779 resultados para proactive


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo geral apresentar uma proposta de um modelo de observatório municipal do desporto na administração local, nomeadamente no concelho de Setúbal. Podem ser verificados alguns estudos sobre a temática dos observatórios no sector do desporto (Leite, 2013; Gaspar 2014). Em plena sociedade de informação, as organizações têm de gerir grandes fluxos de dados. Têm de ter capacidade de adaptação à realidade, mas acima de tudo, uma atitude pró-ativa no sentido de anteciparem novos cenários. Segundo Albornoz e Herschmann (2006), os observatórios costumam recolher, registar, acompanhar, interpretar dados, produzir indicadores estatísticos, criar metodologias para codificar, classificar e categorizar informações, estabelecendo conexões entre pessoas que trabalham em áreas similares, bem como monitorizar e analisar tendências. É exigido à administração local, serviços de qualidade e de transparência na adoção das suas politicas desportivas e a existência de um instrumento de recolha de informação, estruturado com base num modelo de análise que permita conhecer, analisar e compreender o estado de um dado contexto desportivo em tempo real, irá permitir a criação de uma base de dados contendo informação atualizada e confiável. Neste contexto, os sistemas de informação, quando desenvolvidos e aplicados, vão permitir a recolha de informação fundamental sobre o comportamento interno da organização (Claudino, 2005). A presente pesquisa representa uma investigação descritiva, tratando-se de um estudo de caso a aplicar na Câmara Municipal de Setúbal. Em termos da recolha de dados, foram utilizadas fontes primárias, com base numa análise documental. Os resultados deste estudo, permitem apresentar uma primeira abordagem de estrutura e processos de funcionamento de um modelo de observatório municipal do desporto com aplicação prática, tendo sido estabelecidos sete categorias de análise fundamentais: i) Atividades Desportivas; ii) Instalações Desportivas, iii) Associativismo; iv) Recursos Humanos; v) Sector Privado; vi) Consumo Desportivo; vii) Divisão Desporto. As estratégias das políticas públicas desportivas adotadas, o planeamento desportivo ou o acesso ao apoio financeiro, exigem que estejam disponíveis um conjunto de informações rigorosas e fidedignas sobre o desempenho, a evolução e as tendências do sector a nível local pelo que a estrutura de um observatório do desporto, irá permitir de uma forma eficiente, eficaz e participativa que se desenvolvam e projetem as políticas desportivas locais que melhor se ajustem à sua realidade. Acreditamos que a existência de um observatório municipal do desporto acrescenta benefícios para os municípios. As mudanças e os desafios económicos colocados hoje, obrigam a novas dinâmicas competitivas.


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The ever-increasing number and severity of cybersecurity breaches makes it vital to understand the factors that make organizations vulnerable. Since humans are considered the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain of an organization, this study evaluates users’ individual differences (demographic factors, risk-taking preferences, decision-making styles and personality traits) to understand online security behavior. This thesis studies four different yet tightly related online security behaviors that influence organizational cybersecurity: device securement, password generation, proactive awareness and updating. A survey (N=369) of students, faculty and staff in a large mid-Atlantic U.S. public university identifies individual characteristics that relate to online security behavior and characterizes the higher-risk individuals that pose threats to the university’s cybersecurity. Based on these findings and insights from interviews with phishing victims, the study concludes with recommendations to help similat organizations increase end-user cybersecurity compliance and mitigate the risks caused by humans in the organizational cybersecurity chain.


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The reinforcer devaluation paradigm has been regarded as a canonical paradigm to detect habit-like behavior in animal and human instrumental learning. Though less studied, avoidance situations set a scenario where habit-like behavior may be of great experimental and clinical interest. On the other hand, proactive intolerance of uncertainty has been shown as a factor facilitating responses in uncertain situations. Thus, avoidance situations in which uncertainty is favoured, may be taken as a relevant paradigm to examine the role of intolerance of uncertainty as a facilitatory factor for habit-like behavior to occur. In our experiment we used a free-operant discriminative avoidance procedure to implement a devaluation paradigm. Participants learned to avoid an aversive noise presented either to the right or to the left ear by pressing two different keys. After a devaluation phase where the volume of one of the noises was reduced, they went through a test phase identical to the avoidance phase except for the fact that the noise was never administered. Sensitivity to reinforcer devaluation was examined by comparing the response rate to the cue associated to the devalued reinforcer with that to the cue associated to the still aversive reinforcer. The results showed that intolerance of uncertainty was positively associated to insensitivity to reinforcer devaluation. Finally, we discuss the theoretical and clinical implications of the habit-like behavior obtained in our avoidance procedure.


