905 resultados para Dried apricot
Para avaliar os efeitos da idade e do repouso pós-colheita de frutos de pepino (Cucumis sativus L.) de duas cultivares, Pérola (espinhos escuros) e Rubi (espinhos claros), sobre as alterações na qualidade fisiológica das sementes durante o armazenamento, conduziu-se um experimento em Botucatu, SP e Bandeirantes, PR, durante quatro anos. Os frutos foram colhidos desde os 15 ('Rubi') ou 20 ('Pérola') dias até 45 dias após a antese, permanecendo em repouso pós-colheita por 0, 5, 10 e 15 dias, antes da extração das sementes. Antes e após dois e três anos de armazenamento (sacos de papel em ambiente de laboratório), foram retiradas amostras para avaliação do potencial germinativo e do vigor. Os resultados revelaram que sementes imaturas, retiradas de frutos colhidos precocemente (até 30 dias após a antese) e sem repouso pós-colheita, perderam totalmente a capacidade germinativa no segundo ano de armazenamento. Sementes que apresentavam valores iniciais de germinação mais elevados, as colhidas de frutos maduros (com ou sem repouso pós-colheita) ou de imaturos (30 e 35 dias de idade) com 10 a 15 dias de repouso pós-colheita, mantiveram valores acima de 70% após três anos de armazenamento.
Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de se estimar o conteúdo de elementos metálicos presentes em três macrófitas aquáticas submersas, procurando avaliar a participação destas plantas na remoção destes elementos na água e criar base de dados que permita prever o impacto ambiental do descarte delas em solo ou na própria água. As amostras foram desidratadas, moídas e encaminhadas aos laboratórios para análise e quantificação dos elementos. Para as três espécies, a maior concentração de elementos foi observada durante o verão, ocorrendo declínio nas concentrações durante o inverno, principalmente para os elementos vanádio e chumbo. Não foi detectada presença do elemento mercúrio em nenhuma das amostras.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade fisiológica das sementes de milho-doce em função do teor de água na colheita e da temperatura de secagem em espiga. O experimento foi instalado na área experimental da FCA/Unesp, Botucatu-SP. Utilizou-se a cultivar BR 400 (bt) 'Super doce'. O delineamento experimental empregado foi o de blocos ao acaso com seis repetições, constituindo os tratamentos as épocas de colheitas. As colheitas das espigas foram iniciadas após a maturidade fisiológica; após despalhadas e divididas em duas porções, as espigas foram submetidas a secagem em estufas com circulação forçada nas temperaturas de 30 e 40ºC. Foi utilizada uma testemunha com sementes secadas no campo com 10,1% de teor de água. Foram determinados os teores de água das sementes, inicial e após a secagem, de todas as colheitas. Após a secagem, as espigas foram debulhadas manualmente, as sementes acondicionadas em saco de papel e armazenadas em condições ambientais de laboratório. As avaliações da qualidade fisiológica das sementes (emergência de plântulas no campo, índice de velocidade de emergência, matéria seca de plântulas, germinação, vigor-primeira contagem do teste de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, teste de frio, condutividade elétrica e teores de Ca, Mg, K e Na lixiviados na solução do teste de condutividade elétrica) foram realizadas antes e após seis meses de armazenamento. As sementes de milho-doce cultivar BR 400 (bt), com teor de água igual ou menor do que 35%, podem ser submetidas à secagem em espiga a temperatura de 30 ou 40ºC, sem perdas significativas em sua qualidade fisiológica.
O trabalho foi desenvolvido em Botucatu, SP, e teve por objetivo determinar o momento de ocorrência do máximo potencial de germinação durante a maturação das sementes de canafístula, relacionando-a com a secagem dos frutos. Cinco árvores, em final de floração, tiveram 15 inflorescências etiquetadas em 06/02/ 2002. As colheitas, realizadas semanalmente, foram iniciadas na quinta semana após a etiquetagem (35 DAE) e finalizaram quando ocorreu o início da dispersão dos frutos (98 DAE), totalizando 10 colheitas. Os frutos das cinco plantas foram colhidos e avaliados separadamente. em cada colheita, os frutos foram divididos em duas porções: uma teve as sementes extraídas (sementes frescas), e a outra foi posta para secar em ambiente natural de laboratório para, então, se extraírem as sementes (sementes secas). Determinaram-se o teor de água e a massa seca de 100 sementes frescas e 100 secas. Os testes de germinação das sementes, frescas e secas, foram realizados com e sem escarificação. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, considerando-se a árvore e o bloco. A maior capacidade germinativa das sementes foi atingida após a ocorrência do máximo acúmulo de massa. O máximo potencial de germinação, detectado nas sementes escarificadas, foi observado no início da dispersão, quando predominavam sementes duras. A maturação, a germinação e a instalação da dormência em semente imatura foram antecipadas com a sua secagem no interior do fruto separado da planta-mãe.
