990 resultados para Stresses


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ZnO/ITO/ZnO sandwich structure films were fabricated. The effects of buffer layer on the structure and optical properties of ZnO films were investigated by x-ray diffraction (XRD), photoluminescence, optical transmittance, and absorption measurements. XRD spectra indicate that a buffer layer has the effects of lowering the grain orientation of ZnO films and increasing the residual stresses in the films. The near-band-edge emissions of ZnO films deposited on both single indium tin oxide (ITO) buffer and ITO/ZnO double buffers are significantly enhanced compared with that deposited on a bare substrate due to the quantum confinement effect. (C) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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To understand mechanisms underlying laser-induced damage of BK7 and fused silica, we calculate the temperature field of the substrates with CO2 laser irradiating at a given laser power and beam radius. We find that the two glasses show different thermal behaviors. A model is developed for estimating the time t to heat the surface of the substrates up to a particular temperature T with cw CO2 laser irradiation. We calculate theoretically the duration t that the samples are irradiated, from the beginning to visual catastrophic damage, with the assumption of damage threshold determined by the critical temperature. The duration t that the samples are irradiated, from the beginning to visual catastrophic damage, is investigated experimentally as well. Here we take the melting point or softening point as the critical temperature, given the thermomechanical coupling properties, which is enough to cause damage for BK7. Damage features are characterized by the sound of visual cracks. Finally, we calculate stresses induced by laser heating. The analysis of stress indicates that the damage of BK7 is due to the stresses induced by laser heating. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Diversos pesquisadores têm estudado o comportamento e o emprego de aduelas de concreto, que constituem as vigas segmentadas em sistemas estruturais, de maneira especial pontes e viadutos. Por esta razão, inúmeros trabalhos têm sido publicados nos últimos anos respaldados por testes experimentais e análises numéricas. O comportamento destas vigas contrasta com as clássicas vigas monolíticas em diversos aspectos, pois, a estrutura é composta de partes de elementos de concreto pré-moldado que, após serem posicionados no local definitivo, são protendidos. A protensão pode ser aderente ou não aderente. A principal vantagem deste sistema de construção é a rapidez e o alto controle de qualidade, por isso é largamente utilizado, havendo uma demanda de estudo de previsão do seu real comportamento No presente trabalho apresenta-se uma modelagem numérica via elementos finitos, para simular o comportamento de vigas compostas por aduelas justapostas sem material ligante entre as juntas. A protensão aplicada é aderente e a análise considera a não linearidade da região da junta. Assim sendo, o objetivo desta investigação é dar uma contribuição ao estudo do comportamento estrutural estático de vigas segmentadas, atentando para o comportamento das juntas, utilizando um programa comercial. Para o modelo são empregadas técnicas usuais de discretização, via método dos elementos finitos (MEF), por meio do programa de elementos finitos SAP2000[93]. O modelo proposto é constituído de elementos de placa próprios para concreto para representar a viga, a protensão é introduzida por meio de barras bidimensionais que transferem as tensões ao longo de seu comprimento e as juntas são implementadas utilizando elementos de contato. A analise é bidimensional e considera os efeitos das perdas de protensão. Este trabalho de pesquisa objetiva também o estudo de elementos de contato especialmente as características de deformação para esta ferramenta computacional. A definição dos parâmetros para o modelo foi feita com base em dados experimentais disponíveis na literatura. O modelo numérico foi calibrado e confrontado com resultados experimentais obtidos em ensaios de laboratório.


