997 resultados para centre commercial


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In common law jurisdictions such as England, Australia, Canada and New Zealand good faith in contracting has long been recognised in specific areas of the law such as insurance law and franchising, and more recently the implied duties of good faith and mutual trust and convenience in employment contracts have generated a considerable volume of case law. Outside of these areas of law that may be characterised as being strongly‘relational’ in character,the courts in common law jurisdictions have been reluctant to embrace a more universal application of good faith in contracting and performance. However increasingly there are cases which support the proposition that there is a common law duty of good faith of general application to all commercial contracts. Most important in this context is the recent decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in Bhasin v Hrynew.1 However, this matter is by no means resolved in all common law jurisdictions. This article looks at the recent case law and literature and at various legislative incursions including statutes, codes of conduct and regulations impacting good faith in commercial dealings.


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A new deterministic three-dimensional neutral and charged particle transport code, MultiTrans, has been developed. In the novel approach, the adaptive tree multigrid technique is used in conjunction with simplified spherical harmonics approximation of the Boltzmann transport equation. The development of the new radiation transport code started in the framework of the Finnish boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) project. Since the application of the MultiTrans code to BNCT dose planning problems, the testing and development of the MultiTrans code has continued in conventional radiotherapy and reactor physics applications. In this thesis, an overview of different numerical radiation transport methods is first given. Special features of the simplified spherical harmonics method and the adaptive tree multigrid technique are then reviewed. The usefulness of the new MultiTrans code has been indicated by verifying and validating the code performance for different types of neutral and charged particle transport problems, reported in separate publications.


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This paper provides a framework for understanding Twitter as a historical source. We address digital humanities scholars to enable the transfer of concepts from traditional source criticism to new media formats, and to encourage the preservation of Twitter as a cultural artifact. Twitter has established itself as a key social media platform which plays an important role in public, real-time conversation. Twitter is also unique as its content is being archived by a public institution (the Library of Congress). In this paper we will show that we still have to assume that much of the contextual information beyond the pure tweet texts is already lost, and propose additional objectives for preservation.


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Solar UV radiation is harmful for life on planet Earth, but fortunately the atmospheric oxygen and ozone absorb almost entirely the most energetic UVC radiation photons. However, part of the UVB radiation and much of the UVA radiation reaches the surface of the Earth, and affect human health, environment, materials and drive atmospheric and aquatic photochemical processes. In order to quantify these effects and processes there is a need for ground-based UV measurements and radiative transfer modeling to estimate the amounts of UV radiation reaching the biosphere. Satellite measurements with their near-global spatial coverage and long-term data conti-nuity offer an attractive option for estimation of the surface UV radiation. This work focuses on radiative transfer theory based methods used for estimation of the UV radiation reaching the surface of the Earth. The objectives of the thesis were to implement the surface UV algorithm originally developed at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for estimation of the surface UV irradiance from the meas-urements of the Dutch-Finnish built Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), to improve the original surface UV algorithm especially in relation with snow cover, to validate the OMI-derived daily surface UV doses against ground-based measurements, and to demonstrate how the satellite-derived surface UV data can be used to study the effects of the UV radiation. The thesis consists of seven original papers and a summary. The summary includes an introduction of the OMI instrument, a review of the methods used for modeling of the surface UV using satellite data as well as the con-clusions of the main results of the original papers. The first two papers describe the algorithm used for estimation of the surface UV amounts from the OMI measurements as well as the unique Very Fast Delivery processing system developed for processing of the OMI data received at the Sodankylä satellite data centre. The third and the fourth papers present algorithm improvements related to the surface UV albedo of the snow-covered land. Fifth paper presents the results of the comparison of the OMI-derived daily erythemal doses with those calculated from the ground-based measurement data. It gives an estimate of the expected accuracy of the OMI-derived sur-face UV doses for various atmospheric and other conditions, and discusses the causes of the differences between the satellite-derived and ground-based data. The last two papers demonstrate the use of the satellite-derived sur-face UV data. Sixth paper presents an assessment of the photochemical decomposition rates in aquatic environment. Seventh paper presents use of satellite-derived daily surface UV doses for planning of the outdoor material weathering tests.


