967 resultados para Additive Manufacturing 3D Printing FDM TPU nanocompisiti
Solid-state silicon detectors have replaced conventional ones in almost all recent high-energy physics experiments. Pixel silicon sensors don't have any alternative in the area near the interaction point because of their high resolution and fast operation speed. However, present detectors hardly withstand high radiation doses. Forthcoming upgrade of the LHC in 2014 requires development of a new generation of pixel detectors which will be able to operate under ten times increased luminosity. A planar fabrication technique has some physical limitations; an improvement of the radiation hardness will reduce sensitivity of a detector. In that case a 3D pixel detector seems to be the most promising device which can overcome these difficulties. The objective of this work was to model a structure of the 3D stripixel detector and to simulate electrical characteristics of the device. Silvaco Atlas software has been used for these purposes. The structures of single and double sided dual column detectors with active edges were described using special command language. Simulations of these detectors have shown that electric field inside an active area has more uniform distribution in comparison to the planar structure. A smaller interelectrode space leads to a stronger field and also decreases the collection time. This makes the new type of detectors more radiation resistant. Other discovered advantages are the lower full depletion voltage and increased charge collection efficiency. So the 3D stripixel detectors have demonstrated improved characteristics and will be a suitable replacement for the planar ones.
In this thesis, the purpose was to find the cost distribution of the screen dryer and the largest cost factors. The hot section of the screen dryer was revealed as the biggest cost factor, so composing new cost efficient solutions were directed to it. DFMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) was chosen to help the design process. DFMA is a product design strategy developed for taking manufacturing and assembly costs into account at the early stages of the design process. In the theory part of the thesis, other methods of economical design and tools needed for estimating manufacturing costs are introduced. In the empirical part, the hot section of the screen dryer was divided into sub-assemblies and their manufacturing costs were estimated. The design propositions were directed to the self-manufactured assemblies and parts. The new manufacturing costs were calculated for the developed propositions. Lastly, the most cost efficient solutions were summarized. The savings on the self-manufactured assemblies were about 40 %, which was about 13 % of the combined total costs of the hot section.
Larox Corporation is a provider of full service filtration in solid and liquid separation. Larox develops, designs, manufactures and supplies industrial filters. By Larox’s continuous development principle, a project for more efficient production was started. At the same time production planning was taken under review. Aim for this Master’s thesis was to find software designed for production planning purposes replacement for old Microsoft Excel based method. In this Master’s thesis current way of production planning was thoroughly analyzed and improvement targets were specified and also requirements for new software were assigned. Primary requirements for new software were possibility to production scheduling, planning, follow-up and also for long-time capacity planning and tracking. Also one demand was that new software should have data link to Larox’s current ERP-system. Result of this Master’s thesis was to start using Larox’s ERP-system also for production planning purposes. New mode of operation fulfils all requirements which were placed to new system. By using new method of production planning, production planners can get more easier and reliable data than from current system.
A novel heteronuclear 3d-4f compound having formula NdCu3L3·13H2O (where H3L = Schiff base derived from 5-bromosalicylaldehyde and glycylglycine and L³ = C11H8 N2O4Br) was obtained. It was characterized by elemental and thermal analyses and magnetic measurements. The Cu(II)-Nd(III) compound is stable up to 323 K. During dehydration process the water molecules are lost in two stages. The magnetic susceptibility data for this complex change with temperature according to the Curie-Weiss law with theta = -35 K. The magnetic moment values decrease from 5.00µB at 303 K to 4.38µB at 76 K.
Tämä diplomityö on selostus tarraetikettejä valmistavalle yritykselle talon sisäisesti toteutetusta toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän kehitysprojektista. Projektissa luotiin ohjelmisto tukemaan yrityksen keskeisimpiä toimintoja, kuten myyntiä, asiakkuuksien hallintaa, tuotantoa, materiaalihallintoa sekä johdon päätöksentekoa. Työssä tarkastellaan ensin yrityksen menettelytapoja ja valmistusmenetelmiä, ja kerätään niistä konkreettisia vaatimuksia järjestelmälle. Nämä yhdistetään muista tutkimuksista kerättyihin toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien mahdollisuuksiin ja riskeihin sekä laaditaan näistä projektin tavoitteet. Seuraavaksi käydään läpi toteutuksessa tehdyt suunnitteluratkaisut ja niihin johtaneet seikat. Toteutetut toiminnot ja ominaisuudet esitellään perusteluineen. Lopuksi analysoidaan projektin onnistumista peilaten sitä muihin aiheeseen liittyviin tutkimustuloksiin. Käyttöönottoprosessin vaiheet ja siinä esiintyneet ongelmat käydään myös lyhyesti läpi.
