943 resultados para RNA:DNA ratio
端粒是染色体末端由重复DNA序列和相关蛋白组成的一种特殊结构,具有稳定染色体结构及完整性的功能,会随染色体复制与细胞分裂而缩短。端粒酶是一种核糖核蛋白,能以自身RNA模板合成端粒DNA,催化合成TTAGGG重复序列,添加到染色体末端,维持端粒长度不变。端粒酶主要由hTR, TEPl和hTERT组成,一般认为hTERT是端粒酶激活的限速因素。大多数永生化细胞和恶性肿瘤细胞具有端粒酶活性,因而端粒酶目前已成为为细胞持续分裂提供遗传基础的原因。由于端粒酶与细胞衰老、肿瘤发生等关系如此密切,因此已成为肿瘤放射治疗研究热点。目的: 本文利用兰州近代物理研究所重离子研究装置(Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou,HIRFL)产生的碳离子(31MeV/u 12C6+)对人体细胞、癌细胞进行不同剂量的辐照,探索细胞中端粒酶活性的变化及与之相关的生物学信息。材料与方法: 以人肝细胞HL-7702,肝癌细胞SMMC-7721为实验对象,用不同剂量1Gy、2Gy、3Gy、4Gy的重离子分别对两种细胞进行照射,用多聚酶链式反应-银染端粒重复序列扩增法(PCR- telomeric repeat amplification protocol,TRAP-PCR)检测不同剂量下细胞端粒酶活性的变化。并提取不同剂量下的细胞转入培养皿中,培养10天,固定,染色。统计大于50个细胞的克隆数,绘制细胞存活曲线。结果与讨论: 结果显示,人肝细胞HL-7702自身没有端粒酶活性,经1Gy辐照后也没有端粒酶活性,在2、3Gy处出现端粒酶活性,4Gy处端粒酶活性又消失。肝癌细胞SMMC-7721在1-3Gy处随着剂量的增大端粒酶活性升高,在4Gy处又开始下降;在1-3Gy处随着时间的推移端粒酶活性随着时间而加强(p<0.05)。随着剂量的增大,细胞存活率呈剂量依赖型下降。分析得知,重离子辐射可以诱导人肝细胞产生端粒酶活性,也可以改变肝癌细胞的端粒酶活性。端粒酶参与细胞受辐照后DNA单链损伤的修复;辐照后DNA双链断裂导致端粒酶活性减弱。本实验与其他低LET射线相比,使重离子在辐照治疗中的优势得以体现
聚合酶链反应(PCR)是体外 DNA 扩增技术,用于扩增确定长度的特异 DNA 片段或从少量复合性模板中扩增目的的 DNA 序列。随着聚合酶链式反应技术的不断革新和仪器设备的优化,聚合酶链式反应已经成为分子生物学领域中广泛应用的技术,并对以分子生物学为基础的相关领域产生重要影响。本文研究了利用聚合酶链式反应分别克隆黄海葵神经毒素基因和牙鲆孵化酶基因。海葵神经毒素是一类海洋多肽毒素,它们能广泛作用于可激动细胞的电压门控的钠离子通道,并且有心肌刺激活性。在所有已知海葵毒素中,来源于黄海葵的 Anthopleurin-B 拥有最强的心肌刺激活性,因此 Anthopleurin-B 被广泛认为是未来设计强心药物的理想分子模型。孵化酶是特异存在于鱼类胚胎孵化腺中的一种金属蛋白酶。由于孵化酶存在时空特异性,它被认为是从细胞水平和分子水平研究胚胎分化的良好探针,克隆其基因将促进胚胎发育与分化的系统研究。海葵组织存在大量的粘我糖物质,目前采用的许多标准方法提取海葵组织中核酸的效果均不理想。在已有的核酸提取方法的基础上,西文设计了一种新方案用于分离总 RNA 和基因组 DNA ,其要点为:用强变性剂异硫氰酸胍匀浆海葵组织,在一定离子强度下,用表面活性剂溴化十六烷基三甲基胺(CTAB)处理匀浆液,并有氯仿抽提,可将粘多糖从核酸溶液中分离;或在一定离子强度下,通过二乙胺乙基(DEAE)纤维素层析柱,将多糖和其它杂质分离。结果表明这种新组合的方法效果良好,获得的总 RNA 和基因组 DNA 在 260nm 和 280nm 紫外吸光度的比值分别为 1.96-1.97 和 1.73-1.75。同时总 RNA 的完整性良好,基因组 DNA 为大片段。根据黄海葵神经毒素 Anthopleurin-B C 末端氨基酸序列密码子简并度低的特点,本文设计了四种方案,用聚合酶链式反应扩增 Anthopleurin-B 的 cDNA 序列。其中用连接锚定聚合酶链式反应,即末端 DNA 快速扩增技术(RACE)成功扩增了 Anthopleurin-B 的全长 cDNA 序列,表明末端 DNA 快速扩增技术适合于较小的多肽或蛋白基因序列的扩增。本研究还修改了胚胎细胞总 RNA 标准提取和纯化方法,删除了胚胎细胞匀浆步骤,改为在缓冲溶液中,于 55℃ 用高浓度蛋白酶 K 裂解胚胎细胞,从而减少细胞核的破损,用苯酚/氯仿抽提将细胞核除去。获得的总 RNA 不受基因组 DNA 的污染,RNA 在 260nm 和 280nm 紫外吸光度的比值为 1.93-1.99 之间。用反转录聚合酶链式反应获得了目的基因序列,证明该方法切实可行。通过反转录聚合酶链式反应获得了牙鲆孵化酶部分 cDNA 克隆,经过 DNA 测序并且与青鳉孵化酶(HCE)比较,两者之间的以应 cDNA 序列的同源性分别为 86.0%, 推演氨基酸序列的同源性为 80.7%,由此可知,两者之间的同源性确实很高,因此,我们推测在硬骨鱼纲中,孵化酶基因可能是一类保守性很强的 DNA 序列。
本文研究了典型有毒赤潮藻——亚历山大藻(Alexandrium)对海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians Lamarck)、文蛤(Meretrix meretrix Linnaeus)和太平洋牡蛎(Ostrea gigas Thunberg)受精卵孵化的影响和致毒机制以及对蒙古裸腹溞(Moina mongolica Daday)生命活动的影响。此外,还针对我国赤潮发生特点,模拟研究了我国东海大规模赤潮对菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum (Adams et Reeve))受精卵孵化和蒙古裸腹溞种群数量的影响。 结果发现:8株产PSP毒素的亚历山大藻:塔玛亚历山大藻( ATHK, AT5-1, AT5-3, ATCI02, ATCI03),链状亚历山大藻, A. lusitanicum、微小亚历山大藻和2株不产PSP毒素的相关亚历山藻(AC-1, AS-1)对海湾扇贝受精卵的孵化均有显著抑制作用,说明在亚历山大藻属中,这种抑制作用具有一定的普遍性,并与PSP毒素的产生无直接关系,表明存在非PSP毒素的其它毒性物质。