643 resultados para Misura, rumore, Mosfet, amplificatore


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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A linear, tunable CMOS transconductance stage is introduced. Drain voltage of the input transistor operating in triode region is settled by a regulation loop and a first-order linear relationship between g(m) and a de bias voltage is achieved. In addition to easy tuning, this technique offers circuit simplicity, wide dynamic range, high input and output impedances and low consumption. The transconductor is presented on both single-ended and fully-differential versions. A 3rd-order elliptical low-pass g(m)-C filter with a nominal roll-off frequency of 2MHz is used as one example for the many applications of the proposed transconductor. SPICE data describe circuits performances and filter tunabilily Passband is tuned at a rate of 2.36KHz/mV and good linearity is indicated by a 0.89% THD for an 800mV(p-p) balanced-driven input.


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A CMOS audio-equalizer based on a parallel-array of 2nd-order bandpass-sections is presented and realized with triode transconductors. It has a programmable 12db-boost/cut on each of its three decade-bands, easily achieved through the linear dependence of gm on VDS. In accordance with a 0.8μm n-well double-metal fabrication process, a range of simulations supports theoretical analysis and circuit performance at different boost/cut scenarios. For VDD=3.3V, fullboosting stand-by prover consumption is 1.05mW. THD=-42.61dB@1Vpp and may be improved by balanced structures. Thermal- and I/f-noise spectral densities are 3.2μV/Hz12 and 18.2μV/Hz12@20Hz, respectively, for a dynamic range of 52.3dB@1Vpp. The equalizer effective area is 2.4mm2. The drawback of the existing transmission-zero due to the feedthrough-capacitance of a triode input-device is also addressed. The proposed topology can be extended to the design of more complex graphic-equalizers and hearing-aids.


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A low-voltage, low-power four-quadrant analog multiplier with optimized current-efficiency is presented. Its core corresponds to a pseudodifferential cascode, gain-boosting triode-transconductor. According to a low-voltage 1.2μm CMOS n-well process, operand differential-amplitudes are 1.0Vpp and 0.32Vpp for a 1.3V-supply. Common-mode voltages are properly chosen to maximize current-efficiency to 58%. Total quiescent dissipation is 260μW. A range of PSPICE simulation supports theoretical analysis. Excellent linearity is observed on dc characteristic. Assuming a ±0.5% mismatch on (W/L) and VTH THD at full-scale is 0.93% and 1.42%, for output frequencies of 1MHz and 10MHz, respectively.


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Da ormai sette anni la stazione permanente GPS di Baia Terranova acquisisce dati giornalieri che opportunamente elaborati consentono di contribuire alla comprensione della dinamica antartica e a verificare se modelli globali di natura geofisica siano aderenti all’area di interesse della stazione GPS permanente. Da ricerche bibliografiche condotte si è dedotto che una serie GPS presenta molteplici possibili perturbazioni principalmente dovute a errori nella modellizzazione di alcuni dati ancillari necessari al processamento. Non solo, da alcune analisi svolte, è emerso come tali serie temporali ricavate da rilievi geodetici, siano afflitte da differenti tipologie di rumore che possono alterare, se non opportunamente considerate, i parametri di interesse per le interpretazioni geofisiche del dato. Il lavoro di tesi consiste nel comprendere in che misura tali errori, possano incidere sui parametri dinamici che caratterizzano il moto della stazione permanente, facendo particolare riferimento alla velocità del punto sul quale la stazione è installata e sugli eventuali segnali periodici che possono essere individuati.


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Nella tesi si analizzano le principali fonti del rumore aeronautico, lo stato dell'arte dal punto di vista normativo, tecnologico e procedurale. Si analizza lo stato dell'arte anche riguardo alla classificazione degli aeromobili, proponendo un nuovo indice prestazionale in alternativa a quello indicato dalla metodologia di certificazione (AC36-ICAO) Allo scopo di diminuire l'impatto acustico degli aeromobili in fase di atterraggio, si analizzano col programma INM i benefici di procedure CDA a 3° rispetto alle procedure tradizionali e, di seguito di procedure CDA ad angoli maggiori in termini di riduzione di lunghezza e di area delle isofoniche SEL85, SEL80 e SEL75.


