844 resultados para environmental sustainability indices


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One of humanity’s major challenges of the 21st century will be meeting future food demands on an increasingly resource constrained-planet. Global food production will have to rise by 70 percent between 2000 and 2050 to meet effective demand which poses major challenges to food production systems. Doing so without compromising environmental integrity is an even greater challenge. This study looks at the interdependencies between land and water resources, agricultural production and environmental outcomes in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), an area of growing importance in international agricultural markets. Special emphasis is given to the role of LAC’s agriculture for (a) global food security and (b) environmental sustainability. We use the International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT)—a global dynamic partial equilibrium model of the agricultural sector—to run different future production scenarios, and agricultural trade regimes out to 2050, and assess changes in related environmental indicators. Results indicate that further trade liberalization is crucial for improving food security globally, but that it would also lead to more environmental pressures in some regions across Latin America. Contrasting land expansion versus more intensified agriculture shows that productivity improvements are generally superior to agricultural land expansion, from an economic and environmental point of view. Finally, our analysis shows that there are trade-offs between environmental and food security goals for all agricultural development paths.


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This conceptual study explores ethnic identity development theory in order to argue that ethnic identity development education is a means of developing broad senses of community in the African Diaspora that expand beyond a tribal, local, familial level. This study suggests that the broadening of community understanding would contribute to establishing social sustainability on regional, national and international levels within the Pan African community. Establishing such social sustainability would have direct effects on the areas of economic and environmental sustainability. One of the goals of this project is to offer suggestions for ethnically relevant education that can develop social sustainability in several places throughout the Diaspora, such as in Nigeria where ethnic conflicts are a contemporary concern.


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Any movement towards sustainable tourism is dependent not only upon the industry and other key stakeholders but also the demand side, namely the tourists. Yet, there is a limited literature from the demand point of view. In this area, contributions to an understanding of tourists’ support to sustainable development are necessary. This paper analyzes the main determinants in tourist behavior regarding the environmental considerations when they are making decisions about their holiday plans. General literature on this issue highlights the need to consider socio-economic variables of the individual as well as the attributes related of their style of living. If the econometric model takes into account all these variables simultaneously, then the linkage between contextual changes and tourists´ behaviour is enriched and it may be estimated more accurately. In this sense, a multilevel approach using a random-intercept logistic models is proposed, since tourists belong to a country are affected by the same contextual variables. The analysis comprises a joint dataset composed by microdata belong to the survey Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tourism, which corresponds to Flash Eurobarometer 281, macrodata from Eurostat (GDP in pps and GDP growth) and additional variables profiles from the 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index. Country-specific effects are calculated across the EU-27 countries, which corroborated that attitudes to the sustainable tourism are heterogeneous geo-graphically. The higher the level of GDP, the lower the level of tourists´ support. These results could be explained because tourists of richer countries already have to pay more tax for envi-ronmental protection. Age, gender and educational attainment are relevant. Motivations for travelling, size of the community, type of the destination, and environmental sustainability indi-cators of the place of residence are also important factors.


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During the PhD program in chemistry at the University of Bologna, the environmental sustainability of some industrial processes was studied through the application of the LCA methodology. The efforts were focused on the study of processes under development, in order to assess their environmental impacts to guide their transfer on an industrial scale. Processes that could meet the principles of Green Chemistry have been selected and their environmental benefits have been evaluated through a holistic approach. The use of renewable sources was assessed through the study of terephthalic acid production from biomass (which showed that only the use of waste can provide an environmental benefit) and a new process for biogas upgrading (whose potential is to act as a carbon capture technology). Furthermore, the basis for the development of a new methodology for the prediction of the environmental impact of ionic liquids has been laid. It has already shown good qualities in identifying impact trends, but further research on it is needed to obtain a more reliable and usable model. In the context of sustainable development that will not only be sector-specific, the environmental performance of some processes linked to the primary production sector has also been evaluated. The impacts of some organic farming practices in the wine production were analysed, the use of the Cereal Unit parameter was proposed as a functional unit for the comparison of different crop rotations, and the carbon footprint of school canteen meals was calculated. The results of the analyses confirm that sustainability in the industrial production sector should be assessed from a life cycle perspective, in order to consider all the flows involved during the different phases. In particular, it is necessary that environmental assessments adopt a cradle-to-gate approach, to avoid shifting the environmental burden from one phase to another.


