955 resultados para corporate culture


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Så mycket som 83 % av alla företagsförvärv misslyckas med att öka aktieägarvärde och hela 53 % minskar till och med i aktieägarvärde (Daniel & Metcalf, 2001). Det är mycket lättare att göra själva affären, än att få den att fungera menar Nguyen & Kleiner (2003). Misslyckade företagsförvärv beror oftast på kulturella skillnader mellan företag och implementering av företagskultur är en nyckelfaktor för ett framgångsrikt företagsförvärv (Lodofors & Boateng, 2006). Syftet är att undersöka implementering av företagskultur efter ett företagsförvärv och att kartlägga ledningens och mellanchefernas egna upplevelser av framgångsfaktorer och svårigheter under processen. I den teoretiska referensramen definieras företagskultur och beskrivs utifrån ett flertal kulturella nivåer där värderingar får särskild uppmärksamhet då studien fokuserar på värdegrundsarbete. Det görs även en beskrivning av olika sätt att utveckla kulturer på. Vidare beskrivs faktorer som ledning och chefer bör ta hänsyn till vid implementering av företagskultur. Dessa är ledarskap, förtroende och lärande (Schein, 2010, Nguyen & Kleiner, 2003, Lakshman, 2011, Bijlsma-Frankema, 2001 m.fl.). För att undersöka studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Undersökningen grundar sig på intervjuer med ledning och mellanchefer på Fastighetsbolaget AB. Resultatet visar att bolagets implementering av värderingar upplevs av de flesta respondenter som väldigt framgångsrik. Framgångsfaktorer i deras värdegrundsarbete sammanfattas med att ta det bästa av två världar, anpassa struktur efter önskad kultur, leva som man lär, ha transparens i information och beslut, skapa en gemensam syn på värderingar och uppföljning av medarbetares upplevelser. Den svårighet som diskuteras är kring att skapa en gemensam värdegrund i hela bolaget. Studiens slutsats är att implementering av företagskultur efter ett företagsförvärv handlar om att ledare måste leva som de lär och att ledningen måste skapa förutsättningar för det och arbeta med uppföljning av medarbetares upplevelser.


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There have been concerns for some time about whether breaches of duty that cause a worker's death are appropriately dealt with under occupational health and safety legislation, or whether criminal prosecution is warranted in those cases involving recklessness or gross negligence. Defaulting employers are rarely prosecuted under existing criminal laws and there are serious doctrinal barriers to finding a corporation guilty of mens rea offences.
The Australian Capital Territory leads the way in Australia with the recent introduction of new criminal offences of industrial manslaughter for corporations and their senior officers. These laws rely on concepts of corporate liability based on organisational responsibility and corporate culture in the model Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) , thus avoiding the limitations of the identification doctrine. Other active Australian jurisdictions, whilst initially open to the notion of industrial manslaughter laws, have preferred to make changes to existing OHS laws to deal with the problem of workplace fatalities.
Whilst it has its limitations, and applies only in Australia's smallest jurisdiction, the Australian Capital Territory legislation reflects a commitment to treating workplace deaths with the seriousness they deserve, and making it easier to prosecute corporations whose operations are conducted recklessly or with gross negligence.


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International mergers are becoming more widespread among medium-sized companies that for decades have held a prime position in their home country market, but who now feel threatened that they may not be of a significant size to continue to be viable in the international marketplace. The purpose of this paper is to examine the merger of one Australian company and one of its former competitors in the international marketplace from the perspective of the congruence between their espoused ethical cultures in business prior to the merger. A questionnaire comprising 46 questions was sent to the public relations manager of each organization prior to the merger. These managers were asked to fill in the questionnaire and to provide a copy of their code of ethics. The research found that organizations need to not only have a code of ethics, but also need to focus especially on the area of code augmentation to ensure that they communicate the ethos of their code to their employees.


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The Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee has been asked to consider whether the duties of directors under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) should be broadened to require directors to take into account the interests of stakeholder groups other than shareholders when making corporate decisions. In this article, the author argues that the existing statutory duties of directors in Australia should remain unchanged. The existing duties of directors, in particular the overriding duty of directors to act in the best interests of the company, already accommodates consideration of stakeholder interests by directors if the decision is justifiable as being in the company's best interests. Furthermore, corporate culture and norms are moving towards embracing stakeholder engagement, again with the implicit recognition that integrating stakeholder considerations within the decision-making processes of companies is integral to achieving long-term sustainable growth.


