264 resultados para MSA


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The South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce publishes news releases with monthly statistics about the employment situation of the state, including unemployment rate, employment by industry, and local area unemployment by county and MSA.


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The South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce publishes news releases with monthly statistics about the employment situation of the state, including unemployment rate, employment by industry, and local area unemployment by county and MSA.


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The South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce publishes news releases with monthly statistics about the employment situation of the state, including unemployment rate, employment by industry, and local area unemployment by county and MSA.


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The South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce publishes news releases with monthly statistics about the employment situation of the state, including unemployment rate, employment by industry, and local area unemployment by county and MSA.


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The South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce publishes news releases with monthly statistics about the employment situation of the state, including unemployment rate, employment by industry, and local area unemployment by county and MSA.


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The South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce publishes news releases with monthly statistics about the employment situation of the state, including unemployment rate, employment by industry, and local area unemployment by county and MSA.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Neurociências), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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The Cappadocian variety of Ulaghátsh is unique among the Greek-speaking world in having lost the inherited preposition ‘se’. The innovation is found with both locative and allative uses and has af-ected both syntactic contexts in which ‘se’ was originally found, that is, as a simple preposition (1) and as the left-occurring member of circumpositions of the type ‘se’ + NP + spatial adverb (2). (1) a. tránse ci [to meidán] en ávʝa see.PST.3SG COMP ART.DEF.SG.ACC yard.SG.ACC COP.3 game.PL.NOM ‘he saw that in the yard is some game’ (Dawkins 1916: 348) b. ta erʝó da qardáʃa évɣan [to qonáq] ART.DEF.PL.NOM two ART.DEF.PL.NOM friend.PL.NOM ascend.PST.3PL ART.DEF.SG.ACC house.SG.ACC ‘the two friends went up to the house’ (Dawkins 1916: 354) (2) émi [ta qonáca mésa], kiríʃde [to ʝasdɯ́q píso] enter.PST.3SG ART.DEF.PL.NOM house.PL.ACC inside hide.PST.3SG. ART.DEF.SG.ACC cushion.SG.ACC behind ‘he went into the houses and hid behind the cushions’ (Dawkins 1916: 348) In this paper, we set out to provide (a) a diachronic account of the loss of ‘se’ in Asia Minor Greek, and (b) a synchronic analysis of its ramifications for the encoding of the semantic and grammatical functions it had prior to its loss. The diachronic development of ‘se’ is traced by comparing the Ulaghátsh data with those obtained from Cappadocian varieties that have neither lost it nor do they show signs of losing it and, crucially, also from varieties in which ‘se’ is in the process of being lost. The comparative analysis shows that the loss first became manifest in circumpositions in which ‘se’ was preposed to the complement to which in turn a wide range of adverbs expressing topological relations were postposed (émi sa qonáca mésa > émi ta qonáca mésa). This finding is accounted for in terms of Sinha and Kuteva’s (1995) distributed spatial semantics framework, which accepts that the elements involved in the constructions under investigation—the verb (émi), ‘se’ and the spatial adverb (mésa)—all contribute to the expression of the spatial relational meaning but with differences in weighting. Of the three, ‘eis’ made the most minimal contribution, the bulk of it being distributed over the verb and the adverb. This allowed for it to be optionally dropped from circumpositions, a stage attested in Phlo-tá Cappadocian and Silliot, and to be later completely abandoned, originally in allative and subsequently in locative contexts (earlier: évɣan so qonáq > évɣan to qonáq; later: so meidán en ávʝa > to meidán en ávʝa). The earlier loss in allative contexts is also dealt with in distributed semantics terms as verbs of motion such as έβγαν are semantically more loaded than vacuous verbs like the copula and therefore the preposition could be left out in the former context more easily than in the latter. The analysis also addresses the possibility that the loss of ‘se’ may ultimately originate in substandard forms of Medieval Greek, which according to Tachibana (1994) displayed SPATIAL ADVERB + NP constructions. Applying the semantic map model (Croft 2003, Haspelmath 2003), the synchronic analysis of the varieties that retain ‘se’ reveals that—like many other allative markers crosslinguistically—it displays a pattern of multifunctionality in expressing nine different functions (among others allative, locative, recipient, addressee, experiencer), which can be mapped against four domains, viz. the spatiotemporal, the social, the mental and the logicotextual (cf. Rice & Kabata 2007). In Ulaghátsh Cappadocian, none of these functions is overtly marked as such. In cases like (1), the intended spatial relational meaning is arrived at through the combination of the syntax and the inherent semantics of the verb and the zero-marked NP as well as from the context. In environments of the type exemplified by (2), the adverb contributes further to the correct interpretation. The analysis additionally shows that, despite the loss of ‘se’, Ulaghátsh patterns with all other Cappadocian varieties in one important aspect: Goal and Location are expressed similarly (by zero in Ulaghátsh, by ‘se’ in the other varieties) whereas Source is being kept distinct (expressed by ‘apó’ in all varieties). Goal-Location polysemy is very common across the world’s languages and, most crucially, prevails over other possible polysemies in the tripartite distinction Source—Location—Goal (Lestrade 2010, Nikitina 2009). Taking into account this empirical observation, our findings suggest that the reor-anisation of spatial systems can have a local effect—in our case the loss of a member of the prepositional paradigm—but will keep the original global picture intact, thus conforming to crosslinguistically robust tendencies.  References Croft, W. 2001. Radical Construction Grammar: Syntactic Theory in Typological Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Dawkins, R. M. 1916. Modern Greek in Asia Minor: A Study of the Dialects of Sílli, Cappadocia and Phárasa with Grammar, Texts, Translations and Glossary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Haspelmath, M. 2003. The geometry of grammatical meaning: semantic maps and cross-linguistic comparison. In M. Tomasello (Ed.), The New Psychology of Language, Volume 2. New York: Erlbaum, 211–243. Lestrade, S. 2010. The Space of Case. Doctoral dissertation. Radboud University Nijmegen. Nikitina, T. 2009. Subcategorization pattern and lexical meaning of motion verbs: a study of the source/goal ambiguity. Linguistics 47, 1113–1141. Rice, S. & K. Kabata. 2007. Cross-linguistic grammaticalization patterns of the allative. Linguistic Typology 11, 451–514. Sinha, C. & T. Kuteva. 1995. Distributed spatial semantics. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 18:2, 167–199. Tachibana, T. 1994. Syntactic structure of spatial expressions in the “Late Byzantine Prose Alexander Romance”. Propylaia 6, 35–51.