No presente trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da dessecação e identificar lesões por predação por insetos, em diásporos de canela-batalha (Cryptocarya aschersoniana Mez.), utilizando-se testes de raios X. Os danos provocados pela dessecação foram dimensionados nas imagens e associados à formação de plântulas. Diásporos recém-beneficiados (45 % de umidade e 37 % de germinação) foram colocados para secar em sala climatizada (20 ºC e 60 % UR), dentro de bandejas plásticas em camada única. Posteriormente, com o intuito de acelerar o processo de secagem, foram colocados em caixas de secagem com solução saturada de hidróxido de sódio (28 % UR) e amostrados com 45, 37, 35, 31 e 26 % de umidade. Para as radiografias, utilizou-se a intensidade de radiação de 40 kVp e tempo de exposição de 1,5 minutos. Posteriormente, as radiografias foram fotografadas e as imagens analisadas em computador, sendo medido o afastamento entre o endocarpo e a semente. As sementes foram classificadas em sementes intactas, sementes com afastamento parcial, sementes com afastamento total e sementes predadas. Os testes de germinação foram realizados sobre areia, em germinadores tipo Mangelsdorf a 25 ºC e luz branca constante. Pelos resultados, observa-se que a germinação é comprometida quando o teor de água das sementes fica abaixo de 26 %. Nesse ponto, o afastamento entre o endocarpo e a semente é de 0,65 mm. Houve uma correlação positiva entre a viabilidade das sementes, avaliada pelo teste de germinação, e o afastamento entre o endocarpo e a semente observado nas radiografias. A análise radiográfica possibilita identificar danos provocados por predação após infestação por insetos.
Fruits are rich sources of bioactive compounds, including phenolic compounds. Tropical fruit cultivation is an important productive segment in Brazilian Northeast. Its industrialization generates solid wastes as co-products, with potential environmental impact. Considering the recognized bioactive content of fruit and its derivatives, this research has the objective of investigating acerola (Malpighia glabra L.), cajá-umbu (Spondia ssp), jambolan (Syzygium cumini) and pitanga (Eugenia uniflora) dried wastes obtained by spouted bed drier. It was analyzed the physical-chemical composition, solubility and microphotographic aspect of these dried wastes. Besides this, it was also evaluated the bioactive content, antioxidant activity and inhibitory activity against aamylase and a-glycosidase enzymes of water and ethanol (70%, 80% e 100% v/v) extracts prepared from fruit dried wastes, as well as their possible correlations. The dried fruit wastes showed high phenolic (606.04 to 3074.6 mg GAE eq/100 g sample), anthocyanin (478.7 mg/100 g for jambolan) and ascorbic acid (2748.03 mg/100 g for acerola) contents, as well as high antioxidant DPPH activity (14.27 a 36.30 mg Trolox eq/g sample). The extracts exhibited moderate to high a-amylase inhibition (23.97% a 76.58%) and high α-glycosidase inhibition, which 99.32% peak was reached for ethanol 70% pitanga extracts. It was also observed great positive correlation between phenolic content and DPPH activity (0.97 for acerola), anthocyanin (0.95 for jambolan) and α- glycosidase inhibition (0.98 for acerola). The α-glycosidase inhibition also correlated well with the antioxidant activity for all fruit extracts. The results show that these dried fruit wastes are valuable material for further applications as functional ingredients
The dried beef is a food traditionally eaten by Northeastern and has an extensive trade in the city of Natal-RN. It is usually produced in an empirical manner, without any standardization in production. Characterized as partially dehydrated meat product, so that the activity of water present is not sufficient to prevent microbial growth, degradation or the production of microbial toxins. The guarantee that the market dried beef is to provide a quality product hygienic, microbiological, physicochemical and sensory stable and adequate for the safety and consumer satisfaction, which has been increasingly attracted to food with natural preservatives. Thus, the meat industries are replacing the current seasonings and natural preservatives for similar, with it without affecting the shelf life of products. Lactic acid has been used to meet these requirements. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of lactic acid on the physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory, besides knowing the consumer profile of dried meat of the City of Natal / RN. The results demonstrated that the use of lactic acid in concentrations of 1% and 2% during the processing of dried meat, had statistically significant effect (p < 0.05) on the physico-chemical (pH and water activity) and consequently reduced the microbial count does not alter the taste of the new product developed. Regarding the results on the consumer profile, it was found that the majority of respondents (71.75%) did not observe the presence of the stamp of the Federal Inspection Service (SIF) to buy this meat food that 81.55% of consumers check the hygiene conditions of the site and handlers, however, a large proportion of respondents not concerned with the guarantee of origin of typical regional products featuring a hazard to food safety for consumers of the city of Natal-RN
