822 resultados para Social status - Economic aspects
The present research deals with the modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba2, between 1850 and 1924, and its relation with the cotton economy, which represented the main source of wealth accumulation for both the private and the public sectors throughout the First Republic. This study on urban history was developed by focusing on the understanding of the city s spatial formation, and despite its emphasis on the economic aspects involved, other factors that also contribute to the development of the social life were not put aside. The modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba was also analyzed during the period established for the study according to a chronological and thematic approach that established comparisons with the financial situation of the State, whenever this was necessary, with special attention to the contribution of the cotton economy to the State´s revenues. It was possible to detect a lack of financial help and loans from the federal and municipal administrations for finishing several public works already underway in the capital, since the federal funds allocated to the State of Parahyba do Norte were rather employed in emergency works against droughts and in agricultural development. One can then conclude that the financial resources required for the urban interventions were withdrawn from the State s treasury itself, resources that were collected mainly from activities such as cotton exportation and cotton trading. Another factor shows the interdependence between the urban remodeling and the cotton economy: during the years marked by great droughts or by hard plagues on the cotton plantations, cotton production decreased, as well as the State s finances. The first measures taken by the State s administrators were to halt all projects of urban remodeling in progress in the Cidade da Parahyba, which was, clearly, the most privileged city by the State s presidents during the period analyzed. 2 The city of João Pessoa was named Cidade da Parahyba, a designation that remained until September 1930, when it received its present-day name in order to pay homage to the president of the State, João Pessoa Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, murdered in the city of Recife in August of that same year. At that time, the State of Paraíba was known as Parahyba do Norte. Since this work is limited to a period of time comprised within the First Republic, the names employed respect the terms used in those days
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
The purpose of this paper is to review selected socio-economic aspects of the Kyoga basin lakes with a view to assessing, the potehtials within the fishing communities for participatory management and poverty eradication. This paper is based on information obtained from three categories of activities. First a review of existing data and reports was undertaken to establish existing knowledge on the subject and identify the gaps.
This thesis examines how married couples bought and created a modern home for their families in suburban Glasgow between 1945-1975. New homeowners were on the cusp of the middle-classes, buying in a climate of renters. As they progressed through the family lifecycle women’s return to work meant they became more comfortably ensconced within the middle-classes. Engaged with a process of homemaking through consumption and labour, couples transformed their houses into homes that reflected themselves and their social status. The interior of the home was focused on as a site of social relations. Marriage in the suburbs was one of collaboration as each partner performed distinct gender roles. The idea of a shared home was investigated and the story of ‘we’ rather than ‘I’ emerged from both testimony and contemporary literature. This thesis considers decision-making, labour and leisure to show the ways in which experiences of home were gendered. What emerged was that women’s work as everyday and mundane was overlooked and undervalued while husband’s extraordinary contributions in the form of DIY came to the fore. The impact of wider culture intruded upon the ‘private’ home as we see they ways in which the position of women in society influences their relationship to the home and their family. In the suburbs of post-war Glasgow women largely left the workforce to stay at home with their children. Mothers popped in and out of each other houses for tea and a blether, creating a homosocial network that was sociable and supportive unique to this time in their lives and to this historical context. Daily life was negotiated within the walls of the modern home. The inter-war suburbs of Glasgow needed modernising to post-war standards of modern living. ‘Modern’ was both an aesthetic and an engagement with new technologies within the house. Both middle and working-class practices for room use were found through the keeping of a ‘good’ or best room and the determination of couples to eat in their small kitchenettes. As couples updated their kitchen, the fitted kitchen revealed contemporary notions of modern décor, as kitchens became bright yellow with blue Formica worktops. The modern home was the evolution of existing ideas of modern combined with new standards of living. As Glasgow homeowners constructed their modern home what became evident was that this was a shared process and as a couple they placed their children central to all aspects of their lives to create not only a modern home, but that this was first and foremost a family home
