993 resultados para Martí i Pol, Miquel,1929-2003 -- Epistolaris


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The Museu Geológico collections house some of the first sauropod references of the Lusitanian Basin Upper Jurassic record, including the Lourinhasaurus alenquerensis and Lusotitan atalaiensis lectotypes, previously considered as new species of the Apatosaurus and Brachiosaurus genera, respectively. Several fragmentary specimens have been classical referred to those taxa, but the most part of these systematic attributions are not supported herein, excluding a caudal vertebra from Maceira (MG 8804) considered as cf. Lusotitan atalaiensis. From the material housed in the Museu Geológico were identified basal eusauropods (indeterminate eusauropods and turiasaurs) and neosauropods (indeterminate neosauropods, diplodods and camarasaurids and basal titanosauriforms). Middle caudal vertebrae with lateral fossae, ventral hollow border by pronounced ventrolateral crests and quadrangular cross-section suggest for the presence of diplodocine diplodocids in north area of the Lusitanian Basin Central Sector during the Late Jurassic. A humerus collected from Praia dos Frades (MG 4976) is attributed to cf. Duriatitan humerocristatus suggesting the presence of shared sauropod forms between the Portugal and United Kingdom during the Late Jurassic. Duriatitan is an indeterminate member of Eusauropoda and the discovery of new material in both territories is necessary to confirm this systematic approach. The studied material is in according with the previous recorded paleobiodiversity for the sauropod clade during the Portuguese Late Jurassic, which includes basal eusauropods (including turiasaurs), diplodocids and macronarians (including camarasaurids and basal titanosauriforms).


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Este trabajo estudia las distintas interpretaciones del inicio del capítulo 22 centrándose en la segunda frase. Se propone una nueva interpretación basada en la construcción sintáctica del participio πυνθανόμενος.


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El poblamiento rural de origen andalusí en la antigua Algarbía malagueña es un gran desconocido para la historiografía medieval. Las excavaciones y prospecciones con metodología arqueológica son prácticamente inexistentes y el recurso a la documentación escrita, en concreto la de origen castellana, ha dado un resultado muy limitado. Como excepción tenemos la información correspondiente al antiguo espacio residencial de Pereila y su territorio. La alquería estaba situada dentro del actual término municipal de Coín (Málaga) y un pleito en el 1537 entre el cabildo Catedralicio de Málaga y los beneficiados de Coín por el cobro del diezmo de dicho lugar, nos ha aportado una información valiosa sobre los límites territoriales del poblamiento, y en menor medida, de sus espacios de trabajo. También utilizaremos la metodología propia de la arqueología extensiva y los principios de la arqueología hidráulica que nos servirán para complementar la información aportada por la documentación escrita.


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El objetivo de esta investigaci?n, es identificar el tipo de pol?ticas p?blicas que se ejecutaron en el gobierno de Jhon Maro Rodr?guez en el ?mbito educativo, y cu?l fue su impacto en la ampliaci?n de cupos y calidad de la educaci?n. Cali durante el periodo 2001-2003 presentaba una alta demanda de cupos que no pod?a ser suplida por el sector oficial, por lo cual se inici? la implementaci?n de esta estrategia mediante la contrataci?n de instituciones privadas las cuales eran pagadas con recursos oficiales, pero sin cumplir con las condiciones que aseguraran la calidad en la educaci?n. Es necesario aclarar que si bien se realiza el an?lisis de la ampliaci?n de cobertura a nivel municipal, esta obedec?a a una estrategia nacional, que buscaba incluir en el sistema educativo a la poblaci?n m?s vulnerable a nivel social.


