976 resultados para increased competition
Biotic interactions are known to affect the composition of species assemblages via several mechanisms, such as competition and facilitation. However, most spatial models of species richness do not explicitly consider inter-specific interactions. Here, we test whether incorporating biotic interactions into high-resolution models alters predictions of species richness as hypothesised. We included key biotic variables (cover of three dominant arctic-alpine plant species) into two methodologically divergent species richness modelling frameworks - stacked species distribution models (SSDM) and macroecological models (MEM) - for three ecologically and evolutionary distinct taxonomic groups (vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens). Predictions from models including biotic interactions were compared to the predictions of models based on climatic and abiotic data only. Including plant-plant interactions consistently and significantly lowered bias in species richness predictions and increased predictive power for independent evaluation data when compared to the conventional climatic and abiotic data based models. Improvements in predictions were constant irrespective of the modelling framework or taxonomic group used. The global biodiversity crisis necessitates accurate predictions of how changes in biotic and abiotic conditions will potentially affect species richness patterns. Here, we demonstrate that models of the spatial distribution of species richness can be improved by incorporating biotic interactions, and thus that these key predictor factors must be accounted for in biodiversity forecasts
For more than a decade, researchers have been aware of the increased pace of small-firm internationalization and the greater effect of these rapidly growing small businesses on the wealth, international trade, and job-creation opportunities of countries. Due to the small size of the home market, Finnish companies have been generally considered highly interested in internationalization. One particular domain in which rapid internationalization has been considered feasible is the global software business, with its knowledge-intensive nature and high growth potential. However, over time the failure rate of small entrepreneurial firms has remained especially high in high-technology markets. One of the reasons for this seems to lie in the fact that these companies are often formed by people with a strong technological background but limited competences in other areas. Further, research on the marketing capabilities of rapidly internationalizing high-tech firms has been scarce thus far. In addition, while there is much research on the first years of operations of rapidly internationalizing companies, it is not well known what becomes of them later on. Therefore, there is a need for more investigation into the managerial mindset, competences and decision-making in these small companies, especially from the perspective of how they acquire and exploit market knowledge, and enhance their networking capabilities in order to promote international expansion. The present study focuses on market orientation in small software firms that internationalize their operations rapidly in global software markets. It builds on qualitative data to illustrate how these companies develop their market-oriented product-market strategies during the process of increasing international commitment. It also shows how they manage their network relationships in order to be able to offer better customer service and to thrive in the fierce global competition. The study was conducted in the empirical context of Finnish small software companies, and the main data consists of interviews with top managers in these businesses. The interviews were designed to cover a minimum period of five years of the company's international operations, thus offering a retrospective in-depth perspective on market orientation, internationalization and partnerships in the given context. One particular focus is on less successfully internationalized software companies, and the challenges they face when approaching international markets. This study makes a significant contribution to the literature on market orientation for several reasons. First, building on data from the software industry, it clarifies the existing theory in the context of rapid internationalization and network relationships. Secondly, it provides a good body of evidence on market orientation in both successfully and less successfully internationalized companies, and identifies the key related differences between the two company groups. Thirdly, it highlights the importance of inter-firm networks in the rapid internationalization of small software firms, providing companies with important market knowledge and, in some cases, management challenges. Fourthly, this investigation clarifies market orientation in the context of different software-product strategies, thus, combining the perspectives of market orientation in both manufacturing and services. In sum, the results of the study are significant for both small software firms and public-policy makers since they shed light on the market-oriented managerial mindset and the market-information gathering and sharing processes that are needed in successful rapid internationalization.
