832 resultados para Cicerón, Marco Tulio, 106-43 a.C..
工业革命以来,由于人口的快速增加和人类活动的强烈干扰(主要包括煤炭、石油等石化燃料的燃烧、化肥生产和使用)导致土地利用/覆被变化、大气CO2浓度升高、N沉降等一系列全球环境变化问题。有关陆地生态系统生物地球化学循环,尤其是陆地生态系统C、N循环及其耦合过程方面的研究成为全球变化科学研究领域的重要内容。 干旱/半干旱地区占地球陆地总面积的1/3。与湿润地区相比较,干旱/半干旱地区生态系统稳定性比较差,往往属于生态脆弱区。因此,全球变化对干旱/半干旱地区生态系统影响更加敏感。科尔沁沙地位于我国北方干旱/半干旱地区,是我国典型的农牧交错区和生态脆弱区。科尔沁沙地是世界上人口密度最高的干旱/半干旱地区之一,人类活动对其影响剧烈。然而,有关科尔沁沙地生态系统C、N元素生物地球化学循环过程对土地利用/覆被变化、N沉降等全球变化响应及其反馈机制的研究非常缺乏。因此,本文以科尔沁沙地退化沙质草地、农田、不同年龄樟子松和杨树人工林等生态系统为对象,开展了造林、模拟N沉降和凋落物管理对生态系统C、N元素循环过程影响的研究。 在科尔沁沙地东南缘,以退化沙质草地、樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica)人工林(15、24和30年生)、杨树(Poplus xiaozhuanica)人工林(7、11和15年生)为对象,研究草地转变为林地对生态系统C、N储量影响;以退化草地、榆树疏林草地和32年生樟子松人工林为对象,比较草地造林对土壤C、N循环过程及其土壤微生物性状的影响;以农田和5、10、15年生杨树人工林为对象,研究退耕还林对生态系统C、N储量和循环过程影响;以35年生樟子松人工林为对象,模拟研究N沉降和凋落物管理对生态系统C、N循环过程影响。通过上述研究,得到以下主要结果: (1)草地生态系统总C储量为34.38 Mg ha-1,15、24和30年生樟子松人工林生态系统总C储量分别为43.56、60.45和66.59 Mg ha-1,7、11和15年生杨树人工林生态系统总C储量分别为34.54、48.26和78.77 Mg ha-1;与农田相比,退耕5年的杨树人工林生态系统总C库储量下降13%,而10年和15年杨树人工林分别增加了176%和5倍;随着人工林年龄的增加,地上植被生物量C库储量占生态系统总C库储量的比例逐渐增加,并主要分配在树干。草地生态系统总N库储量为2.54 Mg ha-1,15、24和30年生樟子松人工林生态系统总N库储量分别为1.96、2.10和2.19 Mg ha-1,7、11和15年生杨树人工林生态系统总N库储量分别为2.27、1.84和2.60 Mg ha-1;与农田相比,退耕5年的杨树人工林生态系统总N库储量下降32%,而10年和15年杨树人工林分别增加了47%和76%;农田和草地造林后生态系统N储量依然主要分配在土壤中。 (2)草地和农田造林后土壤C、N库储量的变化受多因子的影响,例如林龄、树种种类以及立地条件等。农田和草地造林初期,土壤C、N库储量表现出下降趋势,随着林龄的增加,土壤C、N储量逐渐恢复。草地营造樟子松人工林30年后,0–60 cm深度土壤C、N储量依然显著低于草地;与草地相比,15年生杨树人工林土壤C、N储量差异不显著。在立地条件较好的情况下,10年杨树人工林土壤C、N储量已显著高于农田;然而,在立地条件相对较差的情况下,15年杨树人工林土壤C、N储量仍然与农田相比差异不显著。 (3)土地利用变化能够强烈地改变土壤C、N循环过程。与草地或疏林草地相比,32年生樟子松人工林土壤C、N、P含量显著降低;土壤C、N矿化过程发生显著变化,并且受季节变化的影响;在不同季节,土壤微生物量碳含量、代谢熵(qCO2)、微生物熵(MBC/TOC)以及土壤酶活性等在不同土地利用条件下表现出规律不一致。同样,农田退耕杨树人工林能够显著影响土壤C、N矿化过程,土壤无机氮(铵态氮+硝态氮)含量,土壤微生物量碳含量以及土壤微生物活性。草地造林在一定程度上导致土壤质量下降。而农田造林有利于土壤质量改善,尤其在在立地条件较好情况下。 (4)N添加增加对沙地樟子松人工林地上和地下C、N元素含量影响不大;N添加1年后,仅林下植被C、N含量显著增加,高氮处理(N15)凋落物N含量显著增加。N添加抑制了沙地樟子松人工林凋落物的早期分解和N、P元素释放。5、6、8和9月份土壤无机N含量均随着N输入增加表现出一定程度的增加,然而,7月份N添加导致土壤无机N含量降低。N添加对土壤潜在N矿化速率影响不显著。7和8月份N添加影响土壤C矿化速率,而其它月份影响不显著。低氮处理(N5)有利于增加土壤微生物量碳含量,而高氮处理(N15)在一定程度上降低土壤微生物量碳含量。 (5)凋落物输入变化(凋落物添加和凋落物移出)在一定程度上改变了35年生沙地樟子松人工林生态系统C、N循环过程。凋落物移出(C0)增加了林下植被C含量,降低了树木叶片N含量。凋落物移出抑制了凋落物分解和P元素的释放,而增加了C元素的早期释放速率,对N元素释放过程影响不显著。凋落物输入变化对不同月份土壤无机N含量和土壤N矿化过程影响均不显著。仅在6月份凋落物移出显著抑制了土壤C矿化速率,其它月份差异均不显著。凋落物管理对土壤微生物量碳含量影响不显著。 以上研究结果表明,土地利用变化、N沉降和凋落物输入改变等能够影响半干旱地区沙地生态系统C、N储量和循环过程。尤其是土地利用变化强烈改变沙地生态系统C、N储量、分配格局和循环过程,并且受到多因子的影响。科尔沁沙地樟子松人工林生态系统C、N元素生物地球化学循环存在密切的耦合关系。今后有必要进一步结合3S技术、同位素技术、模型模拟以及分子生物学技术等,从微观-宏观不同尺度上,研究半干旱地区沙地生态系统C、N循环过程对全球变化的响应及其反馈机制。