Brazil, one of the largest agricultural producers in the world, has managed in recent years to significantly improve its production. However, in response to this advance in the agro-industrial sector, the generation of agro-industrial residues has also increased. New technological alternatives have to be implemented in order to bring economic and rational use of this material and drying is one of the possible choices. Considering the great importance that bioactive compounds present for food science and technology, this research aims to evaluate the air-drying process of acerola residue in a tray convective drier under controlled temperature (60, 70 e 80ºC), air velocity (4.0, 5.0 e 6.0 m/s) and material width (0.5, 0.62 e 0.75 cm) by applying an experimental planning 23 + 3. Based on that, the impact on physical-chemical characteristics, color, bioactive compounds concentration and antioxidant activity of dried acerola waste was evaluated, having the in natura and freeze dried waste as control groups. Dried acerola residue presented natural pigments, mainly carotenoids (143.68 - 68.29 mg/g) and anthocyanins (290.92 - 90.11 mg/100 g), which explain the red and yellow instrumental color parameters observed. The acerola residue powder is also rich in phenolic compounds (3261.11 -2692.60 mgGAEeq/100g), proanthocyanidins (61.33-58.46 eq/100g), ascorbic acid (389.44 739.29 mg/100 g) and DPPH antioxidant activity (20.91 24.72 μg Trolox eq/g). Results show decreased concentration of phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, carotenoids, proanthocyanidins and ascorbic acid caused by the air-drying process. However, even after the observed drying losses, the acerola residue powder can be considered a high value food ingredient, considering the high bioactive compounds concentration found in the final product, as well as the colorimetric characterization and microbiological stability of the dried powder
The bio-oil obtained from the pyrolysis of biomass has appeared as inter-esting alternative to replace fossil fuels. The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of temperature on the yield of products originating from the pyrolysis process of the powder obtained from the dried twigs of avelós (Euphorbia tirucalli), using a rotating cylinder reactor in laboratory scale. The biomass was treated and characterized by: CHNS, moisture, volatiles, fixed carbon and ashes, as well as evaluation of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose, besides other instrumental techniques such as: FTIR, TG/DTG, DRX, FRX and MEV. The activation energy was evaluated in non-isothemichal mode with heating rates of 5 and 10 oC/min. The obtained results showed biomass as feedstock with potential for biofuel production, because presents a high organic matter content (78,3%) and fixed-carbon (7,11%). The activation energy required for the degradation of biomass ranged between 232,92 392,84 kJ/mol, in the temperature range studied and heating rate of 5 and 10°C/min. In the pyrolysis process, the influence of the reaction temperature was studied (350-520 ° C), keeping constant the other variables, such as, the flow rate of carrier gas, the centrifugal speed for the bio-oil condensationa, the biomass flow and the rotation of the reactor. The maximum yield of bio-oil was obtained in the temperature of 450°C. In this temperature, the results achieved where: content of bio-oil 8,12%; char 32,7%; non-condensed gas 35,4%; losts 23,8%; gross calorific value 3,43MJ/kg; pH 4,93 and viscosity 1,5cP. The chromatographic analysis of the bio-oil produced under these conditions shows mainly the presence of phenol (17,71%), methylciclopentenone (10,56%) and dimethylciclopentenone (7,76%)
