1000 resultados para Estado (unidade da federação), criação
O Poder Judiciário expressa a vontade política do Estado interpretando o direito e mantendo a força normativa da Constituição, sobretudo frente as normas que expressam direitos fundamentais por sua alta carga valorativa, sendo o juiz o último intérprete da norma, o qual não deve tutelar sempre o direito fundamental sob maior ataque, mas sim encontrando critérios científicos que leve em consideração sua efetividade e as medidas restritivas a ele impostas. No estudo abordou-se sem exclusividade os métodos de interpretação constitucional, e seu princípios interpretativos, visando harmonizá-los e não valorizar partes do texto constitucional, ante sua força decorrer da unidade. Abordados os princípios da supremacia da Constituição, da unidade de seu texto, máxima efetividade de suas disposições, e força normativa, com enfoque no princípio da interpretação conforme, não só no controle concentrado como também no difuso de constitucionalidade. Analisou-se técnicas de decisão no controle de constitucionalidade, não só a declaração de inconstitucionalidade com e sem redução do texto, como sua diferenciação da interpretação conforme. Explanadas ainda as ações de controle concentrado perante o Supremo Tribunal Federal, e esclarecidas a repercussão geral em recurso extraordinário, o mandado de injunção, as súmulas vinculantes e impeditivas de recursos, a reclamação constitucional, o controle de constitucionalidade no âmbito dos Tribunais estaduais, e o praticado pelos juízes de primeiro grau. E no controle difuso de constitucionalidade foi abordada o controle de convencionalidade dos tratados internacionais sobre direitos humanos. Finalizando com a omissão do Estado frente aos direitos fundamentais, reconhecendo seu papel de destaque no ordenamento jurídico constitucional por não estarem só naquele texto, mas espargidos por todo o sistema jurídico interno e externo. Ao final tratou-se das omissões estatais da assistência judiciária gratuita, da regulamentação do direito de greve dos servidores públicos, e das omissões nas prestações dos serviços públicos de saúde e educação.
Na distinção 27 do Comentário às Sentenças de Pedro Lombardo, na questão onde o sentido próprio do conceito de “Verbo” se discute e se aclara, é a autoridade do pensamento anselmiano, conforme a sua exposição nas páginas do Monologion, que Boaventura convoca para a conclusão do problema e a resolução das dissensões. Tomando, por isso, aquele texto como ponto de partida da nossa incursão sobre a filosofia do monge de Le Bec, procurar-se-á reflectir sobre o carácter mediador do Verbo no acto da criação e sobre o modo como este constitui a chave de interpretação da questão filosófica do uno e do múltiplo. É esta relação entre o uno e o múltiplo, na qual se encerra o mistério da criação, que encontrará, por seu turno, junto da filosofia do Doutor Seráfico, fortes ressonâncias estéticas, firmadas sobre uma concepção de beleza, de matriz agostiniana, que a define como “aequalitas numerosa”, que o mesmo seria dizer, como unidade da multiplicidade.
Este estudo apresenta uma análise sobre o ensino do empreendedorismo na formação do discente no curso de Bacharelado em Administração. A pesquisa foi realizada em três instituições privadas de ensino superior, localizadas no estado de São Paulo, com aplicação de questionário para alunos de primeiro e último períodos do curso, com levantamento quantitativo de dados. Também utilizou informações fornecidas pelos coordenadores do curso, por meio de pesquisa qualitativa. Em relação à pesquisa bibliográfica foram mencionados estudos sobre o desenvolvimento do ensino do empreendedorismo, os diversos conceitos apresentados pelos estudiosos do assunto, o histórico da universidade brasileira e os caminhos percorridos pelo ensino do empreendedorismo. O referencial teórico foi finalizado com uma abordagem sobre a cultura organizacional, que englobou as diferenças entre culturas organizacionais tradicionais e empreendedoras. O estudo foi desenvolvido enfatizando-se a importância do estímulo na criação de empreendimentos próprios e no desenvolvimento e prática de atitudes empreendedoras, como modelo de projeção profissional e encarreiramento nas organizações. Quanto aos resultados, essa dissertação apresentou as variáveis que apontam a relação entre o ensino do empreendedorismo e as características empreendedoras do discente do curso de Administração, como fatores determinantes para o desenvolvimento empreendedor.
