956 resultados para private property


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El documento muestra la sólida influencia de la corriente doctrinal del profesor francés León Duguit (1859 – 1928), en la reforma constitucional colombiana de 1936, desde tres perspectivas: El sistema jurídico, la función social de la propiedad y los servicios públicos. Para el primer tercio del siglo XX, en Colombia, al igual que sucedía en Norteamérica y los países europeos que encauzaban nuestra tradición jurídica, las tesis individualistas sobre el modelo de Estado y el derecho, habían envejecido, y se planteaban nuevas interpretaciones del sistema jurídico imperante y del papel del Estado en la sociedad, en Colombia, el francés, León Duguit secundaría de manera decisiva, aunque no exclusiva, tal proceso.


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Analizar el fenómeno de la responsabilidad del Estado causada por los hechos del legislador ha sido un trabajo desarrollado tanto por la doctrina como por la jurisprudencia internacional a mediados del siglo xx. En Francia, por ejemplo, se presentó el primer antecedente jurisprudencial en el año de 1934. En España, su estudio empezó a gestionarse con la promulgación de la Constitución de 1978, dándose el primer fallo judicial en elaño de 1993. Para el caso colombiano, la Constitución de 1991 introdujo en su artículo 90 el fundamento constitucional de la responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado, sin que esto significase que la jurisprudencia del Consejo de Estado encontrase las bases de esta responsabilidad en diferentes disposiciones de la Constitución de 1886, tales como los artículos 2º, 16 y 30, que consagró el principio de legalidad del Estado para proteger la vida, honra y bienes de los ciudadanos, y garantizar la propiedad privada y los demás derechos adquiridos con el título de derecho. Sin embargo, los primeros fallos relacionados con este título de imputación en Colombia fueron emitidos por el máximo Tribunal de lo Contencioso Administrativo colombiano en el año de 1998 y por la Corte Constitucional a través de la Sentencia C-038 de 2006, providencia judicial que estableció algunas de las características que posee esta figura jurídica.


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The aim of this work is to recover Henri Lefèbvre's methodological contributions for (re)thinking the right to the city, based on the need to know the appropriation of space´s dialectical triad. Empirically, it refers to the urban genesis of Mar del Plata (Argentina), an intermediate Latin American city, and its heterogeneous socio-territorial forms of appropriating inhabitance, or different forms of appropriating goods of use, that lead to think about opening to the transformation of the capitalist social order, and of its urban order, naturalized after the fetischism of private property.


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El interés que presenta esta investigación es analizar la manera en que la inversión española influye en la economía cubana para generar en la isla perspectivas de transición económica desde 1991. Se explica la situación de expectativa en relación con la posible transición económica cubana por las reformas legislativas, los lazos económicos generados con nuevos socios y la reentrada en escena de la propiedad privada en el entorno cubano. No obstante, el embargo económico estadounidense, la persistencia del régimen castrista, su aparente falta de voluntad hacia el cambio y la no ejecución de algunas decisiones de la Asamblea Nacional actúan como obstáculos para dicho proceso de transición. La metodología de investigación es de tipo descriptivo-analítico, en donde se emplean conceptos de relaciones internacionales para alcanzar un mayor grado de comprensión.


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El presente trabajo pretende hacer una revisión de la bibliografía latinoamericana con respecto al concepto de propiedad del suelo urbano. Se explica primero el itinerario del concepto a través de la historia, rescatando los puntos más importantes del debate y las particularidades que cada contexto aportó a la formación del concepto actual, para ahondar después en el análisis de la situación del debate en el contexto latinoamericano desde 1990, explicando los puntos de discusión y las posiciones de los autores con respecto a los mismos, para después intentar intuir el devenir futuro del concepto en nuestro continente. En este trabajo se encontró que las problemáticas particulares de las ciudades latinoamericanas tienen una influencia importante en el devenir de la discusión proporcionándole un enfoque diferente en el tratamiento del concepto.


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El artículo se propone escrutar, a la luz del caso argentino, la concepción de propiedad privada subyacente en las respuestas de las instituciones internacionales de arbitraje en el marco de las controversias entre Estados e inversores transnacionales. Se entiende que el análisis del caso argentino puede echar luz en la materia al tratarse del país con mayor número de demandas en su contra.


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The contents of this article analyze the right to private property after the decision of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the case “Salvador Chiriboga vs. Ecuador”. The author´s concern is the fact that this case represents the most expensive sentence inside the Inter-American protection system due to the violation of the right to private property (art. 21.2 AC); judicial guarantees (art. 8.1 AC) and judicial protection (art. 25.1 CA). This subject has special relevance since Ecuador is facing a judicial reform process and it is necessary to consider that the diffusion of this decision among judges could prevent the commission of the same mistakes; specially, those related to denial of justice as it occurred in the present case study.


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This paper follows the report on the “Quality of Urban Design: Study of the Influence of Private Property Decision Maker in Urban Design” (RICS 1996). It focuses on one of the findings in the report, namely that decisions made in development, investment and occupation seemed overly influenced by short term considerations. In this paper, the authors review the Report and examine the concept of short termism as it affects urban design decisions. The paper concludes that although it is difficult to establish whether or not short termism exists in many decisions, there are grounds for believing that a priori short termism might particularly influence property orientated decisions. The paper ends with some implications for policy both at the economy and local level.


