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[ES] El principal objetivo de esta investigación es elaborar una propuesta metodológica que permita la adquisición de los conocimientos y competencias necesarios para poder afrontar con garantías de desenvoltura la dirección de una composición musical, sea cual sea la tipología de la agrupación musical ara la que dicha composición esté destinada. Esta objetivo se concreta en los siguientes objetivos específicos: 1) Analizar el desarrollo de la Dirección Musical a lo largo de la historia 2)Conocer las principales técnicas de Dirección 3)Conocer a los principales directores de la historia 4)Argumentar la necesidad del conocimiento de una técnica de Dirección 5)Capacitar para ejercer la Dirección Musical. Con la Propuesta metodológica para la didáctica de la Dirección Musical que se presenta, se logra que los estudiantes adquieran un nivel básico para llevar a cabo funciones de Dirección Musical.
[ES] La finalidad de la presente investigación es estudiar los aspectos poético-musicales del espiritual negro en doce arreglos para coro mixto, elaborar una guía para el director referente a la interpretación de los espirituales seleccionados, determinar los problemas que las obras podrían presentar, proponer soluciones y poner en práctica con el Coro de la sede de Gran Canaria del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias, tres de las doce piezas según los análisis propuestos.
[ES] En Gran Canaria, el uso de aguas regeneradas para el riego es una práctica utilizada desde hace más de treinta años, representando actualmente un 8% de los recursos hídricos utilizados (Consejo Insular de Aguas de Gran Canaria, com.per.). Recientemente y como respuesta al uso de aguas regeneradas, existe un creciente interés por la presencia de los denominados contaminantes emergentes en las aguas subterráneas y superficiales. Algunos son altamente móviles con potencial de lixiviación a las aguas subterráneas, mientras que otros se pueden acumular en la capa superior del suelo gracias a su capacidad adsorbente o son biodegradados en este medio. Los contenidos de algunas de estas sustancias en el agua son objeto de control atendiendo al listado de sustancias prioritarias de la Directiva 2008/105/CE. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la situación en la zona del campo de golf de Bandama (NE de Gran Canaria), que ha sido regado con aguas regeneradas desde 1976, donde se ha establecido una red de control de agua de riego y agua subterránea, a partir de la que se están analizando sistemáticamente 185 compuestos emergentes y prioritarios.
[ES] El Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias (ITC), como coordinador del Proyecto OMARCOST, junto a los socios Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) y Gestión del Medio Rural de Canarias (GMR Canarias) han editado esta sencilla obra divulgativa que resume los principales resultados obtenidos en el marco de este Proyecto de Cooperación española-marroquí cofinanciado por el Programa de Cooperación Transfronteriza POCTEFEX. El libro resume más de dos años de investigaciones; concretamente explica los estudios realizados, las herramientas y metodologías novedosas aplicadas y la transferencia de conocimiento y divulgación realizada. Todo ello, ha beneficiado directamente en la implementación nacional y regional de las políticas europea y nacional en materia de aguas y protección del medio marino.
The aim of our work was to study the molecular mechanisms involved in symptoms appearance of plants inoculated either with a virus or with a virus-satellite complex. In the first case, we tried to set up a reliable method for an early identification of PVYNTN strains present in Italy and causing potato tuber necrosis. This, to prevent their spread in the field and to avoid severe yield losses, especially in seed potato production. We tried to localize the particular genomic region responsible for tuber necrosis. To this purpose, we carried out RT-PCR experiments using various primer combinations, covering PVY genomic regions larger than those previously used by other authors. As the previous researchers, though, we were not able to differentiate all NTN from others PVY strains. This probably because of the frequent virus variability, due to both genomic mutations and possible recombination events among different strains. In the second case, we studied the influence of Y-sat (CaRNA5 satellite) on symptoms of CMV (Cucumber mosaic virus) in Nicotiana benthamiana plants: strong yellowing appearance instead of simple mosaic. Wang et al (2004), inoculating the same infectious complex on tobacco plants transformed with a viral suppressor of plant silencing (HC-PRO), did not experience the occurrence of yellowing anymore and, therefore, hypotesized that changes in symptoms were due to plant post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) mechanism. In our case, inoculation of N. benthamiana plants transformed with another PTGS viral suppressor (p19), and other plants defective for RNA polymerase 6 (involved in systemic silencing), still resulted in yellowing appearance. This, to our opinion, suggests that in our system another possible mechanism is involved.
