825 resultados para multimodal skrivundervisning
The physical appearance and behavior of a robot is an important asset in terms of Human-Computer Interaction. Multimodality is also fundamental, as we humans usually expect to interact in a natural way with voice, gestures, etc. People approach complex interaction devices with stances similar to those used in their interaction with other people. In this paper we describe a robot head, currently under development, that aims to be a multimodal (vision, voice, gestures,...) perceptual user interface.
This document describes planned investments in Iowa’s multimodal transportation system including aviation, transit, railroads, trails, and highways. This five-year program documents $3.5 billion of highway and bridge construction projects on the primary road system using federal and state funding. Of that funding, a little over $500 million is available due to the passage of Senate File 257 in February 2015. As required by Senate File 257, this program includes a list of the critical highway and bridge projects funded with the additional revenue. Since last year’s program, a new federal surface transportation authorization bill was passed and signed into law. This authorization bill is titled Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The FAST Act, for the first time in many years, provides federal funding certainty over most of the time covered by this Program. In addition, it provided additional federal funding for highway and bridge projects.
The present thesis explores how interaction is initiated in multi-party meetings in Adobe Connect, 7.0, with a particular focus on how co-presence and mutual availability are established through the preambles of 18 meetings held in Spanish without a moderator. Taking Conversation Analysis (CA) as a methodological point of departure, this thesis comprises four different studies, each of them analyzing a particular phenomenon within the interaction of the preambles in a multimodal environment that allows simultaneous interaction through video, voice and text-chat. The first study (Artículo I) shows how participants solve jointly the issue of availability in a technological environment where being online is not necessarily understood as being available for communicating. The second study (Artículo II) focuses on the beginning of the audiovisual interaction; in particular on how participants check the right functioning of the audiovisual mode. The third study (Artículo III) explores silences within the interaction of the preamble. It shows that the length of gaps and lapses become a significant aspect the preambles and how they are connected to the issue of availability. Finally, the four study introduces the notion of modal alignment, an interactional phenomenon that systematically appears in the beginnings of the encounters, which seems to be used and understood as a strategy for the establishment of mutual availability and negotiation of the participation framework. As a whole, this research shows how participants, in order to establish mutual co-presence and availability, adapt to a particular technology in terms of participation management, deploying strategies and conveying successive actions which, as it is the case of the activation of their respective webcams, seem to be understood as predictable within the intricate process of establishing mutual availability before the meeting starts.
Im Forschungsprojekt "Prozesse der Sprachförderung im Kindergarten – ProSpiK" werden Gespräche zwischen Lehrpersonen und Kindern gefilmt und sequenzanalytisch ausgewertet, um ihre Potenziale für den Erwerb und die Förderung bildungssprachlicher Fähigkeiten zu untersuchen. Ziel ist es, Grundlagen für eine stufengerechte (integrierte, situations- und themenorientierte) Sprachdidaktik zu erarbeiten, die Bildungsungleichheit abbauen hilft, anstatt sie zu reproduzieren. In der Nummer 3/2014 der Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften wurden die Anlage des Projekts und erste Auswertungsergebnisse (zum Phänomen «Wechsel von Referenzräumen») vorgestellt (Isler, Künzli, & Wiesner, 2014). Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich weiter vertiefend mit der Ausgestaltung von pädagogischen Gesprächen: Es wird untersucht, mit welchen kommunikativen Mitteln die Kinder beim Erwerb von Fähigkeiten des Argumentierens (Beziehen und Begründen eigener Positionen) unterstützt werden können.2 Im ersten Abschnitt geht es um die Bedeutung der Prozessqualität in der frühen Bildung und um Gespräche als Erwerbskontexte sprachlicher Fähigkeiten. Im zweiten Abschnitt werden zentrale theoretische Konzepte dargestellt, die unseren Analysen zugrunde liegen. Der dritte Abschnitt gibt einen exemplarischen Einblick in das Datenmaterial und die Auswertungsarbeiten. Im vierten Abschnitt wird anhand einer exemplarischen Analyse gezeigt, wie im Kindergarten multimodal gelernt werden kann. Abschliessend werden die Ergebnisse mit Bezug auf die Forschungsfragen des Projekts diskutiert. (DIPF/Orig.)
