917 resultados para Channel Coding
Graphene excellent properties make it a promising candidate for building future nanoelectronic devices. Nevertheless, the absence of an energy gap is an open problem for the transistor application. In this thesis, graphene nanoribbons and pattern-hydrogenated graphene, two alternatives for inducing an energy gap in graphene, are investigated by means of numerical simulations. A tight-binding NEGF code is developed for the simulation of GNR-FETs. To speed up the simulations, the non-parabolic effective mass model and the mode-space tight-binding method are developed. The code is used for simulation studies of both conventional and tunneling FETs. The simulations show the great potential of conventional narrow GNR-FETs, but highlight at the same time the leakage problems in the off-state due to various tunneling mechanisms. The leakage problems become more severe as the width of the devices is made larger, and thus the band gap smaller, resulting in a poor on/off current ratio. The tunneling FET architecture can partially solve these problems thanks to the improved subthreshold slope; however, it is also shown that edge roughness, unless well controlled, can have a detrimental effect in the off-state performance. In the second part of this thesis, pattern-hydrogenated graphene is simulated by means of a tight-binding model. A realistic model for patterned hydrogenation, including disorder, is developed. The model is validated by direct comparison of the momentum-energy resolved density of states with the experimental angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The scaling of the energy gap and the localization length on the parameters defining the pattern geometry is also presented. The results suggest that a substantial transport gap can be attainable with experimentally achievable hydrogen concentration.
This thesis deals with the development of the upcoming aeronautical mobile airport communications system (AeroMACS) system. We analyzed the performance of AeroMACS and we investigated potential solutions for enhancing its performance. Since the most critical results correspond to the channel scenario having less diversity1, we tackled this problem investigating potential solutions for increasing the diversity of the system and therefore improving its performance. We accounted different forms of diversity as space diversity and time diversity. More specifically, space (antenna and cooperative) diversity and time diversity are analyzed as countermeasures for the harsh fading conditions that are typical of airport environments. Among the analyzed techniques, two novel concepts are introduced, namely unequal diversity coding and flexible packet level codes. The proposed techniques have been analyzed on a novel airport channel model, derived from a measurement campaign at the airport of Munich (Germany). The introduced techniques largely improve the performance of the conventional AeroMACS link; representing thus appealing solutions for the long term evolution of the system.
A way to investigate turbulence is through experiments where hot wire measurements are performed. Analysis of the in turbulence of a temperature gradient on hot wire measurements is the aim of this thesis work. Actually - to author's knowledge - this investigation is the first attempt to document, understand and ultimately correct the effect of temperature gradients on turbulence statistics. However a numerical approach is used since instantaneous temperature and streamwise velocity fields are required to evaluate this effect. A channel flow simulation at Re_tau = 180 is analyzed to make a first evaluation of the amount of error introduced by temperature gradient inside the domain. Hot wire data field is obtained processing the numerical flow field through the application of a proper version of the King's law, which connect voltage, velocity and temperature. A drift in mean streamwise velocity profile and rms is observed when temperature correction is performed by means of centerline temperature. A correct mean velocity pro�le is achieved correcting temperature through its mean value at each wall normal position, but a not negligible error is still present into rms. The key point to correct properly the sensed velocity from the hot wire is the knowledge of the instantaneous temperature field. For this purpose three correction methods are proposed. At the end a numerical simulation at Re_tau =590 is also evaluated in order to confirm the results discussed earlier.