The relation between the intercepted light and orchard productivity was considered linear, although this dependence seems to be more subordinate to planting system rather than light intensity. At whole plant level not always the increase of irradiance determines productivity improvement. One of the reasons can be the plant intrinsic un-efficiency in using energy. Generally in full light only the 5 – 10% of the total incoming energy is allocated to net photosynthesis. Therefore preserving or improving this efficiency becomes pivotal for scientist and fruit growers. Even tough a conspicuous energy amount is reflected or transmitted, plants can not avoid to absorb photons in excess. The chlorophyll over-excitation promotes the reactive species production increasing the photoinhibition risks. The dangerous consequences of photoinhibition forced plants to evolve a complex and multilevel machine able to dissipate the energy excess quenching heat (Non Photochemical Quenching), moving electrons (water-water cycle , cyclic transport around PSI, glutathione-ascorbate cycle and photorespiration) and scavenging the generated reactive species. The price plants must pay for this equipment is the use of CO2 and reducing power with a consequent decrease of the photosynthetic efficiency, both because some photons are not used for carboxylation and an effective CO2 and reducing power loss occurs. Net photosynthesis increases with light until the saturation point, additional PPFD doesn’t improve carboxylation but it rises the efficiency of the alternative pathways in energy dissipation but also ROS production and photoinhibition risks. The wide photo-protective apparatus, although is not able to cope with the excessive incoming energy, therefore photodamage occurs. Each event increasing the photon pressure and/or decreasing the efficiency of the described photo-protective mechanisms (i.e. thermal stress, water and nutritional deficiency) can emphasize the photoinhibition. Likely in nature a small amount of not damaged photosystems is found because of the effective, efficient and energy consuming recovery system. Since the damaged PSII is quickly repaired with energy expense, it would be interesting to investigate how much PSII recovery costs to plant productivity. This PhD. dissertation purposes to improve the knowledge about the several strategies accomplished for managing the incoming energy and the light excess implication on photo-damage in peach. The thesis is organized in three scientific units. In the first section a new rapid, non-intrusive, whole tissue and universal technique for functional PSII determination was implemented and validated on different kinds of plants as C3 and C4 species, woody and herbaceous plants, wild type and Chlorophyll b-less mutant and monocot and dicot plants. In the second unit, using a “singular” experimental orchard named “Asymmetric orchard”, the relation between light environment and photosynthetic performance, water use and photoinhibition was investigated in peach at whole plant level, furthermore the effect of photon pressure variation on energy management was considered on single leaf. In the third section the quenching analysis method suggested by Kornyeyev and Hendrickson (2007) was validate on peach. Afterwards it was applied in the field where the influence of moderate light and water reduction on peach photosynthetic performances, water requirements, energy management and photoinhibition was studied. Using solar energy as fuel for life plant is intrinsically suicidal since the high constant photodamage risk. This dissertation would try to highlight the complex relation existing between plant, in particular peach, and light analysing the principal strategies plants developed to manage the incoming light for deriving the maximal benefits as possible minimizing the risks. In the first instance the new method proposed for functional PSII determination based