980 resultados para Tarefas motrizes


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Lithium (Li) is the first choice to treat bipolar disorder, a psychiatric illness characterized by mood oscillations between mania and depression. However, studies have demonstrated that this drug might influence mnemonic process due to its neuroprotector, antiapoptotic and neurogenic effects. The use of Li in the treatment of cognitive deficits caused by brain injury or neurodegenerative disorders have been widely studied, and this drug shows to be effective in preventing or even alleviating the memory impairment. The effects of Li on anxiety and depression are controversial and the relationship of the effects of lithium on memory, anxiety and depression remain unknown. In this context, this study aims to: evaluate the effects of acute and chronic administration of lithium carbonate in aversive memory and anxiety, simultaneously, using the plus maze discriminative avoidance task (PMDAT); test the antidepressant effect of the drug through the forced swimming test (FS) and analyze brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in structures related to memory and emotion. To evaluation of the acute effects, male Wistar rats were submitted to i.p. administration of lithium carbonate (50, 100 or 200 mg/kg) one hour before the training session (PMDAT) or lithium carbonate (50 or 100 mg/kg) one hour before the test session (FS). To evaluation of the chronic effects, the doses administered were 50 or 100 mg/kg or vehicle once a day for 21 days before the beginning of behavioral tasks (PMDAT and FS). Afterwards, the animals were euthanized and their brains removed and submitted to immunohistochemistry procedure to quantify BDNF. The animals that received acute treatment with 100 and 200 mg/kg of Li did not discriminated between the enclosed arms (aversive and non-aversive) in the training session of PMDAT, showing that these animal did not learned the task. This lack of discrimination was also observed in the test session, showing that the animals did not recall the aversive task. We also observed an increased exploration of the open arms of these same groups, indicating an anxiolytic effect. The same groups showed a reduction of locomotor activity, however, this effect does not seem to be related with the anxiolytic effect of the drug. Chronic treatment with Li did not promote alterations on learning or memory processes. Nevertheless, we observed a reduction of open arms exploration by animals treated with 50 mg/kg when compared to the other groups, showing an anxiogenic effect caused by this dose. This effect it is not related to locomotor alterations since there were no alterations in these parameters. Both acute and chronic treatment were ineffective in the FS. Chronic treatment with lithium was not able to modify BDNF expression in hippocampus, amygdala and pre-frontal cortex. These results suggest that acute administration of lithium promote impairments on learning in an aversive task, blocking the occurrence of memory consolidation and retrieval. The reduction of anxiety following acute treatment may have prevented the learning of the aversive task, as it has been found that optimum levels of anxiety are necessary for the occurrence of learning with emotional context. With continued, treatment the animals recover the ability to learn and recall the task. Indeed, they do not show differences in relation to control group, and the lack of alterations on BDNF expression corroborates this result. Possibly, the regimen of treatment used was not able to promote cognitive improvement. Li showed acute anxiolytic effect, however chronic administration 4 promoted the opposite effect. More studies are necessary to clarify the potential beneficial effect of Li on aversive memory


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This study analysed the relationship between the production of argumentative discourses and the development and (re)signification of ethical/moral concepts, conceptions and reasoning. It focused on ethical-argumentative reasoning concerning other people and their different points of view. The specific aims of this research were: (1) to investigate the considering alternative positions on adolescents previous views on a specific topic; (2) to verify whether the ability to generate counterarguments was associated with higher levels of moral reasoning, according to Kohlberg theory, and (3) to have a better comprehension of a possible relationship between adolescents abilities to use cognitive and verbal-argumentative strategies and the (re) signification of concepts/beliefs of an ethical/moral nature, and also the solution of conflicts of the same nature. The participants in this study were seventh grade students of private and public schools. Four empirical tasks were used in order to evaluate argumentative and moral reasoning. These tasks focused on: the evaluation of moral dilemmas (DIT); the evaluation of moral dilemmas with the presentation of a written justification for subjects responses; the production of arguments and the reaction to counterarguments. There was also a group-debate situation in which both argumentation and the discussion ethical/moral issues were observed. The moral dilemmas tasks aimed to evaluate the level of moral reasoning of the participants. The argumentation tasks investigated whether the adolescents generated and justified a point of view and how they dealt with counterarguments or alternative information which could lead the participants to modify their initial positions on the topic under discussion in a monological situation as well as in a group-debate setting. The results showed that, in a monological situation, most of the adolescents produced only a partial developed argumentative discourse, whereas in a more social-verbal interaction situation their discourse appeared to be more elaborated. As a general result, it was observed that the confrontation with the other s views, or dealing with counterarguments allow the adolescents to re-evaluate and re-elaborate their own views on a debatable topic. Regarding the relationship between counterargumentation and moral reasoning, it was verified that there was a subtle tendency associating the two processes. However, other factors, such as, social, emotional and cultural aspects might also influence the development of moral reasoning


