1000 resultados para Prótese Teses


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O presente estudo objetivou analisar as caractersticas epidemiolgicas das condies de sade bucal de 98 idosos de uma Instituio de Longa Permanncia para Idosos (ILPI) e de 125 participantes de Grupos de Convivncia, de bairros perifricos, socialmente semelhantes, de Fortaleza, Cear, Brasil, para orientao do tratamento odontolgico. Investigou-se a autopercepo em sade bucal desses idosos a fim de realizar uma avaliao comparativa entre eles e com os levantamentos epidemiolgicos de base nacional (SB Brasil) e de base estadual (SB Cear). Devido a alguns idosos da ILPI recusarem o tratamento dentrio e a identificao do elevado percentual de demenciados, optou-se por realizar uma avaliao cognitiva, o Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) visando identificar os aptos reabilitao oral. Mtodos: abordagem epidemiolgica do tipo transversal, sendo a coleta de dados realizada por cinco examinadores, utilizando os critrios recomendados pela OMS (1997). Resultados: O CPO-D mdio encontrado na ILPI, foi de 29,88, com predomnio do componente perdido (93,27%) enquanto o CPO-D mdio dos no institucionalizados fixou-se em 30,17, com predomnio do componente perdido (63,70%). Tambm se avaliou o uso e a necessidade de prótese dentria: dos residentes na ILPI, 10,20% usavam prótese superior e 3,06%, inferior; 94,90% necessitavam de prótese superior e 97,96% de inferior; sendo a prótese total foi o tipo mais prevalente, 88,78% para ambos os arcos. O percentual do uso de prótese dos no institucionalizados foi 71,20% no arco superior, sendo 66,40% prótese total; j para o arco inferior, 32,80%, das quais 31,20% era prótese total. No presente estudo, tanto para uso quanto para necessidade, considerando ambos os arcos, a diferena entre os idosos institucionalizados e no institucionalizados foi estatisticamente significativa pelo teste Qui - quadrado (p<0,001). Como resultado do MEEM, observou-se deteriorao cognitiva (escore &#8804; 12) em 37,25% dos entrevistados, bem como um declnio cognitivo com o avano da idade. Concluses: Os resultados apontam que h um maior percentual de uso de prótese total no arco superior e maior frequncia quanto ausncia de próteses de qualquer tipo no arco inferior. Evidenciou-se que os idosos pesquisados foram submetidos a tratamento mutilador e, como consequncia necessitam de reabilitao oral, o que pressupe a necessidade de polticas pblicas para que isso ocorra efetivamente. Os participantes deste estudo caracterizam-se por uma autopercepo positiva da sua sade bucal, a despeito das condies clnicas insatisfatrias e de precria sade bucal, com acentuada prevalncia de crie dentria e edentulismo. O MEEM revelou deficincia cognitiva na maioria dos idosos, confirmando que a sua aplicao, previamente reabilitao oral pode evitar desperdcios financeiros.Tais achados refletem a necessidade de implantao de polticas reabilitadoras em sade bucal voltadas para o idoso; baseadas na perspectiva da integralidade como princpio doutrinrio do Sistema nico de Sade, o que redundaria numa melhor qualidade de vida, tanto pela melhor mastigao, digesto e nutrio, pelo maior aproveitamento dos alimentos, quanto pelo favorecimento comunicao, pela dico e fala, contribuindo para a socializao e consequente elevao da autoestima dessa clientela.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico


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Usando como base de informaes a monografia sobre o grupo publicada pelo projeto Flora Ficolgica do Estado de So Paulo (Programa BIOTA), o acervo depositado no Herbrio Cientfico do Estado de So Paulo Maria Eneyda P. Kauffmann Fidalgo (SP), a Lista de Espcies da Flora do Brasil e artigos cientficos, dissertaes e teses (com descries e ilustraes) temos: nove gneros e 39 espcies de criptoficeas, sendo 16 espcies exclusivas para o Estado de So Paulo, todas registradas em ambientes de gua doce. A carncia de especialistas no Estado de So Paulo e no Brasil, alm de problemas de estratgia amostral, necessidade de uso da microscopia eletrnica e ausncia de estudos de biologia molecular, so fatores que devem ter subestimado o conhecimento taxonmico de Cryptophyceae no Estado.


