854 resultados para Relatórios da prática de ensino supervisionada - 2013


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La théorie des opérations prédicatives et énonciatives de A. Culioli ne porte pas en elle une conception prête à l’emploi de l’enseignement des langues. Ce texte se propose de faire le pont entre cette théorie et les questions d’enseignement. Il construit surtout une réflexion sur les concepts d’activité ou de pratique au sein de l’enseignement des langues maternelles en se basant sur l’activité épilinguistique. Nous souhaitons, en outre, mettre en débat la division qui existe dans l’enseignement des langues entre activité physique et activité mentale.


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Este trabajo es parte de una investigación todavía en curso y objetiva observar cómo alumnos brasileños de la carrera de Letras - portugués y español - organizan y ponen en práctica la enseñanza del portugués a parejas hispanohablantes, en el contexto Teletandem. Buscamos comprender cómo/si son planificados los contenidos de LP que enseñan y el impacto de las prácticas de Teletandem a la formación de esos profesores de idiomas. Esta investigación es basada en la metodología cualitativa crítica, más específicamente en la visión de Carspecken. Los datos obtenidos hasta ahora muestran que, debido a la proximidad de las lenguas, este contexto de aprendizaje virtual requiere la presencia de un mediador que les señale a los aprendices aspectos lingüísticos y culturales que deben ser considerados.


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This papaer's main objective is to discuss partial data collected for an ongoing reserch wich aims at investigating the pedagogical pratice (re) construction process in Teaching Pratice as part of a pre-service teacher education course.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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This paper seeks to understand the importance of Pibid (Institutional Scholarship Program for Teacher Initiation) in initial formation, more specifically in the pedagogue's formation. The interest for research was motivated by my inclusion in this program, through the interdisciplinary subproject called University and school thinking of interdisciplinary teacher formation: research, reflection and action in which I participated from August 2011 to December 2013. I developed a qualitative survey of bibliographic character, which aims to analyze the theoretical productions in the field of education and that has the focus the Pibid's contribution as well as its potential. For this purpose, I considered the articles located in the Annals of the XVI ENDIPE (National Meeting of Didactic and Teaching Practice) in 2012, in all its themes (Educational policies and impacts at school and in the classroom, Policies of initial formation and continuing formation of teachers and Didactics and teaching practices in contemporary school reality: findings, analysis and propositions). I believe that the research can contribute to rethink the initial formation practices by providing subsidies to the graduated on the teaching career, raising the quality of basic education


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The investigative practice as science teaching activity is recognized as an alternative to the learning improvement of science, becoming a perspective of work for teachers. This article arose from a study about the teachers formation process in the scope of investigative practices, conducted with trainee teachers of the Science Club of the Federal University of Pará - UFPA and students of basic education in public schools in Belém city, in order to discuss the theoretical-practical relationship in the planning of an investigative activity. In this process, some episodes indicate the necessity of such relationship, because in its absence the planning process shows itself to be questionable. Our analysis shows the importance of considering the theoretical context to conceive the planning and decisions regarding the conduction of the investigative practices, and oriented to a theoretical or practical goal.


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Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The theme of the writing learning in childhood education has conquered space in academic works, which occupy in analyze and understand how this process in contexts of meaning and not more before the mechanics of learning letters. Thus, in this work, it constitutes general objective to investigate whether and how the practice of teaching of oral and written expression in the last year of child education promotes the development of the symbol (sign) in children, so necessary to the learning of writing from inside to outside. The questions that served as the North for the study were the following: the teaching of writing, in the last year of child education, is organized to promote the development of the symbol (sign) in children? Which and how the ratings graphics made by children demarcate the stage of development of their writing? For its implementation, a bibliographic research was performed, using as a theoretical support for the prospect of Psychology socio-historical, especially authors as Vygotsky (1984), Luria (2001), Oliveira (1995) and Mello (2005). In addition to this was performed the empirical research of qualitative approach, according to his purpose. The data were collected by six instruments: systematic observation and direct in the classroom; audio-recording; records in a field diary, annual teaching plan of the school; lesson plan weekly and material produced by children, result of write activities. By means of the analysis of these data, we note that the writing has been worked from outside to inside, as an imposition, practice that opposes the theory of Vygotsky, already that the writing has been tackled in a way mechanical, in contexts not significant, with focused practices to the trace of the letters and copy of words, exclusive to the notion of symbol. This result points to the emergence of changes in education of writing in childhood education, without which becomes inglorious the search for a pedagogy of writing aware and...