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The focus of this dissertation is the study of work activities developed in the context of professional occupations characterized by varied previous schooling levels amongst those that work in them, and, at the same time, a high degree of complexity related to the typical tasks performed in the context of such professional practices. This dissertation intends to investigate the cook s professional activity, based on data from a determined specific professional genre in Natal (RN), in order to establish aspects related not only to the activity performed (activity which manifests itself empirically in registered behaviors), but also related to the real aspects of the work activity, that also compromises the non-realized options of the guiding of professional activity, be it by a matter of choice, be it due to the activity s own impediment. In this context, we tried to evaluate how much the professional activity observed keeps in relation to the reference practices of the professional genre, be it in terms of conformity, be it in terms of innovation (stylization) in relation to this genre. In addition, we tried to verify the contribution of the school and extra-school knowledge to the professional activity observed. Such work plan took on a preliminary step of the description of the socialprofessional profile of a cook in the city of Natal (RN), followed by a step of clinical labor approach, specifically utilizing as a methodological tool the simple and crossed self-confrontation procedure guided by the francophone theoretical referential of the Activity Clinic. The preliminary step in the description of profile of cooks from Natal (RN), of which 138 cooks took part in, evidenced three professional groupings, all predominantly masculine in their composition and fundamentally differentiated amongst each other by the time of professional activity, schooling type and time, work place and salary. The clinical approach step, composed by a pair of cooks, allowed us to verify elements of the cooks subordination to the professional genre, but also evidences of individual innovation (stylization) by these cooks, as well as the predominance of usage of extra-school knowledge when compared to school knowledge. We tried, in this step, to demonstrate how much the inclusion and submission to the genre dynamic, coordinated with the stylization initiatives, was able to contribute to the maintenance and amplification of the cook s power of acting in his professional practice.


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The sleep is an active brain process that allows the efficient realization of daily tasks. The changes on sleep patterns may influence the different cognitive processes performance. Many recent studies show the possibility of cognitive performance improvement, through the cognitive training with the use of computer games. The question is if these interventions may be influenced by the sleep quality. Thus, we evaluated the sleep quality effect about the efficacy of an intervention with computers games based on the working memory and attention for a cognitive performance training of elementary school students. The sample was constituted by 42 students with average age of 10,43 years old (SD=1,23), with 22 male participants and 20 female participants. We used to evaluate the sleep with the parents a sleep questionnaire, a sleep diary and the Sleep Behavior Questionnaire. In regard to intervention, the subjectives were distributed in an experimental and in a control group, both with 21 participants. In the first group occurred the intervention that consisted in the working memory and attention training with two cognitive tasks (Safari e Brain Workshop) during 30 daily minutes, for a 6 weeks period. In an equal period, the students from the control group should reproduce an artwork using drawing software. To evaluate the cognitive performance we applied before and after the intervention period the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III). The results showed that in both the groups the performance of the intelligence, working memory, attention and visuospatial skills was below of the mean. The cognitive processes evaluated after of intervention in the experimental group had a performance significantly higher in the Perceptual Reasoning Index (t = -6,24; p < 0,01) and in the Full Scale IQ (t = -5,09; p < 0,01) and Performance IQ (t = -6,52; p < 0,01), suggesting a improvement on the visuospatial skills, attention, working memory and processing speed. On the control group, the performance was significantly higher in the Coding subtest (t = -5,38; p< 0,01) and in the Perceptual Reasoning Index (t = -3,66; p = 0,01), suggesting a improvement on the visuospatial skills and attention. The mean obtained with the Sleep Behavior Questionnaire was 53,76 (SD=14,96) for an experimental group and 61,19 (SD=12,82) for a control group, indicating tendency for a bad sleep quality in that last one. Not only during the first days, but also in the last fifteen days of the intervention we verified in the two groups an adequate time to sleep, duration and regularity, in the weekdays and on the weekends. We didn t find significant differences between the two groups in none of the sleep variables. We verified statistically meaningful improvement on the performance of the experimental group with the intervention in the two games. We didn t verify significant correlations between the games performance index and in the sleep variables of the experimental group individuals. We verified significant correlations among the performance on the Brain Workshop and the Cubes subtest, the Perceptual Reasoning Index and the Scale Performance IQ, suggesting that the significant improvement of the visuospatial skills and of the attention was correlated with the performance in the Brain Workshop. Although the absence of correlations with the performance in the Safari, possibly it also has relieved in the improvement of the cognitive performance. The findings support the hypothesis that the computer games might be a satisfactory tool for the improvement of the performance in visuospatial skills and attention. This can be resulted of the insertion of visuospatial stimulations in the task, for example, graphical elements with thematic for children that increase the interest. The IQ below mean the individuals might have influenced the improvement absence on the cognitive processes like the working memory with games. Moreover, it wasn t verified a relation between the sleep quality and the intervention efficacy. It might have been influenced by the n of the sample. Future studies must focalize in the improvement of the effect of the interventions with games


