782 resultados para Wim Wenders


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The metabolic rate of organisms may either be viewed as a basic property from which other vital rates and many ecological patterns emerge and that follows a universal allometric mass scaling law; or it may be considered a property of the organism that emerges as a result of the organism's adaptation to the environment, with consequently less universal mass scaling properties. Data on body mass, maximum ingestion and clearance rates, respiration rates and maximum growth rates of animals living in the ocean epipelagic were compiled from the literature, mainly from original papers but also from previous compilations by other authors. Data were read from tables or digitized from graphs. Only measurements made on individuals of know size, or groups of individuals of similar and known size were included. We show that clearance and respiration rates have life-form-dependent allometries that have similar scaling but different elevations, such that the mass-specific rates converge on a rather narrow size-independent range. In contrast, ingestion and growth rates follow a near-universal taxa-independent ~3/4 mass scaling power law. We argue that the declining mass-specific clearance rates with size within taxa is related to the inherent decrease in feeding efficiency of any particular feeding mode. The transitions between feeding mode and simultaneous transitions in clearance and respiration rates may then represent adaptations to the food environment and be the result of the optimization of tradeoffs that allow sufficient feeding and growth rates to balance mortality.


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Le regioni HII sono nubi di idrogeno ionizzato da stelle di recente formazione, massicce e calde. Tali stelle, spesso raggruppate in ammassi, emettono copiosamente fotoni di lunghezza d’onda λ ≤ 912 Å, capaci di ionizzare quasi totalmente il gas che le circonda, composto prevalentemente da idrogeno, ma in cui sono presenti anche elementi ionizzati più pesanti, come He, O, N, C e Ne. Le dimensioni tipiche di queste regioni vanno da 10 a 100 pc, con densità dell’ordine di 10 cm−3. Queste caratteristiche le collocano all’interno del WIM (Warm Ionized Medium), che, insieme con HIM (Hot Ionized Medium), WNM (Warm Neutral Medium) ed CNM (Cold Neutral Medium), costituisce la varietà di fasi in cui si presenta il mezzo interstellare (ISM, InterStellar Medium). Il tema che ci prestiamo ad affrontare è molto vasto e per comprendere a fondo i processi che determinano le caratteristiche delle regioni HII sarebbero necessarie molte altre pagine; lo scopo che questo testo si propone di raggiungere, senza alcuna pretesa di completezza, è dunque quello di presentare l’argomento, approfondendone ed evidenziandone alcuni particolari tratti. Prima di tutto descriveremo le regioni HII in generale, con brevi indicazioni in merito alla loro formazione e struttura. A seguire ci concentreremo sulla descrizione dei processi che determinano gli spettri osservati: inizialmente mostreremo quali siano i processi fisici che generano l’emissione nel continuo, concentrandoci poi su quello più importante, la Bremmstrahlung. Affronteremo poi una breve digressione riguardo al processo di ricombinazione ione-elettrone nei plasmi astrofisici ed alle regole di selezione nelle transizioni elettroniche, concetti necessari per comprendere ciò che segue, cioè la presenza di righe in emissione negli spettri delle regioni foto-ionizzate. Infine ci soffermeremo sulle regioni HII Ultra-Compatte (UC HII Region), oggetto di numerosi recenti studi.


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Acknowledgments The VIVIANE study was funded and coordinated by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA, which also covered all costs associated with development and publication of this report. We thank all study participants and their families. We gratefully acknowledge the work of the central and local study coordinators, and staff members of the sites who participated in this study. Writing support services were provided by Mary Greenacre (An Sgriobhadair, Isle of Barra, UK), on behalf of GSK Vaccines; editing and publication coordination services were provided by Jérôme Leemans (Keyrus Biopharma, Lasne, Belgium), Stéphanie Delval (XPE Pharma and Science, Wavre, Belgium), and Matthieu Depuydt (Business Decision Life Sciences, Brussels, Belgium), on behalf of GSK Vaccines


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La articulación entre las políticas de empleo y las políticas sociales condicionan la percepción subjetiva de incertidumbre los individuos. El modelo de mercado laboral tiene un peso determinante en la percepción de incertidumbre. El empleo en sí mismo ya no es suficiente garantía de ingresos seguros. El empleo a tiempo parcial y los contratos temporales generan una creciente demanda de políticas de redistribución de los ingresos en los países del Sur y Este de Europa. En los países escandinavos los mismos tipos de contratos laborales generan menos desigualdad porque el empleo público contribuye a generar un “círculo virtuoso” que favorece las políticas de igualdad y la conciliación entre la vida laboral y familiar. A nivel individual las actitudes pro-redistributivas las impulsan las mujeres, aquellas personas con incertidumbre en sus ingresos económicos y con bajo nivel de estudios. Por el contrario, quienes más confían en el éxito individual y el mérito son los jóvenes con estudios universitarios y aquellos que perciben ingresos económicos altos.


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Adolf Hitler suscitó desde su entrada en la escena política alemana una fascinación perversa, un sentimiento que, con el tiempo, ha dado lugar a numerosas representaciones culturales sobre el Führer. La muestra, rica y variada tanto en el fondo como en la forma, nos permitirá trazar tres estadios en lo referente al proceso de construcción historiográfica del hitlerismo, iniciado con la caída del Tercer Reich. Estos responden en buena medida al devenir sociopolítico y cultural de la sociedad a escala global desde el final de la guerra y hasta nuestros días y pueden resumirse en tres: primero, la satanización; segundo, la humanización; tercero, el retrato caricaturesco. Proponemos un recorrido histórico por diversos productos culturales del dictador alemán cuyo propósito es desentrañar el retrato psicológico poliédrico que se ha construido en torno a la figura de Hitler.