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Se planteó estudiar los factores de riesgo que llevan a un embarazo en adolescentes; las concepciones y prácticas que tienen los/las adolescentes en torno al cuerpo y a la sexualidad; en la ciudad e Cuenca, en las usuarias de la Clínica Humanitaria "Pablo Jaramillo Crespo" durante el año 2003. La observación preliminar del problema permitió formular como hipótesis que el riesgo de que ocurra el embarazo en adolescentes se debe a diversos factores, que generan un fenómeno cada vez más frecuente que ocasiona consecuencias en las condiciones de vida de las adolescentes. Los objetivos fueron el determinar estos factores acomo las concepciones y prácticas que sobre la sexualidad tienen las adolescentes usuarias de la Fundación. Para llegar a los resultados de la investigación se empleó una metodología cuantitativa transversal, tipo analítica de casos y controles que permitió identificar los elementos fundamentales que incidieron en el embarazo adolescente, partiendo de conocer las nociones que en la actualidad tienen las/los adolescentes obviamente transformadas por el entorno socio-cultural de estos pueblos. Las autoras dicen que se pudo identificar algunos factores de riesgo como son: que el embarazo se presenta con mayor frecuencia en la adolescencia tardía, que el estado civil de las adolescentes embarazadas son: unión estable 59.3solteras 40, que el embarazo adolescente se repite con más frecuencia en hijas de madres que también lo fueron, que se presenta más en un inadecuao ambiente familiar, que la desinformación en sexualidad y el bajo nivel educativo constituyen otro factor de riesgo. En lo referente a conceptciones y prácticas encontramos: que eligen ser sexualmente activas por amor y decisión propia, que reconocen una sociedad más permisiva, una gran influencia de los medios de comunicación, menor presión y control de los padres como componentes para su decisión. Sobre estos resultados cabe señalar la importancia de avanzar en el estudio de la problemática en los adolescentes, lo cual ameritaría combinar esfuerzos interdisciplinarios con políticas de Estado


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El trabajo presenta los resultados de la evaluaci?n normativa de las teor?as de pobreza en la fase de agenda de la Pol?tica P?blica de Superaci?n de la Pobreza Extrema en Colombia entre los a?os de 1995 a 2003. Los marcos conceptuales utilizados se orientaron a describir, significar y evaluar el tipo de pobreza que apunta erradicar la agenda pol?tica. La metodolog?a construida es cualitativa, el an?lisis es documental y las t?cnicas de recolecci?n de la informaci?n son mapas conceptuales, a fin de comprender la estructura y relaciones de las teor?as impl?citas de pobreza sobre la cual operar? la pol?tica. El principal resultado de esta investigaci?n reside en que el fen?meno de la pobreza trasciende al ?mbito de los valores del ser humano y plantea un dilema para la sociedad transnacional entre velar por el inter?s individual o el colectivo.


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Wydział Historyczny


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência da adição de antioxidantes no meio de cultura e o efeito nos estádios de desenvolvimento de inflorescências de açaizeiro (Euterpe oleracea Mart.), sobre a intensidade de oxidação de explantes cultivados in vitro. As atividades foram realizadas no Laboratório de Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. Belém (PA). Os segmentos de ráquilas, obtidos de inflorescências de açaizeiro previamente desinfestadas, foram inoculados em tubos de ensaio contendo meio de cultura de MS (Murashige & Skoog. 1962), sólido e líquido, com 3 % de sacarose, suplementado com diferentes antioxidantes. As culturas foram mantidas em sala de crescimento sob ausência total de luz. Aos 15 dias após a inoculação, foram avaliados a intensidade de oxidação e o número de explantes contaminados. Os segmentos de ráquilas obtidos de inflorescências jovens, em meio MS sólido suplementado com os diversos antioxidantes testados, apresentaram menor intensidade de oxidação. Entretanto, os segmentos de ráquilas de inflorescências maduras somente alcançaram menor oxidação quando inoculados cm meio MS solid° suplementado com 0,3 % de carv5o ativado, tanto na presença quanto na ausência de ácido ascórbico. Os demais antioxidantes quando associados ao meio MS líquido não apresentaram um efeito satisfatório no controle da oxidação de segmentos de ráquilas jovens e maduras


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The use of chloroplast DNA markers (cpDNA) helps to elucidate questions related to ecology, evolution and genetic structure. The knowledge of inter-and intra-population genetic structure allows to design effective conservation and management strategies for tropical tree species. With the aim to help the conservation of Hymenaea stigonocarpa of the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) in Sao Paulo State, an analysis of the spatial genetic structure (SGS) was conducted in two populations using five universal chloroplast microsatellite loci (cpSSR). The population of 68 trees of H. stigonocarpa in the Ecological Station of Itirapina (ESI) had a single haplotype, indicating a strong founder effect. In turn, the population of 47 trees of H. stigonocarpa in a contiguous area that includes the Ecological Station of Assis and the Assis State Forest (ESA), showed six haplotypes ((n) over cap (h) = 6) with a moderate haplotype diversity ((h) over cap = 0667 + 0094), revealing that it was founded by a small number of maternal lineages. The SGS analysis for the population ESA/ASF, using Moran`s I index, indicated limited seed dispersal. Considering SGS, for ex situ conservation strategies in the population ESA/ASF, seed harvesting should require a minimum distance of 750 m among seed-trees.