The C-4-Dicarboxylate carriers DcuB and DctA of Escherichia coli: function as cosensors and topology
Das fakultativ anaerobe Enterobakterium Escherichia coli nutzt C4-Dicarboxylate sowohl unter aeroben als auch anaeroben Bedingungen als Kohlenstoff- und Energiequelle. Die Aufnahme der C4-Dicarboxylaten und die Energiekonservierung mittels Fumaratatmung wird durch das Zweikomponentensystem DcuSR reguliert. Die Sensorhistidinkinase DcuS und der nachgeschaltete Responseregulator DcuR aktivieren bei Verfügbarkeit von C4-Dicarboxylaten die Expression der Gene für den Succinat Transporter DctA, den anaeroben Fumarat/Succinat Antiporter DcuB, die Fumarase B sowie die Fumaratreduktase FrdABCD. Die Transportproteine DctA und DcuB wiederum regulieren die Expression der DcuSR-abhängigen Gene negativ. Fehlen von DctA oder DcuB resultiert bereits ohne Effektor in einer maximalen Expression von dctA bzw. dcuB. Durch gerichtete und ungerichtete Mutagenese wurde gezeigt, dass die Transportfunktion des Carriers DcuB unabhängig von seiner regulatorischen Funktion ist. DcuB kann daher als Cosensor des DcuSR Systems angesehen werden.rnUnter Verwendung von Reportergenfusionen von C-terminal verkürzten Konstrukten von DcuB mit der Alkalischen Phosphatase und der β-Galactosidase wurde die Topologie des Multitransmembranproteins DcuB bestimmt. Zusätzlich wurde die Zugänglichkeit bestimmter Aminosäurereste durch chemische Modifikation mit membran-durchlässigen und membran-undurchlässigen Thiolreagenzien untersucht. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse deuten auf die Existenz eines tief in die Membran reichenden, hydrophilen Kanal hin, welcher zum Periplasma hin geöffnet ist. Mit Hilfe der Topologie-Studien, des Hydropathie-Blots und der Sekundärstruktur-Vorhersage wurde ein Modell des Carriers erstellt. DcuB besitzt kurze, periplasmatisch liegende Proteinenden, die durch 12 Transmembranhelices und zwei große hydrophile Schleifen jeweils zwischen TM VII/VIII und TM XI/XII verbunden sind. Die regulatorisch relevanten Reste K353, T396 und D398 befinden sich innerhalb von TM XI sowie auf der angrenzenden cytoplasmatischen Schleife XI-XII. Unter Berücksichtigung der strukturellen und funktionellen Aspekte wurde ein Regulationsmodell erstellt, welches die gemeinsam durch DcuB und DcuS kontrollierte C4-Dicarboxylat-abhängige Genexpression darstellt. rnDer Effekt von DctA und DcuSR auf die Expression einer dctA´-´lacZ Reportergenfusion und auf die aerobe C4-Dicarboxylat-Aufnahme wurde untersucht. In-vivo FRET-Messungen weisen auf eine direkte Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Carrier DctA und dem Sensor DcuS hin. Dieses Ergebnis stützt die Theorie der Regulation von DcuS durch C4-Dicarboxylate und durch die Cosensoren DctA bzw. DcuB mittels direkter Protein-Protein Interaktion.rn
Many psychophysical studies suggest that target depth and direction during reaches are processed independently, but the neurophysiological support to this view is so far limited. Here, we investigated the representation of reach depth and direction by single neurons in an area of the medial posterior parietal cortex (V6A). Single-unit activity was recorded from V6A in two Macaca fascicularis monkeys performing a fixation-to-reach task to targets at different depths and directions. We found that in a substantial percentage of V6A neurons depth and direction signals jointly influenced fixation, planning and arm movement-related activity in 3D space. While target depth and direction were equally encoded during fixation, depth tuning became stronger during arm movement planning, execution and target holding. The spatial tuning of fixation activity was often maintained across epochs, and this occurred more frequently in depth. These findings support for the first time the existence of a common neural substrate for the encoding of target depth and direction during reaching movements in the posterior parietal cortex. Present results also highlight the presence in V6A of several types of cells that process independently or jointly eye position and arm movement planning and execution signals in order to control reaches in 3D space. It is possible that depth and direction influence also the metrics of the reach action and that this effect on the reach kinematic variables can account for the spatial tuning we found in V6A neural activity. For this reason, we recorded and analyzed behavioral data when one monkey performed reaching movements in 3-D space. We evaluated how the target spatial position, in particular target depth and target direction, affected the kinematic parameters and trajectories describing the motor action properties.
La popolarita` dei giochi online e` in crescita, ma allo stesso tempo le architetture proposte dagli sviluppatori e le connessioni di cui sono dotati gli utenti sembrano restare non adeguate a questo. Nella tesi si descrive un'architettura peer-to-peer che riesce ad effettuare una riduzione nella perdita dei pacchetti grazie al meccanismo del Network Coding senza effetti collaterali per la latenza.
