845 resultados para Alcohol-consumption


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Aim: To evaluate the association between oral health status, socio-demographic and behavioral factors with the pattern of maturity of normal epithelial oral mucosa. Methods: Exfoliative cytology specimens were collected from 117 men from the border of the tongue and floor of the mouth on opposite sides. Cells were stained with the Papanicolaou method and classified into: anucleated, superficial cells with nuclei, intermediate and parabasal cells. Quantification was made by selecting the first 100 cells in each glass slide. Sociodemographic and behavioral variables were collected from a structured questionnaire. Oral health was analyzed by clinical examination, recording decayed, missing and filled teeth index (DMFT) and use of prostheses. Multivariable linear regression models were applied. Results: No significant differences for all studied variables influenced the pattern of maturation of the oral mucosa except for alcohol consumption. There was an increase of cell surface layers of the epithelium with the chronic use of alcohol. Conclusions: It is appropriate to use Papanicolaou cytopathological technique to analyze the maturation pattern of exposed subjects, with a strong recommendation for those who use alcohol - a risk factor for oral cancer, in which a change in the proportion of cell types is easily detected.


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Cancer is a major cause of death in Australia and there is considerable interest in the role health education in hospital settings has in reducing this burden. Based on a survey of medical superintendents and other hospital staff, this article describes the cancer control activities routinely conducted in Australian public hospitals. The survey considered cigarette smoking, alcohol, diet and nutrition, exercise, and the early detection of skin cancer, cervical cancer, and breast cancer. Overall 112 medical superintendents (93%) participated and a further 163 hospital staff members provided additional details. Not unexpectedly, the survey confirmed the very low level of activity and identified a number of specific issues that need to be addressed in order to enhance cancer control activities in public hospitals. Given the relatively higher level of activity, and the prominence of cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption as health issues, one approach might be to initially concentrate on these areas when they are related to the patient's condition. Article in International Quarterly of Community Health Education 15(3):229-40 · January 1994


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There is a growing societal need to address the increasing prevalence of behavioral health issues, such as obesity, alcohol or drug use, and general lack of treatment adherence for a variety of health problems. The statistics, worldwide and in the USA, are daunting. Excessive alcohol use is the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States (with 79,000 deaths annually), and is responsible for a wide range of health and social problems. On the positive side though, these behavioral health issues (and associated possible diseases) can often be prevented with relatively simple lifestyle changes, such as losing weight with a diet and/or physical exercise, or learning how to reduce alcohol consumption. Medicine has therefore started to move toward finding ways of preventively promoting wellness, rather than solely treating already established illness.^ Evidence-based patient-centered Brief Motivational Interviewing (BMI) interventions have been found particularly effective in helping people find intrinsic motivation to change problem behaviors after short counseling sessions, and to maintain healthy lifestyles over the long-term. Lack of locally available personnel well-trained in BMI, however, often limits access to successful interventions for people in need. To fill this accessibility gap, Computer-Based Interventions (CBIs) have started to emerge. Success of the CBIs, however, critically relies on insuring engagement and retention of CBI users so that they remain motivated to use these systems and come back to use them over the long term as necessary.^ Because of their text-only interfaces, current CBIs can therefore only express limited empathy and rapport, which are the most important factors of health interventions. Fortunately, in the last decade, computer science research has progressed in the design of simulated human characters with anthropomorphic communicative abilities. Virtual characters interact using humans’ innate communication modalities, such as facial expressions, body language, speech, and natural language understanding. By advancing research in Artificial Intelligence (AI), we can improve the ability of artificial agents to help us solve CBI problems.^ To facilitate successful communication and social interaction between artificial agents and human partners, it is essential that aspects of human social behavior, especially empathy and rapport, be considered when designing human-computer interfaces. Hence, the goal of the present dissertation is to provide a computational model of rapport to enhance an artificial agent’s social behavior, and to provide an experimental tool for the psychological theories shaping the model. Parts of this thesis were already published in [LYL+12, AYL12, AL13, ALYR13, LAYR13, YALR13, ALY14].^