on P700 redox kinetics seems to be a valid, non intrusive, universal and field-applicable technique, even because it is able to measure in deep the whole leaf tissue rather than the first leaf layers as fluorescence. Fluorescence Fv/Fm parameter gives a good estimate of functional PSII but only when data obtained by ad-axial and ab-axial leaf surface are averaged. In addition to this method the energy quenching analysis proposed by Kornyeyev and Hendrickson (2007), combined with the photosynthesis model proposed by von Caemmerer (2000) is a forceful tool to analyse and study, even in the field, the relation between plant and environmental factors such as water, temperature but first of all light. “Asymmetric” training system is a good way to study light energy, photosynthetic performance and water use relations in the field. At whole plant level net carboxylation increases with PPFD reaching a saturating point. Light excess rather than improve photosynthesis may emphasize water and thermal stress leading to stomatal limitation. Furthermore too much light does not promote net carboxylation improvement but PSII damage, in fact in the most light exposed plants about 50-60% of the total PSII is inactivated. At single leaf level, net carboxylation increases till saturation point (1000 – 1200 μmolm-2s-1) and light excess is dissipated by non photochemical quenching and non net carboxylative transports. The latter follows a quite similar pattern of Pn/PPFD curve reaching the saturation point at almost the same photon flux density. At middle-low irradiance NPQ seems to be lumen pH limited because the incoming photon pressure is not enough to generate the optimum lumen pH for violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE) full activation. Peach leaves try to cope with the light excess increasing the non net carboxylative transports. While PPFD rises the xanthophyll cycle is more and more activated and the rate of non net carboxylative transports is reduced. Some of these alternative transports, such as the water-water cycle, the cyclic transport around the PSI and the glutathione-ascorbate cycle are able to generate additional H+ in lumen in order to support the VDE activation when light can be limiting. Moreover the alternative transports seems to be involved as an important dissipative way when high temperature and sub-optimal conductance emphasize the photoinhibition risks. In peach, a moderate water and light reduction does not determine net carboxylation decrease but, diminishing the incoming light and the environmental evapo-transpiration request, stomatal conductance decreases, improving water use efficiency. Therefore lowering light intensity till not limiting levels, water could be saved not compromising net photosynthesis. The quenching analysis is able to partition absorbed energy in the several utilization, photoprotection and photo-oxidation pathways. When recovery is permitted only few PSII remained un-repaired, although more net PSII damage is recorded in plants placed in full light. Even in this experiment, in over saturating light the main dissipation pathway is the non photochemical quenching; at middle-low irradiance it seems to be pH limited and other transports, such as photorespiration and alternative transports, are used to support photoprotection and to contribute for creating the optimal trans-thylakoidal ΔpH for violaxanthin de-epoxidase. These alternative pathways become the main quenching mechanisms at very low light environment. Another aspect pointed out by this study is the role of NPQ as dissipative pathway when conductance becomes severely limiting. The evidence that in nature a small amount of damaged PSII is seen indicates the presence of an effective and efficient recovery mechanism that masks the real photodamage occurring during the day. At single leaf level, when repair is not allowed leaves in full light are two fold more photoinhibited than