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O presente estudo enquadra-se no domínio das Ciências da Educação e na área específica da Análise da Acão Educativa. Não se afastando das preocupações inscritas nos objetivos de um mestrado de autor "A Criança em Diferentes Contextos Educativos”, também se compagina com as nossas determinações pessoais e profissionais, empreendidas na convicção da investigação como um projeto de vida. Para o efeito, arquitetámos o nosso universo de estudo a partir da observação naturalista em sete salas de creche e de jardim-de-infância do distrito de Évora. Da população estudada fizeram parte diferentes acores educativos, entre eles, as crianças dos 3 meses aos 6 anos de idade, as educadoras e as auxiliares de Acão educativa. Pretendemos, a partir dos sinais emitidos pelas crianças, retirar indicadores de necessidades educativas, para compreender as atitudes e comportamentos dos agentes educativos (educadores e auxiliares) na sua prática pedagógica, inferindo das suas próprias necessidades formativas. Procurámos saber como eram feitos os diagnósticos de necessidades (educativas das crianças e formativas dos educadores) e como organizavam a sua relação com outros acores educativos, no sentido de um desenvolvimento holístico da criança. Dada a natureza e o objeto de estudo, optámos por uma metodologia qualitativa de carácter interpretativo, configurada num estudo de caso. Utilizámos a linha de Investigação-Acão/Formação, preconizada por Luís Barbosa, integrada na sua "Escola Sensível e Transformacionista", que radica os seus fundamentos na ideia de que o jardim-de-infância, tal como outra qualquer organização educativa, deve ser um "Observatório de Caracterização de necessidades educativas das crianças e formativas dos sues agentes educativos”, gerido na perspetiva da mudança. Neste enquadramento de ideias, ao qual aderimos por convicção, utilizámos, para caracterizar o real, a Observação como técnica privilegiada, pese embora as limitações que lhe são subjacentes. Minimizámos este facto, triangulando os dados com entrevistas semiestruturadas e notas de campo. Suportámo-nos da Técnica do Espelhamento, da Pedagogia de Ajuda, da Renomeação de Experiências e da Extensibilidade de Si, às quais, pela sua importância demos ênfase no enquadramento teórico. O nosso estudo permitiu-nos inferir que, a relação diagnostica nos processos de ensino/aprendizagem, naqueles contextos, parece estar correlacionada com o facto de que os agentes educativos ainda necessitam de adquirir um leque variado de competências, relacionadas com o Saber-Ser e o Saber-Estar, que lhes permitam atitudes relacionais pró-activas e maior sensibilidade para captar as emoções e as sensações das crianças. Este facto vem corroborar o facto de termos verificado que os agentes educativos não usam o diagnóstico de necessidades como âncora de organização das suas práticas educativas o que não contribui de forma sustentável para a promoção do bem-estar e do desenvolvimento integral da criança. ABSTRACT: The present study lies within the field of Educational Sciences in the specific area of analysis of education. Not moving away from the concerns listed in the goals of an author master degree "The Child in Different Educational Contexts”, it also fits our personal and professional decisions, undertaken in the belief of research as a project of life. We chose the universe of our study from naturalistic observation in seven rooms of Nurseries and Infant Schools in the district of Évora. The study population consisted of children from three months to six years old, educators and assistants of education. From signals emitted by children, we intended to take indicators of educational needs to understand the attitudes and behavior of the educators and their assistants in their pedagogical practice, inferring their own educational needs. We tried to know how the diagnoses of needs were made (educational needs of the children and training needs of the educators) and how they organized their relationship with other educational agents towards a holistic development of children. Considering the nature and purpose of the study we opted for a qualitative methodology of interpretative nature, in a case study. We used the action research training line, advocated by Luís Barbosa in his work "Escola Sensível e Transformacionista" (Sensitive and Transformational School), whose reason lies in the idea that Infant Schools, like other educational organizations, should be centers for the characterization of children’s educational needs and educational agents' formative needs, managed in terms of change. ln this framework of ideas, that we adopted by conviction, we used the observation as the main technique, despite its limitations. To minimize them we triangulated the data with semi structured interviews and field notes. We used the techniques of Mirroring, Pedagogy of Help, renaming of Experiences and Extensibility of Yourself, and, because of their importance, we focused on them in the theoretical framework. This study allowed us to infer that the diagnostic relationship in the teaching­learning processes, in those contexts, seem to be correlated with the fact that the educational agents still need to acquire a wide range of skills related to the Know How To Be, to provide them with proactive relational attitudes and a bigger sensibility to get the children's emotions and sensations. We also found that the educational agents don't use a diagnostic of needs as anchor of the organization of their educational practices, what does not contribute in a sustainable way for the promotion of the well being and integral development of the child.