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This research aimed to contribute to the characterization of a neuropsychological phenotype of adolescents with Down Syndrome (DS). A multicases study of six adolescents (three males and three females, aged 13 to 14 years) diagnosed with DS and treated at two institutions in the city of Natal (Brazil), was conducted. Participants were assessed using the methodological approach developed by Luria, which is composed by four complementary stages. The first one aimed to investigate the qualitative impact of DS in school life and social development of the adolescents; dimensions of behavior and social-affective aspects of the members of the study were investigated. In the second stage participants performed a battery of neuropsychological tests in order to identify strengths and weaknesses in their cognitive functioning. The third stage was incorporated into the second in order to analyze the quality of the activity of the participants along the quantitative evaluation, highlighting strategies used, errors produced among other indicators. Lastly, the fourth stage refers to the intervention with the participants. Although this is not a specific objective of the study, it is argued that the outcome of this research will subsidize the practice of different professionals working with this clinical group. The results of the first stage emphasized the presence of difficulties in social relationships and in school life of observed adolescents. In turn, the second and third stages pointed out to the presence of difficulties in tasks involving logical and abstract thinking, as well as difficulties in expressive language. In relation to visual memory, we observed a better performance in activities of lower complexity, ie, with less interference of executive functioning, particularly in terms of the functions of planning and initiative. Finally, it was found motor and mental retardation, affecting significantly the performance related to different cognitive areas. The results highlighted here can be considered as subsidies for future interventions, suggesting the need for developping projects that take into account different aspects constituents of the human subject, involving not only the individual with developmental changes, as well as their families, teachers, schools and society in general


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The undergraduate courses in Psychology have been historically pointed as defective in aspects related to the critical education and the integration between theory and practice. Hence, the scientific education has been considered a possibility to overcome those lacks. Therefore, this study has investigated the undergraduate education process of Psychology students with PIBIC (Portuguese acronym for Undergraduate Scientific Research Scholarships Institutional Program) scholarships from CNPq (Portuguese acronym Brazilian National Council of Scientific and Technological Development). The scholarship program has been a strategic tool for the undergraduate scientific research. Electronic questionnaires have been sent to all the PIBIC scholarship students of Psychology in Brazil (622; 104 have answered), containing questions about the program developed activities, tutoring and advising, PIBIC evaluation and other ones. The students scientific and academic production has also been investigated through their Lattes (CNPq s Platform in which researchers have their academic résumés). The major part of the participants (70%) has stated that the first motivation to be in the program had been their interest in the research or in the academic career. Furthermore, 60% of the scholarship students has worked as volunteers before receiving PIBIC scholarship. Among the students who have answered the research, 65,4% has reported they are tutored directly by their advisors, and 80% of them attends one or more than one advising meeting every fifteen days. It has been identified that the Psychology scholarship students do not participate in all the research activities and that the proximity with the advisor is related to the accomplishment of tasks which contributes with the student critical and reflexive education. Finally, less than 25% of the students has published scientific articles or book chapters during the scholarship, what XI demonstrates a possible exclusion of them in that phase of the process. In general, the scholarship students evaluate the program positively by revealing that it contributes with their professional and academic education. For those reasons, it is observed PIBIC s potential role for the undergraduate education in order to develop more critical psychologists able to propose innovations and contextualized practices. However, the results obtained in programs like the studied one denounce the disqualification of the provided undergraduate education for the major part of the university students, who do not have a PIBIC scholarship. As a result, it is emphasized that it there should be more investment for improving the quality of the undergraduate education itself and not only for programs which are available for few students


