898 resultados para detection systems


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In this paper we propose a new method for the automatic detection and tracking of road traffic signs using an on-board single camera. This method aims to increase the reliability of the detections such that it can boost the performance of any traffic sign recognition scheme. The proposed approach exploits a combination of different features, such as color, appearance, and tracking information. This information is introduced into a recursive Bayesian decision framework, in which prior probabilities are dynamically adapted to tracking results. This decision scheme obtains a number of candidate regions in the image, according to their HS (Hue-Saturation). Finally, a Kalman filter with an adaptive noise tuning provides the required time and spatial coherence to the estimates. Results have shown that the proposed method achieves high detection rates in challenging scenarios, including illumination changes, rapid motion and significant perspective distortion


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SRAM-based FPGAs are sensitive to radiation effects. Soft errors can appear and accumulate, potentially defeating mitigation strategies deployed at the Application Layer. Therefore, Configuration Memory scrubbing is required to improve radiation tolerance of such FPGAs in space applications. Virtex FPGAs allow runtime scrubbing by means of dynamic partial reconfiguration. Even with scrubbing, intra-FPGA TMR systems are subjected to common-mode errors affecting more than one design domain. This is solved in inter-FPGA TMR systems at the expense of a higher cost, power and mass. In this context, a self-reference scrubber for device-level TMR system based on Xilinx Virtex FPGAs is presented. This scrubber allows for a fast SEU/MBU detection and correction by peer frame comparison without needing to access a golden configuration memory


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This paper proposes a stress detection system based on fuzzy logic and the physiological signals heart rate and galvanic skin response. The main contribution of this method relies on the creation of a stress template, collecting the behaviour of previous signals under situations with a different level of stress in each individual. The creation of this template provides an accuracy of 99.5% in stress detection, improving the results obtained by current pattern recognition techniques like GMM, k-NN, SVM or Fisher Linear Discriminant. In addition, this system can be embedded in security systems to detect critical situations in accesses as cross-border control. Furthermore, its applications can be extended to other fields as vehicle driver state-of-mind management, medicine or sport training.


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This paper deals with the detection and tracking of an unknown number of targets using a Bayesian hierarchical model with target labels. To approximate the posterior probability density function, we develop a two-layer particle filter. One deals with track initiation, and the other with track maintenance. In addition, the parallel partition method is proposed to sample the states of the surviving targets.


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Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images a target region reflectivity function in the multi-dimensional spatial domain of range and cross-range with a finer azimuth resolution than the one provided by any on-board real antenna. Conventional SAR techniques assume a single reflection of transmitted waveforms from targets. Nevertheless, new uses of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for civilian-security applications force SAR systems to work in much more complex scenes such as urban environments. Consequently, multiple-bounce returns are additionally superposed to direct-scatter echoes. They are known as ghost images, since they obscure true target image and lead to poor resolution. All this may involve a significant problem in applications related to surveillance and security. In this work, an innovative multipath mitigation technique is presented in which Time Reversal (TR) concept is applied to SAR images when the target is concealed in clutter, leading to TR-SAR technique. This way, the effect of multipath is considerably reduced ?or even removed?, recovering the lost resolution due to multipath propagation. Furthermore, some focusing indicators such as entropy (E), contrast (C) and Rényi entropy (RE) provide us with a good focusing criterion when using TR-SAR.


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The localization of persons in indoor environments is nowadays an open problem. There are partial solutions based on the deployment of a network of sensors (Local Positioning Systems or LPS). Other solutions only require the installation of an inertial sensor on the person’s body (Pedestrian Dead-Reckoning or PDR). PDR solutions integrate the signals coming from an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), which usually contains 3 accelerometers and 3 gyroscopes. The main problem of PDR is the accumulation of positioning errors due to the drift caused by the noise in the sensors. This paper presents a PDR solution that incorporates a drift correction method based on detecting the access ramps usually found in buildings. The ramp correction method is implemented over a PDR framework that uses an Inertial Navigation algorithm (INS) and an IMU attached to the person’s foot. Unlike other approaches that use external sensors to correct the drift error, we only use one IMU on the foot. To detect a ramp, the slope of the terrain on which the user is walking, and the change in height sensed when moving forward, are estimated from the IMU. After detection, the ramp is checked for association with one of the existing in a database. For each associated ramp, a position correction is fed into the Kalman Filter in order to refine the INS-PDR solution. Drift-free localization is achieved with positioning errors below 2 meters for 1,000-meter-long routes in a building with a few ramps.