the shaded ones. Therefore light in excess of the photosynthetic optima does not promote net carboxylation but increases water loss and PSII damage. The more is photoinhibition the more must be the photosystems to be repaired and consequently the energy and dry matter to allocate in this essential activity. Since above the saturation point net photosynthesis is constant while photoinhibition increases it would be interesting to investigate how photodamage costs in terms of tree productivity. An other aspect of pivotal importance to be further widened is the combined influence of light and other environmental parameters, like water status, temperature and nutrition on peach light, water and phtosyntate management.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Rubinen der drei derzeit bedeutendsten Vorkommen in Nord-Vietnam, mit ihrer Entstehung, ihrer Charakterisierung, ihrem Edelsteinpotential und ihren Materialeigenschaften im Kontext mit handelsüblichen Synthesen. Zur Erstellung der hierfür erforderlichen Datenbanken wurden sowohl phasenanalytische wie chemisch-analytische als auch spektroskopische Methoden benutzt und die Ergebnisse mit den Erkenntnissen klassischer gemmologischer Untersuchungsmethoden interpretiert. Die natürlichen Bildungsbedingungen der Rubine werden der granulit-faziellen Metamorphose der Day Nui Con Voi - Zone innerhalb der Red River Ailao Shan - Region Südostasiens zugerechnet. Marmore, Gneise und Mobilisationszonen zwischen sehr unterschiedlichen Gesteinen sind dabei zu Trägern von oxidischen Edelsteinmineralen wie Rubin und Spinell geworden, gleichzeitig entstandene Magmatite führen silikatische Edelsteinminerale wie Turmalin und Topas.Mit IR-, Ramanspektroskopie, Elektronstrahl-Mikrosonde und Edelsteinmikroskop werden Kaolinit, Boehmit, Glimmer, Diaspor, Calcit, Zirkon, Turmalin, Graphit, Rutil als charakterisierende Mineraleinschlüsse in vietnamesischen Rubinen bestimmt. Die chemische Zusammensetzung vietnamesischer und synthetischer Rubine wurde mit der Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosonde untersucht. Die vietnamesischen Rubine von Yen Bai, Luc Yen und Nghe An sind aufgrund spezieller Spurenelement-Kombinationen und auch durch Absolutgehalte bestimmter Elemente relativ sicher von Synthesen jeglicher Art zu unterscheiden; selbst die qualitativ besten Synthesen (Douros), die mit klassischen Methoden nur schwer als solche zu identifizieren sind, können von hochwertigen natürlichen Rubinen differenziert werden. Polarisierte Absorptionsspektren vietnamesischer Rubine zeigen die typischen Banden des Cr3+ in der Kristallstruktur des Rubins bei 17953 cm-1; 24570 cm-1 (E?c) sowie 17985 cm-1 und 25125 cm-1 (E//c). Sie entsprechen den Spinübergängen 4A2g?4T2g(4F) und 4A2g?4T1g(4F); eine zu beobachtende Verschiebung der Spektrenkante bei 32500 cm-1 zu 35000 cm-1 nach Temperaturbehandlung wird wahrscheinlich von V3+ verursacht. Mit Laser-Fluoreszenzspektroskopie wurden polarisierte Emissionsspektren von ausgewählten Rubinen mit spezieller Spurenelementchemie aufgenommen; dabei konnte die Schwächung der Fluoreszenzintensität von Cr durch Fe festgestellt werden. Die Emissionsspektren bestehen aus dem charakteristischen Chromdublett (R1 und R2 Linien bei etwa 693 nm und 694 nm), Seitenbanden in Stoke und anti Stoke-Bereich und n-Linien, die auf die Emission benachbarter, farbwirksamer Ionenpaare zurückzuführen sind. Das Verhältnis der Intensitäten der n-Linien bei 702 nm und 705 nm zu den Seitenbandenlinien bei 713 nm zeigt im untersuchten Cr3+-Konzentrationsbereich eine nahezu lineare Abhängigkeit zur Cr3+-Konzentration, unabhängig von der Anregungswellenlänge und der Fe-Konzentration. Die in vietnamesischen Rubinen häufig vorkommenden blauen Farbzonen werden durch elektronische Wechselwirkung von Fe2+/Fe3+ und Fe2+/Ti4+ -Kombinationen verursacht und können für den Edelstein schadlos durch geeignete Temperaturbehandlung eliminiert werden.