Obesity is a major challenge to human health worldwide. Little is known about the brain mechanisms that are associated with overeating and obesity in humans. In this project, multimodal neuroimaging techniques were utilized to study brain neurotransmission and anatomy in obesity. Bariatric surgery was used as an experimental method for assessing whether the possible differences between obese and non-obese individuals change following the weight loss. This could indicate whether obesity-related altered neurotransmission and cerebral atrophy are recoverable or whether they represent stable individual characteristics. Morbidly obese subjects (BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2) and non-obese control subjects (mean BMI 23 kg/m2) were studied with positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the PET studies, focus was put on dopaminergic and opioidergic systems, both of which are crucial in the reward processing. Brain dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) availability was measured using [11C]raclopride and µ-opioid receptor (MOR) availability using [11C]carfentanil. In the MRI studies, voxel-based morphometry (VBM) of T1-weighted MRI images was used, coupled with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Obese subjects underwent bariatric surgery as their standard clinical treatment during the study. Preoperatively, morbidly obese subjects had significantly lower MOR availability but unaltered D2R availability in several brain regions involved in reward processing, including striatum, insula, and thalamus. Moreover, obesity disrupted the interaction between the MOR and D2R systems in ventral striatum. Bariatric surgery and concomitant weight loss normalized MOR availability in the obese, but did not influence D2R availability in any brain region. Morbidly obese subjects had also significantly lower grey and white matter densities globally in the brain, but more focal changes were located in the areas associated with inhibitory control, reward processing, and appetite. DTI revealed also signs of axonal damage in the obese in corticospinal tracts and occipito-frontal fascicles. Surgery-induced weight loss resulted in global recovery of white matter density as well as more focal recovery of grey matter density among obese subjects. Altogether these results show that the endogenous opioid system is fundamentally linked to obesity. Lowered MOR availability is likely a consequence of obesity and may mediate maintenance of excessive energy uptake. In addition, obesity has adverse effects on brain structure. Bariatric surgery however reverses MOR dysfunction and recovers cerebral atrophy. Understanding the opioidergic contribution to overeating and obesity is critical for developing new psychological or pharmacological treatments for obesity. The actual molecular mechanisms behind the positive change in structure and neurotransmitter function still remain unclear and should be addressed in the future research.
L’accessibilité universelle est de nos jours très importante pour nos villes, car elle permet à toute personne, ayant des incapacités physiques ou non, de mener à bien ses activités socio-professionnelles. À travers le monde, plusieurs projets ont vu le jour comme AXS Map à New York ou AccesSIG en France. Au Canada, un projet multidisciplinaire nommé MobiliSIG ayant pour lieu d’expérimentation la ville de Québec a vu le jour en 2013. L’objectif du projet MobiliSIG est de concevoir et développer une application multimodale d’assistance au déplacement des personnes à mobilité réduite. Ce projet se concentre principalement sur la constitution d’une base de données d’accessibilité se référant au modèle PPH (Processus de Production du Handicap). Nos travaux visent à définir la diffusion d’itinéraires adaptés, adaptables et adaptatifs liés à des contextes multi-utilisateurs, multiplateformes, multimodaux (interfaces et transports) et multi-environnements. Après une revue de littérature et afin d’identifier et définir les besoins liés à cette diffusion des données de navigation, nous nous sommes attelés à la description de plusieurs scénarios pour mieux comprendre les besoins des utilisateurs : planification d’un déplacement et navigation dans le milieu urbain ; parcours multimodal ; recherche d’un point d’intérêt (toilettes accessibles). Cette démarche nous a permis également d’identifier les modes de communication et représentations souhaitées de l’itinéraire (carte, texte, image, parole, …) et de proposer une approche basée sur la transformation de l’itinéraire reçu de la base de données d’accessibilité. Cette transformation est effectuée en tenant compte des préférences de l’utilisateur, de son appareil et de son environnement. La diffusion de l’itinéraire se fait ensuite par un service web de diffusion conçu selon le standard du W3C sur les architectures multimodales (MMI) en combinaison avec le concept de la plasticité des interfaces. Le prototype développé a permis d’avoir comme résultat un système qui diffuse de façon générique l’information de navigation adaptée, adaptable et adaptative à l’utilisateur, à son appareil et à son environnement.