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The topic of environmental sustainability is generating increased concern among business executives, governments, consumers, and management scholars. As these stakeholders struggle with the challenges and opportunities presented by an array of environmental issues, HRM scholars and practitioners alike have been relatively slow to engage in the ongoing discussions and debates. Through this special issue on Green FIRM, we seek to stimulate the field of HRM to expand its role in the pursuit of environmentally sustainable business. In this introduction to the special issue, we first provide an overview of the articles that appear in the special issue. Next we present a detailed discussion of research questions that arise from a consideration of several functional HRM practices, including performance management; training, development, and learning; compensation and rewards; and organizational culture. We conclude by describing opportunities for research at the intersection of strategic HRM and environmental management. If pursued with vigor, research addressing this extensive agenda could begin to establish a healthy field of Green FIRM scholarship.


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The rhizosphere is an ecosystem exploited by a variety of organisms involved in plant health and environmental sustainability. Abiotic factors influence microorganism-plant interactions, but the microbial community is also affected by expression of heterologous genes from host plants. In the present work, we assessed the community shifts of Alphaproteobacteria phylogenetically related to the Rhizobiales order (Rhizobiales-like community) in rhizoplane and rhizosphere soils of wild-type and transgenic eucalyptus. A greenhouse experiment was performed and the bacterial communities associated with two wild-type (WT17 and WT18) and four transgenic (TR-9, TR-15, TR-22, and TR-23) eucalyptus plant lines were evaluated. The culture-independent approach consisted of the quantification, by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), of a targeted subset of Alphaproteobacteria and the assessment of its diversity using PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. Real-time quantification revealed a lesser density of the targeted community in TR-9 and TR-15 plants and diversity analysis by principal components analysis, based on PCR-DGGE, revealed differences between bacterial communities, not only between transgenic and nontransgenic plants, but also among wild-type plants. The comparison between clone libraries obtained from the transgenic plant TR-15 and wild-type WT17 revealed distinct bacterial communities associated with these plants. In addition, a culturable approach was used to quantify the Methylobacterium spp. in the samples where the identification of isolates, based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, showed similarities to the species Methylobacterium nodulans, Methylobacterium isbiliense, Methylobacterium variable, Methylobacterium fujisawaense, and Methylobacterium radiotolerans. Colonies classified into this genus were not isolated from the rhizosphere but brought in culture from rhizoplane samples, except for one line of the transgenic plants (TR-15). In general, the data suggested that, in most cases, shifts in bacterial communities due to cultivation of transgenic plants are similar to those observed when different wild-type cultivars are compared, although shifts directly correlated to transgenic plant cultivation may be found.


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In the quest for sustainability in affluent urban societies we could do much worse than to look again at what the garden suburb attempted to do. Brentham garden suburb in West London, which has recently celebrated its centenary, is a case in point.


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For centuries, hydraulic engineers were at the forefront of science. The last forty years marked a change of perception in our society with a focus on environmental sustainability and management, particularly in developed countries. Herein, the writer illustrates his strong belief that the future of hydraulic engineering lies upon a combination of innovative engineering, research excellence and higher education of quality. This drive continues a long tradition established by eminent scholars like Arthur Thomas IPPEN, John Fisher KENNEDY and Hunter ROUSE.


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O desenvolvimento urbano desordenado é, actualmente, considerado um problema grave para a sustentabilidade ambiental global em Portugal. Alguns dos efeitos mais frequentes deste crescimento, traduzem-se em perturbações ou alterações ambientais, muitas vezes, irreversíveis. Em Portugal, o crescimento imobiliário tem gerado milhões de euros em investimentos, e criado milhares de postos de trabalho. Prendendo-se nesta questão, vê-se que este crescimento tem trazido a vista várias questões quanto à sustentabilidade deste crescimento imobiliário. Desta forma, têm surgido vários empreendimentos com o conceito de empreendimentos sustentáveis, sem haver uma metodologia clara quanto à avaliação desta sustentabilidade. Neste sentido colocam-se em causa algumas questões: será que estes empreendimentos são sustentáveis? E se são, como medir essa sustentabilidade? E por último, como podem ser avaliados? Um bom exemplo, desta questão, têm sido os vários projectos aprovado recentemente, muitos destes abrigados pelo sistema PIN, que têm suscitado inúmeras questões quanto seu impacte ambiental. Destes projectos aprovados, 29 projectos afectam áreas classificadas com estatuto de protecção ambiental, gerando várias incertezas por parte da sociedade civil. Diante desta problemática, é proposto neste trabalho o Índice Global de Sustentabilidade Ambiental, apoiado no modelo Força Motriz – Pressão – Estado – Impacto – Resposta, que poderá ser uma ferramenta de grande valia no apoio ao licenciamento de empreendimentos imobiliários. Este indicador tem como objectivo avaliar globalmente desempenho ambiental do empreendimento, a ser licenciado, em termos das medidas e das políticas ambientais.


