916 resultados para Regulação do Processo Penal
Ne bis in idem, understood as a procedural guarantee in the EU assumes different features in the AFSJ and in european competition law. Despite having a common origin (being, in both sectors the result of the case law of the same jurisdictional organ) its components are quite distintic in each area of the integration. In the AFSJ, the content of bis and idem are broader and addressed at a larger protection of individuals. Its axiological ground is based on the freedom of movements and human dignity, whereas in european competition law its closely linked to defence rights of legal persons and the concept of criminal punishment of anticompetitive sanctions as interpreted by the ECHR´s jurisprudence. In european competition law, ne bis in idem is limited by the systemic framework of competition law and the need to ensure parallel application of both european and national laws. Nonetheless, the absence of a compulsory mechanism to allocate jurisdiction in the EU (both in the AFSJ and in the field of anti-trust law) demands a common axiological framework. In this context, ne bis in idem must be understood as a defence right based on equity and proportionality. As far as its international dimension is concerned, ne bis in idem also lacks an erga omnes effect and it is not considered to be a rule of ius cogens. Consequently, the model which the ECJ has built regarding the application of the ne bis in idem in transnational and supranational contexts should be replicated by other courts through cross fertilization, in order to internationalize that procedural guarantee and broaden its scope of application.
Portugal is one of the countries that has a constitutional regime of immunity. This protects certain individuals in political positions from prosecution under the law. These individuals are said to have a privileged status when compared to ordinary citizens. The purpose of this study is to examine the immunities enjoyed by President, the members of Parliament and the government ministers. The regime of immunities can be found to generate a certain sense of injustice and feelings of mistrust since the individual can not, albeit temporarily, be held criminally responsible for criminal conduct. It is urgent, therefore, to find a consistent justification with the principles and values of the Criminal Law. The Parliament is the place of the exercise of democratic power and, therefore, a member of Parliament assumes a central position in parliamentary activity. For this reason, it will be necessary to determine analysis to determine the meaning the prerogative of criminal irresponsibility. One question that must be asked is to know how the dogmatic plan that the immunities of the political organs of sovereignty must be seen.
The following report aims to present the internship developed under the Master in Legal Sciences Business in the Legal Affairs management of Caixa Geral de Depósitos S.A. Activities were developed in the field of Banking Law, focusing on the Special Revitalization Process. The aim of these activities was to promote the construction of a study that, apart from its doctrinal and jurisprudential research, also excels in the practical adequacy of the regime lectured. The revitalizing effectiveness of the Special Revitalization Process is erected in the Article 17-E, nº 1, which establishes a series of procedural – stand still effects - which aim to allow the debtor "breathing space", ie, a period during which creditors are prevented from setting up "actions for debt collection" against him, suspending the pending actions with identical purposes. Therefore, this report essentially studies these effects, considering "actions in debt collection" executive actions that are intended to recover a debt of any kind, including anticipatory precautionary procedures of an action of this nature. In addition, it is necessary to set boundaries temporally and subjectively to the standstill period, understanding that this period should be extended beyond the legally established period, in order to preserve the ratio of the process, concretely, until the recovery plan effects. In turn, we understand that the standstill effects only apply to the established material in connection with the debtor, remaining the rights of creditors unaffected over the ones of the guarantors and debtors.
In the context of the activity developed by securities investment funds (hereinafter referred to “SIF”) the holders of investment units have a very tiny power to intervene. Aware of the risks that a decoupling between ownership and control may pose, the legislator has foreseen a number of impositions and limitations to the activity of the managing entities, namely to prevent or prohibit the performance of acts in situations of potential conflicts of interests. Accordingly, the purpose of the dissertation on – “Os diferentes níveis de regulação legal dos conflitos de interesses no âmbito da gestão de FIM” – is exactly to determine the field of application of the several levels of legal regulation of the conflicts of interests that arise within the scope of the management of SIF, both at the level of the new legal requirements governing collective investment undertakings, and at the level of the legal requirements governing the conflicts of interests foreseen in the Portuguese Securities Code, in order to clarify the articulation of these different levels of conflicts of interests regulations.