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Los sensores inerciales (acelerómetros y giróscopos) se han ido introduciendo poco a poco en dispositivos que usamos en nuestra vida diaria gracias a su minituarización. Hoy en día todos los smartphones contienen como mínimo un acelerómetro y un magnetómetro, siendo complementados en losmás modernos por giróscopos y barómetros. Esto, unido a la proliferación de los smartphones ha hecho viable el diseño de sistemas basados en las medidas de sensores que el usuario lleva colocados en alguna parte del cuerpo (que en un futuro estarán contenidos en tejidos inteligentes) o los integrados en su móvil. El papel de estos sensores se ha convertido en fundamental para el desarrollo de aplicaciones contextuales y de inteligencia ambiental. Algunos ejemplos son el control de los ejercicios de rehabilitación o la oferta de información referente al sitio turístico que se está visitando. El trabajo de esta tesis contribuye a explorar las posibilidades que ofrecen los sensores inerciales para el apoyo a la detección de actividad y la mejora de la precisión de servicios de localización para peatones. En lo referente al reconocimiento de la actividad que desarrolla un usuario, se ha explorado el uso de los sensores integrados en los dispositivos móviles de última generación (luz y proximidad, acelerómetro, giróscopo y magnetómetro). Las actividades objetivo son conocidas como ‘atómicas’ (andar a distintas velocidades, estar de pie, correr, estar sentado), esto es, actividades que constituyen unidades de actividades más complejas como pueden ser lavar los platos o ir al trabajo. De este modo, se usan algoritmos de clasificación sencillos que puedan ser integrados en un móvil como el Naïve Bayes, Tablas y Árboles de Decisión. Además, se pretende igualmente detectar la posición en la que el usuario lleva el móvil, no sólo con el objetivo de utilizar esa información para elegir un clasificador entrenado sólo con datos recogidos en la posición correspondiente (estrategia que mejora los resultados de estimación de la actividad), sino también para la generación de un evento que puede producir la ejecución de una acción. Finalmente, el trabajo incluye un análisis de las prestaciones de la clasificación variando el tipo de parámetros y el número de sensores usados y teniendo en cuenta no sólo la precisión de la clasificación sino también la carga computacional. Por otra parte, se ha propuesto un algoritmo basado en la cuenta de pasos utilizando informaiii ción proveniente de un acelerómetro colocado en el pie del usuario. El objetivo final es detectar la actividad que el usuario está haciendo junto con la estimación aproximada de la distancia recorrida. El algoritmo de cuenta pasos se basa en la detección de máximos y mínimos usando ventanas temporales y umbrales sin requerir información específica del usuario. El ámbito de seguimiento de peatones en interiores es interesante por la falta de un estándar de localización en este tipo de entornos. Se ha diseñado un filtro extendido de Kalman centralizado y ligeramente acoplado para fusionar la información medida por un acelerómetro colocado en el pie del usuario con medidas de posición. Se han aplicado también diferentes técnicas de corrección de errores como las de velocidad cero que se basan en la detección de los instantes en los que el pie está apoyado en el suelo. Los resultados han sido obtenidos en entornos interiores usando las posiciones estimadas por un sistema de triangulación basado en la medida de la potencia recibida (RSS) y GPS en exteriores. Finalmente, se han implementado algunas aplicaciones que prueban la utilidad del trabajo desarrollado. En primer lugar se ha considerado una aplicación de monitorización de actividad que proporciona al usuario información sobre el nivel de actividad que realiza durante un período de tiempo. El objetivo final es favorecer el cambio de comportamientos sedentarios, consiguiendo hábitos saludables. Se han desarrollado dos versiones de esta aplicación. En el primer caso se ha integrado el algoritmo de cuenta pasos en una plataforma OSGi móvil adquiriendo los datos de un acelerómetro Bluetooth colocado en el pie. En el segundo caso se ha creado la misma aplicación utilizando las implementaciones de los clasificadores en un dispositivo Android. Por otro lado, se ha planteado el diseño de una aplicación para la creación automática de un diario de viaje a partir de la detección de eventos importantes. Esta aplicación