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Atualmente, a utilização do aço inoxidável em elementos estruturais ainda é por muitos engenheiros e arquitetos, considerada uma solução extravagante para os problemas da engenharia. Todavia, mudanças de atitudes dentro da construção civil e uma transição global para um desenvolvimento sustentável e redução em impactos ambientais tem seguramente provocado um aumento no uso do aço inoxidável. A maioria das normas de projeto de aço inoxidável atuais ainda são baseadas em analogias assumidas com o comportamento de estruturas de aço carbono. Todavia, o aço inoxidável apresenta quatro curvas tensão versus deformação não-lineares sem patamar de escoamento e região de encruamento claramente definidos (tração e compressão, paralela e perpendicular a direção de laminação), modificando assim, seu o comportamento global. Na presente investigação foram utilizados o aço inoxidável austenítico 304, e o aço carbono USI 300, ambos com tensão de escoamento similares, mas com tensões últimas e ductilidades distintos. Em elementos estruturais submetidos a tensões normais de tração, usualmente a ruptura da seção líquida representa um dos estados limites últimos a serem verificados. Com o objetivo de se avaliar a resistência a tração de elementos estruturais aparafusados em aço inoxidável, este trabalho executou um programa experimental inovador envolvendo ligações aparafusadas defasadas sob tração. O programa experimental foi executado em peças de aço carbono e aço inoxidável de forma a comparar as principais semelhanças e diferenças entre estes dois tipos de aços estruturais. O programa experimental possibilitou que conclusões significativas no comportamento a tração destas ligações pudessem ser observadas. Dentre outras variáveis que controlam estes estados limites últimos foi verificada a influência significativa da espessura da placa de aplicação do carregamento, disposição, configuração e número de parafusos da ligação e propriedades do aço inoxidável como ductilidade e razão entre suas tensões de escoamento e de ruptura.


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The effects of oxygen partial pressure on the structure and photoluminescence (PL) of ZnO films were studied. The films were prepared by direct current (DC) reactive magnetron sputtering with various oxygen concentrations at room temperature. With increasing oxygen ratio, the structure of films changes from zinc and zinc oxide phases, single-phase ZnO, to the (002) orientation, and the mechanical stresses exhibit from tensile stress to compressive stress. Films deposited at higher oxygen pressure show weaker emission intensities, which may result from the decrease of the oxygen vacancies and zinc interstitials in the film. This indicates that the emission in ZnO film originates from the oxygen vacancy and zinc interstitial-related defects. From optical transmittance spectra of ZnO films, the plasma edge shifts towards the shorter wavelength with the improvement of film stoichiometry. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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HfO2 Elms are deposited on BK7 glass substrates by electron beam evaporation. The influences of annealing between 100 degrees C and 400 degrees C on residual stresses and structures of HfO2 films are studied. It is found that little differences of spectra, residual stresses and structures are obtained after annealing at lower temperatures. After annealing at higher temperatures, the spectra shift to short wavelength, the residual stress increases with the increasing annealing temperature. At the same time, the crystallite size increases and interplanar distance decreases. The variations of optical spectra and residual stress correspond to the evolutions of structures induced by annealing.


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Thermal boat evaporation was employed to prepare MgF2 single-layer coatings upon both JGS1 and UBK7 substrates at different substrate temperatures. Microstructure, transmittance and residual stress of these coatings were measured by X-ray diffraction, spectrophotometer, and optical interferometer, respectively. Measurement of laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) of the samples was performed at 355 nm, 8 ns pulses. The results showed that high substrate temperature was beneficial to crystallization of the film. Above 244 degrees C, the refractive index increased gradually with the substrate temperature rising. Whereas, it was exceptional at 210 degrees C that the refractive index was higher than those deposited at 244 and 277 degrees C. The tensile residual stresses were exhibited in all MgF2 films, but not well correlated with the substrate temperature. In addition, the stresses were comparatively smaller upon JGS1 substrates. A tendency could be seen that the LIDTs reached the highest values at about 244 degrees C, and the films upon JGS1 had higher LIDTs than those upon UBK7 substrates at the same temperature. Meanwhile, the damage morphologies showed that the laser damage of the coating resulted from an absorbing center at the film-substrate interface. The features of the damages were displayed by an absorbing center dominated model. Furthermore, the reason of the difference in LIDT values was discussed in detail. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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abstract {LaF3 single-layer coatings were prepared by thermal boat evaporation at the deposition temperatures of 189, 255, 277 and 321°C respectively. The crystal structures of the coatings were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD). A spectrophotometer was employed to measure its transmittance. Moreover, refractive index, extinction coefficient and cut-off wavelength were obtained from the measured transmittance spectral curve. The residual stress was evaluated by the Stoney's equation and optical interferometer. Laser induce damage threshold (LIDT) was performed by a tripled Nd:YAG laser system. The results show that the crystallization status becomes better with the deposition temperature increasing. Correspondingly, the grain size also gets larger. Meanwhile, the coatings become more compact and the refractive index increases. However, the absorption of coatings seriously rises and the cut-off wavelength drifts to the long wave. In addition, the residual stress also increases and the intrinsic stress plays a determinant role in the coating. The LIDT of the coating also enhances at high temperature.}


