804 resultados para Literatura e Currículo de Ensino Fundamental. Curitiba. Norbert Elias
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los saberes y las perspectivas docentes en torno al currculum de una escuela pblica rural de Enseanza Fundamental del Ro Grande do Norte considerando, sobre todo, los debates sobre la Educacin en el Campo en Souza (2006, 2007), Arroyo, Caldart y Molina (2004) y Fernandes (2002, 2004). La propuesta surge como alternativa para la elaboracin de proposiciones curriculares para mejorar la calidad de la enseanza en esas escuelas, segn las caractersticas especficas de la educacin escolar en contexto rural, en la expectativa de que esta sea un elemento para el desarrollo local y global de las comunidades rurales. La fundamentacin terica para responder a la investigacin, se respalda en las consideraciones sobre los saberes docentes teniendo en cuenta las lecturas de Gauthier (1998), Tardif (2011), Pimenta (2009), Paulo Freire (1996), Nvoa (2007, 2008) y las referencias sobre el currculum crtico y postcrtico discutidas en Giroux (1997), Silva (1999), Moreira (2008), Moreira y Candau (2003, 2010), Sacristn (2000) e Sacristn e Gmez (1998). La referencia emprica se constituye de una escuela pblica de una comunidad rural en el municipio de So Jos de Mipibu-RN. Los sujetos sociales de la investigacin son cuatro profesores(as) que trabajan en los aos iniciales de la Enseanza Fundamental. Se recurri a la investigacin etnogrfica fundamentada en los estudios de Ldke y Andr (1986), Sandn Estebn (2010) y Gil (2007), una vez que el anlisis del cotidiano escolar, bajo el mirar etnogrfico, a travs de los procedimientos de la observacin participante y de la entrevista semiestructurada, permite el contacto directo del investigador con el ambiente en estudio, registra el no documentado, y percibe la institucin escolar como espacio cultural, caracterizando varios grados de acomodacin, contestacin y resistencia inmersos en una pluralidad de lenguajes y objetivos conflictivos. Las observaciones hechas en la clase y las enseanzas de los profesores y profesoras permiten comprender que los saberes y perspectivas docentes, a partir de las experiencias del profesorado, lanzan expectativas socioprofesionales sobre la docencia e intensifican el papel fundamental del docente en la construccin de los saberes, de las prcticas y concepciones del mundo rural, de la escuela rural y de la funcin social de esta. Los hallazgos de la investigacin con los profesores sobre el contexto rural apuntan para la necesidad en problematizar verdades socialmente construidas, bajo la orientacin de una racionalidad que reconozca el espacio rural como productor de la existencia. A partir de los anlisis construidos, se pudo reconocer la necesidad de una poltica de formacin conceptual especfica para el profesorado de las escuelas rurales, anclada en el concepto histricocultural del rural. Tambin se reitera la urgencia permanente y continuada en revisar los procesos de formacin, vividos en la escuela, que contemplen las peculiaridades de la enseanza rural, en una visin contrahegemnica del urbanocentrismo, a partir de un anlisis crtico sobre el marco legal de la Educacin del Campo.