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O Policiamento de Proximidade é o modelo de policiamento atual em Portugal, privilegiando uma postura preventiva e dando relevo à pró-atividade das forças policiais. À Guarda Nacional Republicana, enquanto força policial, cabe-lhe zelar pelos direitos, liberdades e garantias dos cidadãos, constitucionalmente protegidos, através dessa atuação preventiva, procurando intensificar pró-ativamente a sua presença no seio da sociedade. Contudo, por vezes é necessário recorrer a uma intervenção de caráter repressivo, a fim de repor a ordem e visando uma prevenção futura, evitando os comportamentos antissociais. Torna-se assim pertinente estudar de que forma se articulam a atuação preventiva e repressiva da GNR, de modo a perceber se é possível existir um equilíbrio entre elas, ou se, por alguma razão, existem limitações no seu emprego. O Destacamento Territorial de Coimbra constitui o estudo de caso. Esta investigação para além de descrever a articulação entre ambas as formas de atuação, pretende ainda identificar aquilo que as caracteriza bem como as suas potencialidades e vulnerabilidades. De forma a recolher a informação pretendida, foram privilegiadas a análise documental, entrevistas ao Comandante de Destacamento Territorial de Coimbra e aos respetivos Comandantes dos Postos Territoriais, bem como questionários aos militares do destacamento responsáveis por exercerem o patrulhamento. Seguidamente procedeu-se à análise de conteúdo dos dados recolhidos. Das conclusões retiradas, salienta-se que a falta de recursos principalmente humanos, corresponde a um problema do destacamento, que dificulta uma ação de patrulhamento contínuo junto do cidadão e que contribui para o Policiamento de Proximidade. Denota-se também a intensa fiscalização rodoviária que, apesar de ter uma natureza preventiva, é interpretada pela população com uma imagem de repressão.


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Num mundo atual, em que a globalização imprime os seus efeitos sobre as dinâmicas sociais, o acesso à informação e ao conhecimento é instantâneo e produzido ao minuto. A sociedade torna-se cada vez mais exigente com os serviços a si prestados, obrigando assim, a uma constante especialização dos funcionários e entidades que os prestam. As populações tornaram-se mais rigorosas no que respeita aos serviços prestados pela Guarda. Estes serviços terão tanto mais qualidade quanto maior for a preparação dos militares para lidar com a complexidade dos problemas que diariamente são sentidos e vividos pelas populações. A capacidade de respostas proativas por parte da GNR assenta num processo de formação eficaz e adequada aos militares que contactam diretamente com a população. A investigação aplicada levada a cabo neste trabalho tem como objetivo geral, compreender de que forma a formação ministrada no Curso de Formação de Guardas está alinhada com a atividade territorial da Guarda. Para esta investigação foram selecionados dois instrumentos de recolha de dados: o inquérito por questionário, que foi aplicado aos Guardas Provisórios no término do curso; e a entrevista, aplicada aos formadores (Oficiais e Sargentos) que os acompanharam no decorrer do referido curso. Tendo em conta os dados recolhidos, constata-se que existe a necessidade de direcionar a formação ministrada, de uma forma mais contundente, para as exigências da função de patrulheiro da Guarda. As tarefas nucleares de atendimento ao público e de elaboração de expediente são, com base na opinião dos formadores e formandos, uma fragilidade do curso. A formação ministrada no CFG está em certa medida alinhada com a atividade territorial da GNR e transmite indubitavelmente os conhecimentos essenciais aos futuros militares da Guarda. No entanto, existem aspetos que merecem especial atenção por parte da Instituição.