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O presente documento enquadra-se no âmbito do trabalho final do mestrado (TFM) do curso de Engenharia Civil, na área de especialização de Hidráulica, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, sob a forma de um projeto na fase de estudo prévio com o título ―Gestão Sustentável da Água no empreendimento turístico Parque de Campismo da Ilha do Pessegueiro situado em Porto Covo - Região de Turismo do Alentejo‖. Este trabalho é constituído essencialmente por 5 partes. Sendo a primeira uma breve introdução às questões a abordar, a segunda corresponde à discrição teórica do uso eficiente da água baseando-se no PNEUA (Programa nacional para o uso eficiente da água). Já a terceira parte é relativa ao atual sistema de utilização da água no Parque de campismo da ilha do pessegueiro (PCIP), sendo a quarta o estudo do desenvolvimento do projecto para a gestão eficiente da água no empreendimento e a quinta parte o estudo de viabilidade económica e financeira a implementar no projecto. Para além da implementação de medidas de poupança são também objetivos principais deste trabalho a reutilização da água através da recolha, o tratamento e armazenamento das águas residuais e aproveitamento das águas pluviais para posterior abastecimento do sistema de utilização em descargas sanitárias, lavagem de pavimentos e regas de espaços verdes. São, portanto, três os subsistemas de gestão eficiente da água que se pretende implementar. Dá-se importância ao estudo de viabilidade económica do projeto, cujo período de retorno do capital investido em capitais próprios e alheios é de seis anos. Este projeto pretende dar apoio técnico ao uso eficiente da água no PCIP, de forma a conseguir por um lado obter vantagens económicas e por outro proteger o ambiente. As vantagens económicas são interessantes para orientar os recursos financeiros para outros investimentos e as questões ambientais são a base de uma campanha, já em curso, para obtenção de certificação energética, em conjunto com outras práticas já em curso, nomeadamente a recolha seletiva de resíduos sólidos para recircular e aproveitamento de energia solar.


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A crescente preocupação relacionada com a sustentabilidade ambiental e o risco de esgotamento de recursos naturais, tem levado à necessidade de encontrar novos materiais e novas técnicas construtivas. Nesse pressuposto, o presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo avaliar a viabilidade de utilização de resíduos provenientes de indústrias da região (lamas de cal e cinzas de biomassa) em produção de betões que possam vir a ser utilizados na construção civil. Neste sentido, desenvolveu-se uma campanha experimental com o intuito de comparar desempenho de sete tipos diferentes de betões: um de referência e seis com taxas de substituição de 20, 50 e 100% de agregados finos naturais por cinzas de biomassa e lamas de cal. A composição dos diferentes betões foi determinada pelo método de Faury, cumprindo-se as exigências na norma NP EN 206-1. O desempenho dos betões foi avaliado através da análise dos resultados de ensaios sobre o betão fresco (consistência, massa volúmica e teor de ar) e sobre o betão endurecido (massa volúmica, resistência à compressão, resistência à tração por compressão diametral, absorção de água por capilaridade e absorção de água por imersão). No presente trabalho, procedeu-se, também, à realização de ensaios químicos aos betões produzidos (lixiviação). No final do trabalho é feita uma discussão dos resultados experimentais e são evidenciadas as principais conclusões deste estudo.


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Jornadas "Ciência nos Açores – que futuro? Tema Ciências Naturais e Ambiente", Ponta Delgada, 7-8 de Junho de 2013.


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As macroalgas marinhas têm uma grande diversidade de aplicações. Nos Açores, várias espécies têm sido usadas tradicionalmente para alimentação humana e para extração de agar, um ficocolóide aplicado na indústria alimentar e farmacêutica. As exigências no controlo da qualidade das matérias-primas e as práticas atuais de colheita de macroalgas marinhas selvagens na Europa exigem uma gestão eficaz deste recurso natural e, simultaneamente, tornam premente a necessidade de se implementarem métodos de produção de biomassa controlados, nomeadamente, práticas de cultivo. Apesar da importância reconhecida da exploração sustentável dos recursos marinhos existentes nos Açores, não existe qualquer informação sobre a viabilidade do cultivo de macroalgas marinhas no Arquipélago. O objetivo principal do presente projeto é avaliar o potencial de cultivo de espécies de macroalgas marinhas selecionadas, bem como identificar as melhores práticas de recolha desse recurso natural.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Empresas (MBA), 2 de Outubro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.