Objetivo: Apreender o significado de família que permeia a prática de enfermeiros, médicos e dentistas da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, realizado entre julho e agosto de 2012 em quatro Unidades Básicas de Saúde da Família localizadas nas quatro zonas da cidade de Mossoró-RN. Utilizou-se para a coleta de dados uma entrevista semiestruturada, sendo ouvidos 24 profissionais. Os dados foram analisados com base na Análise de Conteúdo. Resultados: Constatou-se que enfermeiros e dentistas são graduados há mais tempo que os médicos. Ambos têm mais tempo de atuação na Estratégia e são, em sua maioria, especializados na área. Todos os profissionais entrevistados apresentaram dificuldades em conceituar família, trazendo em suas falas aspectos conceituais vagos que não dão esteio a uma atenção à saúde efetiva. No entanto, os profissionais reconhecem que uma abordagem em saúde voltada às necessidades físicas, sociais e econômicas, não só do indivíduo, mas de toda a sua família, apresenta maiores potencialidades se comparada às abordagens tradicionais. Conclusão: Os conceitos de família que permeiam a prática dos profissionais estudados são vagos e não dão suporte a ações reais de promoção à saúde da família. Esses conceitos apresentam-se, muitas vezes, com uma carga de preconceito que leva à descrença no trabalho com modelos de famílias específicas que não estão dentro dos padrões entendidos de família estruturada pelos profissionais.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, 8 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
Dissertação de mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
Numa época em que se atravessam dificuldades ligadas aos efeitos das alterações climáticas, a agricultura é um sector muito afectado e que necessita urgentemente que sejam tomadas medidas que ajudem a mitigar os efeitos dessas alterações. É inadiável a integração de critérios de sustentabilidade nas explorações agro-pecuárias, para que através da prática de uma agricultura sustentável, seja possível resgatar os ecossistemas em risco e que podem contribuir para a redução dos impactos negativos. O estudo de caso da Herdade do Freixo do Meio revelou que é possível a conciliação de aspectos ambientais e socioeconómicos, recorrendo à multifuncionalidade que a actividade agrícola apresenta na sua função de produtora de bens e serviços. A existência de políticas baseadas na valorização ambiental contribui para o bem-estar social e para a conservação dos recursos naturais, através de uma maior eficiência na sua afectação. ABSTRACT; ln a time that we are going through difficulties related to the climate changing effects, agriculture is a very affected sector that needs urgent measurements to be taken, that would assist to mitigate the change effects. Integration of sustainability criteria in the mixed farming production cannot be delayed, through the practice of sustainable agriculture it can be possible to rescue threatened ecosystems that could contribute for the reduction of negative impacts. The case study of Herdade do Freixo do Meio revealed that is possible the reconciliation of environmental and socio-economic aspects, using the multi functionality that farming activity presents in its role as a producer of goods and services. The existence of policies based in environment valorization contributes to the welfare and to the conservation of natural resources, through greater efficiency in its allocation.
The teleost fish nonapeptides, arginine vasotocin (AVT) and isotocin (IT), have been implicated in the regulation of social behavior. These peptides are expected to be involved in acute and transient changes in social context, in order to be efficient in modulating the expression of social behavior according to changes in the social environment. Here we tested the hypothesis that short-term social interactions are related to changes in the level of both nonapeptides across different brain regions. For this purpose we exposed male zebrafish to two types of social interactions: (1) real opponent interactions, from which a Winner and a Loser emerged; and (2) mirror-elicited interactions, that produced individuals that did not experience a change in social status despite expressing similar levels of aggressive behavior to those of participants in real-opponent fights. Non-interacting individuals were used as a reference group. Each social phenotype (i.e. Winners, Losers, Mirror-fighters) presented a specific brain profile of nonapeptides when compared to the reference group. Moreover, the comparison between the different social phenotypes allowed to address the specific aspects of the interaction (e.g. assessment of opponent aggressive behavior vs. self-assessment of expressed aggressive behavior) that are linked with neuropeptide responses. Overall, agonistic interactions seem to be more associated with the changes in brain AVT than IT, which highlights the preferential role of AVT in the regulation of aggressive behavior already described for other species.
El funcionalismo estructural de Talcott Parsons propone un sistema de acción que permite el análisis de la estructura social a partir de aspectos como la adaptación, la capacidad para alcanzar metas, la integración y la latencia. En este sentido, se encuentra una serie de subsistemas que permiten que una sociedad funcione. El derecho es uno de ellos, y cumple una función integradora; además, se convierte en un instrumento para el logro de objetivos sociales; se propone el concepto de paz transformadora como objetivo (valor cultural) en la estructura social, y el derecho como medio idóneo para lograr la integración de los individuos a la estructura societal. Cabe resaltar que la paz transformadora es un proceso y un fin en sí misma, lo que permite que sea un objetivo de construcción participativa.