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The main objective of this research was to examine the relationship between surface electromyographic (SEMG) spike activity and force. The secondary objective was to determine to what extent subcutaneous tissue impacts the high frequency component of the signal, as well as, examining the relationship between measures of SEMG spike shape and their traditional time and frequency analogues. A total of96 participants (46 males and 50 females) ranging in age (18-35 years), generated three 5-second isometric step contractions at each force level of 40, 60, 80, and 100 percent of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The presentation of the contractions was balanced across subjects. The right arm of the subject was positioned in the sagittal plane, with the shoulder and elbow flexed to 90 degrees. The elbow rested on a support in a neutral position (mid pronation/mid supination) and placed within a wrist cuff, fastened below the styloid process. The wrist cuff was attached to a load cell (JR3 Inc., Woodland, CA) recording the force produced. Biceps brachii activity was monitored with a pair of Ag/AgCI recording electrodes (Grass F-E9, Astro-Med Inc., West Warwick, RI) placed in a bipolar configuration, with an interelectrode distance (lED) of 2cm distal to the motor point. Data analysis was performed on a I second window of data in the middle of the 5-second contraction. The results indicated that all spike shape measures exhibited significant (p < 0.01) differences as force increase~ from 40 to 100% MVC. The spike shape measures suggest that increased motor unit (MU) recruitment was responsible for increasing force up to 80% MVC. The results suggested that further increases in force relied on MU III synchronization. The results also revealed that the subcutaneous tissue (skin fold thickness) had no relationship (r = 0.02; P > 0.05) with the mean number of peaks per spike (MNPPS), which was the high frequency component of the signal. Mean spike amplitude (MSA) and mean spike frequency (MSF) were highly correlated with their traditional measures root mean square (RMS) and mean power frequency (MPF), respectively (r = 0.99; r = 0.97; P < 0.01).


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By using glucosamine resistant mutants of Saccharomyces ceriv~sa~ an attempt was made to discover the mechanisms which cause glucose repression and/or the Crabtree effect. The strains used are 4B2, GR6, lOP3r, GR8l and GRI08. 4B2 is a wild type yeast while the others are its mutants. To characterize the biochemical reactions which made these mutants resistant to glucosamine poisoning the following experiments were done~ 1. growth and respiration; 2. transport of sugars; 3. effect of inorganic phosphate (Pi): 4. Hexokinase; 5. In yivo phosphorylation. From the above experiments the following conclusions may be drawn: (i) GR6 and lOP3r have normal respiratory and fermentative pathways. These mutants are resistant to glucosamine poisoning due to a slow rate of sugar transport which is due to change in the cell membrane. (ii) GR8l has a normal respiratory pathway. The slow growth on fermentable carbon sourCEE indicates that in GR8l the lesion is in or associated with the glycolytic pathway. The lower rate of sugar transport may be due to a change in energy metabolism. The invivo phosphorylation rate indicates that in GR81 facilitated diffusion is the dominant transport mechanism. (iii) GR108 msa normal glycolytic pathway but the respiratory pathway is abnormal. The slow rate of sugar transport is due to a change in energy metabolism. The lower percentage of in vivo phosphorylation is probably due to a lowered availability of ATP because of the mitochondrial lesion. In all mutants resistance to glucosamine poisoning is due to a lower rate of utilization of ATP. which is caused by various mechanisms (see above), making less ADP available for phosphorylation via ATP synthase which utilizes inorganic phosphate. Because of the lower utilization of Pi, the concentration of intra-mitochondrial Pi does not go down thus protecting mutants from glucosamine poisoning.