toma como entrada la información procedente de la estimación de actividad y de localización además de información almacenada en bases de datos abiertas (fotos, información sobre sitios) e información sobre sensores reales y virtuales (agenda, cámara, etc.) del móvil. Abstract Inertial sensors (accelerometers and gyroscopes) have been gradually embedded in the devices that people use in their daily lives thanks to their miniaturization. Nowadays all smartphones have at least one embedded magnetometer and accelerometer, containing the most upto- date ones gyroscopes and barometers. This issue, together with the fact that the penetration of smartphones is growing steadily, has made possible the design of systems that rely on the information gathered by wearable sensors (in the future contained in smart textiles) or inertial sensors embedded in a smartphone. The role of these sensors has become key to the development of context-aware and ambient intelligent applications. Some examples are the performance of rehabilitation exercises, the provision of information related to the place that the user is visiting or the interaction with objects by gesture recognition. The work of this thesis contributes to explore to which extent this kind of sensors can be useful to support activity recognition and pedestrian tracking, which have been proven to be essential for these applications. Regarding the recognition of the activity that a user performs, the use of sensors embedded in a smartphone (proximity and light sensors, gyroscopes, magnetometers and accelerometers) has been explored. The activities that are detected belong to the group of the ones known as ‘atomic’ activities (e.g. walking at different paces, running, standing), that is, activities or movements that are part of more complex activities such as doing the dishes or commuting. Simple, wellknown classifiers that can run embedded in a smartphone have been tested, such as Naïve Bayes, Decision Tables and Trees. In addition to this, another aim is to estimate the on-body position in which the user is carrying the mobile phone. The objective is not only to choose a classifier that has been trained with the corresponding data in order to enhance the classification but also to start actions. Finally, the performance of the different classifiers is analysed, taking into consideration different features and number of sensors. The computational and memory load of the classifiers is also measured. On the other hand, an algorithm based on step counting has been proposed. The acceleration information is provided by an accelerometer placed on the foot. The aim is to detect the activity that the user is performing together with the estimation of the distance covered. The step counting strategy is based on detecting minima and its corresponding maxima. Although the counting strategy is not innovative (it includes time windows and amplitude thresholds to prevent under or overestimation) no user-specific information is required. The field of pedestrian tracking is crucial due to the lack of a localization standard for this kind of environments. A loosely-coupled centralized Extended Kalman Filter has been proposed to perform the fusion of inertial and position measurements. Zero velocity updates have been applied whenever the foot is detected to be placed on the ground. The results have been obtained in indoor environments using a triangulation algorithm based on RSS measurements and GPS outdoors. Finally, some applications have been designed to test the usefulness of the work. The first one is called the ‘Activity Monitor’ whose aim is to prevent sedentary behaviours and to modify habits to achieve desired objectives of activity level. Two different versions of the application have been implemented. The first one uses the activity estimation based on the step counting algorithm, which has been integrated in an OSGi mobile framework acquiring the data from a Bluetooth accelerometer placed on the foot of the individual. The second one uses activity classifiers embedded in an Android smartphone. On the other hand, the design of a ‘Travel Logbook’ has been planned. The input of this application is the information provided by the activity and localization modules, external databases (e.g. pictures, points of interest, weather) and mobile embedded and virtual sensors (agenda, camera, etc.). The aim is to detect important events in the journey and gather the information necessary to store it as a journal page.