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The present study seeks to understand tooth loss by investigating the social representations in the daily life of elderly individuals, thus characterizing itself as a comparative and analytic research. It is known that tooth loss is a common occurrence in elderly individuals, interfering at the psychosocial and biological levels, through its functional, esthetical and social implications. The area of oral health in Brazil is lacking studies on this topic, especially with respect to the psychosocial aspects of the elderly. The Theory of Social Representations and the Central Nucleus Theory were selected for theoretical-methodological support. The Free Association of Words Test was used, whose inducing stimulus were the words tooth loss , in which each subject was asked to associate 3 words, to respond to a questionnaire related to socio-economic conditions and containing an investigation of tooth loss, access to odontological services and the need for dental treatment, and to undergo a focus group interview. The study sample consisted of 120 individuals 60 years of age or over, resident in Natal, RN, Brazil and participants of the Live Together to Live Better group of the Basic Health Unit of Felipe Camaro Residential District and Unati (Open University of the Elderly); an interview was performed with 36 subjects. Data analysis was performed by Evoc 2000, SPSS/99, Graph Pad and Alceste softwares. The results demonstrate that the central nucleus of the social representations of tooth loss for the Live Together group emerged from the difficulty in eating categories, showing a relation between physiologic necessity, desire and pleasure from eating, not to mention the pain that resulted from justifying the tooth loss. Besides the central discourses, the following peripheral elements were gathered: difficulty in adapting to the prosthesis, treatment and difficulty in speaking. All of these categories, except the last, also comprised the class themes of the group interview. For the Unati group the central nucleus emerged from the socio-economic difficulties categories, demonstrating a narrow relation between poverty, access to health and education and esthetics, confirming in the discourse of common sense, the association between tooth loss and aging. At the margin of the central discourses was collected the peripheral element difficulty in adapting to the prosthesis, found both in the Live Together and Unati groups, which expresses the resistance of the subject to this new situation and the failure of the rehabilitation treatment in the sense of reviving the memory of their natural teeth. All of these categories also constitute the class themes of the of the group interview. Thus, through the study of the social representations, we can reveal a reality in the perspective of the social subjects, contemplating the multiple facets of the social-cultural reality experienced by these individuals


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Meu objetivo mostrar que as teses externalistas os significados no esto na cabea e os pensamentos no esto na cabea no implicam, necessariamente, a tese mais radical a mente no est na cabea. Trato dessa questo no mbito do Externalismo Social de Tyler Burge e Lynne Baker, argumentando que a importncia que esses pensadores atribuem linguagem nas questes relativas mente no significa, como uma leitura apressada poderia sugerir, a reduo da mente linguagem e, muito menos, a eliminao da mente. A minha concluso que o externalismo social lingustico no se constitui como uma estratgia eficaz de enfrentamento dos problemas da natureza da mente e de sua relao com o corpo.


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This thesis is a translation of work of the Brazilian doctor, Pedro da Silva Nava (1903-1984), in particular, his memoirs and chronicles, articulated with the writings of medicine history, aiming to defend that the autobiographical narratives are sources of research capable of promoting discussions on the expansion of the present at the confluence of complex and unequal society in constant changing process as the Brazilian. The theoretical and methodological support circulates around studies, proposals and thesis by Boaventura Santos about empowering past, destabilizing subjectivity, sociology of absences, cosmopolitan reason and translation work. The empirical support drawn from the literature produced by Nava were analyzed with reference this reasoning and studies that have facilitated the flow of translation among others, the studies of Antonio Candido, Arrigucci Jr., Boris Cyrulnik, Beatriz Sarlo, Ecla Bosi, talo Calvino, Jos Willington Germano, Jos Maria Canado, Lev Vygotsky, Marilena Chau, Paul Riceur and Walter Benjamim, without neglecting what we consider indispensable to scientific research, the production of relevant knowledge and prudent, in view of a decent life. The initial inflections reflect the subject of the Memoirs and its education/training, to then place the Memoir subject in the literary context, scientific, historical and Brazilian poetic (1972-2010), bringing great interpreters and discussing the rationale used by the Narrator that we defend stand closer to the cosmopolitan, showing the formation of narratives whose presence insert itself beforehand to modernist verve, linked to the discursive array against the literature as domination space, disseminated in Brazil in the early twentieth century. So, it articulate with those in which the concerns adjust the construction of the social formation of Brazil as a national heritage through literary narrative that focuses on a historical principle that becomes the past empowering, allowing his rereading, whose converge to memory, the lifestyles, the plurality of language and Brazilian culture, formed by several people, converging into a design not of culture but multiculturalism in Brazil. The memory issue was addressed in the space-time of experiences of being that narrates, shaped by a destabilizing subjectivity that sought to order the testimony of a time, a history and society, retelling them by creative imagination, almost fictional, to make circulate his knowledge about Brazil attached to his medical knowledge, as well as other subjects in his living group and other groups with whom they maintained contact. Thus, he portrayed both tangible and intangible cultural assets of the country as a form of preservation, giving them meanings and sense. It approaches, therefore, from the perspective of sociology of absences, the expansion of the present and by the logic inherent in his narratives of self and Brazil


