921 resultados para Brams, Steven J.: The win-win solution
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O estado nutricional de plantas cultivadas em solução nutritiva pode ser influenciado pelo tipo de solução utilizada, afetando desta forma seu adequado crescimento. Com este trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a exigência nutricional de porta-enxertos de caramboleira, cultivados em quatro diferentes soluções nutritivas. O delineamento experimental empregado foi inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições, tendo como tratamentos as quatro soluções. Como solução padrão foi utilizada a de Hoagland & Arnon, comparada à outras três soluções. O experimento foi conduzido em condições de casa-de-vegetação, em recipientes plásticos com 8 L de capacidade. Após 150 dias do transplantio, foram determinados a matéria seca e o teor de nutrientes, inferindo-se o conteúdo dos macronutrientes na planta. Com esses resultados calculou-se os índices: eficiência de absorção; eficiência de transporte e eficiência de utilização dos nutrientes. As soluções nutritivas de Sarruge, de Castellane & Araújo e de Furlani foram semelhantes na produção de matéria seca das plantas de caramboleira. O uso da solução nutritiva de Hoagland & Arnon resultou em menor produção de matéria seca das caramboleiras, e, também, menor eficiência de utilização de Ca e Mg pelas plantas. A eficiência de transporte dos nutrientes foi a mais afetada pelas soluções nutritivas utilizadas, enquanto a eficiência de utilização dos nutrientes sofreu pouca variação em função das soluções empregadas.
BiFeO3 thin films free of secondary phases were obtained by the soft chemical solution on Pt(111)/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates after annealing at 500 degrees C for 2 h. The film grown in the (100) direction presented a remanent polarization P-r of 31 mu C/cm(2) at room temperature. Electrical measurements using both quasistatic hysteresis and pulsed polarization confirm the existence of ferroelectricity with a switched polarization of 60-70 mu C/cm(2), Delta P=(P-*-P). Low leakage conduction and an out-of-plane piezoelectric (d(3)) coefficient of 40 pm/V were obtained by the improvement of preparation technology.
Nanostructured films of lignin (macromolecule extracted from sugar cane bagasse), polypyrrole (conducting polymer) and bis butylimido perylene (organic dye) were used in the detection of trace levels of fluorine (from H2SiF6), chlorine (from NaCIO), Pb+2, Cu+2, and Cd+2 in aqueous solutions. Langmuir monolayers on ultrapure water were characterised by surface pressure-mean molecular area (II-A) isotherms. Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films were transferred onto gold interdigitated electrodes and used as individual sensing units of an electronic tongue system. Impedance spectroscopy measurements were taken with the sensor immersed into aqueous solutions containing the ions described above in different molar concentrations. Fourier transform infrared absorption (FTIR) was employed to identify possible interactions between the LB films and the analytes in solution, and no significant changes could be observed in the FTIR spectra of BuPTCD and Ppy. Therefore, the results for lignin point to an interaction involving the electronic cloud of the phenyl groups with the metallic ions.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Five Bacillus strains isolated from decaying vegetable material were cultivated on wheat bran and endo-polygalacturonases, exo-polygalacturonase and pectin lyase activities in the crude enzymatic solution obtained were determined. Highest activity was observed for all enzymes when fermentation was carried out at 28 degreesC, the highest activity values were obtained after 120 h of cultivation for exo-PG and after 48 h for endo-PG and PL. The use of the enzymatic solution for treatment of fruits and vegetable mash afforded a high juice extraction and a pulp with good pressing characteristics.
An algorithm is presented that finds the optimal plan long-term transmission for till cases studied, including relatively large and complex networks. The knowledge of optimal plans is becoming more important in the emerging competitive environment, to which the correct economic signals have to be sent to all participants. The paper presents a new specialised branch-and-bound algorithm for transmission network expansion planning. Optimality is obtained at a cost, however: that is the use of a transportation model for representing the transmission network, in this model only the Kirchhoff current law is taken into account (the second law being relaxed). The expansion problem then becomes an integer linear program (ILP) which is solved by the proposed branch-and-bound method without any further approximations. To control combinatorial explosion the branch- and bound algorithm is specialised using specific knowledge about the problem for both the selection of candidate problems and the selection of the next variable to be used for branching. Special constraints are also used to reduce the gap between the optimal integer solution (ILP program) and the solution obtained by relaxing the integrality constraints (LP program). Tests have been performed with small, medium and large networks available in the literature.
Electrodes of RhxTi(1-x) O-y nominal composition were prepared by thermal decomposition of the chloride or nitrate precursor salts dissolved in strongly acidic medium and applied by brush to both sides of a Tidegrees support. A systematic study of the influence of calcination temperature and time as well as oxygen flux was conducted. The coatings were characterised by SEM, EDAX, XRD, open circuit potential measurements and cyclic voltammetry (CV). Visible-ultraviolet spectrophotometry was employed to identify the chemical form of the precursor in solution while thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to assess the decomposition temperature ranges. Optimisation of the coating preparation parameters showed coatings obtained from [Rh(H2O)(6)](NO3)(3) precursor dissolved in HNO3 1:2 (v/v) and fired at 430 degreesC for 2 h in a 5 1 min (-1) oxygen stream-furnished stable electrodes having the highest electrochemically active surface area. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
The seed lectin from Lotus tetragonolobus (LTA) has been crystallized. The best crystals grew over several days and were obtained using the vapour-diffusion method at a constant temperature of 293 K. A complete structural data set was collected at 2.00 angstrom resolution using a synchrotron-radiation source. LTA crystals were found to be monoclinic, belonging to space group P2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 68.89, b = 65.83, c = 102.53 angstrom, alpha = gamma = 90, beta = 92 degrees. Molecular replacement yielded a solution with a correlation coefficient and R factor of 34.4 and 51.6%, respectively. Preliminary analysis of the molecular-replacement solution indicates a new quaternary association in the LTA structure. Crystallographic refinement is under way.
