761 resultados para attitudes - beliefs and values
Este estudo caracteriza a incidência do excesso de peso e da obesidade no Externato João Alberto Faria (Arruda dos Vinhos), procurando identificar as variáveis que os determinam e definir um projecto de intervenção na área da educação para a saúde no âmbito dos estilos de vida saudáveis e do combate ao excesso de peso e à obesidade. Dos 432 alunos que participaram no estudo, 53,7°/o eram do sexo feminino e 46,3% do sexo masculino. Os resultados relativos ao índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) dos alunos indicaram que, na população em estudo, 31,7% dos alunos apresentavam peso em excesso, dos quais 10,5% eram obesos. A prevalência de excesso de peso e obesidade era superior nos alunos mais novos e nas raparigas, no entanto os rapazes eram mais obesos. Em virtude dos resultados, identificaram-se como áreas de intervenção, a melhoria dos hábitos alimentares, o aumento dos níveis de actividade física e a diminuição das catividades de lazer sedentárias dos alunos, bem como intervenções ao nível das crenças, atitudes e comportamentos dos alunos e dos pais. O projecto de intervenção apresentado tem como objectivo reduzir a prevalência do excesso de peso e obesidade infantil através da aquisição e desenvolvimento de atitudes e comportamentos que visem a promoção e adopção de hábitos e estilos de vida saudáveis. É sabido que mudar atitudes e comportamentos, nomeadamente, os que dizem respeito a mudança de estilos de vida, é um processo difícil e que leva tempo, sendo fundamental uma abordagem integrada que afecte as várias dimensões das causas do problema em que se pretende intervir. ABSTRACT; This study characterizes the incidence of overweight and obesity in Externato João Alberto Faria (Arruda dos Vinhos). lts aim was to identify the variables that causes it and to define a project of intervention in the health educational field related to healthy lifestyles and against overweight and childhood obesity. 432 students participated in the survey: 53,7% females and 46,3% males. The results as far as students Body Mass Index are concerned show that within the surveyed people 31,7% were overweight and 10,5% were obese. Overweight and obesity have more evidence in the younger students and in the girls' group, despite the fact that boys were more obese. Such results lead to the intervention in certain areas: improving eating habits, increasing physical activity, diminishing sedentary hobbies and also interfering in the beliefs and attitudes of children and their parents. The intervention project presented has the following goal: to reduce the prevalence of overweight and childhood obesity through the acquisition and development of attitudes and behaviours witch aim at de promotion and adoption of healthy habits and lifestyles. Changing attitudes and behaviours related to the improving of lifestyles is difficult and takes time. Therefore, the need for an integrated approach is crucial in order to affect the several causes of the problem in witch we want to intervene.
The article examines a range of components for the customer service from the point of view of marketing.It start with the explanation of several features that are required for a company to crystallize teamwork that finally, after all, will be provided by the success or failure of that company.These features are named: engagement, cooperation, companionship, communication, motivation and leadership.Subsequently, this article presents a section which explores human relationships and conflict management within organizations, with emphasis on attitudes, skills and personality types that present human beings as part of its essence.Finally, this text includes a section that highlights concepts related to customer service and sales techniques that exist today.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
Purpose This study aims to present the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Positive Valuation of Life Scale (Lawton et al. in J Aging Ment Healt 13:3–31, 2001). Method Sample included 207 community-dwelling elders (129 women; MAge = 77.2 years, SD = 7.5). The data collection included the translated and adapted Portuguese version of Positive Valuation of Life Scale, Life Satisfac- tion Index Z, Meaning in Life Questionnaire and Geriatric Depression Scale. Results From exploratory factor analysis, two factors emerged, existential beliefs and perceived control, ex- plaining 49 % of the total variance. Both factors were positively related with meaning in life and life satisfaction and negatively related with depression (p\0.05). The values obtained for internal consistency for the total scale and for each subscale were good (a [ 0.75). Conclusion The Portuguese version of Positive VOL Scale represents a reliable and valid measure to capture the subjective experience of attachment to one’s life. The two-factor structure is an update to Lawton’s previous work and in line with findings obtained in the USA (Dennis et al. in What is valuation of life for frail community-dwelling older adults: factor structure and criterion validity of the VOL, Thomas Jefferson University, Center for Applied Research on Aging and Health Research, 2005) and Japan (Nakagawa et al. in Shinrigaku Kenkyu 84:37–46, 2013). Future research is required to investigate VOL predictors and the potential changes toward the end of the life span.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica
In a society in which ambivalent positions of old age coexist, suffering from limitations in the basic functions of the human being disrupts the identity of old people and the social perception that is held of them. The impact of the deterioration and the physical incapacity affects not only old adults but also those who take care of them; it entails repercussions of instrumental, emotional and social types. Within the social and subjective dimension of aging arise stereotypes and negative images from being considered dependent subjects; one of most important of these is the “feeling of being a burden”. During the in-depth interviews, the diverse implications of this negative image in advanced old age are identified in old adults and their carers in the city of Durango, Mexico. The analysis of narratives shows results pertaining to the interrelation between the subjective aspects of the identity, the beliefs, and the power of social discourses.