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In response to the demand for the adoption of a corporate culture by not-for-profit festivals, festival organizations increasingly identify strategic planning process and stakeholder management as crucial components for successful events. The purpose of this article is to present a framework developed for categorizing ethnic festivals stakeholders from a functional role (i.e., marketing, administration, and production) and an ethnic origin (i.e., Greek, Greek-Australian, and non-Greek origin) orientated perspective. The proposed framework was developed and applied to the 20th Greek Festival of Sydney (GFS), which was held in 2002, by identifying, categorizing, and examining the role of its stakeholders in the management and delivery of the event. The identification of the type of stakeholders, the ways they influence the GFS organization, and the strategic implications that derived from their involvement are addressed. The methodology utilized to develop the stakeholder framework was qualitative in nature. It combined triangulated data that derived from a number of interviews with representatives from the GFS administration, participant observations, and content analysis of internal documents and reports. The GFS stakeholder analysis offered an understanding of the several marketing-, administration-, and production-related strategic implications to the organization and running of the festival, such as the impact on its content, participants, and future development. The proposed framework derives from the GFS case study, yet it has the potential to be used for the examination of stakeholders' strategic implications to other ethnic festivals.


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This paper addresses knowledge management (KM) in a project management organisation through a case study. The case study organisation is a small- edium sized Taiwanese-owned construction company (staff size of approximately 50) with an annual turnover of approximately TWD50 (AUD$1.85) billion. Approximately one half of the company comprised project-related staff (e.g. construction project management, project documentation, estimation, procurement, and design), while the other comprised administrative and business-related staff (e.g. office administration and management, business development, and finance and accounting). The researcher undertook a series of surveys and one-on-one interviews whilst ‘embedded’ for several months with the organisation. As part of a larger research project, this case study was one of four case studies conducted in major construction organisations in Singapore, Taiwan, and Australia. The study revealed the recognition, importance and commitment of organisational culture to KM, and the effects the knowledge management initiatives have on the organisation’s ability to manage knowledge across its projects and deliver the projects at various ‘levels’ of the organisation (individual, project, departmental, and corporate). It concludes that a technologically and functionally sound KM infrastructure does not necessarily assure an organisation with a capability to manage knowledge. Organisations need to ensure that the KM repository is made up of quality and relevant contents (not just quantity), and that corporate culture (especially the willingness of individuals to share what they know) is a critical determining factor to the organisation’s ability to share, apply and create knowledge (i.e. low sharing capability leads to low application and creation capabilities).


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This paper addresses knowledge management (KM) in a project management organisation through a case study.

The case study organisation is a small-medium sized Taiwanese-owned construction company (staff size of approximately 50) with an annual turnover of approximately TWD50 (AUD$1.85) billion. Approximately one half of the company comprised project-related staff (e.g. construction project management, project documentation, estimation, procurement, and design), while the other comprised administrative and business-related staff (e.g. office administration and management, business development, and finance and accounting).

The researcher undertook a series of surveys and one-on-one interviews whilst ‘embedded’ for several months with the organisation. This study is part of an on-going international comparison involving major construction organisations in Singapore, Australia, and Taiwan.

This study examines the recognition, importance and commitment of organisational culture to KM, and the effects the knowledge management initiatives have on the organisation’s ability to manage knowledge across its projects and deliver the projects at various ‘levels’ of the organisation (individual, project, departmental, and corporate).

It concludes that a technologically and functionally sound KM infrastructure did not necessarily assure that an organisation had a capability to manage knowledge. Organisations need to ensure that their KM repository is made up of relevant and quality contents (not just quantity), and that corporate culture (especially the willingness of individuals to share what they know) is a critical determining factor to the organisation’s ability to share, apply and create knowledge (i.e. low sharing capability leads to low application and creation capabilities).


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Examines business ethics in Swedish public sector organizations, and in particular, explores the content of public sector codes of ethics; suggests that it is possible through such an analysis to gain an understanding of an organization's performance in this area. Describes the questionnaire survey sent to public sector organizations (government, county councils, municipalities) requesting information on how they developed an ethical ethos into their daily operations, and details the analysis undertaken into their codes of ethics. Draws on case studies with public sector units representing best practice, in respect to codes of ethics, to develop a customized public sector scale (PUBSEC-scale) consisting of seven dimensions and 41 items. Makes suggestions as to how the PUBSEC-scale could be used; points to the differences between the codes of ethics in the public and private sectors; looks at what the private sector can learn from the public sector; makes suggestions for further research.