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The need for mutual recognition of accurate measurement results made by competent laboratories has been very widely accepted at the international level e.g., at the World Trade Organization. A partial solution to the problem was made by the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) in setting up the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA), which was signed by National Metrology Institutes (NMI) around the world. The core idea of the CIPM MRA is to have global arrangements for the mutual acceptance of the calibration certificates of National Metrology Institutes. The CIPM MRA covers all the fields of science and technology for which NMIs have their national standards. The infrastructure for the metrology of the gaseous compounds carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen monoxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and ozone (O3) has been constructed at the national level at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI). The calibration laboratory at the FMI was constructed for providing calibration services for air quality measurements and to fulfil the requirements of a metrology laboratory. The laboratory successfully participated, with good results, in the first comparison project, which was aimed at defining the state of the art in the preparation and analysis of the gas standards used by European metrology institutes and calibration laboratories in the field of air quality. To confirm the competence of the laboratory, the international external surveillance study was conducted at the laboratory. Based on the evidence, the Centre for Metrology and Accreditation (MIKES) designated the calibration laboratory at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) as a National Standard Laboratory in the field of air quality. With this designation, the MIKES-FMI Standards Laboratory became a member of CIPM MRA, and Finland was brought into the internationally-accepted forum in the field of gas metrology. The concept of ‘once measured - everywhere accepted’ is the leading theme of the CIPM MRA. The calibration service of the MIKES-FMI Standards Laboratory realizes the SI traceability system for the gas components, and is constructed to enable it to meet the requirements of the European air quality directives. In addition, all the relevant uncertainty sources that influence the measurement results have been evaluated, and the uncertainty budgets for the measurement results have been created.


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Introduction The rapidly burgeoning popularity of cinema at the beginning of the 20th century favored industrialized modes of creativity organized around large production studios that could churn out a steady stream of narrative feature films. By the mid-1910s, a handful of Hollywood studios became leaders in the production, distribution, and exhibition of popular commercial movies. In order to serve incessant demand for new titles, the studios relied on a set of conventions that allowed them to regularize production and realize workplace efficiencies. This entailed a socialized mode of creativity that would later be adopted by radio and television broadcasters. It would also become a model for cinema and media production around the world, both for commercial and state-supported institutions. Even today the core tenets of industrialized creativity prevail in most large media enterprises. During the 1980s and 1990s, however, media industries began to change radically, driven by forces of neoliberalism, corporate conglomeration, globalization, and technological innovation. Today, screen media are created both by large-scale production units and by networked ensembles of talent and skilled labor. Moreover, digital media production may take place in small shops or via the collective labor of media users or fans who have attracted attention due to their hyphenated status as both producers and users of media (i.e., “prosumers”). Studies of screen media labor fall into five conceptual and methodological categories: historical studies of labor relations, ethnographically inspired investigations of workplace dynamics, critical analyses of the spatial and social organization of labor, and normative assessments of industrialized creativity.


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This study offers a reconstruction and critical evaluation of globalization theory, a perspective that has been central for sociology and cultural studies in recent decades, from the viewpoint of media and communications. As the study shows, sociological and cultural globalization theorists rely heavily on arguments concerning media and communications, especially the so-called new information and communication technologies, in the construction of their frameworks. Together with deepening the understanding of globalization theory, the study gives new critical knowledge of the problematic consequences that follow from such strong investment in media and communications in contemporary theory. The book is divided into four parts. The first part presents the research problem, the approach and the theoretical contexts of the study. Followed by the introduction in Chapter 1, I identify the core elements of globalization theory in Chapter 2. At the heart of globalization theory is the claim that recent decades have witnessed massive changes in the spatio-temporal constitution of society, caused by new media and communications in particular, and that these changes necessitate the rethinking of the foundations of social theory as a whole. Chapter 3 introduces three paradigms of media research the political economy of media, cultural studies and medium theory the discussion of which will make it easier to understand the key issues and controversies that emerge in academic globalization theorists treatment of media and communications. The next two parts offer a close reading of four theorists whose works I use as entry points into academic debates on globalization. I argue that we can make sense of mainstream positions on globalization by dividing them into two paradigms: on the one hand, media-technological explanations of globalization and, on the other, cultural globalization theory. As examples of the former, I discuss the works of Manuel Castells (Chapter 4) and Scott Lash (Chapter 5). I maintain that their analyses of globalization processes are overtly media-centric and result in an unhistorical and uncritical understanding of social power in an era of capitalist globalization. A related evaluation of the second paradigm (cultural globalization theory), as exemplified by Arjun Appadurai and John Tomlinson, is presented in Chapter 6. I argue that due to their rejection of the importance of nation states and the notion of cultural imperialism for cultural analysis, and their replacement with a framework of media-generated deterritorializations and flows, these theorists underplay the importance of the neoliberalization of cultures throughout the world. The fourth part (Chapter 7) presents a central research finding of this study, namely that the media-centrism of globalization theory can be understood in the context of the emergence of neoliberalism. I find it problematic that at the same time when capitalist dynamics have been strengthened in social and cultural life, advocates of globalization theory have directed attention to media-technological changes and their sweeping socio-cultural consequences, instead of analyzing the powerful material forces that shape the society and the culture. I further argue that this shift serves not only analytical but also utopian functions, that is, the longing for a better world in times when such longing is otherwise considered impracticable.


