942 resultados para single crystal growth


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Mononuclear pyrazolyl Pd(II) complexes of the type [PdX2(phmPz)(2)] (X = Cl-, N-3(-)) have been prepared. The 1-phenyl-3-methylpyrazole displaces acetonitrile from [PdCl2(CH3CN)(2)] to form [PdCl2(PhMPz)(2)] (phmPz = 1-phenyl-3-methylpyrazole) (1). [Pd(N-3)(2)(PhmPz)(2)] (2) could be obtained by metathesis from [PdCl2(CH3CN)(2)] or by substitution of the chloride in (1) by the azide ion. Both complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, H-1 and C-13 NMR and by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The coordination geometry around Pd(II) in these complexes is nearly square-planar, with the ligands in a trans configuration.


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The optical properties of cubic GaN epitaxial layers were investigated by modulated photoreflectance (PR) and photoluminescence in the temperature interval from 5 to 300 K. The epilayers were grown on GaAs(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy using a nitrogen RIF-activated plasma source. The PR spectra show a transition which is well fitted using the third-derivative functional form of the unperturbed dielectric function, which we interpret as band-to-band transition. Our results allow determination of the temperature dependence of the main gap of c-GaN and give insights into the residual strain in the film, as well as allow us to estimate the binding energy of the complex formed by an exciton bound to a neutral acceptor. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report experiments of electron spin resonance (ESR) of Cu2+ in polycrystalline samples of CaCu3Ti4O12 post-annealed in different atmospheres. After being synthesized by solid state reaction, pellets of CaCu3Ti4O12 were annealed for 24 h at 1000 degrees C under air, Ar or O-2. Our temperature dependent ESR data revealed for all samples nearly temperature independent g value (2.15(1)) and linewidth for T > T-N approximate to 25 K. However, the values of ESR linewidth are strongly affected by the oxygen content in the sample. For instance, argon post-annealed samples show a much larger linewidth than the O-2 or air post-annealed samples. We attribute this broadening to an increase of the dipolar homogeneous broadening of the Cu2+ ESR lines due to the presence of oxygen vacancies which induce an S=1/2 spin inside the TiO6 octahedra. Correlation between a systematic dependence of the ESR linewidth on the oxygen content and the high dielectric constant of these materials is addressed. Also, ESR, magnetic susceptibility, and specific heat data for a single crystal of CaCu3Ti4O12 and for polycrystals of CdCu3Ti4O12 are reported.


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The coordination polymers [Cd(mu-Cl)(2)(HPz)(2)](n) (1) and [Cd(mu-1,3-SCN)(2)(HPz)(2)](n) (2) (HPz = pyrazole) have been prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, and single crystal X-ray diffraction. Both complexes exhibited chain structures made by linear arrays of Cd(II) bridged by chloro (1) or inversely related 1,3-SCN groups (2) and the pyrazole ligands at the apical. sites. Intermolecular hydrogen bonds and another non-covalent interactions are responsible for the self-assembly of linear chains into 2D networks. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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(1) C6H2N3O7- center dot C5H12NO2+, Mr = 346.26, P2(1)/c, a = 7.2356(6), b = 10.5765(9), c = 19.593(2) angstrom, 3 beta=95.101(6)degrees, V = 1493.5(2) angstrom(3), Z = 4, R-1 = 0.0414; (2) C6H2N3O7- center dot C6H8NO+, Mr = 38.24, P2(1)/n, a = 7.8713(5), b = 6.1979(7), c = 28.697(3) angstrom, beta = 90.028(7)degrees, V = 1400.0(2) angstrom(3), Z = 4, R-1 = 0.0416. The packing units in both compounds consist of hydrogen bonded cation-anion pairs. The (hyper)polarizabilities have been calculated for the crystallographic and optimized molecules, by AM1 and at the DFT/B3LYP(6-31G**) level.