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Os achados clnicos e radiogrficos aps reparo intra-articular do ligamento cruzado cranial com prótese de polister, utilizando a tcnica over-the-top modificada, foram avaliada em seis ces. Sete cirurgias foram realizadas devido ao acometimento bilateral em um dos animais. A avaliao clnica foi realizada ao 3, 10 e 40 dias de ps-operatrio, e a avaliao radiogrfica realizada ao 5 e 24 meses aps a cirurgia em cinco ces, por meio da qual se confirmou a progresso da doena articular degenerativa. A resoluo dos sinais clnicos foi observada entre o 25 e 68 dias aps a cirurgia, segundo avaliao realizada pelos proprietrios. A funo do membro operado foi considerada boa. Dois ces apresentaram desgaste e ruptura da prótese aps a cirurgia. Concluiu-se que a prótese de polister, da forma como foi implantada neste estudo, no pode ser considerada como substituto satisfatrio, uma vez que resultados superiores podem ser obtidos com tnicas menos invasivas e mais simples.


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The way of organization of the constitutional jurisdiction implies the possibility to extend the democratization of the same one in function of the popular participation in the active legitimacy to constitutional process (procedimentalist model) e, at the same time, to assure technical viable decisions fast and to the complex problems of the constitucional law (substancialist model). The comparison with the constitutional jurisdiction of U.S.A. becomes interesting from the knowledge of the wide power to decide experience of Supreme the Court that for a methodology of construction of rights and not simply of interpretation of the Constitution, brought up to date and reconstructed throughout its historical evolution the direction of the norms of basic rights and the North American principles constitutional. Construction while constitutional hermeneutic method of substancialist matrix works with techniques as the measurement of principles, the protection of interests of minorities and the entailing of the basic rights with values politicians, what it can be brought to evidence of the Brazilian constitutional jurisdiction in order to improve the construction of basic rights that comes being carried through for the judicial ativism in control of the diffuse and abstract constitutionality. To define the limits of construction is to search, on the other hand, a dialogue with the procedimentalists thesis, aiming at the widening of the participation of the citizen in the construction of the basic rights for the constitutional process and to argue forms of the society to evaluate the pronounced decisions activist in the controls diffuse and abstract of constitutionality


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This study approaches the question of the administrative procedure of the environmental licensing of ranks of fuel resale, taking as basis a study case of the reality of the City of Natal/RN (Brazil). For in such a way, it was done a retrospect on the evolution of the system of road transport in Brazil, having started to briefly analyze the urbanization process that if after accented in the capitals of the Brazilian States the decade of 1950, relating these subjects with the growth of the sector of fuel resale. After that, it was transferred boarding of the defense of the national environment to the light of ambient principles constitutional. In the sequence, a boarding on the ambient guardianship in the Federal Constitution of 1988 was made, treating basically specifies and on the national urban politics and the national politics of the environment, with its instruments. In the sequence, it was transferred the analysis of the abilities and attributions of the National Advice of the Environment (CONAMA) and its Resolutions, for then only enter in the most important part of this work: an analysis of the environmental licensing of ranks of fuel resale, in the reality of the City of Natal/RN. Before this specific boarding, it was proceeded specifically a survey and communication from the applicable norms to such establishments (Resolutions of the CONAMA and norms of the ABNT), for after that carrying through an geo-ambient characterization of the City of Natal/RN. Finally, a reflection was made on the possibility of magnifying of the state activity, in terms of guarantees for the responsible members for the environmental policy and of administrative efficiency, through the idea of the ambient regulation. For the accomplishment of this study, it was proceeded research in diverse sources such as books, magazines, sites of the Internet, periodicals, thesis and dissertations, among others material, beyond visits the agencies that direct or indirectly act with the ambient defense and as fuel resale, such as Secretariat of Environment and Urbanism of the City of Natal (SEMURB), Institute of Economic Development and Environment of RN (IDEMA), Brazilian Institute of the Environment and the Natural resources You renewed, Executive Management of RN (IBAMA/RN), Public prosecutor's office of the Environment of Natal (Public prosecution service of the RN), National Agency of Oil (ANP) and Union of the Retailing of Derivatives of Oil of the RN, among others. To the end, satiated regulation is observed that although on the substance of the ambient licensing in ranks of fuel resale, also with federal, state and municipal norms, the municipal Public Power is very far from the fulfilment of its institutional functions, in the question environmental policy of these establishments, a time that few are the permitted ranks of resale in the city of Natal/RN