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This paper presents and validates a methodology for integrating reusable software components in diverse game engines. While conforming to the RAGE com-ponent-based architecture described elsewhere, the paper explains how the interac-tions and data exchange processes between a reusable software component and a game engine should be implemented for procuring seamless integration. To this end, a RAGE-compliant C# software component providing a difficulty adaptation routine was integrated with an exemplary strategic tile-based game “TileZero”. Implementa-tions in MonoGame, Unity and Xamarin, respectively, have demonstrated successful portability of the adaptation component. Also, portability across various delivery platforms (Windows desktop, iOS, Android, Windows Phone) was established. Thereby this study has established the validity of the RAGE architecture and its un-derlying interaction processes for the cross-platform and cross-game engine reuse of software components. The RAGE architecture thereby accommodates the large scale development and application of reusable software components for serious gaming.


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Maakt ICT ons nou knapper of juist dommer? In amper twintig jaar is het maatschappelijk leven voor een groot deel verplaatst naar de virtuele ruimte. Alles en iedereen wordt digitaal met elkaar verbonden. Wat is de invloed van al die nieuwe technologie op ons begrip van de wereld, op ons gedrag, op onze cultuur? Wat betekent het voor het onderwijs? Deze sessie bespreekt de rol van media voor onze cognitieve ontwikkeling. Daartoe worden de ervaringen met oude media zoals geschreven tekst, radio en TV gekoppeld aan de wereld van Twitter, Apple, Facebook en Google, en wordt de blik gericht op wat ons nog te wachten staat.


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Maakt ICT ons nou knapper of juist dommer? In amper twintig jaar is het maatschappelijk leven voor een groot deel verplaatst naar de virtuele ruimte. Alles en iedereen wordt digitaal met elkaar verbonden. Wat is de invloed van al die nieuwe technologie op ons begrip van de wereld, op ons gedrag, op onze cultuur? Wat betekent het voor het onderwijs? Deze sessie bespreekt de rol van media voor onze cognitieve ontwikkeling. Daartoe worden de ervaringen met oude media zoals geschreven tekst, radio en TV gekoppeld aan de wereld van Twitter, Apple, Facebook en Google, en wordt de blik gericht op wat ons nog te wachten staat.


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Games voor onderwijs en training worden een serieuze zaak. Marktprognoses melden een jaarlijkse groei van 18% tot een wereldwijd volume van meer dan 5 miljard Euro in 2020. Games bieden leerlingen een virtuele praktijk, waarin ze actief kunnen oefenen. Studietaken worden levensechte uitdagingen die tot indringende leerervaringen leiden. Dat schept nieuwe mogelijkheden juist in het MBO, waar praktische ervaring vaak belangrijker is dan theoretische kennis. Deze sessie geeft een snelle update over serious games. Diverse game-mechanismen worden besproken aan de hand van actuele voorbeelden.


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The RAGE Exploitation Plan is a living document, to be upgraded along the project lifecycle, supporting RAGE partners in defining how the results of the RAGE RIA will be used both in commercial and non-comercial settings. The Exploitation Plan covers the entire process from the definition of the business case for the RAGE Ecosystem to the creation of the sustainability conditions for its real-world operation beyond the H2020 project co-funding period. The Exploitation Plan will be published in three incremental versions, due at months 18, 36 and 42 of the project lifetime. This early stage version 1 of 3 is mainly devoted to: i. Setting-up the structure and the initial building blocks to be populated and completed in the future editions of the Exploitation Plan and to ii. providing additional guidance for market intelligence gathering, business modelling definition and validation, outreach and industry engagement and ultimately providing insights for the development, validation and evaluation of RAGE results across the project´s workplan execution. These tasks will in turn render suitable inputs to enhance the two future editions of the Exploitation Plan.


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This deliverable (D1.4) is an intermediate document, expressly included to inform the first project review about RAGE’s methodology of software asset creation and management. The final version of the methodology description (D1.1) will be delivered in Month 29. The document explains how the RAGE project defines, develops, distributes and maintains a series of applied gaming software assets that it aims to make available. It describes a high-level methodology and infrastructure that are needed to support the work in the project as well as after the project has ended.


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The presentation explains the approach of the RAGE project. It presents three examples of RAGE software components and how these can be easily reused for applied game development.


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This presentation explains how RAGE develops reusable game technology components and provides examples of their application.


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Software assets are key output of the RAGE project and they can be used by applied game developers to enhance the pedagogical and educational value of their games. These software assets cover a broad spectrum of functionalities – from player analytics including emotion detection to intelligent adaptation and social gamification. In order to facilitate integration and interoperability, all of these assets adhere to a common model, which describes their properties through a set of metadata. In this paper the RAGE asset model and asset metadata model is presented, capturing the detail of assets and their potential usage within three distinct dimensions – technological, gaming and pedagogical. The paper highlights key issues and challenges in constructing the RAGE asset and asset metadata model and details the process and design of a flexible metadata editor that facilitates both adaptation and improvement of the asset metadata model.