红松针阔混交林,是我国东北东部山地稳定的地带性天然森林植被。开展其林木死亡量和倒木分解规律的研究,不仅能有效地监测红松针阔混交林的动态。而且能加深倒木生态功能的认识,为合理管理倒木资源提出对策。同时也有助于填补我国倒木研究的空白。根据研究,长白山红松阔叶林和阔叶红松林林木年死亡量分别为0.15 ~ 0.66T/年·ha和1.23 T /年·ha。倒木年输入量分别为0.03 ~ 0.19 T/年·ha和0.22 T /年·ha。林木年死亡量和倒木年输入量随着林分时空的变化差异很大。风害是其林木致死的主要原因。红松阔叶林有倒木82株/ha,站杆8析/ha。倒木的生物量为7.90T/ha,倒木的复盖度为1.31%。阔叶红松林倒木和站杆分别为94株/ha和24株/ha,倒木生物量为16.23T/ha。倒木的复盖度为2.02%。红松紫椴倒木分别占上述这两个类型倒木总生物量的59.17%与46.77%。红松阔叶林和阔叶红松林倒木株数、复盖面积、体积和生物量按腐烂级分配基本呈正态分布。红松阔叶林倒木的径级结构与活立木径级结构并非完全一致林地倒木的方向与主风向关系不大。研究表明,红松(y_1)和紫椴(y_2)的分解模型分别为y_1 = 0.3747e - 0.0162t. y_2 = 0.4454 e~(-0.0275t),单项指数衰减模型是红松紫椴倒木分解较为理想的数学模型。它们的分解常数为0.0162 ~ 0.0230/年与0.0275 ~ 0.0390/年,其中粉碎常各为0.0068/年与0.0115/年。红松紫椴倒木重量损失掉50%,大约需43年与25年,重量损失掉95%,大致需185年与106年。红松倒木胸径大小对分解常数无显著影响。倒木下方一般比倒木上方和侧方分解要快一些。但差异并不十分显著。倒木边材到心材的不同层次。其分解常数逐渐下降。红松和紫椴倒木分解中。倒木C含量比较稳定。N、Ca和Na都呈不同程度的递增。k呈下降趋势。而P和Mg变化没有明显的规律。红松阔叶林和阔叶红松林倒木中分别含有C3361.12 kg/ha、7184.11kg/ha; N 26.83kg/ha、33.44 kg/ha; P 3.68kg/ha、6.29kg/ha; ca33.33kg/ha 38.04kg/ha; mg 2.67kg/ha、 3.87 kg/ha; K 4.73 kg/ha. 8.15 kg/ha; Na 1.42 kg/ha、2.76 kg/ha. 倒木是重要的养分库,尤其是N素库。红松阔叶林倒木影响天然更新的主要方式是通过林木风倒或枯死。形成林窗。为天然更新创造有利条件。这和云冷杉林大部分是直接在腐烂的倒木上完成天然更新的机制不同。研究结果表明,倒木是红松针阔混交林生态系统中重要的组成部分。为此建议在长白山自然保护区,应严禁人为清理倒木,并进一步开展倒木的研究。同时针对以生产木材为主的红松阔叶林内侧木,提出了一些相应的管理措施。
The structural properties for various SiCO isomers in the singlet and triplet states have been investigated using CASSCF methods with a 6-311 +G* basis set and also using three DFT and MP2 with same basis set for those systems except for the linear singlet state. The detailed bonding character is discussed, and the state-state correlations and the isomerization mechanism are also determined. Results indicate that there are four different isomers for each spin state, and for all isomers, the triplet state is more stable than the corresponding singlet state. The most stable is the linear SiCO ((3)Sigma(-)) species and may be refer-red to the ground state. At the CASSCF-MP2(full)/6-311+G* level, the state-state energy separations of the other triplet states relative to the ground state are 43.2 (cyclic), 45.2 (linear SiOC), and 75.6 kcal/mol (linear CSiO), respectively, whereas the triplet-singlet state excitation energies for each configuration are 17.3 (linear SiCO), 2.2 (cyclic SiCO), 10.2 (linear SiOC), and 18.5 kcal/mol (linear CSiO), respectively. SiCo ((3)Sigma(-)) may be classified as silene (carbonylsilene), and its COdelta- moiety possesses CO- property. The dissociation energy of the ground state is 42.5 kcal/mol at the CASSCF-MP2(full)/6-311+G* level and falls within a range of 36.5-41.5 kcal/mol at DFT level, and of 23.7-28.9 kcal/mol at the wave function-correlated level, whereas the vertical IP is 188.8 kcal/mol at the CASSCF-MP2(full)/6-311+G* level and is very close to the first IP of Si atom. Three linear isomers (SiCO, SiOC, and CSiO) have similar structural bonding character. SiOC may be referred to the iso-carbonyl Si instead of the aether compound, whereas the CSiO isomer may be considered as the combination