931 resultados para Automatic theorem proving
Our objective here is to prove that the uniform convergence of a sequence of Kurzweil integrable functions implies the convergence of the sequence formed by its corresponding integrals.
In this manuscript, an automatic setup for screening of microcystins in surface waters by employing photometric detection is described. Microcystins are toxins delivered by cyanobacteria within an aquatic environment, which have been considered strongly poisonous for humans. For that reason, the World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed a provisional guideline value for drinking water of 1 mu g L-1. In this work, we developed an automated equipment setup, which allows the screening of water for concentration of microcystins below 0.1 mu g V. The photometric method was based on the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the analytical signal was monitored at 458 nm using a homemade LED-based photometer. The proposed system was employed for the detection of microcystins in rivers and lakes waters. Accuracy was assessed by processing samples using a reference method and applying the paired t-test between results. No significant difference at the 95% confidence level was observed. Other useful features including a linear response ranging from 0.05 up to 2.00 mu g L-1 (R-2 =0.999) and a detection limit of 0.03 mu g L-1 microcystins were achieved. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Abstract Background Atherosclerosis causes millions of deaths, annually yielding billions in expenses round the world. Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography (IVOCT) is a medical imaging modality, which displays high resolution images of coronary cross-section. Nonetheless, quantitative information can only be obtained with segmentation; consequently, more adequate diagnostics, therapies and interventions can be provided. Since it is a relatively new modality, many different segmentation methods, available in the literature for other modalities, could be successfully applied to IVOCT images, improving accuracies and uses. Method An automatic lumen segmentation approach, based on Wavelet Transform and Mathematical Morphology, is presented. The methodology is divided into three main parts. First, the preprocessing stage attenuates and enhances undesirable and important information, respectively. Second, in the feature extraction block, wavelet is associated with an adapted version of Otsu threshold; hence, tissue information is discriminated and binarized. Finally, binary morphological reconstruction improves the binary information and constructs the binary lumen object. Results The evaluation was carried out by segmenting 290 challenging images from human and pig coronaries, and rabbit iliac arteries; the outcomes were compared with the gold standards made by experts. The resultant accuracy was obtained: True Positive (%) = 99.29 ± 2.96, False Positive (%) = 3.69 ± 2.88, False Negative (%) = 0.71 ± 2.96, Max False Positive Distance (mm) = 0.1 ± 0.07, Max False Negative Distance (mm) = 0.06 ± 0.1. Conclusions In conclusion, by segmenting a number of IVOCT images with various features, the proposed technique showed to be robust and more accurate than published studies; in addition, the method is completely automatic, providing a new tool for IVOCT segmentation.
We prove a uniqueness result related to the Germain–Lagrange dynamic plate differential equation. We consider the equation {∂2u∂t2+△2u=g⊗f,in ]0,+∞)×R2,u(0)=0,∂u∂t(0)=0, where uu stands for the transverse displacement, ff is a distribution compactly supported in space, and g∈Lloc1([0,+∞)) is a function of time such that g(0)≠0g(0)≠0 and there is a T0>0T0>0 such that g∈C1[0,T0[g∈C1[0,T0[. We prove that the knowledge of uu over an arbitrary open set of the plate for any interval of time ]0,T[]0,T[, 0
[EN] The purpose of this paper is to present some fixed point theorems for Meir-Keeler contractions in a complete metric space endowed with a partial order. MSC: 47H10.
[EN] The purpose of this paper is to provide sufficient conditions for the existence of a unique best proximity point for Geraghty-contractions.Our paper provides an extension of a result due to Geraghty (Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 40:604-608, 1973).
[EN] This paper describes VPL, a Virtual Programming Lab module for Moodle, developed at the University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria (ULPGC) and released for free uses under GNU/GPL license. For the students, it is a simple development environment with auto evaluation capabilities. For the instructors, it is a students' work management system, with features to facilitate the preparation of assignments, manage the submissions, check for plagiarism, and do assessments with the aid of powerful and flexible assessment tools based on program testing, all of that being independent of the programming language used for the assignments and taken into account critical security issues.
Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)
[EN]During the last decade, researchers have verified that clothing can provide information for gender recognition. However, before extracting features, it is necessary to segment the clothing region. We introduce a new clothes segmentation method based on the application of the GrabCut technique over a trixel mesh, obtaining very promising results for a close to real time system. Finally, the clothing features are combined with facial and head context information to outperform previous results in gender recognition with a public database.