We have studied the possibility of associating fluorescence microscopy and hematoxylin-eosin staining for the identification of elastic fibers in elastin-rich tissues. Elastic fibers and elastic laminae were consistently identified by the proposed procedure, which revealed itself to be easy and useful for the determination of such structures and their distribution. The fluorescence properties of stained elastic fibers are due to eosin staining as revealed by fluorescence analysis of the dye in solution, with no or only minor contribution by the elastin autofluorescence. The main advantage of this technique resides in the possibility of studying the distribution of elastic fibers in file material without further sectioning and staining. The use of the confocal laser scanning microscope greatly improved the resolution and selectivity of imaging elastic fibers in different tissues. The determination of the three-dimensional distribution and structure of elastic fiber and laminae using the confocal laser scanning microscope was evaluated and also produced excellent results.
An analytical approach for the spin stabilized satellite attitude propagation is presented using the non-singular canonical variables to describe the rotational motion. Two sets of variables were introduced for Fukushima in 1994 by a canonical transformation and they are useful when the angle between z-satellite axis of a coordinate system fixed in artificial satellite and the rotational angular momentum vector is zero or when the angle between Z-equatorial axis and rotation angular momentum vector is zero. Analytical solutions for rotational motion equations and torque-free motion are discussed in terms of the elliptic functions and by the application of some simplification to get an approximated solution. These solutions are compared with a numerical solution and the results show a good agreement for many rotation periods. When the mean Hamiltonian associated with the gravity gradient torque is included, an analytical solution is obtained by the application of the successive approximations' method for the satellite in an elliptical orbit. These solutions show that the magnitude of the rotation angular moment is not affected by the gravity gradient torque but this torque causes linear and periodic variations in the angular variables, long and short periodic variations in Z-equatorial component of the rotation angular moment and short periodic variations in x-satellite component of the rotation angular moment. The goal of this analysis is to emphasize the geometrical and physical meaning of the non-singular variables and to validate the approximated analytical solution for the rotational motion without elliptic functions for a non-symmetrical satellite. The analysis can be applied for spin stabilized satellite and in this case the general solution and the approximated solution are coincidence. Then the results can be used in analysis of the space mission of the Brazilian Satellites. (C) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this article we examine an inverse heat convection problem of estimating unknown parameters of a parameterized variable boundary heat flux. The physical problem is a hydrodynamically developed, thermally developing, three-dimensional steady state laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid inside a circular sector duct, insulated in the flat walls and subject to unknown wall heat flux at the curved wall. Results are presented for polynomial and sinusoidal trial functions, and the unknown parameters as well as surface heat fluxes are determined. Depending on the nature of the flow, on the position of experimental points the inverse problem sometimes could not be solved. Therefore, an identification condition is defined to specify a condition under which the inverse problem can be solved. Once the parameters have been computed it is possible to obtain the statistical significance of the inverse problem solution. Therefore, approximate confidence bounds based on standard statistical linear procedure, for the estimated parameters, are analyzed and presented.
This paper proposes a methodology to incorporate voltage/reactive representation to Short Term Generation Scheduling (STGS) models, which is based on active/reactive decoupling characteristics of power systems. In such approach STGS is decoupled in both Active (AGS) and Reactive (RGS) Generation Scheduling models. AGS model establishes an initial active generation scheduling through a traditional dispatch model. The scheduling proposed by AGS model is evaluated from the voltage/reactive points of view, through the proposed RGS model. RGS is formulated as a sequence of T nonlinear OPF problems, solved separately but taking into account load tracking between consecutive time intervals. This approach considerably reduces computational effort to perform the reactive analysis of the RGS problem as a whole. When necessary, RGS model is capable to propose active generation redispatches, such that critical reactive problems (in which all reactive variables have been insufficient to control the reactive problems) can be overcome. The formulation and solution methodology proposed are evaluated in the IEEE30 system in two case studies. These studies show that the methodology is robust enough to incorporate reactive aspects to STGS problem.
Objective. Formocresol, paramonochlorophenol, or calcium hydroxide have been widely used in dental practice to eradicate bacteria and consequently to produce root canal disinfection. Taking into consideration strong evidence for a relationship between DNA damage and carcinogenesis, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate the genotoxic effects of antimicrobial endodontic compounds in human peripheral lymphocytes by single-cell gel ( comet) assay. This technique detects DNA strand breaks in individual cells.Study design. A total of 10 mu L of the tested substance solution (formocreso1, paramonochlorofeno1, and calcium hydroxide at 100-mu g/mL concentration) was added to human peripheral lymphocytes from 10 volunteers for 1 hour at 37 degrees C. The negative control group was treated with vehicle control (PBS) for 1 hour at 37 degrees C, as well. For the positive control group, lymphocytes were exposed to hydrogen peroxide at 100 mu M during 5 minutes on ice.Results. No DNA breakage was detected after a treatment of peripheral lymphocytes by formocresol, paramonochlorophenol, or calcium hydroxide at 100 mu g/mL.Conclusions. In summary, our results indicate that exposure to formocresol, paramonochlorophenol, or calcium hydroxide may not be a factor that increases the level of DNA lesions in human peripheral lymphocytes as detected by single-cell gel (comet) assay.