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Background: It has been argued that the alcohol industry uses corporate social responsibility activities to influence policy and undermine public health, and that every opportunity should be taken to scrutinise such activities. This study analyses a controversial Diageo-funded ‘responsible drinking’ campaign (“Stop out of Control Drinking”, or SOOCD) in Ireland. The study aims to identify how the campaign and its advisory board members frame and define (i) alcohol-related harms, and their causes, and (ii) possible solutions. Methods: Documentary analysis of SOOCD campaign material. This includes newspaper articles (n = 9), media interviews (n = 11), Facebook posts (n = 92), and Tweets (n = 340) produced by the campaign and by board members. All material was coded inductively, and a thematic analysis undertaken, with codes aggregated into sub-themes. Results: The SOOCD campaign utilises vague or self-defined concepts of ‘out of control’ and ‘moderate’ drinking, tending to present alcohol problems as behavioural rather than health issues. These are also unquantified with respect to actual drinking levels. It emphasises alcohol-related antisocial behaviour among young people, particularly young women. In discussing solutions to alcohol-related problems, it focuses on public opinion rather than on scientific evidence, and on educational approaches and information provision, misrepresenting these as effective. “Moderate drinking” is presented as a behavioural issue (“negative drinking behaviours”), rather than as a health issue. Conclusions: The ‘Stop Out of Control Drinking’ campaign frames alcohol problems and solutions in ways unfavourable to public health, and closely reflects other Diageo Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity, as well as alcohol and tobacco industry strategies more generally. This framing, and in particular the framing of alcohol harms as a behavioural issue, with the implication that consumption should be guided only by self-defined limits, may not have been recognised by all board members. It suggests a need for awareness-raising efforts among the public, third sector and policymakers about alcohol industry strategies


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Objective: Information on factors associated with suicide among young individuals in Ireland is limited. The aim of this study was to identify socio-demographic characteristics and circumstances of death associated with age among individuals who died by suicide. Methods: The study examined 121 consecutive suicides (2007–2012) occurring in the southern eastern part of Ireland (Cork city and county). Data were obtained from coroners, family informants, and health care professionals. A comparison was made between 15-24-year-old and 25-34-year-old individuals. Socio-demographic characteristics of the deceased, methods of suicide, history of alcohol and drug abuse, and findings from toxicological analysis of blood and urine samples taken at post mortem were included. Pearson’s χ2 tests and binary logistic regression analysis were performed. Results: Alcohol and/or drugs were detected through toxicological analysis for the majority of the total sample (79.5%), which did not differentiate between 15-24-year-old and 25-34-year-old individuals (74.1% and 86.2% respectively). Compared to 25-34-year-old individuals, 15-24-year-old individuals were more likely to engage in suicide by hanging (88.5%). Younger individuals were less likely to die by intentional drug overdose and carbon monoxide poisoning compared to older individuals. Younger individuals who died between Saturday and Monday were more likely to have had alcohol before dying. Substance abuse histories were similar in the two age groups. Conclusion: Based on this research it is recommended that strategies to reduce substance abuse be applied among 25-34-year-old individuals at risk of suicide. The wide use of hanging in young people should be taken into consideration for future means restriction strategies.


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Självskattad hälsa beskriver personens subjektiva uppfattning av sin hälsa. En lågt självskattad hälsa har samband med ökad framtida dödlighet. Ett starkt välbefinnande är enligt Katie Erikssons dimensioner av hälsa, förutsättningen för att hälsan ska skattas som bra. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva eventuella skillnader i självskattad hälsa sett till olika levnadsvanor hos 40-åriga kvinnor och män. Metod: Enkätsvar från totalt 1144 40-åriga kvinnor och män har använts. Enkäterna genomfördes under 2014 på 55 vårdcentraler i två regioner i södra Sverige. Levnadsvanor som valdes till denna studie var fysisk aktivitet, grönsaks- och frukostvanor, alkoholintag, rökning, sysselsättning, sömn och stress. Självskattad hälsa kategoriserades som bra (”mycket bra” och ”bra”) och dålig (”någorlunda”, ”dålig” och ”mycket dålig”). För att studera skillnader användes Student T-test på parametrisk data och Chi-två på icke parametrisk data. Resultat: De levnadsvanor som var vanligare förekommande hos de med bra självskattad hälsa var ansträngande/hård motion, låg nivå av stress och att vara i arbete (p<.001). Att inte röka hos män och att äta frukost och grönsaker hos kvinnor var också vanligare förekommande hos de med bra självskattad hälsa. Lågt intag av alkohol visade inte på några skillnader.  Slutsats: För att minska risken för framtida sjuklighet är det viktigt för distriktssköterskor, samt flera andra samhällsinsatser, att försöka påverka och uppmuntra hög fysisk aktivitet och minskad stress.