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In countries that have experienced rapid economic development, the need to establish more efficient markets in which private property can be constructed has induced some innovative solutions. One such solution is the phenomenon of a pre-sales market of the kind that can be observed in Taiwan, Korea, and more recently in China. Developers sell their property before building is started in order to acquire financing for the development companies. This paper discusses the process and, by recognising the analogy between the pre-sales market and forwards markets, analyses the implications for developers


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The reduction of loss of lives and assets during bushfire is one of the primary aims or lire management agencies. Traditional fire mitigation strategies include strategic fire hreaks, static water points, management of ignition sources, rapid detection and local response, air attack, and fuel reduction burning. There have been few quantitative studies that assess the success or these strategies. We need to promote 'new' strategies more focused on human hehaviour and community preparedness.
DeJcndable space provides our best strategy for reducing losses during major bushfires. The size or the defendable space depends on the type of house to be defended, who is defending it, and the spatial context of the property. In the urban fi'inge, remnant vegetation on private property often has
high conservation values, and application of traditional mitigation strategies, as well as the vegetation modification required to achieve defendable space, may have significant impacts on conservation and biodiversity values.


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The recent re-conceptualization of 'mass private property' as one form of 'communal spaces' raises a series of questions concerning policing and security in these domains. This paper applies the concept of 'communal spaces' to an analysis of policing in 'major event venues.' We assess the character of policing in these communal spaces by drawing upon interviews conducted with policing—private and public—personnel operating in major event venues. The paper identifies different perspectives on the nature of policing in these communal spaces and tension between public and private police personnel concerning their respective roles and responsibilities. We conclude by raising issues concerning the implications for the 'public good' in policing at major event venues.


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This article presents an analysis of certain ways of thinking about law and its relationship to the poor, in particular the rights and entitlements of the poor to the basic necessities of life and the obligations of society to provide those necessities. It focuses on the works of Peter the Chanter and his “circle” at Paris in the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries. Significant in their writings on the quandary between respect for private property and the need to allow those in need to take a share of this private property in order to survive is their negotiation of the intellectual boundaries and understandings between law, theology, and morality. In addition, an understanding of their discussions in light of canonistic and theological works of the time reveal a hitherto under-appreciated contribution to the “subjective rights” language in Peter the Chanter.


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This academic work describes the interfirm technological learning processes behavior at a thermo plant throughout the years 2001 till 2007. Its former ownership structure was composed by two foreigners companies. This structure was changed by the acquisition of the company control by a Brazilian state owned company on April 2006. The company is a Natural Gas Fired Power Plant placed at Macaé City, at Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil generating electric power right to National Integrated System (SIN). The goal of this research is verify how the technological knowledge had been acquired by the firm and how it had been spread out throughout the organization before and after the change of the ownership structure. The taxonomy applied to determining of ownership structure take in account three parameters: type, specific characteristic and the ownership structure itself. Technological Learning Interfirm Processes have been examined from a model of systemic approach that establishes four key characteristics: ¿variety, intensity, functioning and interaction¿. During 2001 until 2006, till the change of owner structure, the firm developed its own learning processes in its own operational routines. The main learning processes have been identified from empirical evidences. It has been adopted the cut line at year of 2006 for the comparison among the technological learning processes behavior, when the change of ownership structure took place. The data capture occurred within April and August 2007 covering since 2001. Verified the behavior of these learning processes before and after the ownership structure changed from private property to state owned property. The conclusion of this case study suggests that interfirm processes of technological learning identified by the research had their dynamical behavior promptly affected by a change from private to ownerstate ownership structure, exposing the company to a poor performance in its industry, due to the lack of 51% of the technological intrafirm learning processes and reduction of the acquisition of new technical knowledge and its conversion throughout the organization.


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The objective of this paper is to try to understand the Brazilian’s Courts role in the implementation of the Right to Housing. In order to do that, I analyzed three lawsuits (Favela Olga Benario, Favela Fiat/Vila Esperança and Pinheirinho I) in which the Right to Housing collide with the Right to Private Property. I claim that in spite of the adoption of the Social Function of the Ownership Principle and the formal inclusion of the Right to Housing among social rights protected by the Constitution, Brazilians Courts adopt a very conservative conception of the Right to Private Property and because of that, they tend not to enforce the Right to Housing.


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Esta dissertação busca investigar as consequências jurídicas das expropriações normativas. Trata-se de um ato regulatório, genérico e abstrato, que subtrai ou minimiza o direito de propriedade, do qual não decorre a transferência formal do domínio para Poder Público. A problemática tem lugar na medida em que essa ablação normativa é levada a efeito, sem o estabelecimento do devido processo legal expropriatório (previsto no art. 5º, inciso XXXIV, da Constituição da República – CRFB), o qual impõe o pagamento de uma prévia e justa indenização ao expropriado. Para este fim, será investigado se os institutos por meio dos quais o Estado intervém na propriedade privada (desapropriação, limitação administrativa, ocupação temporária, requisição administrativa, tombamento) dão conta desse fenômeno, ou se se trata de uma falha da regulação, que produz consequências jurídicas. Ao final, será apresentada uma proposta, de lege ferenda, de disciplina desse fenômeno