The production of enzymes by microorganisms using organic residues is important and it can be associated with several applications such as food and chemical industries and so on. The objective of this work is the production of CMCase, Xylanase, Avicelase and FPase enzymes by solid state fermentation (SSF) using as substrates: bagasse of coconut and dried cashew stem. The microorganisms employed are Penicillium chrysogenum and an isolated fungus from the coconut bark (Aspergillus fumigatus). Through the factorial design methodology and response surface analysis it was possible to study the influence of the humidity and pH. For Penicillium chrysogenum and the isolated fungus, the coconut bagasse was used as culture medium. In another fermentation, it was used the mixture of coconut bagasse and cashew stem. Fermentations were conducted using only the coconut bagasse as substrate in cultures with Penicillium chrysogenum fungus and the isolated one. A mixture with 50% of coconut and 50% of cashew stem was employed only for Penicillium chrysogenum fungus, the cultivation conditions were: 120 hours at 30 °C in BOD, changing humidity and pH values. In order to check the influence of the variables: humidity and pH, a 2 2 factorial experimental design was developed, and then two factors with two levels for each factor and three repetitions at the central point. The levels of the independent variables used in ascending order (-1, 0, +1), to humidity, 66%, 70.5% and 75% and pH 3, 5 and 7, respectively. The software STATISTICA TM (version 7.0, StatSoft, Inc.) was used to calculate the main effects of the variables and their interactions. The response surface methodology was used to optimize the conditions of the SSF. A chemical and a physic-chemical characterization of the coconut bagasse have determined the composition of cellulose (%) = 39.09; Hemicellulose (%) = 23.80, Total Lignin (%) = 36.22 and Pectin (%) = 1.64. To the characterization of cashew stem, the values were cellulose (g) = 15.91 Hemicellulose (%) = 16.77, Total Lignin (%) = 30.04 and Pectin (%) = 15.24. The results indicate the potential of the materials as substrate for semisolid fermentation enzyme production. The two microorganisms used are presented as good producers of cellulases. The results showed the potential of the fungus in the production of CMCase enzyme, with a maximum of 0.282 UI/mL and the Avicelase enzyme the maximum value ranged from 0.018 to 0.020 UI/ mL, using only coconut bagasse as substrate. The Penicillium chrysogenum fungus has showed the best results for CMCase = 0.294 UI/mL, FPase = 0.058 UI/mL, Avicelase = 0.010 UI/mL and Xylanase = 0.644 UI/ mL enzyme, using coconut bagasse and cashew stem as substrates. The Penicllium chrysogenum fungus showed enzymatic activities using only the coconut as substrate for CMCase = 0.233 UI/mL, FPase = 0.031 to 0.032 UI/ mL, Avicelase = 0.018 to 0.020 UI/mL and Xylanase = 0.735 UI/ mL. Thus, it can be concluded that the used organisms and substrates have offered potential for enzyme production processes in a semi-solid cultivation
The bio-oil obtained from the pyrolysis of biomass has appeared as inter-esting alternative to replace fossil fuels. The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of temperature on the yield of products originating from the pyrolysis process of the powder obtained from the dried twigs of avelós (Euphorbia tirucalli), using a rotating cylinder reactor in laboratory scale. The biomass was treated and characterized by: CHNS, moisture, volatiles, fixed carbon and ashes, as well as evaluation of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose, besides other instrumental techniques such as: FTIR, TG/DTG, DRX, FRX and MEV. The activation energy was evaluated in non-isothemichal mode with heating rates of 5 and 10 oC/min. The obtained results showed biomass as feedstock with potential for biofuel production, because presents a high organic matter content (78,3%) and fixed-carbon (7,11%). The activation energy required for the degradation of biomass ranged between 232,92 392,84 kJ/mol, in the temperature range studied and heating rate of 5 and 10°C/min. In the pyrolysis process, the influence of the reaction temperature was studied (350-520 ° C), keeping constant the other variables, such as, the flow rate of carrier gas, the centrifugal speed for the bio-oil condensationa, the biomass flow and the rotation of the reactor. The maximum yield of bio-oil was obtained in the temperature of 450°C. In this temperature, the results achieved where: content of bio-oil 8,12%; char 32,7%; non-condensed gas 35,4%; losts 23,8%; gross calorific value 3,43MJ/kg; pH 4,93 and viscosity 1,5cP. The chromatographic analysis of the bio-oil produced under these conditions shows mainly the presence of phenol (17,71%), methylciclopentenone (10,56%) and dimethylciclopentenone (7,76%)