Esta pesquisa se dedica ao debate em torno da redação e composição do livro de Amós, e pretende, primeiramente, apresentar e criticar algumas hipóteses sobre as camadas literárias, que poderiam pertencer ao próprio profeta, e os acréscimos tardios. Como primeiro passo para uma abordagem do problema redacional, este estudo examina algumas contribuições de especialistas estrangeiros e de estudiosos brasileiros, e tenta fazer um julgamento crítico de suas hipóteses sobre a redação do livro de Amós. A questão do processo redacional do livro de Amós tem sido, na verdade, objeto de uma animada discussão entre muitos estudiosos. Em segundo lugar, a leitura diacrônica é complementada com o estudo sincrônico do livro, isto é, com o debate em torno da estrutura não só da composição em Amós 6,1-14, mas também do livro todo. Em terceiro lugar, a partir da avaliação do resultado da pesquisa e com a utilização do método histórico-crítico, a composição em Amós 6,1-14 é analisada como uma unidade literária de sentido. Para tal análise são, indubitavelmente, relevantes algumas considerações prévias sobre o gênero literário da lamentação, a denúncia profética da injustiça social e a instituição do banquete do marzeah. Em seqüência, esta tese analisa o fenômeno literário dos panfletos proféticos e da organização social, que poderia estar por detrás de sua autoria. Por isso, e levando em conta o desafio de novas propostas metodológicas, esta pesquisa visa dar uma contribuição específica ao estudo de Amós. Ela se empenha em demonstrar que, em relação a Amós 6,1-14, o leitor está diante de uma criação coletiva. De fato, a mencionada composição é o resultado não só da pregação oral do próprio profeta, mas também, em razão de sua forma compósita, das vozes proféticas de pessoas oprimidas, que, impulsionadas pelo Espírito, confirmaram a denúncia severa de Amós e até a completaram com suas próprias experiências e sofrimentos. Finalmente, um despretensioso excursus examina o livro de Amós em um contexto literário mais amplo, para dar uma visão geral do debate em torno do processo redacional do Livro dos Doze Profetas, particularmente a partir de sua perspectiva escatológica mediante a categoria teológica do Dia do Senhor.(AU)
A Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) é um setor do hospital destinado ao atendimento de pacientes em estado crítico, que requer cuidados complexos e controles rígidos e, por isso sempre gera um ambiente estressante, não só para a equipe que atende ao paciente mas também aos familiares e portanto induz muitas vezes ao processo de depressão. Estes fatores leva-nos a abordar a necessidade de humanização, no atendimento ao paciente, bem como de seus familiares. A preocupação com a humanização deve estar presente nas equipes de enfermagem como filosofia-diretriz e deve ser um indicador de qualidades desses serviços. Humanizar a UTI significa cuidar do paciente como um todo, englobando o contexto bio-psico-social, incorporando os valores sociais e da família, as esperanças, os culturais e as preocupações pessoais. A humanização deve fazer parte da filosofia da enfermagem. O ambiente físico, os recursos materiais e tecnológicos são importantes, porém não mais significativos do que a natureza humana. O pensamento em ações da equipe de enfermagem, alimentam a reflexão crítica e a construção de uma realidade mais humana e menos agressiva e hostil para as pessoas que diariamente convivem no hospital. A hospitalização altera a rotina não só do paciente mas também dos familiares. De certa forma, a própria hospitalização pode ser vivida como abandono ou morte, à medida que implica um afastamento das pessoas queridas, da casa, como também uma invasão de privacidade. Este trabalho procurou Identificar as necessidades dos familiares ou visitantes, frente à equipe de saúde durante o período de internação na UTI e avaliar o grau de satisfação em relação à qualidade das informações e ao suporte dados à família ou visitante. Os resultados indicam que no Hospital Heliópolis, onde o trabalho foi conduzido, os entrevistados estavam satisfeitos com a equipe multiprofissional pois os pacientes eram bem cuidados, havendo preocupação com os pacientes, e que os médicos, além de compreensivos e competentes, forneceram as informações de modo que eles pudessem compreender,. Porém deve-se ressaltar que 48% dos entrevistados apontam a necessidade de apoio psicológico.(AU)
Nowadays the search for growth makes organizations seeking competitive advantages, project management shares this goal, through techniques that assist in the search for an improved management of the various fields of knowledge through a design methodology. The world is driven by projects and the search for ways to better manage activities such as time, cost and term towards the success of a particular project is something constant. A major contribution that IT can make to the health sector is the support for the management area. IT can integrate processes, optimize the interconnection between the various sectors, make hospitals have access to inside information of good quality, as well as support in the healthcare area, sharing pictures, uniting the various aspects of nursing and nursing service. The major challenge faced by the SESAP Information Technology sector at present