343 resultados para de Sitter spacetime


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Física - IFT


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Environmental data are spatial, temporal, and often come with many zeros. In this paper, we included space–time random effects in zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) and ‘hurdle’ models to investigate haulout patterns of harbor seals on glacial ice. The data consisted of counts, for 18 dates on a lattice grid of samples, of harbor seals hauled out on glacial ice in Disenchantment Bay, near Yakutat, Alaska. A hurdle model is similar to a ZIP model except it does not mix zeros from the binary and count processes. Both models can be used for zero-inflated data, and we compared space–time ZIP and hurdle models in a Bayesian hierarchical model. Space–time ZIP and hurdle models were constructed by using spatial conditional autoregressive (CAR) models and temporal first-order autoregressive (AR(1)) models as random effects in ZIP and hurdle regression models. We created maps of smoothed predictions for harbor seal counts based on ice density, other covariates, and spatio-temporal random effects. For both models predictions around the edges appeared to be positively biased. The linex loss function is an asymmetric loss function that penalizes overprediction more than underprediction, and we used it to correct for prediction bias to get the best map for space–time ZIP and hurdle models.


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This work deals with the presence of twinlike models in scalar field theories. We show how to build distinct scalar field theories having the same extended solution, with the same energy density and linear stability. Here, however, we start from a given but generalized scalar field theory, and we construct the corresponding twin model, which also engenders generalized dynamics. We investigate how the twinlike models arise in both flat and curved spacetimes. In the curved spacetime, we consider a braneworld model with the warp factor controlling the spacetime geometry with a single extra dimension of infinite extent. In particular, we study linear stability in both flat and curved spacetimes, and in the case of curved spacetime-in both the gravity and the scalar field sectors-for the two braneworld models. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.125021


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In this paper we study complete maximal spacelike hypersurfaces in anti-de Sitter space H-1(n+1) with either constant scalar curvature or constant non-zero Gauss-Kronecker curvature. We characterize the hyperbolic cylinders H-m(c(1)) x Hn-m(c(2)), 1 <= m <= n - 1, as the only such hypersurfaces with (n - 1) principal curvatures with the same sign everywhere. In particular we prove that a complete maximal spacelike hypersurface in H-1(5) with negative constant Gauss-Kronecker curvature is isometric to H-1(c(1)) x H-3(c(2)). (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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An analogue of the Newton-Wigner position operator is defined for a massive neutral scalar field in de Sitter space. The one-particle subspace of the theory, consisting of positive-energy solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation selected by the Hadamard condition, is identified with an irreducible representation of the de Sitter group. Postulates of localizability analogous to those written by Wightman for fields in Minkowski space are formulated on it, and a unique solution is shown to exist. Representations in both the principal and the complementary series are considered. A simple expression for the time evolution of the Newton-Wigner operator is presented.


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Der niederländische Astronom Willem de Sitter ist bekannt für seine inzwischen berühmte Kontroverse mit Einstein von 1916 bis 1918, worin die relativistische Kosmologie begründet wurde. In diesem Kontext wird sein Name mit dem von ihm geschaffenen kosmologischen Modell verbunden, welches er als Gegenbeispiel zu Einsteins physikalischer Intuition schuf. Obwohl diese Debatte schon in wissenschaftshistorischen Arbeiten analysiert wurde, hat de Sitters Rolle in der Rezeption und dem Verbreiten der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie bislang in der Hauptrichtung der Einstein-Studien noch nicht die ihr zustehende Aufmerksamkeit erhalten. Die vorliegende Untersuchung zielt darauf ab, seine zentrale Wichtigkeit für die Forschung zur ART innerhalb der Leidener Community aufzuzeigen. Wie Eddington war de Sitter einer der wenigen Astronomen, die sowohl hinreichende Ausbildung als auch nötige Interessen vereinten, um zum einen die spezielle und zum anderen die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie zu verfolgen. Er befasste sich zunächst 1911 mit dem Relativitätsprinzip (Einsteins erstes Postulat der SRT); zwei Jahre später fand er einen Nachweis für die Konstanz der Lichtgeschwindigkeit (Einsteins zweites Postulat). De Sitters Interesse an Gravitationstheorien reicht sogar noch weiter zurück und lässt sich bis 1908 zurückverfolgen. Überdies verfolgte er Einsteins Versuche, einen feldtheoretischen Ansatz für die Gravitation zu konstruieren, inklusive der kontroversen Einstein-Grossmann Theorie von 1913. Diese Umstände zeigen deutlich, dass de Sitters bekannteres Werk zur ART eine Konsequenz seiner vorausgegangenen Forschungen war und kein Resultat einer plötzlichen, erst 1916 einsetzenden Beschäftigung mit Einsteins Relativitätstheorie.