Tropical fruits have been extensively studied due to their functional potential attributed to the presence of natural bioactive compounds. The exotic fruit jambolan (Syzygium cumini) has been reported for its appreciable amount of phenolic compounds, especially anthocyanins and antioxidant capacity. Nevertheless, there are hardly any derived jambolan products in the Brazilian market. In addition to that, considerable volumes of fruit are lost due to their high perishability. Dried fruits have become an important fruit market segment due to its weight and volume reduction and decreased transportation and storage costs. Thus, this study evaluated the jambolan pulp submitted to spouted bed drying (JLJ) and lyophilization (JLI), besides assessing the drying impact on the final product. In order to achieve this, the process performance was calculated and compared, as well the physicochemical and bioactive characteristics (moisture, water activity (aw), solubility, hygroscopicity, density, color, structure through images obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), concentration of bioactive (total phenolic compounds (TPC), anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and ascorbic acid) and antioxidant activity. The results showed drying efficiency higher than 60% for both products and that JLJ group showed higher moisture and water activity when compared to the JLI group (p<0.05). The two types of drying were able to produce stable final product in the microbiological point of view, given that both showed aw < 0.6. The final products exhibited high solubility (73.7 to 81.6%) and low hygroscopicity (9.8 to 11.6%), desirable characteristics for dehydrated foods. Despite the losses caused by drying, the dried jambolan pulp by both methods showed high TPC (468.6 to 534.0 mg GAE/100g dm), anthocyanins (from 491.9 to 673.4 mg. eq. cyanidin-3-glicoside/100g dm), proanthocyanidins (66.9 to 76.6 mg QTE/g dm) and ascorbic acid (156.4 to 186.8 mg/100 g dm). Taken together, the results of this study reveal spouted dried and freeze dried jambolan pulp as bioactive-rich natural products with suitable physicochemical and functional characteristics to be used as food ingredients. The data also demonstrate the drying techniques as rational strategies for the exploitation of the exotic fruit jambolan
Despite the relatively organized cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) productive chain and the number of cashew derivatives found in the market, it is estimated that over 90% of the cashew peduncle is wasted. A possible strategy for a better commercial exploitation of this agroindustrial commodity would be the production of spray dried cashew pulp. Thus, this paper approaches the yellow cashew pulp spray drying process and the final product evaluation. Based on that, the shelf life of the spray dried cashew pulp packed in different packaging was evaluated. Drying was conducted in two drying temperatures (140 °C to 150 °C) and two concentrations of Arabic gum (AG, 15% and 25%), which summed four experimental groups. The drying performance was evaluated as well as the physicochemical characteristics (moisture, water activity, total soluble solids, pH, density, solubility, particle diameter, hygroscopicity, degree of caking, color, scanning electronic microscopy and X-ray diffraction), composition (protein, ash, fat and sugars) and bioactive and functional value (total phenolic compounds, carotenoids, ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity) of the final products. Results showed spray drying efficiency higher than 65% for all experiments, mainly for the C4 group (150 °C and 25% AG) which reached efficiency of 93.4%. It was also observed high solubility (94.7% to 97.9%) and the groups with lower hygroscopicity (5.8% and 6.5%) were those with the highest proportion of drying coadjuvant. The particle diameters ranged between 14.7 μm and 30.2 μm and increased with the proportion of AG. When comparing the product before and after spray drying, the drying impact was evident. However, despite the observed losses, dried yellow cashew showed high phenolic concentration (from 235.9 to 380.4 mg GAE eq / 100 g DM), carotenoids between 0.22 and 0.49 mg/100 g DM and remarkable ascorbic acid levels (852.4 to 1346.2 mg/100 g DM), in addition to antioxidant activity ranging from 12.9 to 16.4 μmol TE/ g DM. The shelf life study revealed decreased phenolic content over time associated to a slight water activity increase. Overall, our results unveil the technological and bioactive potential of dried yellow cashew as a functional ingredient to be used in food formulations or as a ready-to-use product. The technological approach presented here can serve as an efficient strategy for a rational use of the cashew apple, avoiding its current underutilization