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Antecedentes: La agresividad es parte de la una reacción fisiológica en los humanos, se liga en la mayoría de los casos a factores del ambiente y familiares que si existe un adecuado diagnóstico podrían ser controlados. Objetivo: Describir las características de las conductas agresivas de los estudiantes de primero, segundo y tercero de Bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa “César Dávila Andrade”. Cuenca 2016. Metodología: La presente investigación fue de tipo cuantitativo descriptiva de corte transversal, el universo fue de 216 estudiantes de primero, segundo y tercero de bachillerato. Se aplicó el Cuestionario de Agresión, seguido por una encuesta sociodemográfica. Los datos fueron tabulados por medio del programa estadístico de SPSS 21. Resultados: La media de edad fue de 16,22 años con el 66,7% de adolescentes de sexo masculino y el 98,1% de adolescentes presentaron un estado civil soltero; el 30,6% de los adolescentes vivían con sus padres y sus hermanos, el 56,9% de las familias fueron nucleares y en el 65,7% de las familias el número de integrantes fue 5 o menos. Según los puntajes generales del cuestionario Agresión RPQ la agresividad reactiva fue más elevada que la agresividad proactiva con 19,16 y 15,82 puntos, respectivamente. Conclusiones: La agresividad presenta indicadores elevados en los adolescentes del Unidad Educativa “Cesar Dávila Andrade” siendo mayor en el sexo masculino y en adolescentes con familias con regulares relaciones y de características extendidas


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Community development was born out of a commitment to practising ways of empowering people to take collective control of their own lives. It requires profound changes in the ways in which societies are organized, and has held out the promise of heroic change. Although community development practitioners have been able to secure spaces for community development processes and policies, overall the successes of community development have been uneven and often quite modest. Indeed, the story of community development so far is one of the considerable unfinished businesses. Drawing on two research projects, this paper considers whether third-sector organizations, which are the main sites within which community development practice takes place, generate and nurture the types of active citizenship that are appropriate to community development activities. The paper develops a typology of active citizenship and considers manifestations of the types in seven countries. The applicability of the types to community development is dependent upon what form of community development is being considered. The paper argues that we need more than a settled form of community development based around social maintenance and defensive active citizenship. An unsettled and edgy community development is also needed that requires critical, proactive, visionary, cosmopolitan and active citizens who are prepared to challenge the existing power relations.


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Accurate and timely traffic flow prediction is crucial to proactive traffic management and control in data-driven intelligent transportation systems (D2ITS), which has attracted great research interest in the last few years. In this paper, we propose a Spatial-Temporal Weighted K-Nearest Neighbor model, named STW-KNN, in a general MapReduce framework of distributed modeling on a Hadoop platform, to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of short-term traffic flow forecasting. More specifically, STW-KNN considers the spatial-temporal correlation and weight of traffic flow with trend adjustment features, to optimize the search mechanisms containing state vector, proximity measure, prediction function, and K selection. urthermore, STW-KNN is implemented on a widely adopted Hadoop distributed computing platform with the MapReduce parallel processing paradigm, for parallel prediction of traffic flow in real time. inally, with extensive experiments on real-world big taxi trajectory data, STW-KNN is compared with the state-of-the-art prediction models including conventional K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Naïve Bayes (NB), Random orest (R), and C4.. The results demonstrate that the proposed model is superior to existing models on accuracy by decreasing the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) value more than 11.9% only in time domain and even achieves 89.71% accuracy improvement with the MAPEs of between 4% and 6.% in both space and time domains, and also significantly improves the efficiency and scalability of short-term traffic flow forecasting over existing approaches.


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Emergencies and disasters are different types of crisis events which can affect students and staff in their on-campus roles and off-campus activities. In such events, mobile technologies, mobile software applications (apps), and mobile social networks are becoming increasingly relied upon to communicate, to swiftly send and received information and images, to deliver learning moments, and to check the safety of colleagues and friends. This paper investigates the intersection of mlearning, mobile social media, mobile apps, and crisis informatics in times of emergencies and disasters, using the recent Gipplsand earthquake in south-eastern Australia as an exemplar. It also discusses proactive preparation for educational resilience during emergencies and disasters.


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Why do small businesses in developing countries embrace sustainable business practices and what are the effects on their performance? We address these questions by drawing on the natural-resource based view of the firm to argue that the environmental sustainability orientation of small businesses can be explained by their entrepreneurial orientation. Our study of 197 small businesses in the Philippines shows that an entrepreneurial strategic orientation enables them to develop a more proactive stance toward environmental sustainability practices which lead to superior firm performance. The implications of the findings for future research and for public policy for small businesses are also discussed.