Die vorgestellten Arbeiten bezüglich der Biosynthese von pflanzlichen Indolalkaloiden können in einen molekularbiologischen und einen proteinche-mischen Teil aufgegliedert werden. Im molekularbiologischen Abschnitt stand die Entwicklung eines Vektorsystems im Vordergrund, das die gleichzeitige Expression mehrerer Enzyme in bakteriellen Kulturen erlaubte. Hierfür konnte zunächst die cDNA der Strictosidin-Synthase aus Rauvolfia serpentina in den Expressionsvektor pQE-70 einkloniert und das Protein aktiv exprimiert werden. Bevor es zum Einbau des Strictosidin-β-D-Glucosidase-Gens –ebenfalls aus Rauvolfia serpentina– kam, musste dessen Aktivität mit einer vorgeschalteten Ribosomenbindestelle sichergestellt werden. Diese zusätzliche Binderegion wurde an das 5’-Ende der cDNA angefügt, um die ungestörte Expression des Enzyms im späteren Coexpressions-System zu gewährleisten. Im Hinblick auf weiterführende Arbeiten in Bezug auf die komplette in vitro-Synthese bereits bekannter Alkaloide, wie z.B. das antiarrhythmisch wirkende Ajmalin oder das antihypertensiv wirkende Heteroyohimbin-Alkaloid Raubasin, wurde die ursprüngliche multiple-clonig-site des verwendeten Expressionsvektors pQE-70 um 27 zusätzliche Restriktionsschnittstellen (verteilt auf 253 bp) erweitert. Nach erfolgreicher Ligation der Strictosidin-β-D-Glucosidase-cDNA mit vorgeschalteter Ribosomenbindestelle an das 3’-Ende des Strictosidin-Synthase-Gens gelang die heterologe Coexpression beider Enzyme in einer homogenen Suspensionskultur des E. coli-Expressionsstamms M15. Dafür wurde das Vektorkonstrukt pQE-70bh-STR-RBS-SG entwickelt. Das Endprodukt der anschließenden enzymatischen Umsetzung von Tryptamin und Secologanin wurde über das Zwischenrodukt Strictosidin gebildet und konnte als Cathenamin identifiziert werden. Im proteinchemischen Teil der Dissertation wurde die Reinigung einer Cathenamin-Reduktase aus Zellsuspensionskulturen von Catharanthus roseus RC mit dem Ziel der partiellen Bestimmung der Aminosäuresequenz bearbeitet. Das gesuchte Enzym wandelte in einer NADPH-abhängigen Reaktion das Edukt Cathenamin in Raubasin um. Des weiteren wurde untersucht, wie viele Enzyme insgesamt an der Umwandlung von Cathenamin zu Raubasin und den eng verwandten Produkten Tetrahydroalstonin und 19-Epi-Raubasin beteiligt waren. Unter Anwendung eines hierfür entwickelten säulenchromatographischen Protokolls gelang die Reinigung einer Raubasin-bildenden Reduktase, deren Teilsequenz jedoch noch nicht bestimmt werden konnte. Die Anzahl der beteiligten Enzyme bei der Ausbildung von Raubasin, Tetrahydroalstonin und 19-Epi-Raubasin konnte auf mindestens zwei beziffert werden.
In this study more than 450 natural sapphire samples (most of basaltic type) collected from 19 different areas were examined. They are from Dak Nong, Dak Lak, Quy Chau, two unknown sources from the north (Vietnam); Bo Ploi, Khao Ploi Waen (Thailand); Ban Huay Sai (Laos); Australia; Shandong (China); Andapa, Antsirabe, Nosibe (Madagascar); Ballapana (Sri Lanka); Brazil; Russia; Colombia; Tansania and Malawi. rnThe samples were studied on internal characteristics, chemical compositions, Raman-, luminescence-, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)-, and ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (UV-Vis-NIR)- spectroscopy. The internal features of these sapphire samples were observed and identified by gemological microscope, con focal micro Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. The major and minor elements of the samples were determined by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and the trace elements by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). rnThe structural spectra of sapphire were investigated by con focal Raman spectroscopy. The FTIR spectroscopy was used to study the vibration modes of OH-groups and also to determine hydrous mineral inclusions in sapphire. The UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectroscopy was used to analyze the cause of sapphire color. rnNatural sapphires contain many types of mineral inclusions. Typically, they are iron-containing inclusions like goethite, ilmenite, hematite, magnetite or silicate minerals commonly feldspar, and often observed in sapphires from Asia countries, like Dak Nong, Dak Lak in the south of Vietnam, Ban Huay Sai (Laos), Khao Ploi Waen and Bo Ploi (Thailand) or Shandong (China). Meanwhile, CO2-diaspore inclusions are normally found in sapphires from Tansania, Colombia, or the north of Vietnam like Quy Chau. rnIron is the most dominant element in sapphire, up to 1.95 wt.