This work of qualitative approach, has as its study object the school curriculum, resulting from the implementation of public policies for inclusion in the Brazilian educational field and of the teaching organization in State School Despertar. While we acknowledge advances in government discussions and proposals related to school inclusion in our country, it is still important to develop studies and interventions in the context of basic education focused on the curriculum. With methodological basis in collaborative-critical action research and contribution by Barbier, the survey was conducted in 2013, in a state school in the Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - school system, and aimed to analyze the curriculum of the State School Despertar, in particular issues related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in common teaching classes expressed in the school and in collective situations of continuing education with teachers and interpreter of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). The school was previously chosen because it had already been locus of research in a study conducted by a professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte promoting the knowledge of their formative needs. The study subjects were 26 teachers in the early years and the end of elementary school and a Libras interpreter. The instruments were direct observation, semi-structured interviews, document analysis and a proposal for continuing education called Collaborative Group on School Inclusion (GCEI), established with the participating subjects and the other research collaborators. The analyzed data showed eight dialogues built with the State School Despertar, being basic the contributions of Goffman (1988) on stigma and of Forquin (1993) on school culture. As a theoretical framework, there were important contributions on School Curriculum (SACRISTN, 2000; 2007; APPLE, 2006; 2008), School Inclusion (BUENO, 2008), Continuing Education (NVOA, 2002; GATTI, 2003) and the existing studies on the dialogues between Curriculum and Special Education (MAGALHES, 2002; SILVA, 2008; 2010; OLIVEIRA, 2004; VIEIRA, 2012). The study highlighted the importance of extending the dialogue, the theoretical deepening of GCEI for the understanding of school curriculum and the specifics of any students, with or without disability. It will be necessary to revisit the school teaching practices that do not correspond to the students, for instance the formation of classes made in classrooms. It is also important to consider the organization of the school day and its interface with the pedagogical functions of each member of the school in building curriculum practices consistent with the diversity of modes and learning styles. Subliminal aspects of the curriculum should be reviewed, given its implications in the context of the classroom and management. However, significant changes identified in the practices of some teachers, such as the use of audio description, stimulus to the participation of students with disabilities and use of images, favored the development of other students, who benefit of more exciting and participatory classes. Based on the conducted research, we conclude on the importance of collectively discuss the conditions for / in schooling of different students and the (re)thinking of curriculum practices in the school as a whole, and therein lies a paradox because, on the one hand, it is not about minimizing the specific knowledge in dealing with the needs of students with disabilities, on the other, we are not interested in distancing these needs from those inherent in human nature, therefore peculiar to the other students. The questioning of our own practices is the challenge imposed, not to special education, or its target audience, but this is undoubtedly task of education.
This work of qualitative approach, has as its study object the school curriculum, resulting from the implementation of public policies for inclusion in the Brazilian educational field and of the teaching organization in State School Despertar. While we acknowledge advances in government discussions and proposals related to school inclusion in our country, it is still important to develop studies and interventions in the context of basic education focused on the curriculum. With methodological basis in collaborative-critical action research and contribution by Barbier, the survey was conducted in 2013, in a state school in the Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - school system, and aimed to analyze the curriculum of the State School Despertar, in particular issues related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in common teaching classes expressed in the school and in collective situations of continuing education with teachers and interpreter of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). The school was previously chosen because it had already been locus of research in a study conducted by a professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte promoting the knowledge of their formative needs. The study subjects were 26 teachers in the early years and the end of elementary school and a Libras interpreter. The instruments were direct observation, semi-structured interviews, document analysis and a proposal for continuing education called Collaborative Group on School Inclusion (GCEI), established with the participating subjects and the other research collaborators. The analyzed data showed eight dialogues built with the State School Despertar, being basic the contributions of Goffman (1988) on stigma and of Forquin (1993) on school culture. As a theoretical framework, there were important contributions on School Curriculum (SACRISTN, 2000; 2007; APPLE, 2006; 2008), School Inclusion (BUENO, 2008), Continuing Education (NVOA, 2002; GATTI, 2003) and the existing studies on the dialogues between Curriculum and Special Education (MAGALHES, 2002; SILVA, 2008; 2010; OLIVEIRA, 2004; VIEIRA, 2012). The study highlighted the importance of extending the dialogue, the theoretical deepening of GCEI for the understanding of school curriculum and the specifics of any students, with or without disability. It will be necessary to revisit the school teaching practices that do not correspond to the students, for instance the formation of classes made in classrooms. It is also important to consider the organization of the school day and its interface with the pedagogical functions of each member of the school in building curriculum practices consistent with the diversity of modes and learning styles. Subliminal aspects of the curriculum should be reviewed, given its implications in the context of the classroom and management. However, significant changes identified in the practices of some teachers, such as the use of audio description, stimulus to the participation of students with disabilities and use of images, favored the development of other students, who benefit of more exciting and participatory classes. Based on the conducted research, we conclude on the importance of collectively discuss the conditions for / in schooling of different students and the (re)thinking of curriculum practices in the school as a whole, and therein lies a paradox because, on the one hand, it is not about minimizing the specific knowledge in dealing with the needs of students with disabilities, on the other, we are not interested in distancing these needs from those inherent in human nature, therefore peculiar to the other students. The questioning of our own practices is the challenge imposed, not to special education, or its target audience, but this is undoubtedly task of education.