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Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) is Australia's major horticultural insect pest, yet monitoring females remains logistically difficult. We trialled the ‘Ladd trap’ as a potential female surveillance or monitoring tool. This trap design is used to trap and monitor fruit flies in countries other (e.g. USA) than Australia. The Ladd trap consists of a flat yellow panel (a traditional ‘sticky trap’), with a three dimensional red sphere (= a fruit mimic) attached in the middle. We confirmed, in field-cage trials, that the combination of yellow panel and red sphere was more attractive to B. tryoni than the two components in isolation. In a second set of field-cage trials, we showed that it was the red-yellow contrast, rather than the three dimensional effect, which was responsible for the trap's effectiveness, with B. tryoni equally attracted to a Ladd trap as to a two-dimensional yellow panel with a circular red centre. The sex ratio of catches was approximately even in the field-cage trials. In field trials, we tested the traditional red-sphere Ladd trap against traps for which the sphere was painted blue, black or yellow. The colour of sphere did not significantly influence trap efficiency in these trials, despite the fact the yellow-panel/yellow-sphere presented no colour contrast to the flies. In 6 weeks of field trials, over 1500 flies were caught, almost exactly two-thirds of them being females. Overall, flies were more likely to be caught on the yellow panel than the sphere; but, for the commercial Ladd trap, proportionally more females were caught on the red sphere versus the yellow panel than would be predicted based on relative surface area of each component, a result also seen the field-cage trial. We determined that no modification of the trap was more effective than the commercially available Ladd trap and so consider that product suitable for more extensive field testing as a B. tryoni research and monitoring tool.