This Master’s thesis addresses different approaches using which a foreign IT company could enter Russian manufacturing industry with its enterprise information systems and IT services. In order to define the most suitable market entry approach, several aspects related to Russian manufacturing enterprises are studied. These aspects include challenges of doing ICT business with the previously mentioned enterprises, their perception of ICT role and their ICT preferences, as well as their buying behavior related to acquisition of information systems (IS). The study results show that there are several challenges that can be faced by a foreign IT vendor when starting conducting ICT business with Russian manufacturing enterprises. The results also show that Russian manufacturing industry is still rather immature in sense of business process automation, and its IT buying behavior is rather specific and complicated. The results suggest that an efficient way to approach these enterprises is through a network of trusted partners that consists of reliable Russian IS integrators and business consultants having established connections to Russian manufacturing companies and possessing the needed competence.
The main objective of this study is to examine the relationships between resources, competitive advantage and firm success. The study focuses, on one hand, on the financial performance of service-intensive manufac-turing firms against competitors with a lower service intensity and, on the other hand, on the resources as drivers for competitive advantage and success. The purpose of the theoretical part is to link the study in the field of the strategy research. The empirical part of the study is based on the quantitative analyses of the survey data collected from 50 major suppliers of industrial machinery and transportation equipment in Europe and North America. Results indicate that service-intensive manufacturing firms have performed better and their performance has been more stable vis-à-vis their peers. The main resources that differentiate service-intensive manufacturing firms from their non-service intensive competitors are service strategy and service-oriented top management. The analyses on the VRIO resources produced only a limited amount of information and solely service-centred culture appeared to be a rent generating resource.
Saostettua karbonaattia voidaan käyttää useiden eri teollisuuksien tuotteissa. Pääosin saostettua kalsiumkarbonaattia kuitenkin käytetään paperin, maalien, muovien sekä elintarviketuotteiden täyteaineena. Koska monet käyttökohteet vaativat saostetulta kalsiumkarbonaatilta tiettyjä puhtausvaatimuksia, sen koostumuksen tutkiminen on suuren kiinnostuksen kohteena. Työn perimmäisenä tarkoituksena on ollut määrittää saostetun kalsiumkarbonaatin kemiallinen koostumus ja selvittää, vaikuttavatko materiaalin kemiallisfysikaalinen modifiointi sen ominaisuuksiin. Kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään yleisesti kalsiumkarbonaattimateriaaleja, saostetun kalsiumkarbonaatin valmistusmenetelmiä ja vastaavanlaisen materiaalin esikäsittelymenetelmiä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan erilaisia analyysimenetelmiä, joita voidaan käyttää kiinteiden epäorgaanisten tai mineraalinäytteiden kemiallisen koostumuksen sekä fysikaalisten ja kemiallisten reaktioiden määrittämiseen. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin käsittelemättömiä saostettuja kalsiumkarbonaattinäytteiden ominaisuuksia ja kemiallista koostumusta erilaisilla alkuaine-, ioni-/spesies- sekä pyrolyysimittauksilla. Näytteitä modifioitiin lämmityksen ja jauhatuksen avulla. Modifioinnin vaikutusta näytteiden kemiallisiin koostumuksiin tutkittiin vertailemalla tuloksia käsittelemättömien näytteiden antamiin tuloksiin. Tutkimus osoitti, että näytteiden lämpökäsittelyllä ei ollut lähes ollenkaan vaikutusta näytteiden kemialliseen koostumukseen. Toisin osoitti näytteiden jauhatus, joka laski ammoniumin pitoisuutta näytteissä. Laitetekniikkaa käytettäessä kapillaarielektroforeesi, ionikromatografi, ICP-AES ja SEM (FTIR) antoivat luotettavinta tietoa näytteiden kemiallisista koostumuksista. Näytteiden fysikaalisia ja kemiallisia reaktioita voitiin havainnollistaa parhaiten käyttäen STA-QMS -laitetta.
Researching Manufacturing Planning and Control system and Master Scheduling in a manufacturing firm.
The objective of this thesis is to research Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC) system and Master Scheduling (MS) in a manufacturing firm. The study is conducted at Ensto Finland Corporation, which operates on a field of electrical systems and supplies. The paper consists of theoretical and empirical parts. The empirical part is based on weekly operating at Ensto and includes inter-firm material analysis, learning and meetings. Master Scheduling is an important module of an MPC system, since it is beneficial on transforming strategic production plans based on demand forecasting into operational schedules. Furthermore, capacity planning tools can remarkably contribute to production planning: by Rough-Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP) tool, a MS plan can be critically analyzed in terms of available key resources in real manufacturing environment. Currently, there are remarkable inefficiencies when it comes to Ensto’s practices: the system is not able to take into consideration seasonal demand and react on market changes on time; This can cause significant lost sales. However, these inefficiencies could be eliminated through the appropriate utilization of MS and RCCP tools. To utilize MS and RCCP tools in Ensto’s production environment, further testing in real production environment is required. Moreover, data accuracy, appropriate commitment to adapting and learning the new tools, and continuous developing of functions closely related to MS, such as sales forecasting, need to be ensured.