When teaching students with visual impairments educators generally rely on tactile tools to depict visual mathematical topics. Tactile media, such as embossed paper and simple manipulable materials, are typically used to convey graphical information. Although these tools are easy to use and relatively inexpensive, they are solely tactile and are not modifiable. Dynamic and interactive technologies such as pin matrices and haptic pens are also commercially available, but tend to be more expensive and less intuitive. This study aims to bridge the gap between easy-to-use tactile tools and dynamic, interactive technologies in order to facilitate the haptic learning of mathematical concepts. We developed an haptic assistive device using a Tanvas electrostatic touchscreen that provides the user with multimodal (haptic, auditory, and visual) output. Three methodological steps comprise this research: 1) a systematic literature review of the state of the art in the design and testing of tactile and haptic assistive devices, 2) a user-centered system design, and 3) testing of the system’s effectiveness via a usability study. The electrostatic touchscreen exhibits promise as an assistive device for displaying visual mathematical elements via the haptic modality.
This article discusses the potential of audio games based on the evaluation of three projects: a story-driven audio role-playing game (RPG), an interactive audiobook with RPG elements, and a set of casual sound-based games. The potential is understood, both in popularity and playability terms. The first factor is connected to the degree of players’ interest, while the second one to the degree of their engagement in sound-based game worlds. Although presented projects are embedded within the landscape of past and contemporary audio games and gaming platforms, the authors reach into the near future, concluding with possible development directions for this non-visual interactive entertainment.
Introducción: Determinar la eficacia de la administración preincisional de ropivacaína al 0,1 % intraperitoneal en el control del dolor abdominal y/o de hombro, durante la primera semana de la cirugía laparoscópica ginecológica benigna. Diseño: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado y doble ciego. Material y métodos: Se realizó un ensayo clínico aleatorizado y doble ciego donde participaron 64 pacientes ASA I-III sometidas a cirugía laparoscópica ginecológica por patología benigna. Tras la realización del neumoperitoneo, se administraron 100 ml de ropivacaína 0,1 % o suero fisiológico intraperitoneal, dependiendo del grupo al que pertenecieran. Las pacientes recibieron, además, AINE junto con una bomba de PCA con opción de morfina de rescate como analgesia multimodal asociada. Se evaluó el dolor abdominal y/o de hombro al despertar, en reposo y en movimiento, a los 5, 30, 60 y 120 minutos, así como a las 24 horas. Se registró el consumo de morfina en las primeras 24 horas y la incidencia de náuseas y/o vómitos postoperatorios. A la semana, mediante encuesta telefónica, se registró la presencia de dolor de hombro a partir de las 24 horas, así como de dolor abdominal persistente al 7º día. Resultados: No se observaron diferencias significativas en el ENV durante las primeras 24 horas. Tampoco se observaron diferencias en el consumo de morfina, en la incidencia de náuseas y/o vómitos o en el dolor de hombro. Se evidenciaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la incidencia de dolor abdominal persistente al 7º día (18,52 % en grupo tratamiento vs. 57,58 % en grupo control con p = 0,04). Conclusiones: La administración intraperitoneal preincisional de 100 ml de ropivacaína 0,1 % en comparación con la administración de suero fisiológico, en el contexto de una técnica anestésica y analgésica multimodal, no ha demostrado reducir el dolor postoperatorio, el consumo de opioides ni la incidencia de náuseas y vómitos postoperatorios en las primeras 24 horas. Tampoco ha demostrado reducción del dolor de hombro a partir del primer día tras cirugía laparoscópica ginecológica. El uso de ropivacaína al 0,1 % intraperitoneal preincisional presenta una disminución estadísticamente significativa en la incidencia de dolor abdominal persistente al séptimo día de postoperatorio.
We report on the construction of anatomically realistic three-dimensional in-silico breast phantoms with adjustable sizes, shapes and morphologic features. The concept of multiscale spatial resolution is implemented for generating breast tissue images from multiple modalities. Breast epidermal boundary and subcutaneous fat layer is generated by fitting an ellipsoid and 2nd degree polynomials to reconstructive surgical data and ultrasound imaging data. Intraglandular fat is simulated by randomly distributing and orienting adipose ellipsoids within a fibrous region immediately within the dermal layer. Cooper’s ligaments are simulated as fibrous ellipsoidal shells distributed within the subcutaneous fat layer. Individual ductal lobes are simulated following a random binary tree model which is generated based upon probabilistic branching conditions described by ramification matrices, as originally proposed by Bakic et al [3, 4]. The complete ductal structure of the breast is simulated from multiple lobes that extend from the base of the nipple and branch towards the chest wall. As lobe branching progresses, branches are reduced in height and radius and terminal branches are capped with spherical lobular clusters. Biophysical parameters are mapped onto the complete anatomical model and synthetic multimodal images (Mammography, Ultrasound, CT) are generated for phantoms of different adipose percentages (40%, 50%, 60%, and 70%) and are analytically compared with clinical examples. Results demonstrate that the in-silico breast phantom has applications in imaging performance evaluation and, specifically, great utility for solving image registration issues in multimodality imaging.