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Ympäristöasiantuntijoiden vuorovaikutusta on tutkittu agoralla (antiikin tori). Se on julkinen tila, jossa markkinat, politiikka, tiede ja yhteiskunta kohtaavat. Tutkimus kuuluu yhteiskuntatieteellisen ympäristötutkimuksen alaan, mutta siinä hyödynnetään myös tulevaisuudentutkimusta. Työn motivaationa on ollut tekijän monitieteinen koulutustausta: yhteiskuntatieteilijä ja luonnontieteilijä. Miten ja miksi vuorovaikutus eri asiantuntijoiden välillä on haasteellista ja merkityksellistä esimerkiksi metsän biodiversiteetin vähenemisen ehkäisemiseksi. Keskeisiä käsitteitä ovat asiantuntijuus, vuorovaikutus, tiedon luotettavuusja kontekstisidonnaisuus, Väitöskirja koostuu neljästä eri asiantuntijuustarinasta. Ensimmäinen (luku 2) perustuu haastatteluihin suomalaisten ja saksalaisten bio- ja yhteiskuntatietelijöiden käsityksistä luonnosta ja ympäristöstä. Tutkimusongelmana on luonnontieteilijöiden ja yhteiskuntatieteilijöiden Suomessa ja Saksassa ”kulttuurierot” luonnon ja ympäristön käsitteellistämisessä. Johtopäätöksenä on, että aistittu luonto, ympäröivä ympäristö sekä ihmisen muokkaama elinympäristö eivät tunne selkeitä tiede- eikä maanrajoja. Tämä luku toimii ponnahduslautana konstruktioiden taakse vuorovaikutuksen haasteisiin. Kirjan toinen tarina (luku 3) perustuu haastatteluihin suomalaisten metsän biodiversiteettiasiantuntijoiden vuorovaikutuksesta. Tutkimusongelman lähtökohtana on metsän biodiversiteetin väheneminen ja tästä seuraavat polittisetkin vuorovaikutustilanteet. Miten konteksti vaikuttaa eri asiantuntijoiden vuorovaikutukseen ja mitä tästä seuraa? Analyysin päätulos on implisiittisen, vahvasti kontekstisidonnaisen asiantuntijatiedon hyödyntämisen tarve ja voimavara metsän biodiversiteetin vähenemisen ennaltaehkäisemiksi. Kolmas tarina asiantuntijuudesta (luku 4) perustuu Etelä-Suomen metsien suojelutoimikunnassa (Metso) tehtyihin havainnointeihin. Tutkija on näin ollut itse eräänlaisella torilla havainnoijana. Tutkimusongelmana on ”ohipuhuminen”, tiedon luotettavuus ja implisiittien tiedon hyväksyttävyys. Johtopäätöksenä on asiantuntijuuden vahva kontekstisidonnaisuus hetkeen ja paikkaan ja yhteisen kielen (vrt. transdisiplinaarisuus) löytyminen yhteisen tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi. Merkittäviä välineitä vuorovaikutuksen onnistumiseen ovat esimerkiksi yhteinen vahva tavoitetila, interkatio, joka koskee läsnä olevia ihmisiä ei instituutioita sekä fasilitaattorin vahva rooli tulkkina ja välittäjänä. Neljäs tarina (luku 5) vie agoran konkretiaan. Tässä luvussa on kehitetty eläytymiskävely- menetelmää, jossa fasilitaattori (tutkija) johdattaa Espoon keskuksessa hallinnon, politiikan, asukkaiden ja konsultin edustajat aistimaan ja tulkitsemaan alueen sosiaalista tilaa, toiminnallisuutta ja elämyksellisyyttä. Ongelmana on aistimaailman asiantuntemuksen hyödyntämättömyys yhdyskuntasuunnittelun välineenä mm. asiantuntijoiden vuorovaikutuksen välineenä. Menetelmäkehitys on aluillaan, mutta jo tässä tapauksessa käy ilmi, että jaettu tila, jaetut aistikokemukset konkreettisella kävelyllä avaavaat vuorovaikutuksen uusiin ulottuvuuksiin, jossa implisiittiselle asiantuntemukselle annetaan sijansa vuorovaikutuksessa ja tätä kautta voidaan vaikuttaa myös tehtäviin päätöksiin, toimenpiteisiin. Johtopäätöksissä (luku 6) korostuu implisiittisen asiantuntijuuden merkitys. Onnistunut vuorovaikutteinen toiminta eri asiantuntijoiden kesken esimerkiksi erilaisia ympäristöongelmia –ja ilmiöitä ratkottaessa ja pohdittaessa vaatii vuorovaikutusosaamista. Tutkimuksen lopuksi suositellaan esimerkiksi ennakkoluulottomia avauksia agoralla. Asiantuntijuus ei ole yksi ja vain asiaatuntevuus on mahdollista. Agora on jatkuvassa liikkeessä ja juuri siinä piilee voimavara tulevaisuuden haasteisiin erilaisilla rajapinnoilla. Avainsanat: asiantuntijuus, vuorovaikutus, tieto, konteksti, agora