% Fe2O3 measured by EPMA and it affects spectral characteristics of sapphire.rnThe Raman spectra of sapphire contain seven peaks (2A1g + 5Eg). Two peaks at about 418.3 cm-1 and 577.7 cm-1 are influenced by high iron content. These two peaks shift towards smaller wavenumbers corresponding to increasing iron content. This shift is showed by two equations y(418.3)=418.29-0.53x andy(577.7)=577.96-0.75x, in which y is peak position (cm-1) and x is Fe2O3 content (wt.%). By exploiting two these equations one can estimate the Fe2O3 contents of sapphire or corundum by identifying the respective Raman peak positions. Determining the Fe2O3 content in sapphire can help to distinguish sapphires from different origins, e.g. magmatic and metamorphic sapphire. rnThe luminescence of sapphire is characterized by two R-lines: R1 at about 694 nm and R2 at about 692 nm. This characteristic is also influenced by high iron content. The peak positions of two R-lines shift towards to smaller wavelengths corresponding to increasing of iron content. This correlation is showed by two equations y(R_2 )=692.86-0.049x and y(R_1 )=694.29-0.047x, in which y is peak position (nm) of respective R-lines and x is Fe2O3 content (wt.%). Two these equations can be applied to estimate the Fe2O3 content of sapphire and help to separate sapphires from different origins. The luminescence is also applied for determination of the remnant pressure or stress around inclusions in Cr3+-containing corundum by calibrating a 0-pressure position in experimental techniques.rnThe infrared spectra show the presence of vibrations originating from OH-groups and hydrous mineral inclusions in the range of 2500-4000 cm-1. Iron has also an effect upon the main and strongest peak at about 3310 cm-1. The 3310 cm-1 peak is shifted to higher wavenumber when iron content increases. This relationship is expressed by the equation y(3310)=0.92x+3309.17, in which y is peak position of the 3310 cm-1 and x is Fe2O3 content (wt.%). Similar to the obtained results in Raman and luminescence spectra, this expression can be used to estimate the Fe2O3 content and separate sapphires from different origins. rnThe UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectra point out the strong and sharp peaks at about 377, 387, and 450 nm related to dispersed Fe3+, a broad band around 557 and 600 nm related to intervalence charge transfer (IVCT) Fe2+/Ti4+, and a broader band around 863 nm related to IVCT of Fe2+/Fe3+. rnGenerally, sapphires from different localities were completely investigated on internal features, chemical compounds, and solid spectral characteristics. The results in each part contribute for identifying the iron content and separate sapphires from different localities order origins. rn
Androgen receptor (AR) expression profile in the different Gleason patterns (GP) of primary prostate cancers and nodal metastases is unknown. More information about AR distribution is needed to optimize evaluation methods and to better understand the role of AR in development and progression of prostate cancer.
We undertook a meta-analysis of six Crohn's disease genome-wide association studies (GWAS) comprising 6,333 affected individuals (cases) and 15,056 controls and followed up the top association signals in 15,694 cases, 14,026 controls and 414 parent-offspring trios. We identified 30 new susceptibility loci meeting genome-wide significance (P < 5 × 10 ? ? ). A series of in silico analyses highlighted particular genes within these loci and, together with manual curation, implicated functionally interesting candidate genes including SMAD3, ERAP2, IL10, IL2RA, TYK2, FUT2, DNMT3A, DENND1B, BACH2 and TAGAP. Combined with previously confirmed loci, these results identify 71 distinct loci with genome-wide significant evidence for association with Crohn's disease.