This thesis studies the use of heuristic algorithms in a number of combinatorial problems that occur in various resource constrained environments. Such problems occur, for example, in manufacturing, where a restricted number of resources (tools, machines, feeder slots) are needed to perform some operations. Many of these problems turn out to be computationally intractable, and heuristic algorithms are used to provide efficient, yet sub-optimal solutions. The main goal of the present study is to build upon existing methods to create new heuristics that provide improved solutions for some of these problems. All of these problems occur in practice, and one of the motivations of our study was the request for improvements from industrial sources. We approach three different resource constrained problems. The first is the tool switching and loading problem, and occurs especially in the assembly of printed circuit boards. This problem has to be solved when an efficient, yet small primary storage is used to access resources (tools) from a less efficient (but unlimited) secondary storage area. We study various forms of the problem and provide improved heuristics for its solution. Second, the nozzle assignment problem is concerned with selecting a suitable set of vacuum nozzles for the arms of a robotic assembly machine. It turns out that this is a specialized formulation of the MINMAX resource allocation formulation of the apportionment problem and it can be solved efficiently and optimally. We construct an exact algorithm specialized for the nozzle selection and provide a proof of its optimality. Third, the problem of feeder assignment and component tape construction occurs when electronic components are inserted and certain component types cause tape movement delays that can significantly impact the efficiency of printed circuit board assembly. Here, careful selection of component slots in the feeder improves the tape movement speed. We provide a formal proof that this problem is of the same complexity as the turnpike problem (a well studied geometric optimization problem), and provide a heuristic algorithm for this problem.
Olfactory packaging is an emerging technology which uses the aromatic capsules to release various scents. Normally, manufacturers add these aromatic capsules in the printing ink, the label or packaging material itself. When the aromatic capsules meet suitable release triggers, the scents will be released. The common release triggers are external forces, temperature changes, humidity changes and so on. The aim for this Masters of Science Thesis is to understand the aroma printing technology from literature and make market research for this kind of technology. The main target is to collect the current technology principle of aroma packaging and figure out how they are implemented on products with those. In addition, an investigation is made about consumers' attitudes from Chinese and Finnish market through the questionnaire, and the market potential is analyzed as well. The key points researched in this work are: the general attitudes on aroma printing technology, market potential and economic possibilities. This thesis specifies the main technologies used in aroma printing, the solutions of products with aroma packaging and the original results of the questionnaires. It also includes analysis of the acceptance of Chinese and Finnish consumers, what are their opinions of the aroma printing technology and the products packed by aroma printing technology. In addition, various factors which impact the market is discussed in the thesis. At last, some comparisons are made from the point of views of similarities and differences between Chinese and Finnish market.
ABSTRACT Soy harvest matches seasons with shortage of dry matter supply for ruminant feeding in most Brazilian soy-growing areas. Agricultural machinery-producing companies must have market perception, observing new opportunities and developing equipment to meet costumers’ needs. This paper aims to design, build, and test a device to collect soybean crop residues from the combine cleaning mechanism, consisting mainly of vegetable straw (chaff), and the other plant parts (stems) remain being deposited onto the ground. For equipment designing, we made use of the architectural design methodology proposed in the reference model for the agricultural machinery development process. The equipment was designed and built following the proposed methodology, then installed and put into operation in a John Deere 1165 combine. After initial testing and few adjustments, the device showed satisfactory chaff-collecting performance. The equipment consists of a screw conveyor assembled transversely to the combine and a centrifugal fan assembled on the side. The collected chaff is dumped into a trailer towed by tractor.
The main advantage of organic electronics over the more widespread inorganic counterparts lies not in the electrical performance, but rather in the solution processability that opens up for low-cost flexible electronics (e.g. displays, sensors and smart tags) fabricated by using printing techniques. Replacing the commonly used laboratory-scale fabrication techniques with mass-printing techniques is, however, truly challenging, especially when low-voltage operation is required. In this thesis it is, nevertheless, demonstrated that low-voltage organic transistors can be fully printed with a similar performance to that of transistors made by laboratory scale techniques. The use of an ion-modulated type of organic field effect transistor (OFET) not only enabled low-voltage operation and printability, but was also found to result in low sensitivity to the surface roughness of the substrate. This allows not only the use of low-cost plastic substrates, but even the use of paper as a substrate. However, while absorption into the porous paper surface is advantageous in a graphical printing process, by reducing the spreading and the coffee-stain effect and by improving the adhesion, it provides great challenges when applying thin electrically active layers. In spite of these difficulties we were able to demonstrate the first low-voltage OFET to be fabricated on paper. We have also shown that low-cost incandescent lamps can be used for sintering printed metal-nanoparticles, and that the process was especially suitable on paper and compatible with a roll-to-roll manufacturing process.