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This paper reports a method for the analysis of secondary metabolites stored in glandular trichomes, employing negative ion `chip-based` nanospray tandem mass spectrometry. The analyses of glandular trichomes from Lychnophora ericoides, a plant endemic to the Brazilian `cerrado` and used in traditional medicine as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent, led to the identification of five flavonoids (chrysin, pinocembrin, pinostrobin, pinobanksin and 3-O-acetylpinobanksin) by direct infusion of the extracts of glandular trichomes into the nanospray ionisation source. All the flavonoids have no oxidation at ring B, which resulted in a modification of the fragmentation pathways compared with that of the oxidised 3,4-dihydroflavonoids already described in the literature. The absence of the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant di-C-glucosylflavone vicenin-2, or any other flavonoid glycosides, in the glandular trichomes was also demonstrated. The use of the,`chip-based` nanospray QqTOF apparatus is a new fast and useful tool for the identification of secondary metabolites stored in the glandular trichomes, which can be useful for chemotaxonomic studies based on metabolites from glandular trichomes. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We previously showed that 16-day-old rats exposed to a relatively high dose of ethanol at 10-15 postnatal days of age have fewer neurons in the hilus region of the hippocampus compared with controls. Dentate gyrus granule cell numbers, however, showed no statistically significant changes attributable to the ethanol treatment. It is possible that some of the changes in brain morphology, brought about as a result of the exposure to ethanol during early life, may not be manifested until later in life. This question has been further addressed in an extension to our previous study. Wistar rats were exposed to a relatively high daily dose of ethanol on postnatal days 10-15 by placement in a chamber containing ethanol vapour, for 3 h/day. The blood ethanol concentration was found to be similar to430 mg/dl at the end of the period of exposure. Groups of ethanol-treated (ET), separation control (SC), and mother-reared control (MRC) rats were anaesthetised and killed either at 16 or 30 days of age by perfusion with phosphate-buffered 2.5% glutaraldehyde. The Cavalieri principle and the physical disector methods were used to estimate, respectively, the regional volumes and neuron cell numerical densities in the hilus and granule cell regions of the dentate gyrus. The total numbers of neurons in the hilus region and granule cell layer were computed from these estimates. It was found that 16-day-old animals had 398,000-441,000 granule cells, irrespective of group. The numbers of granule cells increased such that by 30 days of age, rats had 487,000-525,500 granule cells. However, there were no significant differences between ethanol-treated rats and their age-matched controls in granule cell numbers. In contrast, ethanol-treated rats had slightly but significantly fewer neurons in the hilus region than did control animals at 16 days of age, but not at 30 days of age. Therefore, it appears that a short period of ethanol exposure during early life can have effects on neuron numbers of some hippocampal neurons, but not others. The effects on hilar neuron numbers, observed as a result of such short periods of ethanol treatment, appeared to be transitory. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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In four experiments ERPs to emotional (negative and positive) and neutral stimuli were examined as a function of participants’ trait anxiety and repressivedefensiveness. The experiments investigated the time course of attentional bias in the processing of such stimuli. Pictures of angry, happy, and neutral faces were used in two of the experiments and pictures ofmutilated, happy, and neutral faces were used in the others. ERP’s to emotional and neutral stimuli were recorded from parietal, temporal, and frontal sites. Analysis of the P3 component indicated that the peak magnitude of the P3 at the parietal and temporal sites reflected an interactive function of trait anxiety and defensiveness. Repressors (low reported anxiety, high defensiveness) showed a consistent pattern of greater P3 magnitude at the parietal and temporal sites for emotional faces (angry, happy, and mutilated) than did high-anxious and low-anxious participants. Participants did not differ in P3 magnitude when ERPs to neutral stimuli were investigated (e.g., a fixation cross). The findings indicate that Repressors dedicate greater processing resources to emotional material, as compared to neutral material, than either the high-anxious or low-anxious individuals. Results of the four experiments are discussed within the theoretical framework of Derakshan and Eysenck (1998). The importance of understanding the role of differences in information processing, in the experience and avoidance of emotional information, as a function of trait anxiety and defensiveness is emphasized.