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The comparison between the Position Statements of the latest two Venice Biennale of Architecture, Fundamentals, directed by Rem Koolhaas in 2014 and Reporting from the front that Alejandro Aravena prepares for 2016, is an evident sign of the internal stress that architectural practice has been suffering during the last decade. Koolhaas intensively focused on the immediate past whilst Aravena presents a Biennalle strongly decided to explore possible alternatives for the future of Architecture. The first one tried to define the core, theessence, the most elemental particles that utterly compose Architecture. The second looks at the boundaries, the periphery, the outskirts, the limits of the discipline. Fundamentals was theoretical, personal, abstract, compact and aesthetic. Reporting from the front will be practical, collective, concrete, permeable and ethical. This fertile antagonism or counterpoint between both approaches is too frequently understood as incompatible. However, as a matter of fact the coexistence of these two different perspectives within architectural practice is the mostdistinctive feature of the complex contemporary architectural landscape. The insertion of the analysis of both position statements within the historical evolution of the Venice Bienale since 1980, allows a reinterpretation of the antagonism between the two exhibitions and evidences some lines of thought and action in the architectural world. Following the war industry terminology that Report from the front has chosen, Aravena identifies with precision the theatre of operations; the space and time that is requesting an urgent response from architecture.Previously Koolhaas had defined the armament that Architecture has available to undertake this crucial mission: to define the role and relevance of Architecture in the immediate future. Until now, battles in the front have been a guerrilla warfare. More reactive than proactive. Battles for survival more than for experience. Necessary but, at the same time, insufficient. Valuable actions in radical contexts; heroic acts in extreme situations; occasional infiltrations that find their final reason for being in their own audacity. Time has come for these counterattackarchitectures to evolve from protests to proposals.


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We tested the two main evolutionary hypotheses for an association between immunity and personality. The risk-of-parasitism hypothesis predicts that more proactive (bold, exploratory, risk-taking) individuals have more vigorous immune defenses because of increased risk of parasite exposure. In contrast, the pace-of-life hypothesis argues that proactive behavioral styles are associated with shorter lifespans and reduced investment in immune function. Mechanistically, associations between immunity and personality can arise because personality differences are often associated with differences in condition and stress responsiveness, both of which are intricately linked with immunity. Here we investigate the association between personality (measured as proactive exploration of a novel environment) and three indices of innate immune function (the non-specific first line of defense against parasites) in wild superb fairy-wrens Malurus cyaneus. We also quantified body condition, hemoparasites (none detected), chronic stress (heterophil:lymphocyte ratio) and circulating corticosterone levels at the end of the behavioral test (CORT, in a subset of birds). We found that fast explorers had lower titers of natural antibodies. This result is consistent with the pace-of-life hypothesis, and with the previously documented higher mortality of fast explorers in this species. There was no interactive effect of exploration score and duration in captivity on immune indices. This suggests that personality-related differences in stress responsiveness did not underlie differences in immunity, even though behavioral style did modulate the effect of captivity on CORT. Taken together these results suggest reduced constitutive investment in innate immune function in more proactive individuals.


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Although much has been written on how to improve the management of construction waste and increase the use of recycled materials, little progress has been made to address the reuse of construction waste. Yet there is a consensus in the literature that waste reuse practices have a decisive role to play in improving reduction of waste, and that institutional barriers are the most problematic obstacles to implementing identified reuse strategies. This paper examines the literature from the last 10 years on the issues facing different stakeholders around reuse of construction waste in Australia, and the causes and effects of the institutional barriers encountered. Key texts from before this period are also referenced. The findings reveal that institutional impediments are related to problems outside of the construction industry, such as social, economic and political barriers to change. A number of constraints are identified: lack of interest and demand from clients; attitudes towards reuse practices; and training all of which act as disincentives to a proactive and sustainable application of construction waste reuse strategies. Above all, it is argued that legislation should be better implemented to ensure that all states in Australia are required to implement strategies to reuse waste construction materials.


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The nature of work and careers in China are constantly evolving as a result of market-oriented economic transition in the country. Increasingly, employees are required to be proactive and self-starting in skill and competency improvement for employability. Employee self-development (ESD) involves considerations embedded in a wide range of relationships including both work and non-work domains. This research draws from social exchange theory and information processing theory to investigate how guanxi, a relational phenomenon unique to traditional Chinese culture, influences ESD. Drawing from the experience of a sample (n = 404) of employees in China, an inverted U-shaped relationship between guanxi and ESD is found, suggesting that initial positive influences of guanxi on ESD diminish after reaching an inflexion point. We also found that these influences are stronger for gender congruent employee-supervisor dyads. The theoretical and managerial implications that too much guanxi is not necessarily good for ESD, particularly in the presence of gender congruence, are also discussed.