Una analgesia inadecuada en cirugía torácica facilita las complicaciones respiratorias potencialmente graves y se asocia al síndrome de dolor crónico post-toracotomía. El catéter epidural y el catéter paravertebral son los tratamientos que resultan más efectivos, dentro de una estrategia multimodal. El parche de lidocaína 5% está indicado para el dolor en la neuropatía post-herpética. Existe literatura sobre su utilidad en otros modelos de dolor. Presentamos tres pacientes con dolor postquirúrgico en cirugía de tórax, a pesar del tratamiento convencional, y su buena respuesta analgésica tras la aplicación de parche de lidocaína 5%.
El dolor postoperatorio de intensidad alta o extrema tiene una incidencia publicada cercana al 30 % de los pacientes quirúrgicos, siendo su principal preocupación, incluso más relevante que los resultados satisfactorios o no que pudiera tener el procedimiento en la resolución de su enfermedad. Los AINE son los fármacos más prescritos en el mundo para el tratamiento del dolor agudo y crónico de diferentes causas. El ibuprofeno es un analgésico ampliamente utilizado en la prevención y tratamiento del dolor. Recientemente, su forma intravenosa ha sido aprobada por la FDA (www.accessdata.fda.gov) para el tratamiento del dolor leve a moderado y moderado a severo complementario a la analgesia opioide. Adicionalmente, ha sido aprobado para la reducción de la fiebre. Dado su potencial como adyuvante en la analgesia multimodal, se realizó una revisión acerca del uso perioperatorio del ibuprofeno intravenoso, analizando la literatura disponible en inglés y español en PubMed y Ovid MEDLINE hasta diciembre 2015. Se incluyeron datos farmacocinéticos y farmacodinámicos provenientes de pacientes de diferentes edades, así como estudios clínicos, incluyendo aquellos en los que se cuantificó el uso de opioides en el periodo postoperatorio, analizando la sinergia entre ambos tipos de analgésicos. El ibuprofeno intravenoso ofrece ventajas sobre la presentación oral, siendo una alternativa a la limitada disponibilidad de AINE endovenosos como parte de la analgesia multimodal perioperatoria.
RESUMEN: En este trabajo de investigaci?n se presentan los resultados de una indagaci?n sobre las relaciones existentes entre las pr?cticas letradas vern?culas y las pr?cticas letradas acad?micas que se originan en la publicaci?n de memes en una p?gina de Facebook por parte de estudiantes de grado once en una instituci?n p?blica de la ciudad de Cali. En este escrito se analiza el papel que juegan los memes como texto multimodal en una red social y como en su uso se muestran las tensiones de los sujetos informantes frente al mundo escolar. En el estudio se hace un seguimiento a las profundas transformaciones en los modos de leer y escribir como resultado de las tecnolog?as digitales y las redes sociales, y que a trav?s de los discursos multimodales los sujetos construyen nuevas formas de leer el mundo escolar. El corpus est? constituido por el an?lisis de 10 memes y una serie de entrevistas en profundidad a 6 informantes que fueron grabadas y transcritas siguiendo el modelo de an?lisis del discurso cr?tico. El estudio de corte cualitativo-etnogr?fico arroja como resultados que los j?venes de grado once de una instituci?n p?blica ven tensionadas sus pr?cticas escolares por las pr?cticas de tipo institucional.
A flexible and multipurpose bio-inspired hierarchical model for analyzing musical timbre is presented in this paper. Inspired by findings in the fields of neuroscience, computational neuroscience, and psychoacoustics, not only does the model extract spectral and temporal characteristics of a signal, but it also analyzes amplitude modulations on different timescales. It uses a cochlear filter bank to resolve the spectral components of a sound, lateral inhibition to enhance spectral resolution, and a modulation filter bank to extract the global temporal envelope and roughness of the sound from amplitude modulations. The model was evaluated in three applications. First, it was used to simulate subjective data from two roughness experiments. Second, it was used for musical instrument classification using the k-NN algorithm and a Bayesian network. Third, it was applied to find the features that characterize sounds whose timbres were labeled in an audiovisual experiment. The successful application of the proposed model in these diverse tasks revealed its potential in capturing timbral information.