970 resultados para Local History


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Atualmente, os guias turísticos são constituídos por diversos módulos, nomeadamente, módulos de recomendação e de modelação do utilizador. Estes ajudam a adaptar melhor as recomendações dadas ao utilizador de acordo com as suas preferências. A necessidade de adaptar os guias turísticos às possíveis necessidades de saúde do utilizador, foi a motivação para a realização desta dissertação. Quando alguém visita um local desconhecido, considera normalmente as condições tanto de alojamento como de alimentação desse local. Contudo, se por algum motivo, necessita de cuidados de saúde, essa pessoa não se encontra preparada para isso. Assim, a recomendação de uma instituição de saúde direcionada para o turista é uma solução possível para o problema encontrado. Pretendeu-se desenvolver um módulo de recomendação híbrido no âmbito da prestação de informações relacionadas com as possíveis necessidades de saúde do turista, tendo em conta o seu perfil. Para a sua implementação seguiu-se a abordagem baseada em conteúdo e técnicas de classificação das instituições de saúde a recomendar ao utilizador. O protótipo desenvolvido foi testado com alguns utilizadores em termos de funcionalidades. Finalmente, pretende-se que o protótipo seja testado com mais utilizadores, possuidores de diversas características em termos de condições de mobilidade, historial clínico e necessidades. Estes testes irão permitir avaliar o protótipo ao nível da qualidade da recomendação prestada. Poder-se-á, assim, atingir o objetivo relativo à integração deste protótipo num sistema de recomendação de apoio ao turista utilizado pela Câmara Municipal do Porto.


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The local fractional Poisson equations in two independent variables that appear in mathematical physics involving the local fractional derivatives are investigated in this paper. The approximate solutions with the nondifferentiable functions are obtained by using the local fractional variational iteration method.


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The local fractional Burgers’ equation (LFBE) is investigated from the point of view of local fractional conservation laws envisaging a nonlinear local fractional transport equation with a linear non-differentiable diffusion term. The local fractional derivative transformations and the LFBE conversion to a linear local fractional diffusion equation are analyzed.


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pp. 381-390


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientador: Professor Coordenador Rodrigo Mário Oliveira Carvalho


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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The authors observed an injury caused by the sting of a false tocandira ant in the hand of an amateur fisherman and they describe the clinical findings and the evolution of the envenoming, which presented an acute and violent pain, cold sweating, nausea, a vomiting episode, malaise, tachycardia and left axillary's lymphadenopathy. About three hours after the accident, still feeling intense pain in the place of the sting, he presented an episode of great amount of blood in the feces with no history of digestive, hematological or vascular problems. The intense pain decreased after eight hours, but the place stayed moderately painful for about 24 hours. In that moment, he presented small grade of local edema and erythema. The authors still present the folkloric, pharmacological and clinical aspects related to the tocandiras stings, a very interesting family of ants, which presents the largest and more venomous ants of the world.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis is a chronic granulomatous disease that induces a specific inflammatory and immune response. The participation of nitric oxide (NO), a product of the inducible nitric oxide synthase enzyme (iNOS), as an important fungicidal molecule against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis has been demonstrated. In order to further characterize the Oral Paracoccidioidomycosis (OP), we undertook an immunohistochemical study of iNOS+, CD45RO+, CD3+, CD8+, CD20+, CD68+ cells and mast cells. The samples were distributed in groups according to the number of viable fungi per mm². Our results showed weak immunolabeling for iNOS in the multinucleated giant cells (MNGC) and in most of the mononuclear (MN) cells, and the proportion of iNOS+ MN/MNGC cells in the OP were comparable to Control (clinically healthy oral tissues). Additionally, our analysis revealed a similarity in the number of CD4+ cells between the Control and the OP groups with higher numbers of fungi. These findings suggest that a low expression of iNOS and a decrease in the CD4+ T cells in OP may represent possible mechanisms that permit the local fungal multiplication and maintenance of active oral lesions.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Antropologia – Cultura Material e Consumos