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The thesis examines the intensification and characteristics of a policy that emphasises economic competitiveness in Finland during the 1990s and early 2000s. This accentuation of economic objectives is studied at the level of national policy-making as well as at the regional level through the policies and strategies of cities and three universities in the Helsinki region. By combining the analysis of state policies, urban strategies and university activities, the study illustrates the pervasiveness of the objective of economic competitiveness and growth across these levels and sheds light on the features and contradictions of these policies on a broad scale. The thesis is composed of five research articles and a summary article. At the level of national policies, the central focus of the thesis is on the growing role of science and technology policy as a state means to promote structural economic change and its transformation towards a broader, yet ambivalent concept of innovation policy. This shift brings forward a tension between an increasing emphasis on economic aspects – innovations and competitiveness – as well as the expanding scope of issues across a wide range of policy sectors that are being subsumed under this market- and economy oriented framework. Related to science and technology policy, attention is paid to adjustments in university policy in which there has been increasing pressure for efficiency, rationalisation and commercialisation of academic activities. Furthermore, political efforts to build an information society through the application of information and communication technologies are analysed with particular attention to the balance between economic and social objectives. Finally, changes in state regional policy priorities and the tendency towards competitiveness are addressed. At the regional level, the focus of the thesis is on the policies of the cities in Finland’s capital region as well as strategies of three universities operating in the region, namely the University of Helsinki, Helsinki University of technology and Helsinki School of Economics. As regards the urban level, the main focus is on the changes and characteristics of the urban economic development policy of the City of Helsinki. With respect to the universities, the thesis examines their attempts to commercialise research and thus bring academic research closer to economic interests, and pays particular attention to the contradictions of commercialisation. Related to the universities, the activities of three intermediary organisations that the universities have established in order to increase cooperation with industry are analysed. These organisations are the Helsinki Science Park, Otaniemi International Innovation Centre and LTT Research Ltd. The summary article provides a synthesis of the material presented in the five original articles and relates the results of the articles to a broader discussion concerning the emergence of competition states and entrepreneurial cities and regions. The main points of reference are Bob Jessop’s and Neil Brenner’s theses on state and urban-regional restructuring. The empirical results and considerations from Finland and the Helsinki region are used to comment on, specify and criticise specific parts of the two theses.


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The study examines the term "low threshold" from the point of view of the most marginalized drug users. While using illicit drugs is criminalised and morally judged in Finland, users have special barriers to seek for care. Low threshold services aim at reaching drug users who themselves don t seek for help. "Low threshold" is a metaphor describing easy access to services. The theoretical frame of reference of the study consists of processing the term analytically and critically. The research work sets out to test the rhetoric of low threshold by making use of a qualitative multi-case study to find out, if the threshold of so called low threshold services always appears low for the most marginalized drug users. The cases are: the mobile unite offering health counselling, the day service centre for marginalized substance abusers and the low threshold project of the outpatient clinic for drug users in Helsinki and the health counselling service trial in Vyborg, Russia. The case study answer following questions: 1) How do the method of low threshold work out in the studied cases from the point of view of the most marginalized drug users? 2) How do potential thresholds appear and how did they develop? 3) How do the most marginalized drug users get into the care system through low threshold? The data consists of interviews of drug users, workers and other specialists having been accomplished in the years 2001 - 2006, patient documents and customer registers. The dissertation includes four articles published in the years 2006 - 2008 and the summary article. The study manifests that even low threshold is not always low enough for the most marginalized drug users. That expresses a highly multiproblematised and underpriviledged group of drug users, whose life and utilization of services are framed by deep marginalisation, homelessness, multi-substance use, mental and somatic illnesses and being repeatedly imprisoned. Using services is rendered difficult by many factors arising from the care system, drug users themselves and the action environment. In Finland thresholds are generally due to the execution of practical services and procedures not considering the fear of control and labelling as a drug user. When striving for further rehabilitating substance abuse care by means of low threshold services the marginalized drug users meet the biggest difficulties. They are due to inelastic structures, procedures and division of labour in the established care system and also to poor chances of drug users to be in action in the way expected by the care system. Multiproblematic multisubstance users become "wrong" customers by high expectations of care motivation and specializing in the care system. In Russia the thresholds are primarily caused by rigid control politics directed to drug users by the society and by the scantiness of care system. The ideology of reducing drug related harm is not approved and the care system is unwilling to commit to it. Low threshold turnes out to be relative as a term. The rhetoric of the care system is not enough to unilaterally define lowness of the threshold. The experiences of drug users and the actual activity to search for care determine the threshold. It does not appear the same for everybody either. Access of certain customer group to a service unit may even raise the threshold for some other group. The low threshold system also is surprisingly realized: you could not always tell in advance, what kind of customers and how many of them could be reached. Keywords: low threshold, marginalized drug users, harm reduction, barriers to services, outreach