BACKGROUND: Increasing evidences link T helper 17 (Th17) cells with multiple sclerosis (MS). In this context, interleukin-22 (IL-22), a Th17-linked cytokine, has been implicated in blood brain barrier breakdown and lymphocyte infiltration. Furthermore, polymorphism between MS patients and controls has been recently described in the gene coding for IL-22 binding protein (IL-22BP). Here, we aimed to better characterize IL-22 in the context of MS. METHODS: IL-22 and IL-22BP expressions were assessed by ELISA and qPCR in the following compartments of MS patients and control subjects: (1) the serum, (2) the cerebrospinal fluid, and (3) immune cells of peripheral blood. Identification of the IL-22 receptor subunit, IL-22R1, was performed by immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence in human brain tissues and human primary astrocytes. The role of IL-22 on human primary astrocytes was evaluated using 7-AAD and annexin V, markers of cell viability and apoptosis, respectively. RESULTS: In a cohort of 141 MS patients and healthy control (HC) subjects, we found that serum levels of IL-22 were significantly higher in relapsing MS patients than in HC but also remitting and progressive MS patients. Monocytes and monocyte-derived dendritic cells contained an enhanced expression of mRNA coding for IL-22BP as compared to HC. Using immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy, we found that IL-22 and its receptor were detected on astrocytes of brain tissues from both control subjects and MS patients, although in the latter, the expression was higher around blood vessels and in MS plaques. Cytometry-based functional assays revealed that addition of IL-22 improved the survival of human primary astrocytes. Furthermore, tumor necrosis factor α-treated astrocytes had a better long-term survival capacity upon IL-22 co-treatment. This protective effect of IL-22 seemed to be conferred, at least partially, by a decreased apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: We show that (1) there is a dysregulation in the expression of IL-22 and its antagonist, IL-22BP, in MS patients, (2) IL-22 targets specifically astrocytes in the human brain, and (3) this cytokine confers an increased survival of the latter cells.
Lääkemarkkinat ovat rahassa mitattuna erittäin merkittävät markkinat. Siksi suojauksen merkityksen tarkastelu lääkkeen elinkaaren vaiheissa on mielenkiintoista. Kulutushyödyke- ja lääkemarkkinat ovat luonteeltaan erilaiset lääkemarkkinoiden voimakkaan sääntelyn takia. Myös tutkimus- ja tuotekehityskulut lääkevalmisteilla ovat poikkeuksellisen suuria. Lääkekeksintöjä suojataan patenteilla. Lääkevalmisteen suoja-ajan umpeuduttua myyntihinta putoaa yleensä merkittävästi ja hyvin nopeasti. Lääkeyritysten keinoja välttää suoja-ajan päättymisen mukanaan tuomat myyntitulojen alenemiset ovat muun muassa kokonaan uusien innovaatioiden keksiminen, olemassa olevan lääkevalmisteen ominaisuuksien parantaminen sekä oman geneerisen valmisteen tuominen markkinoille. Tutkimuksen päätarkoituksena oli selvittää, kuvata ja analysoida kolmen kansantaloudellisesti hyvin merkittävän lääkeaineen elinkaaren vaiheita Suomessa. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin suojauksen merkitystä lääkkeiden myyntiin ja kulutukseen sekä kilpailevien valmisteiden osuuteen markkinoilla. Tutkitut lääkeaineet olivat simvastatiini, bisoprololi ja sitalopraami. Tutkimuksessa pohdittiin lääkkeiden suojamekanismin merkitystä ja riittävyyttä eri sidosryhmille. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös patentoinnin merkitystä lääkkeiden myynnin kehittymiseen ja kilpailevien lääkevalmisteiden lukumääriin elinkaaren eri vaiheissa. Tutkittujen valmisteiden patenttien umpeutuessa geneerisiä valmisteita tulee markkinoille pian ja lukumääräisesti paljon. Rinnakkaistuontivalmisteet eivät juuri alentaneet alkuperäislääkkeiden hintoja. Geneeriset valmisteet alensivat hintoja selvästi jopa useita kymmeniä prosentteja. Hintojen romahdus oli keskimäärin noin 75 %. Hintakilpailun takia alkuperäislääkkeen elinkaaren loppupuolella tukkumyynnin arvo koko ajan pieneni kulutuksen kasvaessa tasaisesti. Lisääntynyt hintakilpailu on lisännyt viranomaisille jätettävien hintahakemusten määrää oleellisesti. Hintakilpailusta hyötyvät sekä yhteiskunta ja kuluttajat alkuperäisvalmistajien ja apteekkien kustannuksella. Yhden maan myynnillä ei käytännössä ole nykyisillä suojamekanismeilla mahdollisuutta kattaa lääkkeen kehittämiseen käytettyjä kuluja. Tähän vaaditaan kansainvälisiä markkinoita.
Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, mitä yrityksen tulee ottaa huomioon ulkomaalaista vuokratyövoimaa käyttäessään. Suomea uhkaavan työvoimapulan ehkäisemiseksi tarvitsemme työperäistä maahanmuuttoa. Joillakin aloilla työvoimapulasta kärsitään jo nyt. Ulkomaalaisten osuus Suomen väestöstä on viime vuosina nopeasti kasvanut, mutta muualta tulleiden sopeuttamisessa on ollut puutteita. Vuokratyöntekijöiden määrä on noussut viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana, mutta olemme vielä jäljessä Euroopan keskitasosta. Yritykset eivät osaa vielä täysin hyödyntää monikulttuurista työvoimaa. Hyvä kielitaito ja Suomessa hankittu koulutus parantavat ulkomaalaistaustaisen henkilön työnsaantimahdollisuuksia. Vuokratyövoima tarjoaa käyttäjäyritykselle joustavan välineen tuotannon vaihteluihin. Lisäksi työvoiman vapaa liikkuvuus toteutuu Euroopan Unionin alueella varsin hyvin. Toisaalta globaali kilpailu ammattitaitoisista siirtotyöläisistä on kovaa.
Infiltration of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes in ovarian cancer is a favorable prognostic factor. Employing a differential expression approach, we have recently identified a number of genes associated with CD8+ T-cell infiltration in early stage ovarian tumors. In the present study, we validated by qPCR the expression of two genes encoding the transmembrane proteins GPC6 and TMEM132D in a cohort of early stage ovarian cancer patients. The expression of both genes correlated positively with the mRNA levels of CD8A, a marker of T-lymphocyte infiltration [Pearson coefficient: 0.427 (p = 0.0067) and 0.861 (p < 0.0001), resp.]. GPC6 and TMEM132D expression was also documented in a variety of ovarian cancer cell lines. Importantly, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis revealed that high mRNA levels of GPC6 and/or TMEM132D correlated significantly with increased overall survival of early stage ovarian cancer patients (p = 0.032). Thus, GPC6 and TMEM132D may serve as predictors of CD8+ T-lymphocyte infiltration and as favorable prognostic markers in early stage ovarian cancer with important consequences for diagnosis, prognosis, and tumor immunobattling.
The thesis is made of three independent chapters interested in the impact of globalization on workers in industrialized countries. The dissertation is especially focused on identifying the causal impact of international trade on workers' mobility, wages, and employment with both a short- and medium-term perspective. The first paper explores the relation between intra-industry trade (IIT) expansion and associated worker flows, taking the latter as an indicator of labor-market adjustment costs. Being the first study to combine theoretical simulations and a novel identification strategy, we find that both theoretical and empirical analyses are consistent with the "smooth adjustment hypothesis", according to which IIT expansion is less disruptive than inter-industry trade expansion. The study therefore lends support to the use of IIT indices as first-pass proxies for the adjustment effects of trade expansion. The second chapter contrasts the impact of increased import competition coming from China and the European Union (EU) on workers in the United Kingdom over a 15-year period. The most salient findings show that increased imports from China had significantly negative effects on workers' earnings, wages and employment. In contrast, larger imports from the EU are associated with positive worker-level outcomes, which is largely explained by the fact that increased imports from the EU were mostly offset by increased same-industry exports to the EU. Besides, we find that increased imports from China exert additional pressure on workers through spillovers to employment and wages in downstream industries. Finally, the last chapter is focused on the impact of exposure to trade and real exchange rate shocks on wages for Swiss manufacturing workers. A particular attention is made to consistently estimate the causal effect in using a two-step gravity-type identification strategy. The study shows that the impact of trade and exchange rate movements is concentrated among high-skilled workers almost exclusively.