一种PSP标准毒素STX也没有这种抑制作用,进一步证明该抑制作用与PSP毒素不直接相关。 相关亚历山大藻AC-1对海湾扇贝、文蛤和太平洋牡蛎受精卵孵化的有显著的毒害作用,其藻液、重悬液、去藻液和内容物均显著影响受精卵的孵化。相关亚历山大藻AC-1对海湾扇贝、文蛤和太平洋牡蛎担轮幼虫细胞的超微结构有显著破坏作用,破坏膜结构和胞内结构,影响细胞内的功能器官如溶酶体的稳定性,使卵黄颗粒萎缩变形;对文蛤和太平洋牡蛎的受精卵显示出极强的毒害作用: 3000cells•ml-1时,使二者胚胎完全溶掉消失;在2000cells•ml-1的藻液中培养2h后,担轮幼虫的外膜发生溶解,整个幼体呈葡萄串样。相关亚历山大藻AC-1产生的这种毒性物质可能对贝类胚胎细胞的结构和功能有影响。 亚历山大藻对蒙古裸腹溞的毒性效应与不同藻种/藻株密切有关:塔玛亚历山大藻(AT-6, ATCI02)、链状亚历山大藻、A. lusitanicum和微小亚历山大藻不影响蒙古裸腹溞的存活,而塔玛亚历山大藻(ATHK、ATCI03和AT5-1)和相关亚历山大藻(AC-1, AS-1)有显著影响。蒙古裸腹溞能摄食塔玛亚历山大藻(AT-6, ATHK, ATCI02, ATCI03, AT5-1),链状亚历山大藻, A. lusitanicum和微小亚历山大藻,很少或基本不摄食相关亚历山大藻。亚历山大藻影响蒙古裸腹溞的RNA/DNA比值和蛋白质含量以及Na+,K+-ATP酶活性。相关亚历山大藻AC-1对蒙古裸腹溞的存活有极强的毒性作用,藻液、重悬液、内容物和碎片均有显著影响;即使与3×106cells•ml-1小球藻混合,10和50cells•ml-1的相关亚历山大藻AC-1仍能使蒙古裸腹溞的产幼数和存活时间显著下降。亚历山大藻对蒙古裸腹溞生命活动的影响不仅与PSP毒素有关,还与非PSP毒素有关;蒙古裸腹溞可能也是研究有害藻急性和慢性毒性的一种理想生物。 应用菲律宾蛤仔胚胎和蒙古裸腹溞评价我国东海特大规模赤潮对海洋生物资源的潜在危害时发现:单种链状亚历山大藻对菲律宾蛤仔受精卵的孵化和蒙古裸腹溞的种群增长均有显著不利影响;单种东海原甲藻(1~10×104cells•ml-1)对菲律宾蛤仔受精卵的孵化没有影响;较低密度的东海原甲藻能维持蒙古裸腹溞(2~5×104cells•ml-1)的种群增长;较高密度的东海原甲藻对蒙古裸腹溞(10×104cells•ml-1)种群有显著的抑制作用。两种藻以赤潮密度混合后,适当密度的东海原甲藻能在一定程度上减轻链状亚历山大藻对菲律宾蛤仔受精卵和蒙古裸腹溞的毒性。可见,东海连年爆发的大规模赤潮不仅对浮游生态系统有不利影响,若同时爆发亚历山大藻赤潮,则对海洋浮游生态系统和贝类资源的恢复产生更加不利的影响。
富营养化已经成为世界性的环境问题。作为我国最大河口的长江口,富营养化问题也日渐突出。如何准确地评价富营养化程度,对预防和解决水体的富营养化问题有重要的意义。 本论文以长江口海域2004年和2005年共8个季度的现场调查为基础,分析了该海域的营养状况;进行了室内模拟培养实验,尝试寻找能反映环境营养条件的微藻的生理生化指标。 对长江口海域2004年和2005年的海水的营养状况进行了分析,并主要运用模糊综合评价方法对富营养水平进行了评价。结果表明: ⑴长江口海域DIN的含量较高,为主要的污染物质,其它的指标较好; ⑵约有一半的调查站点呈现富营养化,长江口门及冲淡水区富营养化程度较高,外海富营养化程度较低,富营养程度从外海向近岸增加; ⑶富营养化区域全年除少数站点外,大部分都分布于盐度小于20的一侧,明显的季节分布和区域分布,表明长江口海域的富营养化水平主要受到长江冲淡水的控制。 对中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)进行了室内模拟培养,对微藻生理生化指标变化与环境营养条件的关系进行了初步探索。结果显示: ⑴环境营养条件影响藻的大多数生理生化指标,不同的氮磷起始浓度和氮磷比下的藻细胞的指标也有差异 ⑵藻细胞的叶绿素a含量、碱性磷酸酶活性、RNA/DNA比值对环境营养条件的反映较为明显,有作为指示富营养化水平指标的可能性,应进一步研究。
Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus is a commercially and ecologically important bottom-associated fish that occurs in marine and estuarine systems from Cape Cod, MA to Mexico. I documented the temporal and spatial variability in the diet of Atlantic croaker in Chesapeake Bay and found that in the summer fish, particularly bay anchovies Anchoa mitchilli, make up at least 20% of the diet of croaker by weight. The use of a pelagic food source seems unusual for a bottom-associated fish such as croaker, but appears to be a crepuscular feeding habit that has not been previously detected. Thus, I investigated the bioenergetic consequences of secondary piscivory to the distribution of croaker, to the condition of individuals within the population and to the ecosystem. Generalized additive models revealed that the biomass of anchovy explained some of the variability in croaker occurrence and abundance