is in project management in IT , which does not exist makes investments in the area are increasingly difficult due to this deficiency in management develop their own systems without cost additional to the State. This study seeks to build and strengthen the Project Management within the Department of Health through the implementation of a project office that will manage the final result of this work methodology based on PMBOK, and still show the functionality applied to development the state Hospital Management System that will later be installed on all Regional Health Units and proposing measures for the sustainability and development of the sector amid the difficulties of the current public service. Such action will result in a savings of more than R$ 107,000.00 (one hundred seven thousand) regarding spending private software currently used by the assignment of invested by the State of Rio Grande do Norte user licenses, representing more than 5 % of the total budget of the State Department of Public Health of the State
The objective of this study was to investigate the assistance for the female adolescents perpetrators of offences in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Through the Thematic Oral History and Documentary Analysis methods, we sought to uncover historical aspects of the work provided in women’s units of the Fundação dos Direitos das Crianças e Adolescentes (FUNDAC) [Foundation for the Rights of Children and Adolescents], from the experiences of professionals who have worked in these units since the beginning of their activities. For this, we made visits to FUNDAC and the Centro Educacional Padre João Maria (CEDUC) [Educational Center Father João Maria], to identify professionals who could participate in the study, as well as institutional documents on routine of treatment. Eight professionals were found from three identified units: Granja Santana, Instituto Padre João Maria and CEDUC, who were interviewed according to a semi-structured script. The analysis of the collected material is supported in Marxian theory and feminist perspective on the sexual division of labor. The results are organized into five areas of analysis: (1) the creation of the service units; (2) the deviant “behavior”: reasons for institutionalization of female adolescents; (3) educational proposal: a female version; service strategies and; the rules and punishment: the domesticated teenage girl. The study indicates that the commission of the offense by the female adolescents in state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) has been associated with the conduct of their families, particularly their mothers. Moreover, in general, service strategies, educational proposals, disciplinary measures were and have been developed based on the naturalization of what is female. Therefore, the assistance to adolescent girls in RN, those thirty-five years, left intact the existing hierarchy in social relations between the sexes, it reproduced the subordination of female adolescents in the juvenile justice system.
The creation of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) through the Constitutional Amendment nº 45/2004, derived from countless gaps in Brazilian law, mainly relating to procedural delays, ineffectiveness of judicial decisions, and the lack of mechanisms that enable, effectively, disciplinary accountability of judges. The council is constitutionally designed as a member of the Judiciary, which has administrative nature and laid assignments in art. 103-B, § 4 of the current Constitution, among which is to edit regulations to instrument its performance. However, since it came into force, the amendment raised extensive discussions, linked in particular to the constitutionality of the CNJ, which was made through the direct action of unconstitutionality nº 3367, against the alleged violation of the principles of separation of powers and federative form, as well as the limits of its regulatory powers, as has fanned out in ADI nº 3823/ DF, this one dealing on Resolution nº 07, which regulates the seal of nepotism practice in the judiciary. However, despite the Supreme Court has already pronounced on the matter, recognizing the constitutionality of the council, as well as the resolution already said, the debate is in a state of latency, and may erupt again with each new manifestation of regulatory CNJ, given the lack of agreement between doctrine and jurisprudence around the constitutional treatment of its regulatory powers. In this context undeniably reflection on the definition of the regulatory power of the CNJ, presents itself as extremely relevant, and current, in particular in the ambience of the Constitutional Rule of Law, where he strives for legal certainty and consolidation of regulatory institutions. So that it could reach a satisfactory result, skilled at resolving the problems raised, the present study analyzed the reasons that gave rise to the creation of the CNJ, demonstrating their indispensability, but also sought to characterize the status of their administrative and constitutional body, noting finally, the compatibility of its regulatory activities to constitutional principles. From this perspective, we adopted the deductive method and carried out research and bibliographic nature documentary.