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Estudou-se experimentalmente a escama de sardinha (Sardinella brasiliensis) como substituto de crneas no reparo de ceratectomias superficiais em ces. Utilizaram-se 14 animais, machos e fmeas, sem raa definida, com peso mdio de 10 kg, considerados sadios. Analisaram-se, macro e microscopicamente, as crneas receptoras bem como o material implantado aos 1, 3, 7, 14, 30 e 60 dias de ps-operatrio. As evidncias clnicas para a enxertia lamelar mostraram fotofobia e blefarospasmo mais incidentes nos perodos iniciais e intermedirios, com tendncia regresso nos tardios. Revelaram edema discreto e igualmente regressivo; neoformao vascular mais incidente nas fases intermedirias e pouco nas tardias. O estudo microscpico evidenciou quadro reacional compatvel com padro benigno a exemplo do que fora visto macroscopicamente. Ambos retrataram boa adesividade da prótese, epitlio e estroma neoformados, sob e sobrepostos a ela. A transparncia das crneas receptoras, junto s zonas de enxertia, manteve-se por 14 dias. Para a enxertia interlamelar, observou-se quadro reacional pouco significativo. Para ambas as enxertias, no foram observados sinais de extruso do material implantado. A escama de sardinha pode ser empregada para fins tectnicos, com bons resultados em ceratoplastias lamelares em ces.


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This work articulates a discussion about the role of the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the social policies scenario, privileging the basic education directed to the poor in Brazil, in the period from 1992 to 2002. It is a relevant theme, particularly due to the importance of the NGOs in both the national and international scope actions. The study assumes that the NGOs are instruments of control (social control) that filter the social demands towards the State, specially regarding the basic education directed to the poor. It also discusses the process of acknowledgement e expansion of the NGOs as a result of the political and economic conjuncture leading to the State reform, which had an impact on the field of social policies. A close examination of these complex relations was only possible through the understanding of the third sector establishment, having the NGOs as the main means. In this movement, relevant information of the reality are considered in order to delimit the extents of this phenomenon, with a brief reference to its origins, to the marks of its conjunctural relations, registering the multiple faces of these Organizations and the constutive elements of the debate among different visions regarding the third sector, having the NGOs as a part of its composition. With this approach, documents and publications by the NGOs and the government are researched. Based on this material, the purposes announced by these organizations are analyzed, considering the Brazilian social, political and economic conjuncture. The State of Maranho has been chosen as an example of this context, due to the high levels of poverty and low school performance, and also given that a great many NGOs actions are more and more being held in that location in order to promote social policies. It has been concluded that the NGOs help strengthen the theses that show the decrease in the State responsibilities on free, public and quality education, and that such principle is being negotiated through the partners actions


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Portraits de la Dignit: Noirs du Riacho (2005-2006) analyse le Projet Dignit, comme un produit publicitaire du gouverne du Rio Grande do Norte, travers de trois voie: l ducation; l identit; la propagande publicitaire. Notre regard a t dirig vers les images crites, parls et photografies pour meilleur comprendre comme la communaut des Noirs du Riacho, a t incorporer a poltique d galit de races propos par les gouvernes Municipal, de l tat, et Fdral, tout em transformant la communaut en produit publicitaire du gouverne. Entre une partie et l outre on a enregistrs des questions sur l identit, plus particulierment la (des)constrution identitaire tout en s appuyant dans le rle de la langage publicitaire, que em utilisand les richeses de ses techniques, montre le Riacho et le peuple dans la exposition etno-photogaphique Portraits de la Dignit. Ainsi, c est important comprendre la divulgation du Projet Dignit, appuyer dans la propragande de l image des personnages du Riacho divulgues dans la presse locale. Cette problematique, nos conduit a controverser des questions trs anciennes par rapports aux discriminations contre les ngres, ainsi comme la faon que le gouvernement en la priode analys, s engage en la problematique des communauts restantes de quilombolas dans l tat du Rio Grande do Norte. Au choisir la communaut du Riacho pour dvelopper sa politique d action affirmative l tat place le Riacho comme laboratoire sociale , en cette contexte nous cherchons travers des analyses des documents officiels, thses, recherches bibliografiques et de champs, bien comme de matriel journalistique et publicitaire, rvler les messages vhiculs dans la presse locale sur des questions proposs par cette tude. Pour dvelopper l tude nous appuyons metodologicament en la recherche qualitative, sans perdre de vue l analyse critique des contenus, vu que les sujets en tude ne doive pas tre analyser bas en un unique point de vue. Ainsi, nous pensons ne pas fermer la question, mas ouvrir l outres pour permettre meilleur dbattre la liason chaque jour plus fort entre la publicit e l action gouvernamentale, en ce qui est relatif aux usages de l image photografique