A dor constitui atualmente um enorme obstáculo no quotidiano de mihares de pessoas em todo o mundo. Por essa razão, é considerada um problema de saúde pública, não só pelas repercussões individuais que provoca, mas também pelas consequências graves aos níveis social e económico. Desta forma, este estudo pretende examinar a satisfação dos utentes com o tratamento da dor, determinando os fatores sociodemográficos, clínicos e psicossociais (personalidade e espiritualidade) que influenciam essa mesma satisfação. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo-correlacional e quantitativo. A amostra utilizada é constituída por 78 participantes, com idades compreendidas entre os 30 anos e os 82 anos, correspondendo a uma média de idades de 64,88 anos. A maioria é casada/vive em união de fato e possui graus de escolaridade baixos (1º ciclo). Para se proceder á recolha de dados foi aplicado um questionário, cuja finalidade era a caraterização clinica e sociodemográfica dos participantes. Foram também usadas as seguintes escalas: Escala de satisfação para o tratamento da dor (PTSS), Escala de espiritualidade e o Inventário da personalidade (NEO-FFI-20). Os resultados demonstram que a maioria da amostra apresenta dor crónica, de origem músculo-esquelética e o tratamento farmacológico constitui o tratamento de eleição. A maioria (91%) dos participantes refere estar satisfeita ou muito satisfeita com o atual tratamento para a sua dor. Contudo, a análise dos dados revelou a existência de diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre a variável satisfação em diferentes dimensões com as seguintes variáveis sociodemográficas: género (p= 0.003, idade (p=0.010) e estado civil (p=0.045); clínicas: período temporal da dor (p= 0.013 e p=0.014), tipo de tratamento (p=0.011), programa de reabilitação (p= 0.003 e p= 0.005), seguimento em consulta da dor (p≤ 0.05 em cinco sub-dimensões da escala de satisfação), psicossociais: a personalidade em todas as dimensões com exceção da dimensão neuroticismo, e por fim a espiritualidade global (p= 0.008) e também na sua dimensão crenças (p=0.010). Palavras- chave: dor, satisfação com o tratamento, personalidade, espiritualidade.
The objective of this study was to analyze if the pro equity program of gender and race in the PMC, changed the perception of the servants on the conception of sexual division of labor. The sexual division of labor is the concept that allows identifying and understanding the hierarchical relations (principal of hierarchization) based on the attribution of social and economic value most male occupations in relation female, besides that, considerers the female work‟s secondary and her salary supplement to the family income. And the principle of separation identifying the places occupies by man and woman in the institution (productive, reproductive, and domestic work) agreeing with the historical and social construction that associates woman to occupational sectors like “mastertship”, nursering and social assistance, considered an extension of the family functions like taking care and family affections. And the man is associate to engineer, technology information and occupations related to exact science all professions associate to reason, creating a bias of gender in labor relations. To identify possible inequalities of gender in the work ambiance, I have compared the initial basic duration of some careers, the ascension process to higher positions and the salary that both servants and servers in the PMC. Was also investigated the perception of implements and beneficiaries of the program, over the sexual labor division. The methodology used for conduct the investigation was the qualitative research interpretive character using the structured and semi structured interviewed as instruments of data collect. The interview was divided in two groups, to follow: a) implements of pro-equity program of gender and race and b) professors and engineers beneficiaries. The analyzes of documents provided by the Secretaria de Politícas para as Mulheres da Presidência da República and by the PMC complemented the investigative path of this research. Bring as result a perception of beneficiaries servants and implementing on a policy which provides for cultural changes in the institution and in the management of people. It should be noted that the program foresees that in its objectives identify the discriminatory relations of race, sexual orientation, generation and disable person who were not examined in this study. Factor that enables the continuation of the investigation process and is a suggestion for a future research.