The present study had as goal to evaluate Rio Grande do Norte state’s medical residency programs (MRP) in Cardiology. It’s a descriptive study, including a documental analysis of the program’s accreditation processes (PAP) of cardiology’s medical residency in Rio Grande do Norte state in 2014 and the analysis of the resident’s perception about his professional education as a specialist in Cardiology. Beside the documental analysis of the PAPs, it was applied a semi-structured questionnaire with closed questions Likert style and open questions to all the current and former residents of the MRPs analyzed. Two MRPs in Cardiology were identified in Rio Grande do Norte state, one hosted in a public institution and the other in a private institution. The documental analysis showed a greater amount of preceptors with a good level of ownership on the public institution in comparison with the private one, as well as a bigger number of publications, participation in congresses and in book’s publications. The private institution presents a better Urgency’s infrastructure, with emergency room and cardiologic ICU. It IS clear that the residents are aware of how a good residency must work, as well as the strengths and fragilities of their own residences. Most of Onofre Lopes Universitary Hospital’s residents point out as a strength the organization, participation and quality of the preceptors, practice activities and scientific debates, great amount of patients and the visits and debates with the preceptors on the sickrooms. As the greatest fragilities, they emphasize the lack of a urgency service of their own and a specialized ICU. In Coração Hospital of Natal (HCor), it is listed as weak points the theoretic scheduling and the few ambulatory practices. As positive aspects, they report the preceptors, the agility on the execution of exams, a good number of serious patients and procedures. In both residences, it is seen a certain difficulty in accepting the important and mandatory items imposed by the rules of the Medical Residences’ National Committee, such as: biostatistics, bioethics, medical ethic, epidemiology and research methodology. Besides that, the residents recognize that both hospitals have a good infrastructure and technological support, especially in imaging methods. The evaluation of PRMCs identifies the strengths of each program and the aspects to be improved in both programs. It also allowed the observation of difficulties in accepting some regulations contained in the CNRM resolution by the resident, such as participation in activities such as biostatistics, epidemiology and research methodology as well as the improvement needs of specific technical training, such as in emergency care. Thus, our results make possible to develop strategies for continued improvement of PRMC in RN state. In addition, it enabled the preparation of the resident’s manual in cardiology, containing even a breakdown of resident evaluation system, which could serve as a model for other residency programs.
Este trabajo pretende señalar maneras de cambiar el concepto de que los estudiantes de una clase de noveno grado de la escuela primaria en la Escuela de Estado Dr. José Gonçalves de Medeiros, en la ciudad de Acari-RN, tienen de sí mismos, de su entorno cultural y su capacidad de producción poética. Además, las referencias a las desigualdades sociales en Brasil utilizando como eje motivador de leer la poesía de Conceição Evaristo relacionada con la memoria, la lucha y la apreciación de ascendencia africana. Las aportaciones teóricas sobre la situación socio-interaccionismo, la poesía, la poesía en la escuela y la secuencia didáctica colaboran para afirmar que el estudiante de escuela pública en su discurso revela influencia del entorno familiar, social y cultural, sino también el entorno educativo, así como los primeros signos de sentimiento nacional: una mayoría excluida. Su poesía haciendo tiene sus raíces en el entorno socio-cultural y geográfica, lo que denota un principio revuelta, sin embargo, con el reconocimiento de las contribuciones de las clases desfavorecidas para la construcción de nuestro país, el estudiante tiene otras cuestiones, como el mestizo, la identificación África y el orgullo de su origen, la memoria y la cultura. Por lo tanto, se confirmam la relación rizomáticas entre las dos realidades. La elección de la investigación de intervención, en la confluencia con la investigación-acción y la investigación participativa se debe al hecho de que el intercambio de experiencias en la investigación científica es rica y significativa. Con el uso de una secuencia didáctica, cuyo eje sentir la poesía, analizar textos y hacer poesía, el estudiante es llevado a la percepción de las ventanas del universo contenida en este género literario, que es una herramienta comunicativa que ofrece numerosas posibilidades expresión, conocimiento del otro y reconocer mutuamente.