Nos últimos anos o risco operacional registou uma grande evolução do ponto de vista da sua gestão e quantificação, e destacou-se dos restantes riscos. Está presente em todas as atividades das instituições financeiras e é inseparável do negócio e dos objetivos das organizações. Tendo em conta a importância deste tipo de risco, hoje é importante avaliar o impacto da sua gestão e como esta influencia os resultados das instituições. O presente trabalho de projeto apresenta um caso de estudo de uma instituição financeira portuguesa, onde é analisado o processo de implementação das diferentes abordagens de quantificação e gestão de risco operacional propostas pelo Acordo de Basileia II. São apresentados os desafios e os potenciais benefícios das diferentes abordagens e os processos onde são necessárias melhorias. Destaca-se o método avançado devido à sua relevância na gestão e quantificação interna de risco operacional da instituição.
The liberalisation of the energy market goes back to the 1990s, when it was impelled by the European legislator. Since then, three legislative packages, temporarily successive, were approved. Those packages contained the measures to be implemented in order to deepen the internal energy market. Besides the opening up of several national markets to competition, the European legislator aimed the creation of a real internal energy market within the European Union. The unbundling regime was one of the most important steps with respect to the liberalisation process. The introduction of these rules ensured independence to the various market operators. A real and effective right of choice was granted to the consumers so they may choose their electricity and natural gas supplier. Therefore, the activity of comercialisation is subject to competition. However, some activities of the electricity’s and natural gas’ chain of value, namely the activities of transportation and distribution, were kept under regulation rules. Even though it may seem odd, the assignment of important competences and strong powers to a regulatory authority was essential in order to achieve the liberalisation process’ goals. Electricity and natural gas are essential public goods; therefore the market operators are legally bound to public service obligations, such as the security, the universality and the continuity of the supply. The performance of these obligations may become, in some cases, unprofitable for those operators. For such reason, the protection of the consumers’ rights shall only be properly defended if there is a regulatory authority that monitors the behaviour of the operators and sanctions the failure to comply with the public service obligations. Portugal, as a Member State of the European Union, transposed into the national legal order the European directives concerning the liberalisation process. This transposition has caused radical changes to the electricity and natural gas’ national markets. The Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos also suffered various mutations in order to keep up with the regulatory demands regarding the liberalisation process.
Apesar de as tecnologias e os Sistemas de Informação (SI) serem hoje fatores essenciais para uma gestão eficiente, estes não têm, por si só, sido suficientes para garantir os resultados desejados na medida em que fragmentam os processos de negócio em torno de suas aplicações funcionais. Clareza na perceção dos requisitos dos processos de negócio a serem implementados em SI torna-se um fator determinante para que os resultados provenientes da sua implementação revertam em benefícios para as organizações. Esta dissertação tem por base a utilização do recurso da modelação, inserida nas melhores práticas de Business Process Management (BPM), como ferramenta de eliciação dos requisitos dos processos de negócio, com a intenção de mitigar ou eliminar dificuldades no seu entendimento e garantir o alinhamento destes com os objetivos estratégicos da organização. Para o desenvolvimento prático, foi realizado um Caso de Estudo, onde se procedeu à Modelação do Processo de Negócio de Reconhecimento de Estudos em Angola, utilizando a Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). O contributo deste trabalho consiste na apresentação dos benefícios da prática de modelação de processos de negócio, suportada pela aplicação da abordagem BPM. Ambiciona-se que o resultado obtido possa contribuir na explicitação e visibilidade dos processos, favorecendo o entendimento dos seus requisitos, e garantir o alcance dos resultados esperados aquando da sua implementação em SI.
Tesis ( Maestro en Derecho) U.A.N.L.
Tesis ( Maestro en Derecho) U.A.N.L.
Tesis ( Maestro en Derecho) U.A.N.L.
Tesis ( Maestro en Derecho) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Penales) U.A.N.L.