Teacher training processes, initial and continuing, and professional practice of teachers who teach Mathematics in the early years are highlighted in the literature as complex, but also are regarded as the way to overcome many difficulties in teaching this component curriculum in the school stage in question. The aim of the study was to investigate how the training needs in Mathematics are represented by a group of teachers in the early years of elementary school of public health system of the city of Uberlndia, State of Minas Gerais. The research, qualitative approach, had as object of study the training needs, in Mathematics, of teachers in the early years. The research involved 16 teachers from two schools in the municipal public schools of that city. Data were collected through questionnaires, non-participant observations, semi-structured interviews followed by group and individual. Analyses were performed by means of thematic categories, founded by content analysis. Data interpretation allowed to understand training needs in mathematics that are presented to the collaborating group from their professional practice, considering the knowledge and skills necessary to teaching. It is understood that the teachers of the study group have major limitations in relation to the specific content and didactic knowledge of Mathematics content, however, the concern is that demonstrated not always being aware of it. Moreover, the difficulties experienced in teaching practice proven to be overcome by sources and non-formal training activities, primarily through more experienced colleagues in the profession. Thus, it becomes difficult to think the initial and continuing training courses for teachers without the training needs of the teaching practice is appreciated as an object of study.
O contedo de cincias no Ensino Fundamental dos ciclos I e II ministrado por um professor polivalente com formao em Pedagogia. Sua formao deve possibilitar uma viso global do fenmeno educativo, o que implica a construo de conhecimentos mltiplos e contextualizados, porm com pouco aprofundamento. Este trabalho objetiva identificar as opinies e dificuldades de licenciandos de Pedagogia a respeito dos contedos de Cincias nos dois primeiros ciclos do Ensino Fundamental, mediado por dois questionamentos: Com relao aos contedos de cincias ministrados no I e II ciclos, voc os considera fcil ou difcil? Sendo solicitado que justificasse sua resposta; De acordo com seus conhecimentos sobre cincias, cite as principais dificuldades que voc teria (tem/teve) em ensinar cincias nos ciclos I e II. Participaram do estudo 29 licenciandas da turma de Ensino das Cincias Naturais II do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Com relao ao questionamento referente considerao dos contedos de cincias, 52% das licenciandas consideraram fcil, 31% difcil e 17% no responderam a questo. Foram identificadas trs categorias de respostas: processo de elaborao do planejamento (20,5% fcil e 20,5% difcil), nvel de conhecimento dos alunos (7% fcil e 0% difcil) e natureza dos contedos abordados (14% fcil e 10,5% difcil). Foram classificadas trs categorias distintas em relao s dificuldades em ensinar cincias: natureza dos contedos abordados (50%), aspectos metodolgicos (25%), e conhecimento bsico (25%). A anlise dos resultados revelou que a principal dificuldade das licenciandas em Pedagogia quanto aplicabilidade do ensino de cincias nos primeiros ciclos do Ensino Fundamental esta diretamente relacionada falta de conhecimento bsico destes contedos, que somente foram estudados por elas no Ensino Bsico, indicando a necessidade de incorporao de abordagens de contedos de cincias no currículo do curso de Pedagogia.