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Water resources management will become increasingly important in agriculture as global warming takes place. Cover crop is largely used in viticultural areas based on the many positive agronomic and environmental benefits it provides. However, it is not clear what effect the cover crop can have on water use in the vineyard. This study is designed to develop a further understanding of the role cover crops play in total water use in the vineyard and develop our understanding of the potential use of cover crops as a water management tool. Two techniques were used to measure cover crop water use, the mini-lysimeters and a portable open chamber and data from both was compared to reference evapotranspiration (ETo) (FAO guidelines). While the mini-lysimeters seemed to be limited in their ability to accurately represent the water use of the surrounding soil, the open chamber method is a reliable and suitable instrument to be used for the accurate measurement of evapotranspiration. Further, the relationship between vineyard grass water use and the contributing environmental factors thought to influence water use were analyzed. A strong relationship between total available radiation and cover crop evapotranspiration was found suggesting the possibility of an indirect method of evapotranspiration measurement in a vineyard grass cover crop. Mowing the cover crop was determined to significantly effect transpiration as shown by both the mini-lysimeter and open chamber, however, the reduction was largely dependent on the growth rate of the grass.


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In questa tesi si effettua lo studio di un azionamento elettrico con motore asincrono eptafase. In particolare si realizza un sistema automatico per il controllo della coppia mediante stimatori con encoder. Si ha così la possibilità di effettuare un controllo accurato della macchina asincrona eptafase anche a bassa velocità, cosa che risulterebbe più complessa se eseguita mediante controlli di tipo sensorless. Inoltre, grazie ad opportune strategie di controllo, è possibile assicurare un funzionamento accettabile degli azionamenti con motori multifase durante una condizione di guasto con una fase aperta, senza alcuna necessità di hardware aggiuntivo.


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New concepts on porosity appraisal in ancient and modern construction materials. The role of Fractal Geometry on porosity characterization and transport phenomena. This work studied the potential of Fractal Geometry to the characterization of porous materials. Besides the descriptive aspects of the pore size distribution, the fractal dimensions have led to the development of rational relations for the prediction of permeability coefficients to fluid and heat transfer. The research considered natural materials used in historical buildings (rock and earth) as well as currently employed materials as hydraulic cement and technologically advanced materials such as silicon carbide or YSZ ceramics. The experimental results of porosity derived from the techniques of mercury intrusion and from the image analysis. Data elaboration was carried out according to established procedures of Fractal Geometry. It was found that certain classes of materials are clearly fractal and respond to simple patterns such as Sierpinski and Menger models. In several cases, however, the fractal character is not recognised because the microstructure of the material is based on different phases at different dimensional scales, and in consequence the “fractal dimensions” calculated from porosimetric data do not come within the standard range (less than 3). Using different type and numbers of fractal units is possible, however, to obtain “virtual” microstructures that have the fraction of voids and pore size distribution equivalent with the experimental ones for almost any material. Thus it was possible to take the expressions for the permeability and the thermal conduction which does not require empirical “constants”, these expressions have also provided values that are generally in agreement with the experimental available data. More problematic has been the fractal discussion of the geometry of the rupture of the material subjected to mechanical stress both external and internal applied. The results achieved on these issues are qualitative and prone to future studies. Keywords: Materials, Microstructure, Porosity, Fractal Geometry, Permeability, Thermal conduction, Mechanical strength.


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Si studia in modo formale una specifica proprietà della Computazione Quantistica. In particolare, il modello di calcolo che si utilizzerà (circuito quantistico) può essere rappresentato da una sequenza di operazioni. Una sequenza è detta mista (circuito misto) se si presentano operazioni classiche e quantistiche in modo alternato (sequenze del tipo Q-C-C-Q-Q-C). Una sequenza in Forma Normale, invece, ammette operazioni classiche solamente all'inizio o alla fine, mentre in mezzo possono esserci solamente operazioni quantistiche (sequenze del tipo C-C-Q-Q-Q-C). Una sequenza di operazioni esclusivamente quantistiche porta numerosi vantaggi, per questo la forma normale è molto importante. Essa infatti separa le operazioni classiche da quelle quantistiche, concentrandole tutte all'interno. Quello che si farà in questa tesi sarà fornire un modo operativo (mediante riscritture) per ottenere la forma normale di una qualsiasi sequenza di operazioni classiche o quantistiche.