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This thesis aims to investigate the Agronomy course in the perspective of the graduation course for the settlers of the Universidade Federal do Par- Marab. This course requires a partnership with the social movements of the North region of the country, with the purpose to understand knowledge production and how learning process occurs from the point of interaction and reliable relationships which are established in the organization during the course. The base of theses studies is to reflect of how the dialogue and learning processes occurred during the Agronomy course and resulted in changing in the teachers behavior and in the other integrated members of the group and mainly in the graduating settlers students. These changings happens as a consenquence of the dialogue production between the most varied areas, different people and institutions which take collective decisions. I observe educational actions, researches, extention concepts of extension and also development researches presented in the educative actions discussed by Freire (1985), Simes (2001, 2003) e de Amartya Sen (2000). The theory in which I am basing these studies are based in Boaventura de Souza Santos Simes (2001, 2003) and Amartya Sen (2000). Methodologically I analyse knowledge production by sudying the thesis and scientific works related to rural education, social movements, university and higher education in the last 20 years. I analyze the scientific works of all settler students, and besides, I do open interviews with the students, as well as, with the teachers and the leaders of social movements (MST, FETAGRI, CPT, EFA/FATA). I organize and analyze all the speeches from the ecological knowledge as defined by Boaventura de Souza Santos (2006). Finally, I visit five towns of municipal districts of the southeast of Par, which represents the final methodological part of the research, in order to verify in loco the practices of the experiments purposed as final activity of the Agronomy course. I organize the work in five areas composed by the occupational process and the initiatives which emerged from them; development model and the social and environmental consequences; I also organize the university role and the relationship established between people and institutions which gave origin to the Agronomy course of UFPA and the programs developed in the region; conjuncture of creation of the groups of settled students, curriculum, principles and focus on the course and the experienced actions; developed practices in the course and the relations of reliability experienced internally and externally to the Academy, the learning and dialogue promoted by the course. I believe that the dialogue has caused changes in the organization of the knowledge and in the educative practices of the teachers, as well as, in the socio-productive practices of the regressed settled students


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Study about the national politics on the professional education, under responsibility of the brazilian Work Department in 1990 years. Purposes to apprehend the results of the actions of the professional education in a basic level, offered by the National Plan of the worker qualification ( PLANFOR ), as well as the effects on the assisted exits, starting from the experience appreciated on the Plan of Qualification developed in the state of Maranho between 1996 to 2000. It adopts a theoretical-methodological conception by an ontological nature, if being worth of categories as the one of totality and of mediation that together, makes possible the apprehension of a dialectical movement that happens among the analysis object, the professional education politics in a basic level, performed by PLANFOR and your context, the underdevelop and heterogeneous Brazilian capitalism and the consequent job market generalized precarious and informal, making possible that the reality investigated become to understood rationally. This paper uses the indirect documentation technique, instruments of the bibliographical research and documental research. This study is based on those that arent part of PLANFOR, qualified by professional education courses in basic level,they didn't get to be inserts at the formal job market, just occupying precarious occupations in the informal job market. Aims to presents and discusses the productive process and your restructuring globally in progress. It focuses at the impacts on the workers, the precariousness of the work that appears like a new phenomenon calls new informality. Talks about the particularity process of productive restructuring assumed in Brazil highlights, showing that the informality, was always a structural phenomenon in the country. Discusses about the professional qualification in the contemporary capitalism, specifying some of your theses. Shows in a historical view the process of appearance of the employment notions and competence, and the influence that it exercised on the reforms of the basic and professional education, as well as the implications of both in the politics of professional education in the country. Rescues the process of creation of PLANFOR, your official formulations and your organized bases, starting from the second half of the 1990 decade. Shows yet the continuos changes in the job market of Maranho state, for after, starting from the reports expresses at the Plans of Qualification from the state, elaborated by the Group of Evaluation and Studies of the Poverty and the Politics addressed to the poverty from the Master degree Program in Public Politics, from the Federal University of Maranho, analyzing the acting of PLANFOR in the State, your probable deficiencies, as results the changes verified in the conditions of occupation and the gains of the exits from the professional education courses in basic level