Acompanha: A educao de jovens e adultos e o ensino de cincias naturais: contribuies da utilizao dos conceitos unificadores
O presente trabalho pretende analisar a implementao dos programas de Educao Ambiental nas escolas de ensino fundamental, da Rede Municipal de Ensino Pblico, do Municpio de Curitiba, no estado do Paran, Brasil. Esta anlise tem por objeto de estudo as aes desenvolvidas pelas escolas, no que se refere s condies de sade e bem-estar, a partir do que estabelecem os Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais. Buscou-se compreender como os contedos definidos por temas transversais' propiciam a constituio de um espao de transformao em nvel municipal. Este trabalho se constri com base em discusses sobre o conhecimento produzido na rea de Educao Ambiental e pelo levantamento de informaes por meio de entrevistas e questionrios junto aos profissionais ligados aos rgos municipais responsveis e s escolas. A anlise realizada demonstrou que os projetos implementados vm surtindo efeito positivo sobre as transformaes dos pensamentos relativos s questes ambientais, sofrendo descontinuidades devido s mudanas nas gestes polticas. ABSTRACT; This study aims to analyze the implementation of the Environment Education Programs in the schools of the Municipal Public Education Network, in the City of Curitiba, in the state of Paran, Brazil. The object study on this analysis is the actions developed by the schools, referring the conditions of health and well-being, from what is established by the National Curricular Parameters. We try to understand how the contents defined for 'transversal subjects' can propitiate the constitution of a space of transformation in municipal level. This work is built on discussion about the knowledge produced in the area of Environment Education besides the survey of informations through interviews and questionnaires with professionals connected to the responsible offices and the schools. This analysis demonstrated that the implemented projects is causing positive effects on the transformations of the relative thoughts to the environment questions, come suffering discontinuities due to the changes in the managements politics. RESUMEN; Este proyecto tiene por objetivo examinar la implementacin de los programas de educacin ambiental en las escuelas de educacin bsica de la Red Municipal de Educacin Pblica, en la ciudad de Curitiba, Paran, Brasil. El objeto de estudio de la anlisis son las medidas adoptadas por las escuelas, con respecto a la salud y el bienestar, de acuerdo con lo establecido por los Parmetros Curriculares Nacionales. Tratamos de comprender como el contenido, tal como se define por "temas transversales" puede ofertar un espacio de transformacin en el nivel municipal. Este trabajo se basa en los debates de los conocimientos producidos en el mbito de la educacin ambiental y por las informaciones planteadas a travs de entrevistas y cuestionarios con los profesionales de los departamentos responsables y en las escuelas. El anlisis mostr que los proyectos ejecutados han tenido efecto positiva en la transformacin de ideas sobre cuestiones ambientales, sufriendo discontinuidades debidas a cambios en las gestiones polticas.
The objective of this study is to analyze the validity of working with proofs in the classroom and to present a partial list of proofs of mathematical formulae of the Brazilian secondary/high school curriculum. The adaptation of the proofs into the knowledge and abilities of a secondary school student should also be considered. How the teaching of proofs is treated in official publications in Brazil and other countries is also described. Working with proofs provides a number of benefits to the students, including: the development of logical reasoning, argumentative capacity, analytical skills on a daily basis, as well as motivation and a better understanding of mathematics as a science. The convenience of including the teaching of proofs in Brazilian secondary school curriculum and the need of a balance between the abstraction of proofs and contextualization of the school programmes is discussed. The approach of the proof teaching in the classroom can become a motivating factor or, conversely, a discouraging one. The conclusion is that it would be very useful to create a reference list covering the mathematical expressions of school programmes with their respective proofs that can be understood by secondary school students.
O contedo de cincias no Ensino Fundamental dos ciclos I e II ministrado por um professor polivalente com formao em Pedagogia. Sua formao deve possibilitar uma viso global do fenmeno educativo, o que implica a construo de conhecimentos mltiplos e contextualizados, porm com pouco aprofundamento. Este trabalho objetiva identificar as opinies e dificuldades de licenciandos de Pedagogia a respeito dos contedos de Cincias nos dois primeiros ciclos do Ensino Fundamental, mediado por dois questionamentos: Com relao aos contedos de cincias ministrados no I e II ciclos, voc os considera fcil ou difcil? Sendo solicitado que justificasse sua resposta; De acordo com seus conhecimentos sobre cincias, cite as principais dificuldades que voc teria (tem/teve) em ensinar cincias nos ciclos I e II. Participaram do estudo 29 licenciandas da turma de Ensino das Cincias Naturais II do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Com relao ao questionamento referente considerao dos contedos de cincias, 52% das licenciandas consideraram fcil, 31% difcil e 17% no responderam a questo. Foram identificadas trs categorias de respostas: processo de elaborao do planejamento (20,5% fcil e 20,5% difcil), nvel de conhecimento dos alunos (7% fcil e 0% difcil) e natureza dos contedos abordados (14% fcil e 10,5% difcil). Foram classificadas trs categorias distintas em relao s dificuldades em ensinar cincias: natureza dos contedos abordados (50%), aspectos metodolgicos (25%), e conhecimento bsico (25%). A anlise dos resultados revelou que a principal dificuldade das licenciandas em Pedagogia quanto aplicabilidade do ensino de cincias nos primeiros ciclos do Ensino Fundamental esta diretamente relacionada falta de conhecimento bsico destes contedos, que somente foram estudados por elas no Ensino Bsico, indicando a necessidade de incorporao de abordagens de contedos de cincias no currículo do curso de Pedagogia.