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, mithilfe von Dressurexperimenten in Kombination mit dem Einsatz von Neuropharmaka die Bedeutung des retinalen ON-Kanals für zwei visuelle Leistungen des Goldfisches – das kontrastabhängige zeitliche Auflösungsvermögen sowie die Wellenlängenunterscheidungsfähigkeit - zu untersuchen. Da die Tiere nach der pharmakologischen Blockade keinerlei verändertes Verhalten zeigten, kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass der retinale ON-Kanal weder für die Prozessierung des kontrastabhängigen zeitlichen Auflösungsvermögens noch für die Wellenlängenunterscheidungsfähigkeit eine maßgebliche Rolle spielt. Aus den Versuchen zur Wellenlängenunterscheidungsfähigkeit kann des Weiteren abgeleitet werden, dass der ON-Kanal auch für die spektrale Empfindlichkeit der Tiere bei der gegebenen Beleuchtungs- und Dressurbedingungen (L+-Dressur) keine Bedeutung zu haben scheint. Nach den Versuchen zum kontrastabhängigen zeitlichen Auflösungsvermögen kann festgehalten werden, dass das zeitliche Auflösungsvermögen des Goldfisches sich mit abnehmendem Stimuluskontrast verändert: Der für die Tiere wahrnehmbare Flickerfrequenzbereich wird mit abnehmendem Kontrast geringer. Die Flimmerfusionsfrequenz wird im oberen Frequenzbereich früher erreicht; im unteren Flickerfrequenzbereich tritt mit abnehmendem Kontrast auch eine untere Grenze des zeitlichen Auflösungsvermögens auf. Des Weiteren zeigen die Ergebnisse aus den Verhaltensversuchen zu den kontrastabhängigen zeitlichen Übertragungseigenschaften eine gute Vergleichbarkeit zu elektrophysiologisch gewonnenen Antworten von ON bzw. OFF-Bipolarzellen. Ebenso ähneln sich die Kurvenverläufe zum kontrastabhängigen zeitlichen Auflösungsvermögen und die aus den Versuchen zur kontrastabhängigen Ganzfeldbewegungswahrnehmung – einer visuellen Leistung, deren Prozessierung eines ON-Kanal-Beitrages bedarf. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass das zeitliche Auflösungsvermögen wie auch die Ganzfeldbewegungswahrnehmung hauptsächlich von retinalen Verarbeitungsprozessen abhängen.
Body-centric communications are emerging as a new paradigm in the panorama of personal communications. Being concerned with human behaviour, they are suitable for a wide variety of applications. The advances in the miniaturization of portable devices to be placed on or around the body, foster the diffusion of these systems, where the human body is the key element defining communication characteristics. This thesis investigates the human impact on body-centric communications under its distinctive aspects. First of all, the unique propagation environment defined by the body is described through a scenario-based channel modeling approach, according to the communication scenario considered, i.e., on- or on- to off-body. The novelty introduced pertains to the description of radio channel features accounting for multiple sources of variability at the same time. Secondly, the importance of a proper channel characterisation is shown integrating the on-body channel model in a system level simulator, allowing a more realistic comparison of different Physical and Medium Access Control layer solutions. Finally, the structure of a comprehensive simulation framework for system performance evaluation is proposed. It aims at merging in one tool, mobility and social features typical of the human being, together with the propagation aspects, in a scenario where multiple users interact sharing space and resources.
Among all possible realizations of quark and antiquark assembly, the nucleon (the proton and the neutron) is the most stable of all hadrons and consequently has been the subject of intensive studies. Mass, shape, radius and more complex representations of its internal structure are measured since several decades using different probes. The proton (spin 1/2) is described by the electric GE and magnetic GM form factors which characterise its internal structure. The simplest way to measure the proton form factors consists in measuring the angular distribution of the electron-proton elastic scattering accessing the so-called Space-Like region where q2 < 0. Using the crossed channel antiproton proton <--> e+e-, one accesses another kinematical region, the so-called Time-Like region where q2 > 0. However, due to the antiproton proton <--> e+e- threshold q2th, only the kinematical domain q2 > q2th > 0 is available. To access the unphysical region, one may use the antiproton proton --> pi0 e+ e- reaction where the pi0 takes away a part of the system energy allowing q2 to be varied between q2th and almost 0. This thesis aims to show the feasibility of such measurements with the PANDA detector which will be installed on the new high intensity antiproton ring at the FAIR facility at Darmstadt. To describe the antiproton proton --> pi0 e+ e- reaction, a Lagrangian based approach is developed. The 5-fold differential cross section is determined and related to linear combinations of hadronic tensors. Under the assumption of one nucleon exchange, the hadronic tensors are expressed in terms of the 2 complex proton electromagnetic form factors. An extraction method which provides an access to the proton electromagnetic form factor ratio R = |GE|/|GM| and for the first time in an unpolarized experiment to the cosine of the phase difference is developed. Such measurements have never been performed in the unphysical region up to now. Extended simulations were performed to show how the ratio R and the cosine can be extracted from the positron angular distribution. Furthermore, a model is developed for the antiproton proton --> pi0 pi+ pi- background reaction considered as the most dangerous one. The background to signal cross section ratio was estimated under different cut combinations of the particle identification information from the different detectors and of the kinematic fits. The background contribution can be reduced to the percent level or even less. The corresponding signal efficiency ranges from a few % to 30%. The precision on the determination of the ratio R and of the cosine is determined using the expected counting rates via Monte Carlo method. A part of this thesis is also dedicated to more technical work with the study of the prototype of the electromagnetic calorimeter and the determination of its resolution.