of C (the analogue of Si) with SiO (the analogue of CO). The bonding is weak for all linear species, and the corresponding potential energy surfaces are flat, and thus these linear molecules are facile. Another important isomer is of cyclic structure, it may be considered as the combination of CO with Si by the side pi bond. This structure has the smallest triplet state-singlet state excitation energy (similar to2.2 kcal/mol); the C-O bonds are longer, and the corresponding vibrational frequencies are significantly smaller than those of the other linear species. This cyclic species is not classified as an epoxy compound. State-state correlation analysis and the isomerization pathway searches have indicated that there are no direct correlations among three linear structures for each spin state, but they may interchange by experiencing two transition states and one cyclic intermediate. The easiest pathway is to break the Si-O bond to go to the linear SiCO, but its inverse process is very difficult. The most difficult process is to break the C-O bond and to go to the linear CSiO.
Formation and stabilities of four 14-mer intermolecular DNA triplexes, consisting of third strands with repeating sequence CTCT, CCTT, CTT, or TTT, were studied by electrospray ionization Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FTICR-MS) in the gas phase. The gas-phase stabilities of the triplexes were compared with their CD spectra and melting behaviors in solution, and parallel correlation between two phases were obtained. In the presence of 20 mm NH4+ (pH 5.5), the formation of the TTT triplex was not detected in both solution and the gas phase.
Water-soluble supramolecular inclusion complexes of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-cyclodextrin-bicapped C-60 (CD/C-60) have been investigated for their photoinduced DNA cleavage activities, with the aim to assess the potential health risks of this class of compounds and to understand the effect of host cyclodextrins having different cavity dimensions. Factors such as incubation temperature, irradiation time, and concentration of NADH or CDs/C-60 supramolecular inclusion complexes have been examined. The results show that alpha-, beta-, and gamma-CDs/C-60 are all able to cleave double-stranded DNA under visible light irradiation in the presence of NADH. However, a difference in the photoinduced DNA cleavage efficiency is observed, where the cleavage efficiency increases in the order of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-CD/C-60. The difference is attributed to the different aggregation behavior of the inclusion complexes in aqueous solution, which is correlated to the cavity dimension of the host cyclodextrin molecules.
