863 resultados para Frenagem magnética
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
As convulsões são o problema neurológico mais comum nos animais de companhia. Convulsão é o quadro clínico gerado por descargas elétricas paroxísticas, descontroladas e transitórias nos neurónios do encéfalo, levando a alterações da consciência, atividade motora, funções viscerais, perceção sensorial, conduta e memória. A anamnese é muito importante para o diagnóstico, pois é o proprietário quem na maioria das vezes presencia o evento e, os dados obtidos podem auxiliar no plano de diagnóstico e terapêutico. É importante reconhecer, no entanto, que esta informação é coadjuvante ao exame neurológico. As convulsões podem ter causas extracranianas (ex: metabólicas e toxicas), intracranianas (ex: traumatismos, enfermidades infeciosas, malformações congénitas) e idiopáticas (epilepsia idiopática). É fundamental tentar identificar a causa das convulsões através da realização do exame clínico e neurológico, com atenção especial aos sistemas cardio-circulatório, respiratório, digestivo e urinário. Devem ser realizados exames complementares adequados (hemograma, urianálise, enzimas hepáticas, ureia, creatinina, glicemia, sorologias, reação em cadeia de polimerase, radiografias torácicas, ultrassonografia, tomografia computorizada e ressonância magnética quando disponíveis). O objetivo do tratamento antiepilético é controlar as convulsões sem efeitos adversos, no entanto, o clínico apenas pode tentar reduzir a frequência e severidade das convulsões a um nível que não comprometa substancialmente a qualidade de vida do animal e dos proprietários, evitando efeitos secundários.
Background. No consensus between guidelines exists regarding neuroimaging in firstepisode psychosis. The purpose of this study is to assess anomalies found in structural neuroimaging exams (brain computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)) in the initial medical work-up of patients presenting first-episode psychosis. Methods. The study subjects were 32 patients aged 18–48 years (mean age: 29.6 years), consecutively admitted with first-episode psychosis diagnosis. Socio-demographic and clinical data and neuroimaging exams (CT and MRI) were retrospectively studied. Diagnostic assessments were made using the Operational Criteria Checklist +. Neuroimaging images (CT and MRI) and respective reports were analysed by an experienced consultant psychiatrist. Results. None of the patients had abnormalities in neuroimaging exams responsible for psychotic symptoms. Thirty-seven percent of patients had incidental brain findings not causally related to the psychosis (brain atrophy, arachnoid cyst, asymmetric lateral ventricles, dilated lateral ventricles, plagiocephaly and falx cerebri calcification). No further medical referral was needed for any of these patients. No significant differences regarding gender, age, diagnosis, duration of untreated psychosis, in-stay and cannabis use were found between patients who had neuroimaging abnormalities versus those without. Discussion. This study suggests that structural neuroimaging exams reveal scarce abnormalities in young patients with first-episode psychosis. Structural neuroimaging is especially useful in first-episode psychosis patients with neurological symptoms, atypical clinical picture and old age.
A reabsorção condilar interna no adolescente (RCIA) é uma doença progressiva que afeta a articulação temporomandibular (ATM) e que pode resultar em maloclusão, deformidade facial, disfunção de ATM e dor. O aparecimento desta doença ocorre entre os 10 e os 15 anos, sendo mais freqüente em adolescentes do sexo feminino. Esses pacientes apresentam sinais clínicos característicos como: ângulo do plano oclusal e do plano mandibular aumentados, retrusão progressiva da mandíbula e maloclusão Classe II, com ou sem mordida aberta. Nos exames de imagem (tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética), observa-se reabsorção interna dos côndilos e deslocamento dos discos articulares da ATM. Tendo em vista a dificuldade em determinar a causa da RCIA e a importância em eliminar a dor e melhorar a função mastigatória, este estudo se propôs a avaliar as alterações promovidas no posicionamento mandibular, a sintomatologia dolorosa e a estabilidade do tratamento da RCIA, utilizando o protocolo de tratamento (Dr. Larry M. Wolford) em pacientes adolescentes submetidos a cirurgia de reposicionamento do disco articular e cirurgia ortognática, realizadas no mesmo ato cirúrgico. Neste estudo retrospectivo, foram avaliadas as telerradiografias laterais adquiridas na avaliação inicial (T1), pré-cirúrgica (T2), pós-cirúrgica imediata (T3) e de maior acompanhamento, com pelo menos um ano pós-cirurgia (T4) e questionários de dor e função mandibular de uma amostra de 24 pacientes com maloclusão de Classe II (20 do sexo feminino e 4 do sexo masculino) diagnosticados com RCIA, os quais foram submetidos ao protocolo de tratamento composto pela cirurgia de reposicionamento do disco articular da ATM concomitantemente à cirurgia ortognática. O protocolo de tratamento utilizado mostrou-se bastante positivo, uma vez que a estabilidade foi adquirida e uma melhora significativa nos níveis de dor e função mandibular foram atingidos. O tratamento dos pacientes diagnosticados com RCIA, através do protocolo de tratamento proposto, é um procedimento estável e atua diretamente em um ganho na redução da dor.