This work analizes the financing of Health Policies on the state of Rio Grande Do Norte, starting at the presumption that SUS is “Bombarded” by fiscal ajustments, as a neoliberal strategy to face capital crises.The trafectory of the financing of SUS demands the comprehension of two principles which are, in essence, contradictory: the “principle of universatility”, which is caracterized by the uncompromising defence of the fundaments of the Sanitary Reform, and the “principle of containment of social costs”, articulating the macroeconomic policy that has being developed in Brazil since the 1990s and which substantiantes itself on the 2000s.This last defends the reduction of the social costs, the maintanance of primary surplus and the privatization of public social services. Considering these determinations, the objective of this research constitues in bringing a critical reflection sorrounding the financing of the Health Policies on the state of Rio Grande do Norte, on the period from 2004 to 2012.Starting from a bibliografic and documentary research, it sought out to analyze the budget planning forseen on the Budget Guideline Law (LDO) and on the Multiannual Plans (PPA), investigating the reports of the Court of Auditors of the State of RN and gathering information about expenses with health, available on the System of Information About Public Budgeting in Health (SIOPS).The Analises of the data obtained, in light of the theoretic referece chosen, reveals trends in the public budget setting for health on the State of Rio Grande do Norte, which are: a tiny share of investment expenditure on health, when compared to other expenses, the amount used in daily fees and advertising; the high expense in personnel expenses, especially for hiring medical cooperatives;the strong dependence of the state on revenue transferences from the Union; the aplication of resources in actions of other nature considered as health, in exemple of the expenditures undertaken by the budgeting unit Supplying Center S/A (CEASA) on the function of health and subfunction of prophylactic and therapeutic and on the Popular Pharmacy program. Since 2006, expenses refering to Regime Security Servers (RPPA) on the area of health also have being considered as public actions and services in health for constitutional limit ends, beyond the inconsistencies on the PPAs with the actions performed efectively.
CHAPTER 1 - This study histologically evaluated two implant designs: a classic thread design versus another specifically designed for healing chamber formation placed with two drilling protocols. Forty dental implants (4.1 mm diameter) with two different macrogeometries were inserted in the tibia of 10 Beagle dogs, and maximum insertion torque was recorded. Drilling techniques were: until 3.75 mm (regular-group); and until 4.0 mm diameter (overdrillinggroup) for both implant designs. At 2 and 4 weeks, samples were retrieved and processed for histomorphometric analysis. For torque and BIC (bone-to-implant contact) and BAFO (bone area fraction occupied), a general-linear model was employed including instrumentation technique and time in vivo as independent. The insertion torque recorded for each implant design and drilling group significantly decreased as a function of increasing drilling diameter for both implant designs (p<0.001). No significant differences were detected between implant designs for each drilling technique (p>0.18). A significant increase in BIC was observed from 2 to 4 weeks for both implants placed with the overdrilling technique (p<0.03) only, but not for those placed in the 3.75 mm drilling sites (p>0.32). Despite the differences between implant designs and drilling technique an intramembranous-like healing mode with newly formed woven bone prevailed. CHAPTER 2 - The objective of this preliminary histologic study was to determine whether the alteration of drilling protocols (oversized, intermediate, undersized drilling) present different biologic responses at early healing periods of 2 weeks in vivo in a beagle dog model. Ten beagle dogs were acquired and subjected to surgeries in the tibia 2 weeks before euthanasia. During surgery, 3 implants, 4 mm in diameter by 10 mm in length, were placed in bone sites drilled to 3.5 mm, 3.75 mm, and 4.0 mm in final diameter. The insertion and removal torque was recorded for all