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INTRODUÇÃO: Diversos estudos disponibilizam evidências sobre características do desempenho motor e cognitivo de indivíduos com Síndrome de Down (SD), porém poucos estudos analisam a força muscular nestes indivíduos. As alterações apresentadas por indivíduos com SD podem manifestar-se funcionalmente e interferir na sua capacidade de desempenhar de forma independente diversas atividades e tarefas da rotina diária. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a influência da textura do objeto na força de preensão palmar em indivíduos com Síndrome de Down. Participaram do estudo dez indivíduos com SD, com idade entre 4 e 30 anos. MÉTODO: A análise da força de preensão palmar foi mensurada por meio de um transdutor de força. A tarefa proposta para a coleta dos dados foi realizar a preensão do transdutor, revestido com diferentes texturas, transportá-lo até um ponto previamente demarcado, e posteriormente o retorno à posição inicial. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e não-paramétrica. RESULTADOS: Os dados da estatística descritiva permitiram observar que a textura áspera foi a que exigiu menor força de preensão palmar dos participantes neste estudo, no entanto a análise não-paramétrica indicou não haver diferença estatisticamente significativa. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo indicam que textura do objeto não influenciou a força de preensão palmar executada pelos indivíduos com Síndrome de Down.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a influência da flexibilidade da superfície de assento da cadeira na velocidade e no tempo despendido por alunos com paralisia cerebral espástica durante a execução de uma tarefa de manuseio de um objeto na posição sentada. Participaram do estudo 11 alunos, de ambos os gêneros, com diagnóstico de paralisia cerebral espástica, que tinham algum controle de tronco e membros superiores. A quantificação da análise cinemática foi realizada em duas situações experimentais: 1) execução de uma tarefa acadêmica de encaixe, com o indivíduo posicionado em um mobiliário adaptado com assento de lona; 2) execução de uma tarefa acadêmica de encaixe, com o participante posicionado em um mobiliário adaptado com assento de madeira. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e não-paramétrica por meio do teste de Wilcoxon. Os resultados indicaram que: 1) a velocidade média de execução das tarefas não foi influenciada pelo tipo de assento utilizado 2) o tempo de execução da tarefa foi influenciada pelo tipo de assento utilizado. A utilização do assento de lona aumentou o tempo de realização da tarefa. Conclui-se que o assento de um mobiliário escolar para um aluno com paralisia cerebral espástica não deve ser confeccionado com um material muito flexível. Este tipo de assento fornecerá uma base instável que dificultará o desempenho do aluno durante atividades realizadas com os membros superiores.


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OBJETIVO: Caracterizar e comparar as funções motoras fina, sensorial e perceptiva de escolares com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade (TDAH) e escolares com bom desempenho escolar sem alterações de comportamento. MÉTODOS: Participaram 22 escolares do ensino fundamental, de gênero masculino, distribuídos em: GI - 11 escolares com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade; e GII - 11 escolares com bom desempenho acadêmico e sem alterações de comportamento. Os escolares foram submetidos à aplicação do Protocolo de Avaliação da Função Motora Fina, Sensorial e Perceptiva e da Escala de Disgrafia. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença nas tarefas de função motora fina, função sensorial e função perceptiva entre o GI e o GII, com desempenho inferior do GI. Todos os escolares de GI apresentaram disgrafia. CONCLUSÃO: Escolares com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade apresentam desempenho inferior aos escolares com bom desempenho acadêmico em relação às funções motoras fina, sensorial e perceptiva. Tais dificuldades podem causar impacto significativo sobre o desempenho acadêmico, uma vez que comprometem o desenvolvimento da linguagem escrita, ocasionando disgrafia nesses escolares.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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TEMA: programa de treinamento auditivo em escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem. OBJETIVOS: verificar a eficácia de um programa de treinamento auditivo em escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem e comparar os achados dos procedimentos de avaliação utilizados nas pré e pós-testagem em escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem e sem dificuldades de aprendizagem, submetidos e não submetidos ao programa de treinamento auditivo. MÉTODO: participaram deste estudo 40 escolares, sendo que esses foram divididos em: GI, subdividido em: GIe (10 escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem submetidos ao programa de treinamento auditivo), GIc (10 escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem não submetidos ao programa de treinamento auditivo) e GII, subdividido em: GIIe (10 escolares sem dificuldades de aprendizagem submetidos ao programa de treinamento auditivo) e GIIc (10 escolares sem dificuldades de aprendizagem não submetidos ao programa de treinamento auditivo). Foi realizado o programa de Treinamento Auditivo Audio Training®. RESULTADOS: os resultados mostraram que o GI apresentou desempenho inferior ao de GII em atividades relacionadas com as habilidades auditivas e de consciência fonológica. O GIe e o GIIe apresentaram melhor desempenho em habilidades auditivas e de consciência fonológica depois da aplicação do programa de treinamento auditivo, quando comparados os achados de pré e pós-testagem. CONCLUSÃO: o desempenho de escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem nas tarefas auditivas e fonológicas apresenta-se inferior no que concerne ao de escolares sem distúrbio de aprendizagem. A utilização do programa de treinamento auditivo mostrou-se eficaz e possibilitou aos escolares o desenvolvimento dessas habilidades.