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As the number of solutions to the Einstein equations with realistic matter sources that admit closed time-like curves (CTC's) has grown drastically, it has provoked some authors [10] to call for a physical interpretation of these seemingly exotic curves that could possibly allow for causality violations. A first step in drafting a physical interpretation would be to understand how CTC's are created because the recent work of [16] has suggested that, to follow a CTC, observers must counter-rotate with the rotating matter, contrary to the currently accepted explanation that it is due to inertial frame dragging that CTC's are created. The exact link between inertialframe dragging and CTC's is investigated by simulating particle geodesics and the precession of gyroscopes along CTC's and backward in time oriented circular orbits in the van Stockum metric, known to have CTC's that could be traversal, so the van Stockum cylinder could be exploited as a time machine. This study of gyroscopeprecession, in the van Stockum metric, supports the theory that CTC's are produced by inertial frame dragging due to rotating spacetime metrics.


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Lifshitz space–times with critical exponent z = 2 can be obtained by dimensional reduction of Schrödinger space–times with critical exponent z = 0. The latter space–times are asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS) solutions of AdS gravity coupled to an axion–dilaton system (or even just a massless scalar field). This basic observation is used to perform holographic renormalization for four-dimensional asymptotically locally Lifshitz space–times by dimensional reduction of the corresponding problem of holographic renormalization for five-dimensional asymptotically AdS space–times coupled to an axion–dilaton system. In this setup the four-dimensional structure of the Lifshitz – Fefferman-Graham expansion and the structure of the counterterm action, including the scale anomaly, will be summarized.


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We present a new approach to the issues of spacetime singularities and cosmic censorship in general relativity. This is based on the idea that standard 4-dimensional spacetime is the conformal infinity of an ambient metric for the 5-dimensional Einstein equations with fluid sources. We then find that the existence of spacetime singularities in four dimensions is constrained by asymptotic properties of the ambient 5-metric, while the non-degeneracy of the latter crucially depends on cosmic censorship holding on the boundary.


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Using the asymptotic form of the bulk Weyl tensor, we present an explicit approach that allows us to reconstruct exact four-dimensional Einstein spacetimes which are algebraically special with respect to Petrov’s classification. If the boundary metric supports a traceless, symmetric and conserved complex rank-two tensor, which is related to the boundary Cotton and energy-momentum tensors, and if the hydrodynamic congruence is shearless, then the bulk metric is exactly resummed and captures modes that stand beyond the hydrodynamic derivative expansion. We illustrate the method when the congruence has zero vorticity, leading to the Robinson-Trautman spacetimes of arbitrary Petrov class, and quote the case of non-vanishing vorticity, which captures the Plebański-Demiański Petrov D family.


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We study Yang-Baxter deformations of 4D Minkowski spacetime. The Yang-Baxter sigma model description was originally developed for principal chiral models based on a modified classical Yang-Baxter equation. It has been extended to coset curved spaces and models based on the usual classical Yang-Baxter equation. On the other hand, for flat space, there is the obvious problem that the standard bilinear form degenerates if we employ the familiar coset Poincaré group/Lorentz group. Instead we consider a slice of AdS5 by embedding the 4D Poincaré group into the 4D conformal group SO(2, 4) . With this procedure we obtain metrics and B-fields as Yang-Baxter deformations which correspond to well-known configurations such as T-duals of Melvin backgrounds, Hashimoto-Sethi and Spradlin-Takayanagi-Volovich backgrounds, the T-dual of Grant space, pp-waves, and T-duals of dS4 and AdS4. Finally we consider a deformation with a classical r-matrix of Drinfeld-Jimbo type and explicitly derive the associated metric and B-field which we conjecture to correspond to a new integrable system.


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We work out the phenomenology of a model of supersymmetry breaking in the presence of a tiny (tunable) positive cosmological constant, proposed by the authors in arXiv:1403.1534. It utilizes a single chiral multiplet with a gauged shift symmetry that can be identified with the string dilaton (or an appropriate compactification modulus). The model is coupled to the MSSM, leading to calculable soft supersymmetry breaking masses and a distinct low energy phenomenology that allows to differentiate it from other models of supersymmetry breaking and mediation mechanisms.


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We elaborate on a recent study of a model of supersymmetry breaking we proposed recently, in the presence of a tunable positive cosmological constant, based on a gauged shift symmetry of a string modulus, external to the Standard Model (SM) sector. Here, we identify this symmetry with a global symmetry of the SM and work out the corresponding phenomenology. A particularly attracting possibility is to use a combination of Baryon and Lepton number that contains the known matter parity and guarantees absence of dimension-four and -five operators that violate B and L.