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OBJETIVO: Apresentar a experiência de uma instituição brasileira no ensino da Reumatologia na graduação médica, cujo projeto pedagógico é estruturado em metodologias ativas de aprendizado. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa dos conteúdos referentes à Reumatologia no curso de Medicina do Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará (Cesupa). RESULTADOS: O sistema musculoesquelético é abordado no segundo e sétimo semestres, nos módulos referentes ao sistema locomotor e Clínica Médica II, respectivamente, sendo que cada etapa e cada atividade apresentam objetivos específicos mínimos. Além do conteúdo teórico, no sétimo semestre, os alunos realizam atendimentos no ambulatório de Reumatologia, quando existe maior ênfase na elaboração correta de anamnese e exame físico. No internato, os alunos retornam ao ambulatório de Reumatologia e, neste momento, as habilidades de diagnóstico, de investigação e de terapêutica são as mais exigidas. CONCLUSÃO: Ainda há muito para evoluir em busca de um modelo ideal para o ensino da Reumatologia, porém, cumprindo as principais recomendações disponíveis para a boa prática do ensino na graduação, podemos proporcionar ao futuro médico conhecimento, habilidade e experiências capazes de ajudá-lo na condução desses pacientes.


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The theme of the writing learning in childhood education has conquered space in academic works, which occupy in analyze and understand how this process in contexts of meaning and not more before the mechanics of learning letters. Thus, in this work, it constitutes general objective to investigate whether and how the practice of teaching of oral and written expression in the last year of child education promotes the development of the symbol (sign) in children, so necessary to the learning of writing from inside to outside. The questions that served as the North for the study were the following: the teaching of writing, in the last year of child education, is organized to promote the development of the symbol (sign) in children? Which and how the ratings graphics made by children demarcate the stage of development of their writing? For its implementation, a bibliographic research was performed, using as a theoretical support for the prospect of Psychology socio-historical, especially authors as Vygotsky (1984), Luria (2001), Oliveira (1995) and Mello (2005). In addition to this was performed the empirical research of qualitative approach, according to his purpose. The data were collected by six instruments: systematic observation and direct in the classroom; audio-recording; records in a field diary, annual teaching plan of the school; lesson plan weekly and material produced by children, result of write activities. By means of the analysis of these data, we note that the writing has been worked from outside to inside, as an imposition, practice that opposes the theory of Vygotsky, already that the writing has been tackled in a way mechanical, in contexts not significant, with focused practices to the trace of the letters and copy of words, exclusive to the notion of symbol. This result points to the emergence of changes in education of writing in childhood education, without which becomes inglorious the search for a pedagogy of writing aware and...


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo interpretar o tema da educação em alguns escritos de Rousseau. À luz da bibliografia sobre o tema, a análise centra-se no modo pelo qual Rousseau compreende a educação especialmente no Projeto para a educação do Senhor de Sainte-Marie, escrito no início dos anos 40 do século XVIII, a propósito do ofício de preceptor desempenhado pelo filósofo em 1740. Nesse sentido, compreende-se que, no referido escrito, Rousseau estabelece comentários e apreciações críticas acerca das práticas de ensino vigentes, fazendo recomendações e traçando sugestões pedagógicas para a educação das crianças. Tratava-se, no caso, de uma prática de ensino doméstico. Procurou-se confrontar essa perspectiva com as propostas expostas por Rousseau relativamente ao ensino público. Para tanto, interpretaram-se preliminarmente os aspectos educacionais contidos no verbete que, em 1755, Rousseau escreve para a Enciclopédia francesa sob o título Economia (moral e política). Buscou-se também identificar o tema da educação em Considerações sobre o governo da Polônia, texto escrito em 1771.


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O artigo objetiva colocar em causa a razão imanente entre as práticas educacionais atuais e o âmbito da governamentalidade, por meio da problematização dos processos de pedagogização aí levados a cabo. Mais especificamente, visa analisar o jogo do expert como modalidade privilegiada do governamento docente na atualidade. Para tanto, toma como objeto empírico entrevistas concedidas por especialistas à revista Nova Escola entre 2005 e 2009. A discussão indica uma espécie de saturação pedagogizante do campo escolar, sempre com vistas a um (auto)governamento flexível, porém obstinado, das condutas docentes, operando a reboque da autoridade indefectível do expert, da lógica da desqualificação/requalificação profissional e da apologia da formação permanente, as quais, somadas, redundarão numa acirrada pedagogização do pedagógico