873 resultados para Independence of irrelevant alternatives


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, 2016.


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High-dimensional problem domains pose significant challenges for anomaly detection. The presence of irrelevant features can conceal the presence of anomalies. This problem, known as the '. curse of dimensionality', is an obstacle for many anomaly detection techniques. Building a robust anomaly detection model for use in high-dimensional spaces requires the combination of an unsupervised feature extractor and an anomaly detector. While one-class support vector machines are effective at producing decision surfaces from well-behaved feature vectors, they can be inefficient at modelling the variation in large, high-dimensional datasets. Architectures such as deep belief networks (DBNs) are a promising technique for learning robust features. We present a hybrid model where an unsupervised DBN is trained to extract generic underlying features, and a one-class SVM is trained from the features learned by the DBN. Since a linear kernel can be substituted for nonlinear ones in our hybrid model without loss of accuracy, our model is scalable and computationally efficient. The experimental results show that our proposed model yields comparable anomaly detection performance with a deep autoencoder, while reducing its training and testing time by a factor of 3 and 1000, respectively.


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This paper reports on the Transition: Improved Literacy Outcomes Research Study established by the Department of Education and Training (DET). The purpose of the study was to identify the most useful and usable data for educators to access in order to ensure that student literacy learning is maximised during the transition from Primary to Secondary school.1. The research followed a mixed-methods approach, combining a statistically defensible sample of schools selected to represent school types (primary, secondary, combined), locations (rural, regional, urban) and all regions with a survey and follow- up interviews.2. The results are presented as a mixture of statistics, case studies and discussion. The case studies were developed from both survey data and interview data.3. Leaders and teachers overwhelmingly valued teacher judgement (through AusVELS) as the most useful data in understanding students’ strengths and weaknesses, followed by On-Demand testing.4. NAPLAN results were frequently transferred between schools, but were found to be less useful than other data by teachers.5. School leaders and teachers are currently using data for ability streaming, or for tailoring curriculum for individual student needs. A number of schools use the Literacy data for achieving a balance of student abilities within classes.6. Support for access to, and use of, data is mainly manual, with some use of spreadsheets.7. As the number of feeder Primary schools to a single Secondary school increases, data management becomes a much larger burden on the Secondary staff concerned.8. In Secondary schools, there was a clear demand for Literacy data, but these data were not always those that were being provided by their feeder Priamary schools. This mis-match appears to lead to some frustration among Literacy transition staff at both levels of schooling.9. A gap that needs filling is around the nature of the pedagogies at the two school levels. Not knowing, or misunderstanding, the approaches and needs of each level of schooling leads to the passing on of irrelevant Literacy data in some instances.10. The need for a common template for transition data was expressed by many Transition staff, both Primary and Secondary. In some instances the secondary school had set up a local template for this11. It would be advantageous for data to be directly up-loaded or transferred into a system via electronic tools already in use, such as an Excel spreadsheet.12. We would recommend that the capacity to provide some visualisation of data, and the compilation of internal Literacy data such as teacher judgements and AusVELS levels, or additional testing carried out by the school.13. Student background data was seen by many Secondary transition staff as being equally as valuable as more formal Literacy data for determining student needs.


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La consommation d’aliments biologiques croît depuis plusieurs années. Malgré cette croissance, la majorité des consommateurs d’aliments biologiques sont des consommateurs intermittents : leur consommation alimentaire n’est pas uniquement composée d’aliments biologiques, mais en comprend une part variable. Bien que majoritaires, ces consommateurs ont été l’objet de très peu de recherches, et demeurent mal connus. Cette étude exploratoire s’intéresse aux raisons qui conduisent ces consommateurs à opter ou non pour la version biologique d’un aliment. À partir de 24 entretiens individuels semi-dirigés, une restitution du processus de choix des répondants est proposée. Les résultats montrent que la décision d’opter pour le biologique est directement liée à un problème identifié avec l’offre non biologique, problème qui change selon le type d’aliment considéré et entre en contradiction avec les valeurs du répondant. L’option biologique est évaluée en fonction de la gravité du problème perçue par le répondant et de la capacité de l’option biologique à y répondre. Pour un même répondant, le caractère biologique d’un aliment est ainsi d’une importance variable pour différents aliments. Les stratégies mises en place en cas d’indisponibilité de l’option biologique sont également variables, allant de l’abstention complète de l’aliment à la consommation de la version non biologique, sous certaines conditions. Cette étude montre la grande diversité des raisons qui mènent les consommateurs à opter pour le biologique. Elle souligne également la nécessité de prendre en compte l’offre non biologique pour comprendre les consommateurs intermittents d’aliments biologiques.