The current study analyzes the birth and development of two strategic alliances established between shrimp producers in Rio Grande do Norte: the Unipesca and the Coopercam. To achieve this aim, two approaches which, at first sight, could be considered contradictory were used: the Transactional Costs Economy and Embeddedness. The first approach is fundamentally based in the studies of Williamson (1985; 1991; 1996; 1999; 2000; 2002). Embededness, on the other hand, went through the review of a series of authors, such as Burt (1992), Granovetter (1973; 1985), Uzzi (1997), Gulati (1994; 1995; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000), Nielsen (2005), Ring (2002), Ring and Van de Ven (1994), Zafirovski (2002), among others. To analyze the birth and development of the cooperatives in this study, Gulati s work (1998) was used. This study shows the steps to be studied for a better comprehension of an alliance: the decision of starting an alliance and the choice of the partners, the decision about the governance structure, the evolution of the alliance and the development of the companies which established this partnership. To carry this study out, a study case accordingly to Yin s proposal (2001) was adopted. Semi-structured interviews with pre-defined plots were conducted in two phases: in the beginning of 2006 and in the beginning of 2007. The subjects from the research were, in 2006, representative members of the main associations and corporations, besides the shrimp producers from the state, when the context of the activity was set. In the second phase, in 2007, representative members from the two cooperatives that were listed above were interviewed the president from Coopercam and the marketing manager from Unipesca. Besides these two members, directors from two important organizations in each of these cooperatives were also interviewed, giving out the necessary information for the research. Secondary data was also collected from the Brazilian Association of Crab producers website, as well as from news from important newspapers in RN, such as Tribuna do Norte. The primary data was analyzed in terms of quality, accordingly to the documental analysis technique. Thus, through the data that was collected, it can be concluded that the reasons that motivated the companies to cooperate can be explained in terms of the transactional costs economy. However, the choice of partners is more connected to aspects approached by the social embededness. When aspects related to development and evolution were analyzed, it could be seen that both aspects from TCE and Embededness were vital to explain the development of the cooperatives mentioned
The therapeutic, social and economic benefits of organ transplantation are irrefutable; however, organ shortages contribute to avoidable patient deaths and burgeoning health care costs. This problem can be addressed by increasing family consent to deceased organ donation. There are high levels of community support for deceased organ donation in Australia and yet, almost fifty percent of families decline the request to donate. Increasing the number of families who agree to deceased organ donation is key to increasing national and international transplantation rates. The purpose of this study was to identify the major factors that influence a family to agree or decline deceased organ donation during the process of decision-making. The aims of the study were three-fold: to identify the key stages and the major influencers’ in the decisionmaking process; to determine if hope, deep hope and trust played a role in the decision, and to explore families’ perceptions of their decision-making experience. The study utilised an exploratory case study approach to examine the family decisionmaking process of deceased organ donation. Following ethics approval, recruitment was conducted utilising a qualitative purposive snowball strategy across Australia. A pilot study was conducted to test the study procedures prior to the main data collection, and 22 participants who had been involved in a deceased organ donation decision from nine families were interviewed. In five deaths family members had agreed to organ donation, and in four deaths the family declined. A theoretical framework based on the Precaution Adoption Process Model of decision-making was applied to propose trust, hope and deep hope underpin family organ donation decisions. Thematic analysis was conducted and three key themes comprising ‘In the fog drowning’, ‘Harvesting humanity’, and ‘It’s all up to Mum’ were revealed. The study found women, and in particular mothers, played a significant role in organ donation decision-making, and that the decision-making is bounded by family needs of trust, hope and deep hope across the continuum of time. It also found families who had their trust, hope and deep hope needs met expressed satisfaction about their decision-making experience and agreed to organ donation. Some families perceived that organ donation was a sacrifice that was too great to endure, even if the deceased had previously indicated intent to donate, and therefore declined donation. This study found that families’ ideas of a peaceful death and organ donation are not mutually exclusive. It concludes that when decision-makers’ trust and deep hope needs are met they are more willing to agree to donation. This study recommends that the idea of a ‘right’ to a peaceful death should be aligned with deceased organ donation practices and normalised.
The purpose of this article is to examine the factors that affect the inclusion of pupils in programmes for children with special needs from the perspective of the theory of recognition. The concept of recognition, which includes three aspects of social justice (economic, cultural and political), argues that the institutional arrangements that prevent ‘parity of participation’ in the school social life of the children with special needs are affected not only by economic distribution but also by the patterns of cultural values. A review of the literature shows that the arrangements of education of children with special needs are influenced primarily by the patterns of cultural values of capability and inferiority, as well as stereotypical images of children with special needs. Due to the significant emphasis on learning skills for academic knowledge and grades, less attention is dedicated to factors of recognition and representational character, making it impossible to improve some meaningful elements of inclusion. Any participation of pupils in activities, the voices of the children, visibility of the children due to achievements and the problems of arbitrariness in determining boundaries between programmes are some such elements. Moreover, aided by theories, the actions that could contribute to better inclusion are reviewed. An effective approach to changes would be the creation of transformative conditions for the recognition and balancing of redistribution, recognition, and representation. (DIPF/Orig.)