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Slowed atrial conduction may contribute to reentry circuits and vulnerability for atrial fibrillation (AF). The autonomic nervous system (ANS) has modulating effects on electrophysiological properties. However, complex interactions of the ANS with the arrhythmogenic substrate make it difficult to understand the mechanisms underlying induction and maintenance of AF. AIM: To determine the effect of acute ANS modulation in atrial activation times in patients (P) with paroxysmal AF (PAF). METHODS AND RESULTS: 16P (9 men; 59±14years) with PAF, who underwent electrophysiological study before AF ablation, and 15P (7 men; 58±11years) with atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia, without documentation or induction of AF (control group). Each group included 7P with arterial hypertension but without underlying structural heart disease. The study was performed while off drugs. Multipolar catheters were placed at the high right atrium (HRA), right atrial appendage (RAA), coronary sinus (CS) and His bundle area (His). At baseline and with HRA pacing (600ms, shortest propagated S2) we measured: i) intra-atrial conduction time (IACT, between RAA and atrial deflection in the distal His), ii) inter-atrial conduction time (interACT, between RAA and distal CS), iii) left atrial activation time (LAAT, between atrial deflection in the distal His and distal CS), iv) bipolar electrogram duration at four atrial sites (RAA, His, proximal and distal CS). In the PAF group, measurements were also determined during handgrip and carotid sinus massage (CSM), and after pharmacological blockade of the ANS (ANSB). AF was induced by HRA programmed stimulation in 56% (self-limited - 6; sustained - 3), 68.8% (self-limited - 6; sustained - 5), and 50% (self-limited - 5; sustained - 3) of the P, in basal, during ANS maneuvers, and after ANSB, respectively (p=NS). IACT, interACT and LAAT significantly lengthened during HRA pacing in both groups (600ms, S2). P with PAF have longer IACT (p<0.05), a higher increase in both IACT, interACT (p<0.01) and electrograms duration (p<0.05) with S2, and more fragmented activity, compared with the control group. Atrial conduction times and electrograms duration were not significantly changed during ANS stimulation. Nevertheless, ANS maneuvers increased heterogeneity of the local electrograms duration. Also, P with sustained AF showed longer interACT and LAAT during CSM. CONCLUSION: Atrial conduction times, electrograms duration and fractionated activity are increased in PAF, suggesting a role for conduction delays in the arrhythmogenic substrate. Acute vagal stimulation is associated with prolonged interACT and LAAT in P with inducible sustained AF and ANS modulation may influence the heterogeneity of atrial electrograms duration.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História da Arte Moderna


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Relatório de Estágio de Mestrado em Globalização e Ambiente


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Sertraline is widely prescribed worldwide and frequently detected in aquatic systems. There is, however, a remarkable gap of information on its potential impact on estuarine and coastal invertebrates. This study investigated sertraline accumulation and effects in Carcinus maenas. Crabs from a moderately contaminated (Lima) and a low-impacted (Minho) estuary were exposed to environmental and high levels of sertraline (0.05, 5, 500 μg L−1). A battery of biomarkers related to sertraline mode of action was employed to assess neurotransmission, energy metabolism, biotransformation and oxidative stress pathways. After a seven-day exposure, sertraline accumulation in crabs’ soft tissues was found in Lima (5 μg L−1: 15.3 ng L−1 ww; 500 μg L−1: 1010 ng L−1 ww) and Minho (500 μg L−1: 605 ng L−1 ww) animals. Lima crabs were also more sensitive to sertraline than those from Minho, exhibiting decreased acetylcholinesterase activity, indicative of ventilatory and locomotory dysfunction, inhibition of anti-oxidant enzymes and increased oxidative damage at ≥0.05 μg L−1. The Integrated Biomarker Response (IBR) index indicated their low health status. In addition, Minho crabs showed non-monotonic responses of acetylcholinesterase suggestive of hormesis. The results pointed an influence of the exposure history on differential sensitivity to sertraline and the need to perform evaluations with site-specific ecological receptors to increase relevance of risk estimations when extrapolating from laboratory to field conditions.


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The seismic assessment of the local failure modes in existing masonry buildings is currently based on the identification of the so-called local mechanisms, often associated with the out-of-plane wall behavior, whose stability is evaluated by static force-based approaches and, more recently, by some displacement-based proposals. Local mechanisms consist of kinematic chains of masonry portions, often regarded as rigid bodies, with geometric nonlinearity and concentrated nonlinearity in predefined contact regions (unilateral no-tension behavior, possible sliding with friction). In this work, the dynamic behavior of local mechanisms is simulated through multi-body dynamics, to obtain the nonlinear response with efficient time history analyses that directly take into account the characteristics of the ground motion. The amplification/filtering effects of the structure are considered within the input motion. The proposed approach is validated with experimental results of two full-scale shaking-table tests on stone masonry buildings: a sacco-stone masonry façade tested at Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil and a two-storey double-leaf masonry building tested at European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering (EUCENTRE).