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L’objectif du chapitre consiste à dresser un bilan des acquis concernant les relations entre lecture-compréhension et écriture-rédaction. Deux approches sont envisagées. La première s’appuie sur des évaluations globales des dimensions relatives dites au bas niveau (au code : écriture et décodage) et des dimensions de haut niveau (compréhension et production textuelle). Elle met en évidence des relations fortes entre les premières, mais plutôt faibles entre les secondes. La seconde approche procède à la mise en relation entre composantes des deux activités : lexique (en lecture et en production), syntaxe, structure des textes, etc. Elle fait apparaître une plus grande complexité des relations et une relative indépendance des composantes. Elle conduit à reposer la question des impacts respectifs et réciproques de la lecture-compréhension sur l’écriture-rédaction. Elle amène à s’interroger sur ce que seraient les effets d’une pratique accordant une priorité à la production plutôt qu’à la lecture-compréhension et à rechercher les modalités d’intervention visant à améliorer l’une à partir de l’autre, et réciproquement.


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Introducción: El incremento de la población geriátrica es una realidad a nivel mundial y con esto los modelos de atención domiciliaria toman gran relevancia para dar respuesta a las diferentes patologías que requieran su seguimiento. Se ha evidenciado que en dicho seguimiento, el fenómeno de la polimedicación se presenta con frecuencia, con el riesgo de generar efectos cruzados y reacciones adversas que incrementan el deterioro clínico de los pacientes. Objetivo: Determinar los posibles efectos cruzados de la Polimedicación no pertinente en pacientes mayores de 75 años con hipertensión arterial más enfermedad neurodegenerativa en atención domiciliaria de una EPS del régimen contributivo en Bogotá, con base en los criterios de Beers.


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Los modelos de gestión urbana a nivel global, incorporan en la planeación y en el desarrollo de los entornos urbanos, al suelo natural de soporte como estructura fundamental; debido principalmente a sus funciones ecosistémicas y a los bienes ambientales que provee, incluyendo la biodiversidad y la conservación de entornos con calidad paisajística, entre otros. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, el objetivo principal de esta investigación, consiste en hacer un seguimiento y caracterización del ecosistema estratégico del corredor biológico borde norte en la ciudad de Bogotá, con el fin de identificar y dar visibilidad a los aspectos críticos, que son necesarios a tener en cuenta en la política e instrumentos de planeación, para el tratamiento de ésta área. En el desarrollo de esta investigación, se aplicaron las nociones metodológicas de la ecología urbana, dando inicio con una fase de diagnóstico y caracterización de la situación actual, seguido de la formulación de alternativas, entre las que se destacan, la restauración ecológica. En el diagnóstico se pudo identificar que, si bien existe disponibilidad de agua y de cobertura vegetal en las condiciones de suelo, también está presente una gran presión inmobiliaria en el sector, lo cual, ha promovido la alteración de los predios, haciendo urgente un tratamiento integral de restauración ecológica de éste corredor, que permita la recuperación de la función ecosistémica, aportando beneficios a la ciudad.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Discusses two aspects of Hong Kong law: 1) the judgment of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal in A Solicitor v The Law Society of Hong Kong on whether Hong Kong courts were bound, post-1997, by pre-1997 House of Lords or Privy Council decisions, by pre-1997 decisions of their own, or by post-1997 overseas decisions from any jurisdiction; and 2) the need for clarification in the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance of whether a company can have a single legal representative, the ultra vires rule and the duties of company directors


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Objective: During hospitalisation older people often experience functional decline which impacts on their future independence. The objective of this study was to evaluate a multifaceted transitional care intervention including home-based exercise strategies for at-risk older people on functional status, independence in activities of daily living, and walking ability. Methods: A randomised controlled trial was undertaken in a metropolitan hospital in Australia with 128 patients (64 intervention, 64 control) aged over 65 years with an acute medical admission and at least one risk factor for hospital readmission. The intervention group received an individually tailored program for exercise and follow-up care which was commenced in hospital and included regular visits in hospital by a physiotherapist and a Registered Nurse, a home visit following discharge, and regular telephone follow-up for 24 weeks following discharge. The program was designed to improve health promoting behaviours, strength, stability, endurance and mobility. Data were collected at baseline, then 4, 12 and 24 weeks following discharge using the Index of Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Instrumental Index of Activities of Daily Living (IADL), and the Walking Impairment Questionnaire (Modified). Results: Significant improvements were found in the intervention group in IADL scores (p<.001), ADL scores (p<.001), and WIQ scale scores (p<.001) in comparison to the control group. The greatest improvements were found in the first four weeks following discharge. Conclusions: Early introduction of a transitional model of care incorporating a tailored exercise program and regular telephone follow-up for hospitalised at-risk older adults can improve independence and functional ability.


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The purpose of our paper is to illustrate the fundamental importance of developing academic community among first year students. We argue that a sense of academic community is of fundamental importance in combating the effects of the neo-liberal economic discourse on higher education, and that the values of higher education are incongruent with those of economic rationalism. The discursive commodification of the student, and of education itself, works against the formation of community, both within the university environment and in the wider society. We argue that, at present, the dominant discourse shaping the social practice of higher education is that of neo-liberal economics. Community values stand in opposition to the dominant discourse, and are integral to the long-term survival of a socially critical and socially responsive society. We conclude that the importance of establishing a sense of academic community during the first year of university is justified by its ultimate value to society.