The gas-phase ion-molecule reactions of C-60 with the methoxymethyl ion [CH3O=CH2](+) and the 1-hydroxyethyl ion [CH3CH=OH](+) generated under the self-chemical-ionization (self-CI) conditions of alkyl methyl ethers and primary alcohols were studied in the ion source of a mass spectrometer. The adduct ions [C60C2H5O](+) and protonated molecules [C60H](+) were observed as the major products of C-60 with the plasma of alkyl methyl ethers. On the contrary, the reactions of C-60 With the plasmas of primary alcohols produced few corresponding adduct ions. The AM1 semiempirical molecular orbital calculations were carried out on 14 possible structures. The calculated results showed that the most stable structure among the possible isomers of [C60C2H5O](+) is the [3+2] cycloadduct. According to experimental and theoretical results, the pathway for the formation of the adduct was presented.
Cp2SmCl(THF) reacts with 0.5 equivalent disodium salts of trans-(+/-)-N,N'-bis(salicylidene)-1,2-cyclohexanediamine give the title complex [(eta(5)-C5H5)Sm(mu-OC20H20N2O)](2)(mu-THF)(THF)(2) (1). X-ray crystal determination shows that the molecule is a dimer, in which two (eta(5)C(5)H(5))Sm(mu-OC20H20N2O) units are connected via a THF oxygen and two bridging oxygen atoms of Schiff base ligands. The average Sm-C distance is 2.78(7) Angstrom, while those of Sm-O (bridging THF oxygen) and Schiff base oxygens are 2.79(3) and 2.43(4) Angstrom; respectively. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Gas-phase ion-molecule reactions of buckminsterfullerene (C-60) with the acetyl cation CH3-C-+=O (m/z 43) and formylmethyl cation (CH2)-C-+-CH=O (m/z 43, or oxiranyl cation), generated from the self-chemical ionization of acetone and vinyl acetate, respectively, were studied in the ion source of a mass spectrometer. Adduct cations [C60C2H3O](+) (m/z 763) and protonated C-60, [C60H](+) (m/z 721), were observed as the major products. AM1 semiempirical molecular orbital calculations on the possible structures, stabilities and charge locations of the isomers of the adducts [C60C2H3O](+) were carried out at the restricted Hartree-Fock level. The results indicated that the sigma-addition product [C-60-COCH3](+) is the most stable adduct for the reaction of C-60 with CH3-C-+=O rather than that resulting from the [2+2] cycloaddition. The [2+3] cycloadduct and the sigma-adduct [C60CH2CHO](+) might be the most possible coexisting products for the reactions of C-60 with (CH2)-C-+-CH=O or oxiranyl cation. Other [C60C2H3O](+) isomers are also discussed. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The direct electrochemistry of cytochrome c was studied at nanometer-sized rare earth element dioxide particle-modified gold electrodes. It was demonstrated that rare earth element oxides can accelerate the electrochemical reaction of cytochrome c and the reversibility of the electrochemical reaction of cytochrome c was related to the size of rare earth element oxide particles.
C-type lectins are a superfamily of Ca2+ dependent carbohydrate-recognition proteins which play significant diverse roles in nonself-recognition and clearance of invaders. In the present study, a C-type lectin (CfLec-2) from Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri was selected to investigate its functions in innate immunity. The mRNA expression of CfLec-2 in hemocytes was significantly up-regulated (P < 0.01) after scallops were stimulated by LPS. PGN or beta-glucan, and reached the highest expression level at 12h post-stimulation, which was 72.5-, 23.6- or 43.8-fold compared with blank group, respectively. The recombinant Cflec-2 (designated as rCfLec-2) could bind LPS, PGN, mannan and zymosan in vitro, but it could not bind beta-glucan. Immunofluorescence assay with polyclonal antibody specific for Cflec-2 revealed that CfLec-2 was mainly located in the mantle, kidney and gonad. Furthermore, rCfLec-2 could bind to the surface of scallop hemocytes, and then initiated cellular adhesion and recruited hemocytes to enhance their encapsulation in vitro, and this process could be specifically blocked by anti-rCfLec-2 serum. These results collectively suggested that CfLec-2 from the primitive deuterostome C. farreri could perform two distinct immune functions, pathogen recognition and cellular adhesion synchronously, while these functions were performed by collectins and selectins in vertebrates, respectively. The synchronous functions of pathogen recognition and cellular adhesion performed by CfLec-2 tempted us to suspect that CfLec-2 was an ancient form of C-type lectin, and apparently the differentiation of these two functions mediated by C-type lectins occurred after mollusk in phylogeny. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.