in Chesapeake Bay. However, physical factors, specifically temperature, salinity, and seasonal dynamics were stronger determinants of croaker distribution than potential prey availability. To better understand the bioenergetic consequences of diet variability at the individual level, I tested the hypothesis that croaker feeding on anchovies would be in better condition than those feeding on polychaetes using a variety of condition measures that operate on multiple time scales, including RNA:DNA, Fulton's condition factor (K), relative weight (Wr), energy density, hepatosomatic index (HSI), and gonadosomatic index (GSI). Of these condition measures, several morphometric measures were significantly positively correlated with each other and with the percentage (by weight) of anchovy in croaker diets, suggesting that the type of prey eaten is important in improving the overall condition of individual croaker. To estimate the bioenergetic consequences of diet variability on growth and consumption in croaker, I developed and validated a bioenergetic model for Atlantic croaker in the laboratory. The application of this model suggested that croaker could be an important competitor with weakfish and striped bass for food resources during the spring and summer when population abundances of these three fishes are high in Chesapeake Bay. Even though anchovies made up a relatively small portion of croaker diet and only at certain times of the year, croaker consumed more anchovy at the population level than striped bass in all simulated years and nearly as much anchovy as weakfish. This indicates that weak trophic interactions between species are important in understanding ecosystem processes and should be considered in ecosystem-based management.
We have cloned chromosomal genes determining the aerobactin iron transport system from the Escherichia coli K1 strain VW187. Mapping and hybridization experiments showed that the VW187 aerobactin region was identical to that of the plasmid ColV-K30. However, in the E. coli K-12 background, the biosynthesis of both siderophore and ferric aerobactin receptor encoded by the VW187-derived recombinant plasmids was not repressed by iron to the same extent found when a recombinant plasmid derived from pColV-K30 was used. RNA-DNA dot-blot hybridization experiments demonstrated that the aerobactin-specific mRNA synthesized by the VW187-derived clones was not iron regulated in E. coli K-12. In contrast, the synthesis of aerobactin and its receptor in strain VW187 was completely repressed by iron regardless of whether the recombinant plasmids originated from VW187 or pColV-K30. Similar results were obtained with gene fusions in which a promoterless lac operon was placed under the control of aerobactin promoter regions of either chromosome- or plasmid-mediated aerobactin systems. DNA sequencing of the chromosomal aerobactin promoter region showed changes in bases located immediately upstream to the -35 region compared with the corresponding region in pColV-K30, which is known to be part of the binding site for the Fur repressor protein.