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TiO2 thin films were prepared by electron beam evaporation at different oxygen partial pressures. The influences of oxygen partial pressure on optical, mechanical and structural properties of TiO2 thin films were studied. The results showed that with the increase of oxygen partial pressure, the optical transmittance gradually increased, the transmittance edge gradually shifted to short wavelength, and the corresponding refractive index decreased. The residual stresses of all samples were tensile, and the value increased as oxygen partial pressure increasing, which corresponded to the evolutions of the packing densities. The structures of TiO2 thin films all were amorphous because deposition particles did not possess enough energy to crystallize. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) thin films with different Y2O3 molar contents (0, 3, 7, and 12 mol%) are deposited on BK7 substrates by electron-beam evaporation technique. The effects of different Y2O3 contents on residual stresses and structures of YSZ thin films are studied. Residual stresses are investigated by means of two different techniques: the curvature measurement and x- ray diffraction method. It is found that the evolution of residual stresses of YSZ thin films by the two different methods is consistent. Residual stresses of films transform from compressive stress into tensile stress and the tensile stress increases monotonically with the increase of Y2O3 content. At the same time, the structures of these films change from the mixture of amorphous and monoclinic phases into high temperature cubic phase. The variations of residual stress correspond to the evolution of structures induced by adding of Y2O3 content.


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The initiation of laser damage within optical coatings can be better understood by thermal-mechanical modeling of coating defects. The result of this modeling shows that a high-temperature rise and thermal stress can be seen just inside the nodular defect compared to surrounding coating layers. The temperature rise and thermal stress tend to increase with seed diameter. Shallower seed tend to cause higher temperature rise and greater thermal stress. There is a critical seed depth at which thermal stress is largest. The composition of the seed resulting from different coating-material emission during evaporation can affect the temperature rise and thermal stress distribution.


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Procedures for sampling genomic DNA from live billfishes involve manual restraint and tissue excision that can be difficult to carry out and may produce stresses that affect fish survival. We examined the collection of surface mucous as a less invasive alternative method for sourcing genomic DNA by comparing it to autologous muscle tissue samples from Atlantic blue marlin (Makaira nigricans), white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus), sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus), and swordfish (Xiphias gladius). Purified DNA from mucous was comparable to muscle and was suitable for conventional polymerase chain reaction, random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis, and mitochondrial and nuclear locus sequencing. The nondestructive and less invasive characteristics of surface mucous collection may promote increased survival of released specimens and may be advantageous for other marine fish genetic studies, particularly those involving large live specimens destined for release.


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Background: The impact of nano-scaled materials on photosynthetic organisms needs to be evaluated. Plants represent the largest interface between the environment and biosphere, so understanding how nanoparticles affect them is especially relevant for environmental assessments. Nanotoxicology studies in plants allude to quantum size effects and other properties specific of the nano-stage to explain increased toxicity respect to bulk compounds. However, gene expression profiles after exposure to nanoparticles and other sources of environmental stress have not been compared and the impact on plant defence has not been analysed. Results: Arabidopsis plants were exposed to TiO2-nanoparticles, Ag-nanoparticles, and multi-walled carbon nanotubes as well as different sources of biotic (microbial pathogens) or abiotic (saline, drought, or wounding) stresses. Changes in gene expression profiles and plant phenotypic responses were evaluated. Transcriptome analysis shows similarity of expression patterns for all plants exposed to nanoparticles and a low impact on gene expression compared to other stress inducers. Nanoparticle exposure repressed transcriptional responses to microbial pathogens, resulting in increased bacterial colonization during an experimental infection. Inhibition of root hair development and transcriptional patterns characteristic of phosphate starvation response were also observed. The exogenous addition of salicylic acid prevented some nano-specific transcriptional and phenotypic effects, including the reduction in root hair formation and the colonization of distal leaves by bacteria. Conclusions: This study integrates the effect of nanoparticles on gene expression with plant responses to major sources of environmental stress and paves the way to remediate the impact of these potentially damaging compounds through hormonal priming.