Process algebraic architectural description languages provide a formal means for modeling software systems and assessing their properties. In order to bridge the gap between system modeling and system im- plementation, in this thesis an approach is proposed for automatically generating multithreaded object-oriented code from process algebraic architectural descriptions, in a way that preserves – under certain assumptions – the properties proved at the architectural level. The approach is divided into three phases, which are illustrated by means of a running example based on an audio processing system. First, we develop an architecture-driven technique for thread coordination management, which is completely automated through a suitable package. Second, we address the translation of the algebraically-specified behavior of the individual software units into thread templates, which will have to be filled in by the software developer according to certain guidelines. Third, we discuss performance issues related to the suitability of synthesizing monitors rather than threads from software unit descriptions that satisfy specific constraints. In addition to the running example, we present two case studies about a video animation repainting system and the implementation of a leader election algorithm, in order to summarize the whole approach. The outcome of this thesis is the implementation of the proposed approach in a translator called PADL2Java and its integration in the architecture-centric verification tool TwoTowers.
[EN]This paper focuses on four different initialization methods for determining the initial shape for the AAM algorithm and their particular performance in two different classification tasks with respect to either the facial expression DaFEx database and to the real world data obtained from a robot’s point of view.
[EN]In this paper we review the novel meccano method. We summarize the main stages (subdivision, mapping, optimization) of this automatic tetrahedral mesh generation technique and we concentrate the study to complex genus-zero solids. In this case, our procedure only requires a surface triangulation of the solid. A crucial consequence of our method is the volume parametrization of the solid to a cube. We construct volume T-meshes for isogeometric analysis by using this result. The efficiency of the proposed technique is shown with several examples. A comparison between the meccano method and standard mesh generation techniques is introduced.-1…
[EN]Different researches suggest that inner facial features are not the only discriminative features for tasks such as person identification or gender classification. Indeed, they have shown an influence of features which are part of the local face context, such as hair, on these tasks. However, object-centered approaches which ignore local context dominate the research in computational vision based facial analysis. In this paper, we performed an analysis to study which areas and which resolutions are diagnostic for the gender classification problem. We first demonstrate the importance of contextual features in human observers for gender classification using a psychophysical ”bubbles” technique.
Towards model driven software development for Arduino platforms: a DSL and automatic code generation
La tesi ha lo scopo di esplorare la produzione di sistemi software per Embedded Systems mediante l'utilizzo di tecniche relative al mondo del Model Driven Software Development. La fase più importante dello sviluppo sarà la definizione di un Meta-Modello che caratterizza i concetti fondamentali relativi agli embedded systems. Tale modello cercherà di astrarre dalla particolare piattaforma utilizzata ed individuare quali astrazioni caratterizzano il mondo degli embedded systems in generale. Tale meta-modello sarà quindi di tipo platform-independent. Per la generazione automatica di codice è stata adottata una piattaforma di riferimento, cioè Arduino. Arduino è un sistema embedded che si sta sempre più affermando perché coniuga un buon livello di performance ed un prezzo relativamente basso. Tale piattaforma permette lo sviluppo di sistemi special purpose che utilizzano sensori ed attuatori di vario genere, facilmente connessi ai pin messi a disposizione. Il meta-modello definito è un'istanza del meta-metamodello MOF, definito formalmente dall'organizzazione OMG. Questo permette allo sviluppatore di pensare ad un sistema sotto forma di modello, istanza del meta-modello definito. Un meta-modello può essere considerato anche come la sintassi astratta di un linguaggio, quindi può essere definito da un insieme di regole EBNF. La tecnologia utilizzata per la definizione del meta-modello è stata Xtext: un framework che permette la scrittura di regole EBNF e che genera automaticamente il modello Ecore associato al meta-modello definito. Ecore è l'implementazione di EMOF in ambiente Eclipse. Xtext genera inoltre dei plugin che permettono di avere un editor guidato dalla sintassi, definita nel meta-modello. La generazione automatica di codice è stata realizzata usando il linguaggio Xtend2. Tale linguaggio permette di esplorare l'Abstract Syntax Tree generato dalla traduzione del modello in Ecore e di generare tutti i file di codice necessari. Il codice generato fornisce praticamente tutta la schematic part dell'applicazione, mentre lascia all'application designer lo sviluppo della business logic. Dopo la definizione del meta-modello di un sistema embedded, il livello di astrazione è stato spostato più in alto, andando verso la definizione della parte di meta-modello relativa all'interazione di un sistema embedded con altri sistemi. Ci si è quindi spostati verso un ottica di Sistema, inteso come insieme di sistemi concentrati che interagiscono. Tale difinizione viene fatta dal punto di vista del sistema concentrato di cui si sta definendo il modello. Nella tesi viene inoltre introdotto un caso di studio che, anche se abbastanza semplice, fornisce un esempio ed un tutorial allo sviluppo di applicazioni mediante l'uso del meta-modello. Ci permette inoltre di notare come il compito dell'application designer diventi piuttosto semplice ed immediato, sempre se basato su una buona analisi del problema. I risultati ottenuti sono stati di buona qualità ed il meta-modello viene tradotto in codice che funziona correttamente.