863 resultados para MUSICA BARROCA
Comentario sobre un proyecto en el que mediante la lectura del Quijote se pretende acercar al alumnado la historia del barroco. Se realizan actividades recreativas para fomentar la inteligencia emocional de los escolares y el trabajo en equipo. Se desarrolla en Guadalajara y participan la Escuela de Arte, el Conservatorio, la Escuela de Hosteler??a y la Escuela del Profesorado.
El objetivo fundamental del trabajo es determinar cu??les son los aspectos m??s significativos del curr??culum as?? como de la programaci??n, a los que debe dar respuesta el profesor de m??sica de secundaria. Para ello, hemos desarrollado una herramienta inform??tica, act.musica. El estudio combina tanto la metodolog??a cualitativa como la cuantitativa, utilizando como t??cnicas de investigaci??n, los grupos de discusi??n, el an??lisis de contenido y el cuestionario. As?? pues, el an??lisis que realiza act.musica, nos permite esquematizar y visualizar perfectamente la representatividad de los elementos constituyentes del curr??culum musical de la LOE, y de las distintas programaciones, as?? como en un futuro establecer una posible validaci??n cruzada.
Este artículo analiza el comportamiento de los actores sociales ubicados en la periferia de la sociedad colonial, con el objetivo de desvelar el funcionamiento de las redes de socialización de estos grupos en relación con la estructura jerárquica estamental, cuyo orden giraba en torno a la figura del Rey, marcada por representaciones sociales, políticas y religiosas de la Contrarreforma. El estudio analiza varios juicios relacionados con el comportamiento de los personajes plebeyos de la sociedad colonial quiteña.
Esta contribución discute algunas de las reflexiones del filósofo ecuatoriano Bolívar Echeverría, y su aporte al llamado “marxismo crítico” a la luz de tres categorías por él desarrolladas: “valor de uso”, ethos barroco y utopismo. En primer lugar, el autor analiza cómo Echeverría retomó el concepto valor de uso, presente en las reflexiones de Marx, para referirse a los procesos de producción y reproducción de la cultura, colocándolo así en un espacio central del análisis del capitalismo, seguidamente, se analizan las reflexiones de Echeverría en relación al estudio de la modernidad barroca, y el ethos barroco, finalmente, se aborda el problema del utopismo a partir de la construcción de una teoría crítica del marxismo descentrada del escenario que la produjo (el mundo europeo).
Se pretende analizar cómo se presenta el misticismo y la tradición barroca en la poesía de Gonzalo Escudero. Primero, se esboza brevemente desde qué dimensión se entenderá el barroco, para después revisar el contexto estético que gravita e influye en la obra del poeta ecuatoriano. Posteriormente, se analiza cómo se articula el barroco en la poesía de Escudero y se observa cómo su obra dialoga con textos precedentes para construir el entramado barroco. El lenguaje barroco de Escudero permite comprender cómo es un lenguaje que se caracteriza por su opacidad. Después, se delimita el concepto de mística como un deseo por un objeto perdido, pero también como una manera de nombrar que cuestiona el lenguaje y por ello también se construye desde la pérdida de la función referencial.
This work aims to discuss and analyze the process of school inclusion of a blind person in the Bachelor's Degree in Music, at the School of Music at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, as well as reflect on the importance of establishing systems of support and to ensure university inclusive process of people with visual impairments. In pursuit to achieve these objectives, this research chose a qualitative methodological approach, the case study, using as procedures for data construction an interview, observation, analysis of documents and photographs. Joined the group of participants in this study, a blind student in the class of 2009.1of the EMUFRN Bachelor's Degree in Music, teachers from two disciplines complied by the student, two classmates, a monitor support in music theory, the course coordinator and school principal, and two other individuals who contributed to the inclusion process in actions not formalized institutionally. The results indicate UFRN proposed initiatives that contribute to inclusion of students with disabilities in this institution, the main one is the creation of the Standing Committee of Support for Students with Special Educational Needs (CAENE), a group that guides administrative sectors, teachers, principals, coordinators and students on the measures needed to enter and remain in quality education for all. Physical accessibility is still under construction at UFRN, and many access and sectors see it being adapted for students with physical or visual disabilities, and those with mobility impairments, have access to various parts of the university, however, as shown in this study, some points need to be reconsidered, as there are several places where the installation of tactile floor does not fully follow the guidelines proposed in the legislation. The proposals for access to the curriculum, mediated by EMUFRN, are actions that propose the inclusion of the blind student, as the existence of an educational monitor to help in the study of music theory, however, we need to rethink these proposals to