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Nanocomposites created with polycarboxylic acid alone as a stabilization agent for prenucleation clusters-derived amorphous calcium phosphate exhibit nonperiodic apatite deposition. In the present study, we report the use of inorganic polyphosphate as a biomimetic analog of matrix phosphoprotein for directing poly(acrylic acid)-stabilized amorphous nano-precursor phases to assemble into periodic apatite-collagen nanocomposites. The sorption and desorption characteristics of sodium tripolyphosphate to type I collagen were examined. Periodic nanocomposite assembly with collagen as a template was demonstrated with TEM and SEM using a Portland cement-based resin composite and a phosphate-containing simulated body fluid. Apatite was detected within the collagen at 24 h and became more distinct at 48 h, with prenucleation clusters attaching to the collagen fibril surface during the initial infiltration stage. Apatite-collagen nanocomposites at 72 h were heavily mineralized with periodically arranged intrafibrillar apatite platelets. Defect-containing nanocomposites caused by desorption of TPP from collagen fibrils were observed in regions lacking the inorganic phase.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present work shows the growth of nordstrandile microcrystals observed by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Nordstrandite was synthesised from non-crystalline aluminium hydroxide reacted in 20% ethylene glycol/water solution, at room temperature. This material was characterized by TEM, SEM, SAED, XRD and EDS/TEM, during six month and revealed the formation and growth of nordstrandite. Fibrillar pseudoboehmite is the only aluminium hydroxide which could be identified during the first two weeks. The nuclei grow, from complete dissolution/recrystallization of pseudoboehmite fibrils, into platy rectangular microscrystals of nordstrandite. Some tabular microcrystals recrystallise, forming after six months only the mufti-point nordstrandite stars. This electron-optical study suggest that the star shape results from the overlapping of rectangular plates, and pseudoboehmite fibrils act as the precursor of nordstrandite crystallisation in ethylene glycol/water solution.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The preparation and characterization of (Ph3AsOH)2[CuBr4] and [Cu(Ph3AsO)4][CuBr4] are reported (Ph3AsO = triphenylarsine oxide). Crystallographic analysis of the monoclinic crystals of (Ph3AsOH)2[CuBr4] (space group C2/c, a = 17.569 (3) Å, b = 13.090 (2) Å, c = 16.933 (2) Å, and β = 105.64 (2)°, R = 0.055 and Rw = 0.057) revealed the presence of compressed [CuBr4]2- tetrahedra of C2 symmetry with Cu-Br distances of 2.340 (1) and 2.437 (1) Å and trans-Br-Cu-Br angles of 139.2 (1) and 122.4 (1)°. The oxonium cations hydrogen bond to the bromine atoms involved in the longer Cu-Br bonds and the smaller trans-Br-Cu-Br angle. Single-crystal electronic and EPR spectra are interpreted in terms of the observed [CuBr4]2- geometry. Analysis of the electronic and EPR spectra of [Cu(Ph3AsO)4][CuBr4] led to the postulation of the presence of planar [Cu(Ph3AsO)4]2+ cations and distorted tetrahedral [CuBr4]2- anions. © 1992 American Chemical Society.


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0.7125ZrF4-0.2375(1 - xLaF3 • xLnF3)-0.05AIF3 with x = 0.01, 0.02 and 0.03 for Ln = Er and x = 0.03 for Ln = Pr, Nd glasses were studied by differential thermal analysis (DTA), X-ray diffraction and optical spectroscopy. Avrami parameters (Ec and n) were obtained from DTA curves. With La3+ substitution a decrease in the stability against crystallization was observed. This decrease follows the order Er3+ > Nd3+ ≈ Pr3+ for 3% molar substitution. n values suggest an interface controlled growth mechanism with grain edge nucleation abler saturation. Two crystalline polymorphs of the LaZr3F15 phase were identified. With the substitution of 3 mol% of Pr3+, Nd3+ or Er3+ for La3+ only the crystallization of the rhombohedral α-LnZr3F15 phase was observed. An increase in Ω6 Judd's intensity parameter occurs with crystallization and also an increase in the 1.04 μm peak emission cross-section for Nd3+ 4I3/2 state suggesting the potential application of these glass ceramics in optical amplification devices. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The evolution of Eu3+ doped SnO2 xerogels to the cassiterite structure observed during sintering was studied by means of Eu3+ spectroscopy, XRD and EXAFS at the Sn K-edge. Eu3+ ions adsorbed at the surface of colloidal particles present a broad distribution of sites, typical of oxide glasses. With sintering at 300°C, this distribution is still broadened. Crystallization is clearly observed by the three techniques with increasing sintering temperature. It is found that the addition of Eu3+ limits the crystallite growth.


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Starting from aqueous colloidal suspensions, undoped and Nb5+ doped SnO2 thin films have been prepared by using the dip-coating sol gel process. X-ray diffraction results show that films are polycrystalline with crystallites of average size1-4nm. Decreasing the thickness of the films and increasing the Nb5+ concentration limits the crystallite size growth during firing. Complex impedance measurements reveal capacitive and resistive effects between adjacent crystallites or grains, characteristic of electrical potential barriers. The transfer of charge throughout these barriers determines the macroscopic electrical resistance of the layer. The analysis of the optical absorption spectra shows that the samples present more than 80% of their transmittance in the visible region and the value of the band gap energy increases with decreasing crystallite size. © 1997 Chapman & Hall.


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Er3+:LiYF4 single crystal has been studied by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy in the IR-visible-UV (0-44000 cm-1) region from 4.2 K to room temperature. Polarized spectra were recorded in order to assign numerous Stark levels of electronic transitions mentioned but not attributed before in the related literature and to discuss the irreducible representations (irreps) of the 4I15/2 sublevels. A parametric hamiltonian, including free ion (Eν, α, β, γ, Tλ, ζ, Mk and Pi) and crystal field parameters (B2 0, B4 0, B4 4, B6 0 and B6 4) in an approximate D2d symmetry for the rare earth site in this scheelite type structure, was used to simulate 109 energy positions of the Er ion with a r.m.s. standard deviation of 14.6 cm-1. A comparison with previously published results for Nd3+ in the same matrix is done. © 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.