samples. Statistical significance was set to 95% level of confidence and the number of dogs was considered as the statistical unit for all comparisons. For the torque and BIC and BAFO, a general linear model was employed including instrumentation technique and time in vivo as independent. Overall, the insertion torque increased as a function of drilling diameter from 4.0 mm, to 3.75 mm, to 3.5 mm, with a significant difference in torque levels between all groups (p<0.001). Statistical assessment of BIC and BAFO showed significantly higher values for the 3.75 mm (recommended) drilling group was observed relative to the other two groups (p<0.001). Different drilling dimensions resulted in variations in insertion torque values (primary stability) and different pattern of healing and interfacial remodeling was observed for the different groups. CHAPTER 3 - The present study evaluated the effect of different drilling dimensions (undersized, regular, and oversized) in the insertion and removal torques of dental implants in a beagle dog model. Six beagle dogs were acquired and subjected to bilateral surgeries in the radii 1 and 3 weeks before euthanasia. During surgery, 3 implants, 4 mm in diameter by 10 mm in length, were placed in bone sites drilled to 3.2 mm, 3.5 mm, and 3.8 mm in final diameter. The insertion and removal torque was recorded for all samples. Statistical analysis was performed by paired t tests for repeated measures and by t tests assuming unequal variances (all at the 95% level of significance). Overall, the insertion torque and removal torque levels obtained were inversely proportional to the drilling dimension, with a significant difference detected between the 3.2 mm and 3.5 mm relative to the 3.8 mm groups (P < 0.03). Although insertion torque–removal torque paired observations was statis- tically maintained for the 3.5 mm and 3.8 mm groups, a significant decrease in removal torque values relative to insertion torque levels was observed for the 3.2 mm group. A different pattern of healing and interfacial remodeling was observed for the different groups. Different drilling dimensions resulted in variations in insertion torque values (primary stability) and stability maintenance over the first weeks of bone healing.
The various types of pig farming, intensive and extensive, expose them to pig parasites but also to those from the environment of the breeding site. In this work was evaluated the exposure of bigs bred in technified farms, SISCAL (intensive breeding system in pens) and not technified (backyard) to leptospira, ticks and rickettsiae. Blood sera were analyzed to determine titers of antibodies anti-Leptospira by SAM technique and antibodies anti-rickettsial by IFA, pigs were inspected for ticks and in their breeding environment and surrounding areas (pastures and riparian vegetation), ticks were collected by the flannel dragging technique. In the farms of pigs 10.4% had anti-Leptospira antibodies, followed by SISCAL (8%) and backyard animals (2.5%). The serovars found were Bratislava, Pomona, serovar, Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae. Higher percentage of properties with pigs raised outdoors (SISCAL) had tick infested animals (20%) than those raised in backyard (6.7%), while commercial farms had no infested pigs nor infested breeding place. In both SISCAL and backyard pig breeding properties ticks were observed at the breeding site environment. Tick infestations were detected in areas surrounding pig breeding site in all three husbandry suystems. Ticks found were all Amblyomma scultpum nymphs or adults with the exception of one of Amblyomma parvum adult. In relation to anti-rickettsia serology to five Rickettsia species, 55.2% of pigs from commercial farms reacted to al least one species, backyard pigs reacted to 89.7% and all pigs of SISCAL showed anti-rickettsia titers. Consecutive tick sampling (June 2014 to February 2016) in SISCAL FAZU in Uberaba, showed the establishment A. sculptum ticks maintained by domestic pigs. These observations demonstrate the ability the pigs to maintain populations of A. sculptum at a favorable environment and may indicate a new trend in environmental infestations by this species of tick. Exposure to Leptospira and Rickettsia demonstrated the potential pigs exposure and transmission of important diseases in public health.
