935 resultados para Observation of teaching


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This chapter is a critical synthesis of research related to the transformations that take place when digital technologies are incorporated into teaching and learning practices. In developing this synthesis, research from all levels of education was reviewed with a focus on the opportunities digital technologies offer for cognitive, pedagogical, affective and professional change. The chapter is structured in alignment with Pierce and Stacey’s (Pierce and Stacey, Int J Comput Math Learn 15(1):1–20 2010) map of pedagogical opportunities in which three dimensions for educational transformation were identified: tasks, classroom, and subject. A discussion of future directions for research into technology enhanced mathematics education concludes the review.


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Some students lack reading skills due to biological or environmental factors. Accordingly, in my role as an educator, I would like to know if Dialogic Reading Strategies can help Spanish speaking caregivers to facilitate an interactive reading routine at home with their child.


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The research reported on in this paper is a qualitative case study of secondary school teachers’ interpretations of how they work with a component of the Australian national curriculum, the seven “general capabilities.” The case study of four secondary school teachers utilized teacher interviews eliciting via descriptive analysis how teachers understand and work with the “general capabilities.” The Australian curriculum listing explicit “general capabilities” alongside endorsed disciplines and cross-curriculum priorities requires teachers and their associated classroom practice(s) bond to practical dexterities. Policy expectations are such that the knowledge, skills, behaviors and dispositions of the “general capabilities,” along with curriculum content and cross-curriculum priority areas will support students to successfully live and work in the twenty-first century. While policy expectations appear well defined, including expectations that teachers navigate and implement relevant curriculum in creative ways, the study underpinning this paper finds that teachers assert their professional and pedagogic authority over the curriculum by enacting and translating it for the benefit of their students.


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This paper focuses on teaching practices intended to support primary school students’ internet inquiries and the development of requisite knowledge and skills. The paper builds on growing knowledge about multimodal pedagogy (e.g., Walsh, 2011) and how such pedagogies not only bring with them intrinsic benefits for student engagement and learning, but also offer opportunities to reinforce and refine traditional print literacies (e.g., McKee and Heydon, 2015). A microethnographic approach is taken, involving a close examination of short classroom episodes. The data include classroom video footage and teacher interviews concerning one lesson where students aged six, seven and eight undertook research using iPads. Within the lesson, the iPads were treated as a suite of resources, tools and channels to be put into operation in the service of student inquiries, where informational texts could be found on the internet and then used as sources for new knowledge and material for the students’ multimedia artefacts. Print literacy skills were similarly treated as resources to be drawn upon in the service of inquiry work. The data is assembled to provide a window into the complexities of teaching in this context, with a particular focus on how new and traditional literacy practices are interwoven. The analysis shows how digital and ‘non-digital’ resources, modes and channels are strategically assembled by the teacher and her students through the practice of fit-for-purpose inquiry, reading and composition strategies. An explicit discourse of purpose is put to work in this classroom to make sense of materials, resources and curricula within a context of contradictory policy discourses. Thus an approach to curriculum and pedagogy is illustrated that lays the foundations for crucial contemporary information literacies, serving our increasingly everyday need to make strategic use of digital and online tools to navigate the internet and shape it for our own purposes. The interdependence of traditional and new literacies in such contexts reveals the nonsense of dominant discourses found in the media that emphasise the importance of one mode or one method, as well as divisive public politics that seeks to perpetuate understandings of traditional and new literacies as dichotomous domains that compete for airtime in classrooms, resulting in teachers’ neglect of literacy ‘basics’. In contrast to popular fears, in this classroom, both digital and traditional literacy skills and knowledge were developed, employed and reinforced as part of the students’ digital work.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Especialização em Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Dans le contexte actuel de l’éducation au Québec où la réforme des programmes de formation des jeunes appelle un renouvellement des pratiques d’enseignement, notre recherche s’intéresse au développement de la dimension didactique de la pratique liée à l’enseignement des mathématiques qui est considéré comme l’un des éléments clés des nouvelles orientations. Nous abordons la question par le biais de la collaboration de formation initiale pour l’enseignement des mathématiques au primaire qui se vit en stage entre des praticiennes en exercice et en formation et une didacticienne des mathématiques. Cette rencontre sur le terrain des stages au primaire entre praticiennes et didacticienne, longtemps réclamée et rendue possible à l’UQAT , nous a amené à formuler une première question de recherche touchant ce qui se construit à travers les échanges de ces partenaires de la formation au cours des supervisions pédagogiques conjointes qui les réunissent en stage. Nous avons cadré ce questionnement à partir des balises théoriques de la didactique professionnelle qui proposent modèle et concepts pour expliciter l’activité professionnelle et traiter des phénomènes de développement des compétences professionnelles en contexte de travail et de formation. La didactique professionnelle attribue un rôle essentiel à la communauté de pratique et au processus d’analyse de l’expérience dans le développement professionnel des novices et dans l’explicitation d’un savoir d’action jugé pertinent et reconnu. Nous y faisons donc appel pour poser le potentiel que représentent les échanges issus de la collaboration quant à leur contribution à l’établissement d’un savoir de référence pour l’enseignement des mathématiques. La didactique professionnelle propose également le recours au concept de schème pour décrire l’activité professionnelle et à l’idée de concepts organisateurs comme élément central de l’activité et comme variable de la situation professionnelle concernée. Nous recourons à ces mêmes concepts pour expliciter le savoir de référence pour l’enseignement des mathématiques qui émerge à travers les échanges des partenaires de la formation. Dans le cadre d’une étude de cas, nous nous sommes intéressée aux échanges qui se déroulent entre une stagiaire qui effectue son troisième et avant dernier stage , l’enseignante-associée qui la reçoit et la chercheure-didacticienne qui emprunte le rôle de superviseure universitaire. Les échanges recueillis sont issus de trois cycles de supervision conjointe qui prennent la forme de rencontres de préparation des situations d’enseignement de mathématique; d’observation en classe des séances d’enseignement pilotées par la stagiaire auprès de ses élèves; et des rencontres consacrées à l’analyse des situations d’enseignement observées et de l’activité mise en œuvre par la stagiaire. Ainsi les objets de discussion relevés par les différents partenaires de la formation et la négociation de sens des situations professionnelles vécues et observées sont analysés de manière à rendre visibles les constituants de l’activité professionnelle qui sont jugés pertinents par la triade de formation. Dans un deuxième temps, en partant de cette première analyse, nous dégageons les concepts organisateurs des situations professionnelles liées à l’enseignement des mathématiques qui sont pris en compte par la triade de formation et qui constituent des variables de la situation professionnelle. Les constituants de l’activité et des situations professionnelles qui résultent de cette analyse sont envisagés en tant que représentations collectives qui se révèlent à travers les échanges de la triade de formation. Parce que ces représentations se sont trouvées partagées, négociées dans le cadre des supervisions pédagogiques, elles sont envisagées également en tant que savoir de référence pour cette triade de formation. Les échanges rendus possibles entre les praticiennes et la didacticienne placent ce savoir de référence dans une dynamique de double rationalité pratique et didactique. Enfin, partant de l’apport déterminant de la communauté de pratique et de formation de même que du savoir de référence que cette dernière reconnait comme pertinent dans le développement professionnel des novices, les résultats de cette recherches peuvent contribuer à réfléchir la formation des futures enseignantes en stage en ce qui a trait à l’enseignement des mathématiques au primaire.