The transcribed ultraconserved regions (T-UCRs) are a group of long non-coding RNAs involved in human carcinogenesis. The factors regulating the expression of T-UCRs and their mechanism of action in human cancers are unknown. In this work it was shown that high expression of uc.339 associates with lower survival in 204 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Moreover, it was shown that uc.339 found up-regulated in archival NSCLC samples, acts as a decoy RNA for miR-339-3p, -663-3p and -95-5p. So, Cyclin E2, a direct target of three microRNAs is up-regulated, inducing cancer growth and migration. Evidence of this mechanism was provided from cell lines and primary samples confirming that TP53 directly regulates uc.339. These results support a key role for uc.339 in lung cancer.
Statiscal analysis related to a viscoelastic turbulent channel flow characterized as dilute polymer solution.
Sub-grid scale (SGS) models are required in order to model the influence of the unresolved small scales on the resolved scales in large-eddy simulations (LES), the flow at the smallest scales of turbulence. In the following work two SGS models are presented and deeply analyzed in terms of accuracy through several LESs with different spatial resolutions, i.e. grid spacings. The first part of this thesis focuses on the basic theory of turbulence, the governing equations of fluid dynamics and their adaptation to LES. Furthermore, two important SGS models are presented: one is the Dynamic eddy-viscosity model (DEVM), developed by \cite{germano1991dynamic}, while the other is the Explicit Algebraic SGS model (EASSM), by \cite{marstorp2009explicit}. In addition, some details about the implementation of the EASSM in a Pseudo-Spectral Navier-Stokes code \cite{chevalier2007simson} are presented. The performance of the two aforementioned models will be investigated in the following chapters, by means of LES of a channel flow, with friction Reynolds numbers $Re_\tau=590$ up to $Re_\tau=5200$, with relatively coarse resolutions. Data from each simulation will be compared to baseline DNS data. Results have shown that, in contrast to the DEVM, the EASSM has promising potentials for flow predictions at high friction Reynolds numbers: the higher the friction Reynolds number is the better the EASSM will behave and the worse the performances of the DEVM will be. The better performance of the EASSM is contributed to the ability to capture flow anisotropy at the small scales through a correct formulation for the SGS stresses. Moreover, a considerable reduction in the required computational resources can be achieved using the EASSM compared to DEVM. Therefore, the EASSM combines accuracy and computational efficiency, implying that it has a clear potential for industrial CFD usage.
Lo scopo di questa tesi è la misura di sezione d’urto di produzione di coppie top-antitop nel canale adronico. Per la misura sono stati utilizzati i dati raccolti dall’esperimento CMS in collisioni protone-protone ad LHC, con un’energia nel centro di massa pari a 13 TeV. Il campione di dati utilizzato corrisponde ad una luminosità integrata di 2.474 f b^ −1 . L’analisi dati inizia selezionando gli eventi che soddisfano determinate condizioni (e.g. trigger, tagli cinematici, sei o più jet, almeno 2 jet provenienti dall’adronizzazione di due quark bottom) con lo scopo di incrementare la purezza del segnale scartando il più possibile gli eventi di fondo. A seguire, viene ricostruita la massa del quark top usando un fit cinematico. Sulle distribuzioni di tale massa si basa la stima degli eventi di fondo e di segnale. Infine, attraverso un fit di verosimiglianza, si ottiene il valore della sezione d’urto: σ t t ̄ = 893 ± 57 (stat) ± 104 (syst) pb. Questo risultato è in buon accordo con il valore teorico di 832 pb e con altre misure di CMS effettuate in canali differenti.
The cardiac voltage-gated Na(+) channel Na(v)1.5 generates the cardiac Na(+) current (INa). Mutations in SCN5A, the gene encoding Na(v)1.5, have been linked to many cardiac phenotypes, including the congenital and acquired long QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome, conduction slowing, sick sinus syndrome, atrial fibrillation, and dilated cardiomyopathy. The mutations in SCN5A define a sub-group of Na(v)1.5/SCN5A-related phenotypes among cardiac genetic channelopathies. Several research groups have proposed that Na(v)1.5 may be part of multi-protein complexes composed of Na(v)1.5-interacting proteins which regulate channel expression and function. The genes encoding these regulatory proteins have also been found to be mutated in patients with inherited forms of cardiac arrhythmias. The proteins that associate with Na(v)1.5 may be classified as (1) anchoring/adaptor proteins, (2) enzymes interacting with and modifying the channel, and (3) proteins modulating the biophysical properties of Na(v)1.5 upon binding. The aim of this article is to review these Na(v)1.5 partner proteins and to discuss how they may regulate the channel's biology and function. These recent investigations have revealed that the expression level, cellular localization, and activity of Na(v)1.5 are finely regulated by complex molecular and cellular mechanisms that we are only beginning to understand.