Previous studies have identified the rivalry among technological platforms as one of the main driving forces of broadband services penetration. This paper draws on data from the Spanish market between 2005 and 2011 to estimate the main determinants of broadband prices. Controlling for broadband tariffs features and network variables, we examine the impact of the different modes of competition on prices. We find that inter-platform competition has no significant effects over prices, while intra-platform competition is a key driver of the prices charged in the broadband market. Our analysis suggests that the impact of different types of competition on prices is critically affected by the levels of development of the broadband market achieved by the considered country
The aim of this study is to describe the structure of the pharmacy industry in four post-Soviet states on the Baltic Sea: Russia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. In addition to this, the opportunities that these markets have to offer for international pharmaceutical companies are explored. After the Soviet Union collapsed at the beginning of 1990s, the pharmacy sector has gone through tremendous changes. The pharmacy market shifted from a centrally controlled, one supplier system to an industry in which multiple distributors are competing in importing, wholesaling, and retailing of medicinal products. In the Baltic States, the number of pharmacies has not increased during the last years and companies have been growing mainly by acquisitions. Especially in Estonia the market is saturated and price competition is fierce. Similarly, in Latvia and Lithuania, markets are consolidating and wholesalers are growingly taking part in retailing by acquiring smaller chains. In Russia, the market is still fragmented and only one national pharmacy chain can be named, pharmacy chain “36.6”. Pharmacy chains are growing mostly through organic growth and competition between the biggest players is relatively low. The Russian market clearly offers many opportunities for international pharmaceutical operators. The ageing population, growing level of income, and changing living habits are creating new and growing needs for modern healthcare services and products.
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli kuvata ja lisätä ymmärrystä siitä, miten järjestelmä-toimittaja verkostoituu ja kansainvälistyy. Tutkielman teoriaosassa tarkasteltiin järjestelmätoimittajuutta, kansainvälistymistä ja kansainvälistymisvalmiuksia aikaisempien tutkimusten, kirja- ja artikkelilähteiden pohjalta. Näiden lähteiden pohjalta luotiin se teoreettinen viitekehys, jota vasten case-yritysten haastatteluissa saatuja tuloksia verrataan. Tutkielman kokeellinen osuus koostui Lahden lähialueilla toimivien neljän järjestelmätoimittajan edustajien teemahaastatteluista. Näissä haastatteluissa kartoitettiin kyseisten järjestelmätoimittajien kehityspolkuja ja kansainvälistymisprosesseja. Ensisijaiseksi tutkimusmenetelmäksi valittiin teemahaastattelu ja sen tukena käytettiin lyhyttä teemahaastattelurunkoa. Lisäksi apuna käytettiin muuta yrityksistä löydettyä materiaalia, kuten asiakaslehtiä, lehtiartikkeleita ja yritysten internetsivuja. Johtopäätöksissä todettiin, että tutkittujen yritysten kansainvälistyminen on edennyt jokseenkin eri tavalla. Samoin niiden verkostoituminen on ollut eriasteista ja eri lailla hallittua. Toiset toimijat olivat verkostoitumisen alkutaipaleella, kun taas toiset olivat luoneet sekä asiakas- että toimittajasuhteisiin pitkälle organisoidun arvoverkoston. Kansainvälistymisen alkuvaiheessa yritykset käyttivät rinnakkain erilaisia vientimuotoja. Resurssien kasvaessa yritykset saattoivat perustaa oman ulkomaisen yksikön vastatakseen paremmin alalla olevaan kilpailuun. Lisäksi kansainvälistyminen haastateltujen yritysten eräs kansainvälistymismuoto on ollut ulkomaisten alan yritysten osto, jolla laajennettiin omaa osaamista.
This paper analyses the determinants of broadband Internet access prices in a group of 15 EU countries between 2008 and 2011. Using a rich panel dataset of broadband plans, we show the positive effect of downstream speed on prices, and report that cable and fibre-to-the-home technologies are available at lower prices per Mbps than x DSL technology. Operators’marketing strategies are also analysed as we show how much prices rise when the broadband service is offered in a bundle with voice telephony and/or television, and how much they fall when download volume caps are included. The most insightful results of this study are provided by a group of metrics that represent the situation of competition and entry patterns in the broadband market. We show that consumer segmentation positively affects prices. On the other hand, broadband prices are higher in countries where entrants make greater use of bitstream access and lower when they use more intensively direct access -local loop unbundling-. However, we do not find a significant effect of inter-platform competition on prices.