Availability of good quality water has been reduced vertiginously, over the last decade, in the world. In some regions, the water resources have high concentration of the dissolved salts, these characteristics of the water make it s use impossible. Water quality can be a limitation for irrigated agriculture, principally in regions of arid or semiarid climate where the water resources are generally saline and are exposed at high evaporation ratio. For that reason, precipitation of the salts occurs near the soil surface and those salts themselves cumulate in the vegetal tissue, reducing the soil fertility and crop production. The adoption of tolerant crop to the water salinity and soil salinity, adaptable to the climatic conditions is other emergent necessity. This work had the goal of studying the effects of four salinity levels of the irrigation water salinity and use of mulch, dried leaves of Forest mangrove (Acacia mangiumWilld), in cultivated soil with amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus, BRS Alegria variety), in greenhouse. It was utilized the transplant of plants to PVC columns, containing 30 kg of silty loam soil, 10 days after emerging, with space of 50 x 50 cm between lines. Treatments were composed by combination of four levels of salinity (0.147; 1.500; 3.000 e 4.500 dS m-1), obtained by addition NaCl (commercial) to irrigation water and soil with and without protection, by mulch. A factorial system 4 x 2 was used with four repetitions, totalizing 32 parcels. The concentrations of nutrients in soil solution have been evaluated, in the dry matter of the vegetal tissue (roots, stem, leaves and raceme residue), at the end of the vegetative cycle. The use of soil protection reduced time for the beginning inflorescence of plants, at the same time, the increase of the salinity delayed this phase of amaranth development. The use of the mulch effectively increased the height, stem diameter, area of the larger leaf, humidity and dry matter content and amaranth grain production. The vegetal species showed salinity tolerance to experimented levels. The adopted treatments did not affect the pH values, exchangeable cation contents, electrical conductivity of soil solution (EC1:5) and saturated extract (ECSE), and Ca+2, Mg+, Fe+2 and Mn+2 contents, in the soil solution. The increase of the salinity concentration in the irrigation water inhibited the mineralization process of the organic matter (OM) and, consequently, the efficiency in the it´s utilization by plants, at the same time, produced increase in the values of the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and potassium adsorption ratio (PAR), in the soil solution. Therefore, the use of the mulch did not affect the first three parameters. The protein and nutrient contents: K+, Ca+2, P, Mg+2 e Cu+2, in amaranth grains, were improved by tillage condition. The raceme residues showed chemical/nutritional composition that makes advantageous its application in animal ration. In this context, it follows that amaranth tolerate the saline stress, of the irrigation water, until 4.500 dS m-1, temperature and relative humidity of the air predominant in the experimental environment
This work presents a spray-dryer designed to oxalate-niobate precursors and suitable for the production of Niobium Carbide. The dryer was intended to produce powders of controlled particle size. First, the precursor is dissolved in water to produce a solution of known concentration and then it is atomized on the spray-dryer to produce the powder. This equipment consists of a 304 stainless steel chamber, 0.48 m x 1.9 m (diameter x length), with a conical shape at the lower portion, which is assembled on a vertical platform. The chamber is heated by three 4 kW electrical resistances. In this process, drying air is heated as it flows inside a serpentine surrounding the chamber, in contrary to more traditional processes in which the hot drying air is used to heat the component. The air enters the chamber at the same temperature of the chamber, thus avoiding adherence of particles on the internal surface. The low speed flow is concurrent, directed from the top to the bottom portion of the chamber. Powders are deposited on a 0.4 m diameter tray, which separates the cylindrical portion from the conical portion of the chamber. The humid air is discharged though a plug placed underneath the collecting tray. A factorial experimental planning was prepared to study the influence of five parameters (concentration, input flow, operation temperature, drying air flow and spray air flow) on the characteristics of the powders produced. Particle size distribution and shape were measured by laser granulometry and scanning electronic microscopy. Then, the powders are submitted to reaction in a CH4 / H2 atmosphere to compare the characteristics of spray-dried powders with powders synthetizided by conventional methods