The research deals with the constitution of the pedagogical praxis of a teacher trainer, understood as objectification of theoretical and practical unity in the teaching field. It was achieved by means of a didactic-training intervention. The research problem: as a teacher trainer in a continuous training process is a pedagogical praxis, outlined to the overall objective: investigate the establishment of the pedagogical praxis of teacher trainer in a continuous formation process. The specific objectives were: 1) outline principles and foundations theoretical-methodological course of intervention research on appropriate teaching assumptions of historical-cultural theory; 2) systematic principles of constitution of the pedagogical praxis of a teacher trainer and 3) synthesize foundations of continued training of teacher trainers in view of the historical-cultural theory, to collaborate with design of institutional policies for continuing training of university teachers. The research was developed at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro University - UFTM, with teachers who work in their degree courses. It was developed in three stages: diagnosis, didactic-formative intervention and analysis of data. In the diagnostic step attended five teacher educators of degrees in: history, geography, physics, chemistry and letters. At this stage were used identification questionnaires, interviews, classroom observation and document analysis. In the next stage, with participation of a trainer, it was held educational-training intervention understood as the collective research-training process that is involved intervening in teaching with the development of interdependent and simultaneous actions trainings, planning and implementation of educational activities and study, classroom observation and evaluation from the perspective of dialectical unity in order to contribute to the integral development of teachers and students. The intervention were also held interviews and document analysis. The last stage of the research was the analysis of the data. In the diagnosis of education, among other analyzes, three references were found of the trainer's training-action: memorized references, empirical and praxis. It was the analysis of the references of the trainer's training-action that guided referrals ways of teaching-training intervention. As a result, it was concluded that the teacher educator is their pedagogical praxis in the dialectical units theoretical and practical appropriation of concepts and imitation-creation. Were the two principles analyzed in the research. It was also systematized some essential elements of the formation of the teacher educator: the needs of trainers are decisive in the choice of concepts that will be appropriate; the organization of the training process should take place hand in hand with planning and development classes; the theory need to be experienced in training so that appropriation/objectification of education come true, and also, participants must be strengthened as a collective studies, since we have not learned by linearity but connections. It is hoped that the research will create opportunities to deepen the debate on the continuing education of teacher educators and contribute to scientific production in the area.
It is remarkable the current planet’s situation of degradation and modification of natural assets and the considerable loss of the recovery power inherent to the ecosystems. Concomitant with this, all communities and species are suffering the consequences of these changes without planning. The creation of conservation units (UCs) through the National System of Conservation Units (SNUC) was a concrete action on the deliberateness of halting these processes, which, on the other hand, generated socio-environmental, geo-economical and cultural-political conflict of interests between traditional communities in the vicinity of these units, institutions, governmental entities and society in general. The country’s National Program of Environmental Education (ProNEA) provides the integration of the communities and UCs’ managers in a co-participative administration to solve these conflicts. The principles of Environmental Education (EA) leads the methodology found to change the socio-educational paradigms of traditional teaching, still existing in our society and intrinsically related to environmental problems, which are contrary to the dialogic pedagogy from Paulo Freire, that valorize popular knowledge, pro-active citizenship, as well as contrary to Ecopedagogy, that re-integrate human being on its natural environment, the Earth. One of the tools for starting environmental sensitization is the diagnosis by environmental perception of individuals. In this context, the objective of our work was to identify the environmental perception of Tenda do Moreno community located nearby Pau Furado State Park (PEPF) in Uberlândia – MG. To reach this objective, the research sought, in a first moment, to evaluate the environmental perception of residents of this community through semi-structured interviews applied in their homes and, in a second moment, we evaluated the environmental perception of community’ school students and made Environmental Education intervention activities with the intention to make children aware of the importance of conservation and function of PEPF. Using the Content analysis methodology, we found in nearly 60% of the 118 residents a systemic perception of nature, while approximately 32% expressed an anthropocentric perception. Mixed perceptions were found in 21%. A considerable part of the residents (47 individuals) indicated not knowing the park, although many of them recognize its importance. Among the 46 interviewed students, half expressed an anthropocentric perception of nature, while almost 36% had a systemic view. Seventeen children said they did not know the park and almost half of the students recognize some aspect of the importance of its existence. During the intervention activities, we had huge participation and dedication of students, beyond the massive expression of their personal views and daily experiences. In relation to the ten students that subjected the second evaluation about their environmental perception after the intervention, 80% showed systemic perception and emphasized the importance of conservation and of park. We believe that the continuity of the intervention activities could generate positive perspectives of socio-environmental effective changes in the daily school. Activities lead by Ecopedagogy and that encourage the citizen leadership in the young students are fundamental, while in the community, closer ties and dialog by UC’s managers would be important elements to generate effective change.