The present work has the merit of exploring an insight into the activation of defence genes of Quercus suber during response to infection by Phytophthora cinnamomi. Thus, cDNA-AFLP methodology was used to identify gene fragments differentially present in the mRNA profiles of host cells of micropropagated Q. suber plantlets roots infected with zoospores of P. cinnamomi at different post challenge time points. Six candidate genes were selected based on their interesting cDNA-AFLP expression patterns and homology to genes known to play a role in defence. These six genes encode a cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase 2 (QsCAD2), a protein disulphide isomerase (QsPDI), a CC-NBS-LRR resistance protein (QsRPc), thaumatin-like protein (QsTLP), chitinase (QsCHI) and a 1,3-beta glucanase (QsGLU). The current work has been successful in evaluation of the expression of these genes by qRT-PCR. Data analysis revealed that transcript levels of QsRPc, QsCHI, QsCAD2 and QsPDI increased during the early hours of inoculation, while transcript profiles of thaumatin-like protein showed decreasing. No expression was detected for 1,3-beta-glucanase (QsGLU). Furthermore, the choice of suitable reference genes in any new experimental system is absolutely crucial in qRT-PCR; for this reason in this study and for the first time a set of potential reference genes were analyzed and validated for qRT-PCR normalization in the patho-system Phytophthora-Q. suber. Four candidate reference genes polimerase II (QsRPII), eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A(QsEIF-5A), b-tubulin (QsTUB) and a medium subunit family protein of Clathrin adaptor complexes (QsCACs) were evaluated to determine the most stable internal references in Q. suber. Analysis of stability of genes was carried out using Genex software. Results indicated all these four potential reference genes assumed stable expression. Data analysis revealed that QsRPII and QsCACs were the two most stable genes, while genes QsTUB and QsEIF-5A were the third and the fourth most stable gene, respectively. In this study, a plasmid-based quantitative PCR method was developed to measure P. cinnamomi colonization during infection process of Q. suber. Plasmid-based detection of P. cinnamomi showed a gradual accumulation of the pathogen DNA in cork oak root tips up to 24 h post