes of known structure, models of unliganded molecules derived from the complexes and also models of relevant complexes where X-ray structures are not available. Results of the simulations and the available crystal structures involving jacalin permit delineation of the relatively rigid and flexible regions of the molecule and the dynamical variability of the hydrogen bonds involved in stabilizing the structure. Local flexibility appears to be related to solvent accessibility. Hydrogen bonds involving side chains and water bridges involving buried water molecules appear to be important in the stabilization of loop structures. The lectin-carbohydrate interactions observed in crystal structures, the average parameters pertaining to them derived from simulations, energetic contribution of the stacking residue estimated from quantum mechanical calculations, and the scatter of the locations of carbohydrate and carbohydrate-binding residues are consistent with the known thermodynamic parameters of jacalin-carbohydrate interactions. The simulations, along with X-ray results, provide a fuller picture of carbohydrate binding by jacalin than provided by crystallographic analysis alone. The simulations confirm that in the unliganded structures water molecules tend to occupy the positions occupied by carbohydrate oxygens in the lectin-carbohydrate complexes. Population distributions in simulations of the free lectin, the ligands, and the complexes indicate a combination of conformational selection and induced fit. Proteins 2009; 77:760-777.


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Plus-stranded (plus) RNA viruses multiply within a cellular environment as tightly integrated units and rely on the genetic information carried within their genomes for multiplication and, hence, persistence. The minimal genomes of plus RNA viruses are unable to encode the molecular machineries that are required for virus multiplication. This sets requisites for the virus, which must form compatible interactions with host components during multiplication to successfully utilize primary metabolites as building blocks or metabolic energy, and to divert the protein synthesis machinery for production of viral proteins. In fact, the emerging picture of a virus-infected cell displays tight integration with the virus, from simple host and virus protein interactions through to major changes in the physiological state of the host cell. This study set out to develop a method for the identification of host components, mainly host proteins, that interact with proteins of Potato virus A (PVA; Potyvirus) during infection. This goal was approached by developing affinity-tag based methods for the purification of viral proteins complexed with associated host proteins from infected plants. Using this method, host membrane-associated viral ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes were obtained, and several host and viral proteins could be identified as components of these complexes. One of the host proteins identified using this strategy was a member of the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) family, and this protein was chosen for further analysis. To enable the analysis of viral gene expression, a second method was developed based on Agrobacterium-mediated virus genome delivery into plant cells, and detection of virally expressed Renilla luciferase (RLUC) as a quantitative measure of viral gene expression. Using this method, it was observed that down-regulation of HSP70 caused a PVA coat protein (CP)-mediated defect associated with replication. Further experimentation suggested that CP can inhibit viral gene expression and that a distinct translational activity coupled to replication, referred to as replication-associated translation (RAT), exists. Unlike translation of replication-deficient viral RNA, RAT was dependent on HSP70 and its co-chaperone CPIP. HSP70 and CPIP together regulated CP turnover by promoting its modification by ubiquitin. Based on these results, an HSP70 and CPIP-driven mechanism that functions to regulate CP during viral RNA replication and/or translation is proposed, possibly to prevent premature particle assembly caused by CP association with viral RNA.