not became actions of reactive intervention. Assuming a more proactive posture, the EMUFRN will be prepared to receive the diversity of students that expects. The study also points out that the blind student is part of a group of students that are practical musicians, who must work in events and evening shows, and who have little knowledge in music theory, leading, respectively, in low frequency classes and learning difficulties in certain curricular components, which may cause the closing of such components. In this case, the challenge of EMUFRN, considering the inclusive perspective, it is not specifically fit for the academic host a blind student, but to develop an accessibility project curriculum to consider effectively the diversity of all its students, taking into account mainly the economic and cultural conditions. This implies a process of resizing academic practices that be guided for collaborative and coordinated actions involving the various educational actors at EMUFRN and UFRN
This dissertation, entitled O Auto da Morte e da Vida: A escrita barroca de João Cabral de Melo Neto, has the aim of analising, interpreting, in a baroque perspective, Cabral s writing in the poem/play Morte e vida severina Auto de Natal Pernambucano, taking as basis the theories of Eugênio D´Ors, Severo Sarduy, Omar Calabrase, Lezama Lima, Afonso Ávila, Affonso Romano de Sant´Anna and others cited in the body of this work. During the analisys we feature confluences, relations, similarities, identification between the Baroque of the counter reformation and the modern Baroque or Neobaroque. We seek to comprehend the baroque which is new in the XX century and Cabral s poetry as an element of the contemporaneity, by updating the concept of the Baroque in the 1600s, when it is detected in its purest characteristic in human relation (the life of the Northwestern brazilian) through an intangible reality (the death). The Baroque as a cultural summary of a period of instability and transformation, with the power of dismantling an already established poetry. The fight between words and things, language and reality
La tesi di Dottorato espone i risultati dell’analisi condotta su alcune tipologie di canto profano a due parti, osservate nella tradizione orale di specifiche aree rurali: le espressioni diafoniche oggetto di indagine sono state individuate in diverse regioni, prevalentemente nell’Italia centro-meridionale e in Sicilia, con alcune propaggini nell’Italia nord-orientale e in alcune aree europee abitate da minoranze italiane (Istria slovena e croata). I documenti analizzati sono stati reperiti grazie alla ricerca sul campo e rintracciati anche nelle pubblicazioni discografiche, nei cataloghi dei più importanti archivi pubblici e privati italiani. Sono stati definiti i caratteri formali dei repertori e l’indagine realizzata ha inoltre condotto a una mappatura attestante la presenza di repertori vocali simili in diverse sub-aree della Penisola, confermando la estesa diffusione di pratiche diafoniche tradizionali in Italia. Sulla base di analogie e ricorrenze è stato rilevato che le espressioni diafoniche italiane possono essere attribuite a una remota tradizione comune: sebbene le peculiarità relative a ciascun repertorio siano in molti casi abbastanza marcate, le connotazioni strutturali e i modi performativi che distinguono tali repertori pare vogliano indicare di essere di fronte a testimonianze di una tradizione musicale arcaica, in cui è possibile individuare procedure e attitudini diafoniche simili e condivise. L’ultima parte dell’indagine espone alcune riflessioni emerse dal confronto tra le forme diafoniche analizzate e repertori polifonici conservati nella tradizione scritta, prendendo come punto di partenza gli studi di Nino Pirrotta: ne emergono considerazioni per l’individuazione e l’analisi di possibili comuni occorrenze all’interno di pratiche performative localmente convergenti, pur se subordinate a modi di trasmissione diversi (tradizione scritta e non scritta della musica).
The departure point of the present work is the idea that in order to understand what music meant to British society in the Eighteenth-Century an interdisciplinary approach is necessary. Natural philosophy, moral philosophy, musical treatises and histories of music: all these sources concur both to the creation of a new idea about what music and its ‘science’ are, and to question the place which music ought to have in the realm of the Science of Man. The dissertation is divided into two sections. In the first one we will take into account philosophical sources (from John Locke, Joseph Addison and Lord Shaftesbury, to Lord Kames and Adam Smith), and we will examine their thoughts on music. In the second one we will deal with musical sources (from the Treatise of Musick of Alexander Malcom, to the Histories of Music of Charles Burney and John Hawkins) in order to show their connection with the philosophical literature before mentioned. The main aim of the work it to show that the development of specific philosophies of the human mind, such as the ones of John Locke and David Hume, did influence the way in which music was thought. Particularly we will point out the case of Adam Smith’s interpretation of instrumental music, which is heavily indebted to the humeian model of the human mind.