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OBJETIVOS: caracterizar e comparar o desempenho de escolares com e sem dificuldades de aprendizagem no ensino particular em habilidades fonológicas, nomeação rápida, leitura e escrita. MÉTODOS: participaram desse estudo 60 escolares de 2ª a 4ª séries de escola de ensino particular, distribuídos em 6 grupos, sendo cada grupo composto por 10 escolares, sendo 3 grupos de escolares com dificuldades de aprendizagem e 3 grupos de escolares sem dificuldades de aprendizagem. Como procedimentos, foram realizadas a prova de nomeação automática rápida, a de consciência fonológica e a prova de leitura oral e escrita sob ditado. RESULTADOS: os resultados desse estudo evidenciaram desempenho superior dos escolares sem dificuldades de aprendizagem em relação àqueles com dificuldades. Os escolares com dificuldades de aprendizagem apresentaram maior relação velocidade/tempo em tarefas de nomeação e, conseqüentemente, desempenho inferior em tarefas de consciência fonológica e leitura e escrita de palavras isoladas quando comparados aos sem dificuldades de aprendizagem. CONCLUSÃO: os escolares com dificuldades de aprendizagem apresentaram comprometimento na relação entre as capacidades de nomeação e automatização dos estímulos apresentados com a capacidade de acesso lexical, discriminação visual, freqüência de uso dos estímulos e competição para a apresentação do menor tempo possível na nomeação dos códigos necessários para o estabelecimento do mecanismo de conversão fonema-grafema, exigido para a realização da leitura e escrita em um sistema alfabético como o português.


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The increase of applications complexity has demanded hardware even more flexible and able to achieve higher performance. Traditional hardware solutions have not been successful in providing these applications constraints. General purpose processors have inherent flexibility, since they perform several tasks, however, they can not reach high performance when compared to application-specific devices. Moreover, since application-specific devices perform only few tasks, they achieve high performance, although they have less flexibility. Reconfigurable architectures emerged as an alternative to traditional approaches and have become an area of rising interest over the last decades. The purpose of this new paradigm is to modify the device s behavior according to the application. Thus, it is possible to balance flexibility and performance and also to attend the applications constraints. This work presents the design and implementation of a coarse grained hybrid reconfigurable architecture to stream-based applications. The architecture, named RoSA, consists of a reconfigurable logic attached to a processor. Its goal is to exploit the instruction level parallelism from intensive data-flow applications to accelerate the application s execution on the reconfigurable logic. The instruction level parallelism extraction is done at compile time, thus, this work also presents an optimization phase to the RoSA architecture to be included in the GCC compiler. To design the architecture, this work also presents a methodology based on hardware reuse of datapaths, named RoSE. RoSE aims to visualize the reconfigurable units through reusability levels, which provides area saving and datapath simplification. The architecture presented was implemented in hardware description language (VHDL). It was validated through simulations and prototyping. To characterize performance analysis some benchmarks were used and they demonstrated a speedup of 11x on the execution of some applications