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Introducción: El cáncer colorrectal es una patología con alto impacto en la salud pública, debido a su prevalencia, incidencia, severidad, costo e impacto en la salud mental y física del individuo y la familia. Ensayos clínicos realizados en pacientes con antecedente de infarto al miocardio que consumían ácido acetil salicílico (asa), calcio con y sin vitamina D, mostraron asociación entre el consumo de estos medicamentos y disminución en la incidencia en cáncer colorrectal y pólipos adenomatosos. Objetivo: Evaluar la literatura sobre el uso de asa, calcio con y sin vitamina D con relación a su impacto en la prevención del cáncer colorrectal y pólipos adenomatosos. Métodos: Se realizó revisión sistemática buscando ensayos clínicos realizados en pacientes con factores de riesgo para cáncer colorrectal y pólipos adenomatosos que usaron asa, calcio con y sin vitamina D fueron incluidos. Resultados: se escogieron 105 para la revisión sistemática. Conclusiones: Es necesario desarrollar más estudios que lleven a evaluar el efecto protector de la aspirina, calcio y vitamina D. En los artículos revisados la aspirina a dosis de 81 a 325 mg día se correlaciona con reducción de riesgo de aparición de CRC aunque la dosis ideal, el tiempo de inicio y la duración de la ingesta continua no son claros. Hacen falta estudios que comparen poblaciones con ingesta de asa a diferentes dosis.


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Objetivo: Establecer la relación entre la exposición ocupacional a altas temperaturas o sobrecarga térmica con el comportamiento fisiológico, metabólico y electrocardiográfico. Métodos: estudio de corte transversal, donde se incluyeron dos grupos (expuesto y no expuesto a altas temperaturas) en una empresa minera, en el departamento de Boyacá, Colombia, en el año 2016. El número de participantes fue de 160 trabajadores del género masculino, grupo expuesto (n=86) y grupo no expuesto (n=74). La exposición ocupacional a sobrecarga térmica se evaluó con el índice de temperatura de globo y bulbo húmedo (TGBH), el comportamiento fisiológico con el índice de costo cardiaco relativo (ICCR) con mediciones de frecuencia cardiaca (FC), el comportamiento metabólico con la determinación del colesterol total (CT), colesterol de alta densidad (C-HDL), colesterol de baja densidad (C-LDL), triglicéridos (TG) y glicemia basal (GL). Las alteraciones electrocardiográficas con la toma de Electrocardiograma de 12 derivaciones. También fueron evaluadas variables antropométricas, tensión arterial, hábitos y antecedentes de enfermedad cardiovascular en ambos grupos. Resultados: incrementos significativos del ICCR (p<0.001) y la carga física (p<0.001) fueron encontrados en los trabajadores expuestos a altas temperaturas. Los índices lipídicos y glicemia, así como los antecedentes personales cardiovasculares, IMC, consumo de cigarrillo y consumo de alcohol, no mostraron significancia. El antecedente familiar de ACV (p=0.043) y el EKG alterado (p=0.011) mostraron una asociación significativa con la exposición a altas temperaturas. El modelo de regresión lineal múltiple explicó la relación entre el incremento del ICCR y la exposición a altas temperaturas (β=4,213, IC 95%: 1.57,6.85) ajustado por variables fisiológicas y electrocardiográficas. Conclusiones: La exposición ocupacional a altas temperaturas, presenta asociación con las alteraciones cardiovasculares a nivel fisiológico y electrocardiográfico, aumentando el ICCR y la carga física de trabajo (GE trabajo).