infection. The higher increase in P. cinnamomi/plasmid DNA ratio occurred between 18 and 24 h. One of the primary objectives of this research was to study the effect of cinnamomins (elicitins secreted by P. cinnamomin) on inducing defence mechanism against the pathogen, as recent histological and ultra-structural studies showed that P. cinnamomi was restricted to the outer cortex root fragments pre-treated with capsicien and cryptogein, suggesting that elicitins can stimulate plant defence reactions against P. cinnamomi. To complement these studies and to have a clear view of the nature of the interaction, the role of cinnamomins in the production of the oxidative burst [ROS and ROS scavenging enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD)] and in the defence responses was evaluated. Cork oak seedlings were pretreated with alpha-cinnamomin and then inoculated with P. cinnamomi mycelia. Results showed a significant higher production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (H2O2 and O2•-) in elicitin and non-elicitin treated roots in interaction with P. cinnamomi in comparison to the corresponding control. The plant group inoculated with the pathogen after cinnamomin treatment showed an earlier increase in H2O2 production but this was lower as compared with that group inoculated with P. cinnamomi alone. Also, in elicitin pre-treated group generally, a lower level of O2•− production during infection was observed as compared with inoculated roots with P. cinnamomi alone without elicitin treatment. Furthermore, in this study, we evaluated activities of antioxidant enzymes upon challenge with P. cinnamomi, with and without pretreatment with alpha cinnamomin. Results indicated that the activities of defense enzymes POD, SOD and CAT increased after P. cinnamomi inoculation when compared with those in the control group. Also, in the group treated with alpha-cinnamomin followed by P. cinnamomi inoculation, a higher level of enzymatic activities was detected as compared with elicitin non-treated group, which suggest the protective effect of alpha-cinnamomin against the pathogen due to higher elevated levels of defense enzymes POD, SOD and CAT during the infection period. Furthermore, a sensitive qPCR method was applied to measure the pathogen biomass in elicited and non-elicited Q. suber roots challenged with P. cinnamomi to elucidate the effect of cinnamomins on the colonization of P. cinnamomi. Plasmid-based quantification of P. cinnamomi showed a significant decrease in accumulation of the pathogen DNA in cork oak roots after treatment with alpha and beta-cinnamomins which attest the role of cinnamomins in promoting defense responses in cork oak against P. cinnamomi invasion.