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En 2001, dans la foulée de la réforme scolaire, une deuxième génération de programmes d’études en danse a été implantée (Gouvernement du Québec, 2001, 2003, 2007). Alors que la représentation devant public est prescrite dans les programmes d’études pour le secondaire (Gouvernement du Québec, 2003, 2007), elle est quasi-absente du programme d’études pour le primaire (Gouvernement du Québec, 2001). De plus, il y a peu de recherches empiriques sur l’enseignement de la danse à l’école québécoise et aucune sur l’utilisation de la représentation devant public dans ce contexte. Or, les enseignants sont nombreux à y avoir recours de façon intuitive pour favoriser les apprentissages chez les élèves. C’est pourquoi, à la lumière de repères théoriques issus de modèles de la transposition didactique, du processus de création, des systèmes de pertinence et de la construction identitaire des enseignants de la danse en milieu scolaire, nous avons cherché à comprendre comment la représentation devant public est utilisée, en danse, au troisième cycle du primaire, à l’école québécoise. Pour ce faire, nous avons eu recours à l’observation, à la captation audio et aux entretiens pour collecter des données auprès de deux enseignantes en danse et de cinquante-quatre élèves du troisième cycle du primaire, pendant le processus de création de danses menant à la présentation devant un public. Nous avons ainsi pu dégager treize thèmes représentatifs de l’expérience vécue par ces enseignantes et ces élèves, ainsi qu’une ébauche de modèle du processus de préparation d’une représentation devant public en milieu scolaire.


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Diffusion-adoption professional learning models which position teachers ascompliant technicians of policy and practices are limited in their long term effects on teacher professionalism. In contrast, co-researching models of professional learning hold the potential to engage teachers and researchers in explorations of mutual concern which impact on professionalism and contribute to development of both theory and practice.

This article describes professional learning within the context of an Australian state department of education during a period of reform. The contextual influences and design of a collaborative, film-driven participatory action research design which explored teacher learning and application of multiliteracies theory are explored. A spiral of cycles of action research incorporated engagentent with multiliteracies theory and collaborative planning; filming of teacher classroom 'action' and reflective interviews; collaborative observation of and reflection on the resultant filmic artefacts.