The Swiss financial centre witnessed an important shift during the 1960s: the number of foreign banks and their importance in relation to the domestic banking sector significantly increased. Faced with this rapid development, Swiss bank representatives and political and monetary authorities reacted strongly. This paper investigates the evolution of the regulatory response by Swiss banking policy actors to the proliferation of foreign financial in- stitutions. In 1969, those reactions led to the adoption of a discriminatory regime, setting higher entry barriers for foreign banks than for domestic institutions. After examining possible reasons for the attractiveness of Switzerland to foreign banks, this paper will analyse the concerns and fears of the domestic banking sector and its regulators. In this regard, it appears that issues such as mere competition, preservation of the international reputation of the Swiss banks and anti-inflationary monetary policy were central to the chosen regulatory regime. Moreover, this paper shows that foreign banks were used as scapegoats in the evolution of the Swiss system of banking supervision. They were more tightly regulated, yet the general framework remained very lax.
The taxonomic composition of egg-associated microbial communities can play a crucial role in the development of fish embryos. In response, hosts increasingly influence the composition of their associated microbial communities during embryogenesis, as concluded from recent field studies and laboratory experiments. However, little is known about the taxonomic composition and the diversity of egg-associated microbial communities within ecosystems; e.g., river networks. We sampled late embryonic stages of naturally spawned brown trout at nine locations within two different river networks and applied 16S rRNA pyrosequencing to describe their bacterial communities. We found no evidence for a significant isolation-by-distance effect on the composition of bacterial communities, and no association between neutral genetic divergence of fish host (based on 11 microsatellites) and phylogenetic distances of the composition of their associated bacterial communities. We characterized core bacterial communities on brown trout eggs and compared them to corresponding water samples with regard to bacterial composition and its presumptive function. Bacterial diversity was positively correlated with water temperature at the spawning locations. We discuss this finding in the context of the increased water temperatures that have been recorded during the last 25 years in the study area.
BACKGROUND: Endurance athletes are advised to optimize nutrition prior to races. Little is known about actual athletes' beliefs, knowledge and nutritional behaviour. We monitored nutritional behaviour of amateur ski-mountaineering athletes during 4 days prior to a major competition to compare it with official recommendations and with the athletes' beliefs. METHODS: Participants to the two routes of the 'Patrouille des Glaciers' were recruited (A, 26 km, ascent 1881 m, descent 2341 m, max altitude 3160 m; Z, 53 km, ascent 3994 m, descent 4090 m, max altitude 3650 m). Dietary intake diaries of 40 athletes (21 A, 19 Z) were analysed for energy, carbohydrate, fat, protein and liquid; ten were interviewed about their pre-race nutritional beliefs and behaviour. RESULTS: Despite belief that pre-race carbohydrate, energy and fluid intake should be increased, energy consumption was 2416 ± 696 (mean ± SD) kcal · day(-1), 83 ± 17 % of recommended intake, carbohydrate intake was only 46 ± 13 % of minimal recommended (10 g · kg(-1) · day(-1)) and fluid intake only 2.7 ± 1.0 l · day(-1). CONCLUSIONS: Our sample of endurance athletes did not comply with pre-race nutritional recommendations despite elementary knowledge and belief to be compliant. In these athletes a clear and reflective nutritional strategy was lacking. This suggests a potential for improving knowledge and compliance with recommendations. Alternatively, some recommendations may be unrealistic.
This article examines the determinants of traffic volumes and the revenues per tonne generated by Spain’s port authorities. The interest of the study lies on the strong differences between port authorities in a context of strict regulation but that provides some scope for price competition. We find that port charges influence the amount of traffic that a port is able to generate. Furthermore, we find clear evidence of local price competition and report mixed results for global competition. Revenues per tonne are higher in ports operating more international regular lines and with multinational terminal operators, while they are lower in ports with nearby competing facilities and where the market share of the dominant shipping firm is high.