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The aim of the study was to examine the ways that public sector organizations in Sweden communicated the intent of their codes of ethics to their employees. Primary data was obtained via a self-administered mail questionnaire distributed to a census of the top 100 organizations.

The study identified a range of methods used by organizations to integrate the ethos of codes into corporate culture. These methods included communication of the code, company induction of new staff, consequences for a breach of the code, ethical performance, an ethics ombudsman, the support of whistleblowers, a standing ethics committee, ethics education, and an ethics education committee.

Whilst many organizations have instituted ethical behaviour initiatives, activities specifically targeted at exposure, education and support for staff to perform ethically were found to be underdeveloped.


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This white paper explores the role of organisational culture in either supporting or constraining the success of women in the workplace and investigates the benefits of gender diversity and what organisations can do to prevent ongoing gender bias.


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Some exceptional social integrative alliances can go unrecognised amid the swell of high profile initiatives. This may be dependent upon the propensity of the partnering organisations to seize publicity opportunities or public sensitivity towards an issue. This paper focuses on one such exemplar of best practice of social investment in Australia.

A joint initiative between a major manufacturing organisation (Unilever Australasia) and a social nonprofit organisation (Learning Links) has led to the creation of the Reading for Life program. This initiative aims to advance the literacy levels of children in the formative years of education. The examination of this case provides a broader picture of the Australian alliance marketplace and the effects this one successful relationship has had on encouraging further  partners, additional programs and promoting best practice.

The research aimed to uncover the objectives of each partner along with the management processes used, outcomes (both perceived and actual) and future direction. In-depth interviews were conducted across different levels of the organisational structure of each partner in multiple locations within Australia.

Preliminary findings provided an insight into alliance formation and the overwhelming importance of social investment as a core motive. Twelve core factors were identified as contributing to the successful implementation of this relationship. In particular, regular reporting of successful outcomes was an important implementation factor, not only in driving the relationship to new levels, but also in the recruitment of further investment partners.

This case demonstrates that multiple positive outcomes can be gained from cross-sector collaboration. Unilever Australasia has successfully developed a positive corporate culture amongst its employees and will leave a legacy of social investment. Learning Links, with the help of a private sector partnership, has increased its operational capacity and is now established as a trans-national nonprofit organisation. Together they have made a noteworthy contribution to
the improvement of literacy in hundreds of children’s lives and fundamentally paved the way for demonstrating that social investment can be considered a good business outcome.

This case is being used to inform theory on cross-sector collaboration and build on the findings of Austin (2000) in relation to the alliance marketplace and factors inherent in integrative alliances.


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This chapter initially examines the motivations for the adoption of codes, the frequency of use and the likely content, including those for use in the international context. This is then followed by a discussion of the criticisms of codes as well as the indicators of their effectiveness. The chapter concludes with an examination of the more pragmatic dimensions associated with the implementation, the enforcement, the influence of corporate culture and leadership.


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This research found that : Learning that is part of an existing worker traineeship program empowers workers and enables organisational achievement. The organisation is not yet ready to utilise all the empowered workers who successfully complete the learning program. The prevailing management systems and work structures govern the degree to which the workers can transfer their newly-learned skills to the workplace.


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The paper reports on a longitudinal assessment of sustained organizational cultural change in the Australian Taxation Office. Results from a major action research change project are provided. A clear finding from this research is that the cultural change had been sustained through the systemic application of strategic human resource management.


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Thermal and visual comfort play a very important role regarding the satisfaction of occupants with their working environments. The most effective method to achieve thermal comfort in offices is to reduce cooling loads in order to avoid additional energy-consuming devices for cooling. Building simulation software can be a helpful tool for optimisation, and typically standard values for the influencing parameters are used in order to ensure compliance to norms and regulations.

In practice many of those parameters turn out to be different compared to the simulation assumptions and the reasons may be the chosen room or building related properties as well as the user behaviour influenced by the task and the corporate culture of the company.

This paper investigates exemplary for the climate of Hamburg, Germany and a naturally ventilated typical office room, the optimisation potential of the building- and user-related parameters for thermal comfort, daylighting and view when using realistic input data for building simulation. The study has been conducted with the EnergyPlus based simulation software “Primero-Komfort” [1].