The filmic artefacts offered rich multimodal examples of teaching practices,
incorporatíng visual, audio, gestural and spatial classroom information, far beyond the purely linguistic recounts and descriptions which characterise many professional development workshops. Incorporation of collaborative filmic research techniques enabled multimodal observation of teaching practices across a number of sites, with observation unrestricted by temporal or physical parameters.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research is being read, thus rendering text on the pole of understanding, as a practice effective dialogue and therefore responsive through which the reader, author, text and context interact. To this end, the reader must turn their knowledge systems and relate them to the linguistic materiality. Thus, aimed to investigate whether the teaching of reading in the early years of elementary school literacy builds skills related to this cultural practice and its relationship to the conceptions of classroom teachers of reading, as well as the teaching and learning methodologies practiced in class classroom. Therefore, I base this research on the theoretical basis of linguistic studies and expository sociointeractionist redefine that, among other things, the concepts of language, genre and text. As for the methodological framework, this study followed the methodology of literature research and fieldwork. The fieldwork took place from the perspective of observing the pedagogical practice of teaching reading, in order to investigate how the educational activities are conducted in a reading room for the third year of elementary school, part of the municipal education Bauru- SP. Were used as instruments of data collection the questionnaire given to school teachers and the school studied the direct observation of teaching practice of one of these professionals. The results of data analysis indicate that the teachers surveyed know key content for teaching reading, as well as renovations of the theoretical and methodological studies of reading, with the consequence that the practices of reading done in the classroom limit the role of student as a reader and does not guarantee the formation of the reader


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The present investigation intended to understand how Didatic has been interpreted by teachers who work with this discipline in undergraduate courses. We assume that there are still many controversies and contradictions in consideration of the epistemological status of didactics, and that this knowledge object is on constant review by professionals. Initially we were seeking evidence in the plans of courses, however, this search has put us in a situation of confusion, of uncertainty and highlighted structural problems which, at first, prevented us from using pure and simple of the contents of the plans. We analyzed 76 lesson plans, allocated to institutions in different Brazilian states, different types of institutions and the diversity was so great that led us to characterize this study as exploratory and tell us the relevance of analyzing them in the perspective of "facets". To deepen the understanding we were interviewing teachers and two focus groups conducted with teachers of Teaching. Triangulating the analysis of plans, with the reflections from the interviews, the speeches and also in the focus group data, observation of teaching practice, we put some insights on issues, even though preliminary and will require further research.


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The ideal of Waldorf Education, since the opening of the first school in 1919, was based on innovative principles for a humanized society. Among those principles, there was the attendance of all children without distinction, which is exactly the main idea of the inclusive school. Waldorf pedagogy defends that under the right pedagogical action and care with the individual development, anyone can develop, regardless of their disability. This statem ent highlights the main objective of this methodology, that is the human development, aligned to another fundamental guideline of inclusive education. Accordingly, the hypothesis of this work is that Waldorf education promotes inclusive schooling contexts, attending diversity and valuing differences. The general objective of this study is: analyze Waldorf Education to verify if it promotes inclusive contexts. And the specific objetives were: identify elements in this practice that favors diversity attend; analyze the practice of a Waldorf school, considering documentation, structure, and conception of managers, teachers and parents. The study was based on quantitative and qualitative research approach, and the data was collected trough observation of teaching practices in a classroom where a disabled student was present, as well as through documentation and observation of the school environment. Furthermore, in order to verify the understanding of parents (71 individuals) and teachers (18 individuals) on inclusion, a specific questionnaire was developed for each of these two groups. For the records, a diary and an observation script were used. It was concluded that Waldorf methodology provides all the necessary conditions to inclusion, mainly due to it's enhancement of individuality, didactic organization and it's roots in social relations


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The ideal of Waldorf Education, since the opening of the first school in 1919, was based on innovative principles for a humanized society. Among those principles, there was the attendance of all children without distinction, which is exactly the main idea of the inclusive school. Waldorf pedagogy defends that under the right pedagogical action and care with the individual development, anyone can develop, regardless of their disability. This statem ent highlights the main objective of this methodology, that is the human development, aligned to another fundamental guideline of inclusive education. Accordingly, the hypothesis of this work is that Waldorf education promotes inclusive schooling contexts, attending diversity and valuing differences. The general objective of this study is: analyze Waldorf Education to verify if it promotes inclusive contexts. And the specific objetives were: identify elements in this practice that favors diversity attend; analyze the practice of a Waldorf school, considering documentation, structure, and conception of managers, teachers and parents. The study was based on quantitative and qualitative research approach, and the data was collected trough observation of teaching practices in a classroom where a disabled student was present, as well as through documentation and observation of the school environment. Furthermore, in order to verify the understanding of parents (71 individuals) and teachers (18 individuals) on inclusion, a specific questionnaire was developed for each of these two groups. For the records, a diary and an observation script were used. It was concluded that Waldorf methodology provides all the necessary conditions to inclusion, mainly due to it's enhancement of individuality, didactic organization and it's roots in social relations