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Detecting user affect automatically during real-time conversation is the main challenge towards our greater aim of infusing social intelligence into a natural-language mixed-initiative High-Fidelity (Hi-Fi) audio control spoken dialog agent. In recent years, studies on affect detection from voice have moved on to using realistic, non-acted data, which is subtler. However, it is more challenging to perceive subtler emotions and this is demonstrated in tasks such as labelling and machine prediction. This paper attempts to address part of this challenge by considering the role of user satisfaction ratings and also conversational/dialog features in discriminating contentment and frustration, two types of emotions that are known to be prevalent within spoken human-computer interaction. However, given the laboratory constraints, users might be positively biased when rating the system, indirectly making the reliability of the satisfaction data questionable. Machine learning experiments were conducted on two datasets, users and annotators, which were then compared in order to assess the reliability of these datasets. Our results indicated that standard classifiers were significantly more successful in discriminating the abovementioned emotions and their intensities (reflected by user satisfaction ratings) from annotator data than from user data. These results corroborated that: first, satisfaction data could be used directly as an alternative target variable to model affect, and that they could be predicted exclusively by dialog features. Second, these were only true when trying to predict the abovementioned emotions using annotator?s data, suggesting that user bias does exist in a laboratory-led evaluation.


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The popularity of MapReduce programming model has increased interest in the research community for its improvement. Among the other directions, the point of fault tolerance, concretely the failure detection issue seems to be a crucial one, but that until now has not reached its satisfying level. Motivated by this, I decided to devote my main research during this period into having a prototype system architecture of MapReduce framework with a new failure detection service, containing both analytical (theoretical) and implementation part. I am confident that this work should lead the way for further contributions in detecting failures to any NoSQL App frameworks, and cloud storage systems in general.


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Soft-rot Enterobacteriaceae (SRE), which belong to the genera Pectobacterium and Dickeya, consist mainly of broad host-range pathogens that cause wilt, rot, and blackleg diseases on a wide range of plants. They are found in plants, insects, soil, and water in agricultural regions worldwide. SRE encode all six known protein secretion systems present in gram-negative bacteria, and these systems are involved in attacking host plants and competing bacteria. They also produce and detect multiple types of small molecules to coordinate pathogenesis, modify the plant environment, attack competing microbes, and perhaps to attract insect vectors. This review integrates new information about the role protein secretion and detection and production of ions and small molecules play in soft-rot pathogenicity.


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We present a novel approach for the detection of severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) based on patients' voices introducing nonlinear measures to describe sustained speech dynamics. Nonlinear features were combined with state-of-the-art speech recognition systems using statistical modeling techniques (Gaussian mixture models, GMMs) over cepstral parameterization (MFCC) for both continuous and sustained speech. Tests were performed on a database including speech records from both severe OSA and control speakers. A 10 % relative reduction in classification error was obtained for sustained speech when combining MFCC-GMM and nonlinear features, and 33 % when fusing nonlinear features with both sustained and continuous MFCC-GMM. Accuracy reached 88.5 % allowing the system to be used in OSA early detection. Tests showed that nonlinear features and MFCCs are lightly correlated on sustained speech, but uncorrelated on continuous speech. Results also suggest the existence of nonlinear effects in OSA patients' voices, which should be found in continuous speech.


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In order to achieve total selectivity at electrical distribution networks it is of great importance to analyze the defect currents at ungrounded power systems. This information will help to grant selectivity at electrical distribution networks ensuring that only the defect line or feeder is removed from service. In the present work a new selective and directional protection method for ungrounded power systems is evaluated. The new method measures only defect currents to detect earth faults and works with a directional criterion to determine the line under faulty conditions. The main contribution of this new technique is that it can detect earth faults in outgoing lines at any type of substation avoiding the possible mismatch of traditional directional earth fault relays. This detection technique is based on the comparison of the direction of a reference current to the direction of all earth fault capacitive currents at all the feeders connected to the same bus bars. This new method has been validated through computer simulations. The results for the different cases studied are remarkable, proving total validity and usefulness of the new method.