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This ethnographic study investigates encounters between volunteers and older people at the Kerava Municipal Health Centre inpatient ward for chronic care. Volunteer activities have been under development, in cooperation with the Voluntary Work Center (Talkoorengas), since the start of the 1990s. When my research began in 2003, nine of the volunteers came to the ward on set days per week or visited the ward according to their own timetables. The volunteers ranged in age from 54 to 78 years. With one exception, all of them were on pension. Nearly all of them had been volunteers for more than ten years. My study is research on ageing, the focal point being older people, whether volunteers or those receiving assistance. The research questions are: How is volunteer work implemented in daily routines at the ward? How is interaction created in encounters between the older people and the volunteers? What meanings does volunteer work create for the older people and the volunteers? The core material of my research is observation material, which is supplemented by interviews, documentation and photographs. The materials have been analysed by using theme analysis and ethnomethodological discussion analysis. In the presentation of the research findings, I have structured the materials into three main chapters: space and time; hands and touch; and words and tones. The chapter on space and time examines time and space paths, privacy and publicness, and celebrations as part of daily life. The volunteers open and create social arenas for the older people through chatting and singing together, celebrations in the dayroom or poetry readings at the bedside. The supporting theme of the chapter on hands and touch is bodily closeness in care and the associated concrete physical presence. The chapter highlights the importance of everyday routines, such as meals and rituals, as elements that bring security. Stimuli in daily life, such as handicrafts in groups, pass time but also give older people the experience of meaningful activity and bring back positive memories of their own life. The chapter on words and tones focuses on the social interaction and identity. The volunteers’ identity is built up into the identity of a helper and caregiver. The older people’s identity is built up into a care recipient’s identity, which in different situations is shaped into, among others, the identity of one who listens, remembers, does not remember, defends, composes poetry or is dying. The cornerstones of voluntary social care are participation, activity, trust and presence. Successful volunteer work calls for mutual trust between the older people, volunteers and the health care personnel, and for clear agreements on questions of responsibility, the status of volunteers and their role alongside professional personnel. This study indicates that volunteer work is a meaningful resource in work with older people.


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This study investigates the relationships between work stressors and organizational performance in terms of the quality of care provided by the long-term care facilities. Work stressors are first examined in relation to the unit's structural factors, resident characteristics, and to the unit specialization. The study is completed by an investigation into the associations of work stressors such as job demands or time pressure, role ambiguity, resident-related stress, and procedural injustice to organizational performance. Also the moderating effect of job control in the job demands organizational performance relationship is examined. The study was carried out in the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES). Survey data were drawn from 1194 nursing employees in 107 residential-home and health-center inpatient units in 1999 and from 977 employees in 91 units in 2002. Information on the unit resident characteristics and the quality of care was provided by the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI). The results showed that large unit size or lower staffing levels were not consistently related to work stressors, whereas the impairments in residents' physical functioning in particular initiated stressful working conditions for employees. However, unit specialization into dementia and psychiatric residents was found to buffer the effects that the resident characteristics had on employee appraisals of work stressors, in that a high proportion of behavioral problems was related to less time pressure and role conflicts for employees in specialized units. Unit specialization was also related to improved team climates and the organizational commitment of employees. Work stressors associated with problems in care quality. Time pressure explained most of the differences between units in how the employees perceived the quality of physical and psychosocial care they provide for the residents. A high level of job demands in the unit was also found to be related to some increases in all clinical quality problems. High job control buffered the effects of job demands on the quality of care in terms of the use of restraints on elderly residents. Physical restraint and especially antipsychotic drug use were less prevalent in units that combined both high job demands and high control for employees. In contrast, in high strain units where heavy job demands coincided with a lack of control for employees, quality was poor in terms of the frequent use of physical restraints. In addition, procedural injustice was related to the frequent use of antianxiety of hypnotic drugs for elderly residents. The results suggest that both job control and procedural justice may have improved employees' abilities to cope when caring for the elderly residents, resulting in better organizational performance.


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The cultural appropriateness of human service processes is a major factor in determining the effectiveness of their delivery. Sensitivity to issues of culture is particularly critical in dealing with family disputes, which are generally highly emotive and require difficult decisions to be made regarding children, material assets and ongoing relationships. In this article we draw on findings from an evaluation of the Family Relationship Centre at Broadmeadows (FRCB) to offer some insights into and suggestions about managing cultural matters in the current practice of family dispute resolution (FDR) in Australia. The brief for the original research was to evaluate the cultural appropriateness of FDR services offered to culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities living within the FRCB’s catchment area, specifically members of the Lebanese, Turkish and Iraqi communities. The conclusions of the evaluations were substantially positive. The work of the Centre was found to illustrate many aspects of best practice but also raised questions worthy of future exploration. The current article reports on issues of access, retention and outcomes obtained by CALD clients at various stages of the FRCB service.