Digital image segmentation is the process of assigning distinct labels to different objects in a digital image, and the fuzzy segmentation algorithm has been used successfully in the segmentation of images from several modalities. However, the traditional fuzzy segmentation algorithm fails to segment objects that are characterized by textures whose patterns cannot be successfully described by simple statistics computed over a very restricted area. In this paper we present an extension of the fuzzy segmentation algorithm that achieves the segmentation of textures by employing adaptive affinity functions as long as we extend the algorithm to tridimensional images. The adaptive affinity functions change the size of the area where they compute the texture descriptors, according to the characteristics of the texture being processed, while three dimensional images can be described as a finite set of two-dimensional images. The algorithm then segments the volume image with an appropriate calculation area for each texture, making it possible to produce good estimates of actual volumes of the target structures of the segmentation process. We will perform experiments with synthetic and real data in applications such as segmentation of medical imaging obtained from magnetic rosonance
The discovery that a spin-polarized current is capable of exerting a torque in a ferromagnetic material, through spin transfer, might provide the development of new technological devices that store information via the direction of magnetization. The reduction of current density to revert the magnetization is a primary issue to potential applications on non volatile random access memories (MRAM). We report a theorical study of the dipolar and shape effects on the critical current density for reversal of magnetization, via spin transfer torque (STT), on ferromagnetic nanoelements. The nanostructured system consists on a reference layer, in which the current will be spin-polarized, and a free layer of magnetization reversal. We observed considerable changes on the critical current density as a function of the element’s reversion layer thickness (t = 1.0 nm, 1.5 nm, 2.0 nm e 2.5 nm) and geometry (circular and elliptical), the material kind of the system free layer (Iron and Permalloy) and according to the orientation of the magnetization and the spin polarization with the major axis. We show that the critical current density may be reduced about 50% by reducing the Fe free layer thickness and around 75% when we change the saturation magnetization of circular nanoelements with 2.5 nm of thickness. We still observed a reduction as much as 90% on the current density of reversion for thin nanoelements magnetized along the minor axis direction, using in-plane spin polarization parallel to the magnetization.
Chondroitin sulfate (CS) is a naturally glycosaminoglycan found in the extracellular matrix of connective tissues and it may be extracted and purified those tissues. CS is involved in various biological functions, which may be related to the having structural variability, despite the simplicity of the linear chain structure from this molecule. Researches in biotechnology and pharmaceutical field with wastes from aquaculture has been developed in Brazil. In recent decades, tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), native fish from Africa, has been one of the most cultivated species in various regions of the world, including Brazil. The tilapia farming is a cost-effective activity, however, it generates large amount of wastes that are discarded by producers. It is understood that waste from tilapia can be used in research as a source of molecules with important biotechnological applications, which also helps in reducing environmental impacts and promote the development of an ecofriendly activity. Thus, nile tilapia viscera were subjected to proteolysis, then the glycosaminoglycans were complexed with ion exchange resin (Lewatit), it was fractionated with increasing volumes of acetone and purified by ion exchange chromatography DEAE-Sephacel. Further, the fraction was analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The electrophoretic profile of the compound together the analysis of 1H NMR spectra and the HSQC correlation allow to affirm that the compound corresponds to a molecule like chondroitin sulfate. MTT assay was used to assess cell viability in the presence of CS tilapia isolated and showed that the compound is not cytotoxic to normal cells such as cells from the mouse embryo fibroblast (3T3). Then, this compound was tested for the ability to reduce the influx of leukocytes in model of acute peritonitis (in vivo) induced by sodium thioglycolate. In this context, it was done total and differential leukocytes counting in the blood and peritoneal fluid collected respectively from vena cava and the peritoneal cavity of the animals subjected to the experiment. The chondroitin sulfate for the first time isolated from tilapia (CST ) was able to reduce the migration of leukocytes to the peritoneal cavity of inflamed mice until 80.4 per cent at a dose 10µg/kg. The results also show that there was a significant reduction (p<0.001) of the population of polymorphonuclear leukocytes from peritoneal cavity in the three tested doses (0.1µg/kg; 1µg/kg and 10µg/kg) when it was compared to the positive control (just thioglycolate). Therefore, since the CST structure and mechanism of action has been completely elucidated, this compound may have potential for therapeutic use in inflammatory diseases