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There is clear evidence that investment in intelligent transportation system technologies brings major social and economic benefits. Technological advances in the area of automatic systems in particular are becoming vital for the reduction of road deaths. We here describe our approach to automation of one the riskiest autonomous manœuvres involving vehicles – overtaking. The approach is based on a stereo vision system responsible for detecting any preceding vehicle and triggering the autonomous overtaking manœuvre. To this end, a fuzzy-logic based controller was developed to emulate how humans overtake. Its input is information from the vision system and from a positioning-based system consisting of a differential global positioning system (DGPS) and an inertial measurement unit (IMU). Its output is the generation of action on the vehicle’s actuators, i.e., the steering wheel and throttle and brake pedals. The system has been incorporated into a commercial Citroën car and tested on the private driving circuit at the facilities of our research center, CAR, with different preceding vehicles – a motorbike, car, and truck – with encouraging results.


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This paper proposes a new method, oriented to crop row detection in images from maize fields with high weed pressure. The vision system is designed to be installed onboard a mobile agricultural vehicle, i.e. submitted to gyros, vibrations and undesired movements. The images are captured under image perspective, being affected by the above undesired effects. The image processing consists of three main processes: image segmentation, double thresholding, based on the Otsu’s method, and crop row detection. Image segmentation is based on the application of a vegetation index, the double thresholding achieves the separation between weeds and crops and the crop row detection applies least squares linear regression for line adjustment. Crop and weed separation becomes effective and the crop row detection can be favorably compared against the classical approach based on the Hough transform. Both gain effectiveness and accuracy thanks to the double thresholding that makes the main finding of the paper.


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Despite that Critical Infrastructures (CIs) security and surveillance are a growing concern for many countries and companies, Multi Robot Systems (MRSs) have not been yet broadly used in this type of facilities. This dissertation presents a novel study of the challenges arisen by the implementation of this type of systems and proposes solutions to specific problems. First, a comprehensive analysis of different types of CIs has been carried out, emphasizing the influence of the different characteristics of the facilities in the design of a security and surveillance MRS. One of the most important needs for the surveillance of a CI is the detection of intruders. From a technical point of view this problem can be abstracted as equivalent to the Detection and Tracking of Mobile Objects (DATMO). This dissertation proposes algorithms to solve this specific problem in a CI environment. Using 3D range images of the environment as input data, two detection algorithms for ground robots have been developed. These detection algorithms provide a list of moving objects in the robot detection area. Direct image differentiation and computer vision techniques are used when the robot is static. Alternatively, multi-layer ground reconstructions are compared to detect the dynamic objects when the robot is moving. Since CIs usually spread over large areas, it is very useful to incorporate aerial vehicles in the surveillance MRS. Therefore, a moving object detection algorithm for aerial vehicles has been also developed. This algorithm compares the real optical flow obtained from a down-face oriented camera with an artificial optical flow computed using a RANSAC based homography matrix. Two tracking algorithms have been developed to follow the moving objects trajectories. These algorithms can efficiently handle occlusions and crossings, as well as exchange information among robots. The multirobot tracking can be applied to any type of communication structure: centralized, decentralized or a combination of both. Even more, the developed tracking algorithms are independent of the detection algorithms and could be potentially used with other detection procedures or even with static sensors, such as cameras. In addition, using the 3D point clouds available to the robots, a relative localization algorithm has been developed to improve the position estimation of a given robot with observations from other robots. All the developed algorithms have been extensively tested in different simulated CIs using the Webots robotics simulator. Furthermore, the algorithms have also been validated with real robots operating in real scenarios. In conclusion, this dissertation presents a multirobot approach to Critical Infrastructure Surveillance, mainly focusing on Detecting and Tracking Dynamic Objects.