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INTRODUCCIÓN: Todos los individuos dentro de una sociedad tienen derecho a disfrutar de una integridad física, mental y de sus bienes materiales, que en principio debe ser garantizada por el Estado, sin embargo, debido a la ineficacia y falta de alcance en la disponibilidad de hombres y mujeres para cuidar a cada persona y empresa, la Seguridad Privada ha surgido como actividad económica para garantizar éste servicio de manera individualizada. No obstante a ello, poco se sabe acerca de las características de las personas que desempeñan ésta labor, así como las demandas inherentes a ésta actividad económica; sin embargo, en poblaciones económicamente similares, se documenta a través de la literatura la aparente relación entre la condición física del individuo y la presentación de accidentes de trabajo. OBJETIVO: Establecer la relación entre los accidentes de trabajo y el índice de masa corporal (IMC) en vigilantes atendidos en una I.P.S. de Salud Ocupacional en la ciudad de Bogotá-Colombia, durante el año 2015. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se llevó a cabo un estudio de corte transversal, con datos secundarios de una base de datos de 76 registros, procedentes de las historias clínicas médico ocupacionales realizadas a una población de trabajadores del sector de la Vigilancia o Seguridad Privada, durante su atención en una Institución Prestadora de Salud (I.P.S.) de Salud Ocupacional. Se incluyeron variables sociodemográficas, ocupacionales, las relacionadas con los accidentes de trabajo y el índice de masa corporal. Se obtuvieron las frecuencias univariadas y para las variables de tipo cuantitativo, medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, además de buscar potenciales asociaciones estadísticas, para conocer las variables que se relacionan con el evento estudiado. RESULTADOS: En éste proyecto se destaca que de los trabajadores que desempeñan la actividad económica de Vigilancia y Seguridad Privada, se encuentran en el grupo de 20 a 39 años (56.5%) y pertenecen al género masculino (84.2%); dichos factores contribuyen a la ocurrencia de los accidentes de trabajo (OR de 1.7 y 2.0 respectivamente). Además el I.M.C. de sobrepeso (OR 1.8), la obesidad (OR 1.4); y en sí el cargo de Vigilante concurren a la accidentalidad laboral (OR de 1.1) y con ello al incremento de incapacidad laboral en un 85.5% de 0 a 60 días. CONCLUSIONES: Se deben establecer medidas encaminadas al emprendimiento de sistemas de vigilancia epidemiológica que mitiguen y minimicen el riesgo, con ello la presencia de eventos no deseados en el ámbito laboral para ésta población y la disminución del ausentismo laboral.


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El propósito de este estudio es realizar un estado del arte sobre estrés laboral entre los años 2005 y 2016 utilizando artículos publicados en las bases de datos Ebsco, Apa-Psychnet, Proquest, Psycodoc, Pubmed, Redalyc y Scielo las cuales están abaladas por la Universidad del Rosario. Se hallaron en total 2674 artículos utilizando 6 palabras claves como criterios de búsqueda los cuales fueron Estrés Laboral, Estrés ocupacional, Estrés en el Trabajo, Job Stress, Work Stress y Occupational Stress. El instrumento de recolección de información fue una ficha bibliográfica modificada la cual permitió sistematizar los datos de los artículos encontrados en diferentes dimensiones para así poder utilizar los artículos encontrados como unidades de análisis para la investigación. El análisis de los artículos arrojó una diferencia significativa entre el volumen de publicaciones hechas en español versus las hechas en inglés tanto de artículos empíricos como teóricos. También se encontraron indicadores que permiten ver como el estudio del estrés laboral ha aumentado desde el año 2012 hasta la actualidad, siendo este el lapso en el cual el 59% de los artículos han sido arbitrados y subidos a las diferentes bases de datos.


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There has been an increase in the incidence of carcinoma of the tongue, particularly among alcohol and tobacco non-users. However, the number of studies that would allow a better understanding of etiological factors and clinical features, particularly in the Portuguese population, is very limited. This study was based on patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the anterior two thirds of the tongue that were treated at the Department of Head and Neck Surgery of the ¿Instituto Portugues de Oncologia de Lisboa - Francisco Gentil" IPOLFG) in Lisbon, Portugal, between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2009. The patients were divided in alcohol and tobacco users and non-users in order to evaluate the differences between these 2 groups based on gender, age, tumor location, denture use, and tumor size, metastasis and stage. Of the 354 cases, 208 were users and 146 were non-users. The main location in both groups was the lateral border of the tongue. Denture use showed no significant effect in both study groups. It was possible to conclude that patients who did not drink or smoke were older and presented with smaller tumor size, lower incidence of ganglion metastasis and lower tumor stage compared with alcohol and tobacco users.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)