Com o objectivo de determinar o crescimento de larvas de sardinha foram realizadas experiências em condições controladas. Um cardume de sardinhas adultas foi mantido em cativeiro e a desova induzida por meios naturais (aumento da disponibilidade alimentar, regulação da temperatura para cerca de 15º C e salinidade para ~35‰). Quando ocorreram desovas com mais do que 500 ovos num determinado dia, estes foram colocados a eclodir em condições controladas. As larvas de sardinha apresentaram um desenvolvimento morfológico normal (p.e. pigmentação dos olhos e desenvolvimento da boca entre o 3º e 4º dia). Diferentes tipos e combinações de alimentos foram experimentados (nauplios de Acartia grani, rotíferos e Gymnodinium sp.) e analisou-se a condição nutricional das larvas amostradas. Foram efectuadas experiências de inanição para se poder calibrar os resultados obtidos. As taxas de crescimento variaram entre 0.12 e 0.36 mm.dia-1, sendo a mais elevada correspondente a uma experiência de inanição. Observou-se, através da histologia, que dietas ricas em Acartia grani são mais favoráveis para um melhor desenvolvimento larvar. As análises da razão RNA/DNA sugerem que há uma forte possibilidade de os efeitos parentais terem bastante influência no desenvolvimento e crescimento das larvas de sardinha nas duas primeiras semanas de vida, mas não na sua sobrevivência, que dependeu da quantidade e qualidade de alimento fornecida.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Emergent molecular measurement methods, such as DNA microarray, qRTPCR, and many others, offer tremendous promise for the personalized treatment of cancer. These technologies measure the amount of specific proteins, RNA, DNA or other molecular targets from tumor specimens with the goal of “fingerprinting” individual cancers. Tumor specimens are heterogeneous; an individual specimen typically contains unknown amounts of multiple tissues types. Thus, the measured molecular concentrations result from an unknown mixture of tissue types, and must be normalized to account for the composition of the mixture. For example, a breast tumor biopsy may contain normal, dysplastic and cancerous epithelial cells, as well as stromal components (fatty and connective tissue) and blood and lymphatic vessels. Our diagnostic interest focuses solely on the dysplastic and cancerous epithelial cells. The remaining tissue components serve to “contaminate” the signal of interest. The proportion of each of the tissue components changes as a function of patient characteristics (e.g., age), and varies spatially across the tumor region. Because each of the tissue components produces a different molecular signature, and the amount of each tissue type is specimen dependent, we must estimate the tissue composition of the specimen, and adjust the molecular signal for this composition. Using the idea of a chemical mass balance, we consider the total measured concentrations to be a weighted sum of the individual tissue signatures, where weights are determined by the relative amounts of the different tissue types. We develop a compositional source apportionment model to estimate the relative amounts of tissue components in a tumor specimen. We then use these estimates to infer the tissuespecific concentrations of key molecular targets for sub-typing individual tumors. We anticipate these specific measurements will greatly improve our ability to discriminate between different classes of tumors, and allow more precise matching of each patient to the appropriate treatment
This work aimed at evaluating the effects of the supplementation of starter diet with Arg on breast muscle development in broilers and the activation of satellite cells and the aggregation of myofibrillar protein. Male Cobb chicks (n = 990) were randomly assigned to 1 of 5 treatments in a complete random design. Measurements of 33 chicks per treatment were made in 6 repetitions. The treatments consisted of a basal diet with 1.390% digestible Arg (without supplementation) and 4 dietary levels of Arg (1.490, 1.590, 1.690, and 1.790%) with Arg:Lys ratios of 1.103, 1.183, 1.262, 1.341, and 1.421, respectively. Arginine supplementation was used only in the starter phase (1 to 21 d). Dietary supplementation with Arg had a positive effect (P < 0.05) on breast and breast fillet weight on d 7 and 21 and on myofiber diameter on d 14 and 21. However, no effect was observed (P > 0.05) on the protein: DNA ratio, which demonstrates that Arg does not interfere with the mitotic activity of the satellite cells. Independently from mechanism, Arg affected muscle growth in the starter phase positively. Dietary supplementation with Arg in the starter phase had no effect (P > 0.05) on the carcass yield of broilers on d 42. Diet supplementation with Arg at levels above the ones recommended for the starter phase may be necessary for improved muscle development in broilers.
Non-LTR retrotransposons, also known as long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs), are transposable elements that encode a reverse transcriptase and insert into genomic locations via RNA intermediates. The sequence analysis of a cDNA library constructed from mRNA of the salivary glands of R. americana showed the presence of putative class I elements. The cDNA clone with homology to a reverse transcriptase was the starting point for the present study. Genomic phage was isolated and sequenced and the molecular structure of the element was characterized as being a non-LTR retrotransposable element. Southern blot analysis indicated that this transposable element is represented by repeat sequences in the genome of R. americana. Chromosome tips were consistently positive when this element was used as probe in in-situ hybridization. Real-time RT-PCR showed that this retrotransposon is transcribed at different periods of larval development. Most interesting, the silencing of this retrotransposon in R. americana by RNA interference resulted in reduced transcript levels and in accelerated larval development.