Introduction This qualitative and quantitative exploratory study was conducted to assess patients’/customers’ knowledge, beliefs and practices about antibiotics and other prescription only medication (POM) in 10 community pharmacies in Blantyre, Malawi. Method 5 out of 10 pharmacies were selected by simple random sampling and 54 participants attending the selected pharmacies were interviewed. Results The major antibiotic drugs frequently requested without a doctor’s prescription were Bactrim (Cotrimoxazole) and amoxicillin. Knowledge of these medicines was attributed to the patients’ previous medical conditions and doctor’s prescription. However this knowledge does not extend to understanding of proper therapeutic indications and dosage regimens for antibiotic therapy. The majority (30 out of 54 participants) did not know about the importance of completing a prescribed course of antibiotics. All 54 participants believed in the efficiancy of antibiotics. Conclusion Study participants had wide range of knowledge about antibiotics and other POM from hospital, but the majority had limited knowledge regarding clinical indications and correct dosage schedules.
As an effect of marketisation, the importance of workplace learning in Germany has increased. The article follows up on the long-standing discourse around the question of how economic and pedagogical ideals interact in this context. In order to develop a theoretical framework for empirical research, three major positions of the discipline of business ethics are introduced. Business ethics in more abstract ways deals with the very same question, namely how do ideas such as profit orientation interact with other norms and values? The new perspectives show that the discourse has been hitherto based on a specific understanding of economy. In order to derive an empirical answer to the research question, the question is re-formulated as follows: Which values are inherent in the decisions taken? Consequently, it suggests using the concept of ‘rationalities of justification’ for empirical research. The article shows how this concept can be applied by conducting a test run. (DIPF/Orig.)
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
Diversos autores afirmam que a atitude dos consumidores consiste numa avaliação pessoal aos atributos de um objeto. Essa avaliação inclui as crenças e sentimentos do consumidor relativamente ao objeto, no momento em que este o avalia. As redes sociais estão cada vez mais presentes no dia-a-dia dos consumidores e das marcas e, como tal, uma parte significativa do contacto entre marcas e consumidores acontece nestas plataformas. Assim, é importante conhecer a influência que as diversas redes sociais podem ou não exercer sobre a atitude dos consumidores relativamente às marcas. Procurou-se perceber se o tipo de imagens publicadas pela Levi Strauss & Co. no Instagram influencia ou não a atitude dos consumidores relativamente a esta marca. No caso de se verificar alguma influência, investigaram-se quais os elementos das imagens que provocaram tal influência e porquê. Não foi possível confirmar a existência de diferentes influências provocadas por diferentes tipos de imagens. No entanto, os resultados deste estudo - desenvolvido através de uma metodologia qualitativa - sugerem que as publicações do Instagram influenciam positivamente a atitude dos consumidores relativamente à Levi’s. Ao longo da investigação identificaram-se ainda, os fatores percecionados pelos participantes como responsáveis pela melhoria da sua atitude: o facto de as imagens serem agradáveis e apelativas, transmitirem confiança, mostrarem produtos das coleções atuais da marca e mostrarem que a marca é versátil, uma vez que se adapta a diversos estilos e situações.
Part 8: Business Strategies Alignment
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Doutoramento em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
Este estudo visa descrever e analisar comparativamente as estratégias de leitura desenvolvidas por um grupo de educadoras a trabalhar em estabelecimento educativos, nos quais está a ser desenvolvido o Plano Nacional de Leitura e por outro grupo no qual não está implementado este projeto. Para o efeito realizamos um estudo de caso em quatro salas do ensino pré-escolar frequentadas por crianças de cinco anos de idade. Neste estudo, foram utilizadas várias técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados. Assim sendo, realizámos entrevistas às educadoras, observação naturalista às mesmas a lerem histórias às crianças, aplicámos questionários a nível nacional e também aplicámos inquéritos às crianças dos grupos destas educadoras, com o objetivo de detetarmos quais as suas atitudes perante a leitura de histórias. Os resultados mostram-nos que apesar de existirem nos estabelecimentos onde se encontra a decorrer o Plano Nacional de Leitura mais livros e equipamento informático que naqueles aonde este projeto ainda não foi implementado isso não é sinónimo de mais e melhores práticas nem melhores resultados na promoção da literacia junto das crianças. ABSTRACT: This Study is a comparative analysis of the literacy strategies employed by two groups of teachers; one that follows the National Reading Project and another one that does not. The case study was conducted in four preschool classrooms with five-year old children. Several data collection techniques were used; teacher interviews, naturalistic observations in the classrooms during read-aloud, teacher questionnaires, and student questionnaires to describe Literacy beliefs and practices. The results show that, even though there are more books and e-learning resources in classrooms where the National Reading Project is implemented, this does not translate into more and better Literacy practices or in better promotion of reading attitudes in children.