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La atrofia multisistémica (AMS) es una enfermedad degenerativa caracterizada por disautonomías y síntomas extrapiramidales. El diagnóstico diferencial con otros parkinsonismos es difícil, por lo cual se requiere una ayuda paraclínica para soportar el diagnóstico clínico. La degeneración del núcleo de Onuf, exclusiva en esta enfermedad, podría sugerir que la presencia de denervación en el esfínter anal podría ser tomada en cuenta como criterio diagnóstico de AMS. Se realizó una revisión sistemática con el fin de determinar la utilidad de la electromiografía de esfínter anal (EMG-EA) en el diagnóstico diferencial de AMS contra otros parkinsonismos. Se incluyeron 17 estudios que analizaron los resultados de EMG-EA en pacientes con AMS. De éstos, 11 de estudios fueron analíticos y compararon pacientes con AMS y otros parkinsonismos. Los 6 estudios restantes fueron descriptivos. La duración de los potenciales de unidad motora (PUM) es significativamente mayor en pacientes con AMS comparados con otros parkinsonismos, y utilizando un punto de corte > 13 ms muestra características operativas que hacen a este parámetro potencialmente útil. Solo un estudio encontró diferencias significativas en el porcentaje de PUM polifásicos, el cual tuvo una sensibilidad y especificidad clínicamente útil cuando el punto de corte es mayor a 60%. El resto de los estudios no reportan diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre parkinsonismos. La literatura disponible apunta a la potencial utilidad de la EMG-EA en el diagnóstico diferencial de la AMS de otros parkinsonismos; sin embargo es necesario conducir más estudios para solventar las limitaciones metodológicas existentes.


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Consiste en la propuesta de un programa de maestría para la Universidad Del Rosario en Administración Deportiva. Esto teniendo en cuenta el espacio para la profesionalización de este campo en el país


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Este trabajo muestra el plan de internacionalización de la empresa Alternativas Expresión, la cual está dedicada a la fabricación y comercialización de productos de expresión social como tarjetas, chocolates y empaques. De esta forma, el estudio se enfocó principalmente en la exportación de Tarjetas de Felicitación, se desarrollaron varias metodologías como el análisis del potencial exportador de la empresa y el estudio de la competencia nacional e internacional. Posteriormente se evaluaron variables macro económicas, comercio internacional y de selección, en once países del norte, centro y sur de América, de los cuales se seleccionaron tres mercados Estados Unidos, Chile y Panamá. Después de la fase de selección de mercados, se elaboró una descripción detallada de cada país seleccionado y se procedió a realizar el trabajo de campo para el país potencial, Estados Unidos. En donde se consideraron diferentes factores como demanda, producto, precio, canales de distribución, competencia, y distribución física internacional. Finalmente, se propuso un plan de mejoramiento para la empresa Alternativas Expresión, con el propósito de minimizar las debilidades que se identificaron en el estudio del potencial exportador y maximizar las oportunidades detalladas en el análisis de la competencia y el trabajo de campo en Estados Unidos.


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En el presente trabajo se expone una investigación llevada a cabo a una empresa específica (INDU-ROPA LTDA). El trabajo de investigación fue llevado a cabo por el grupo de investigación de la facultad de Administración, de la universidad del Rosario (CIDEM). El proyecto de investigación denominado “Expo USA” tuvo como fin realizar una consultoría en la empresa INDU-ROPA LTDA. Para de este modo, luego de haber realizado un profundo análisis de la empresa se encontraron los principales errores y los procesos a mejorar, así mismo se encontraron y reforzaron las fortalezas de la empresa, lo anterior con el fin de que esta tenga la capacidad de exportar sus productos a largo plazo, dadas las condiciones de la empresa. La investigación fue apoyada por un grupo de docentes y consultores, expertos en el tema. Las herramientas utilizadas para el desarrollo de esta investigación fueron creadas y desarrolladas en su totalidad por el CIDEM. Estas herramientas fueron las que permitieron el desarrollo satisfactorio de la investigación, aparte de la investigación que fue hecha en los mercados requeridos. Por otra parte cada etapa de la investigación fue apoyada por un consultor diferente, como ya se dijo anteriormente, experto en el tema al cual fue asignado, estos consultores tuvieron que aportar sus conocimientos para implementar y desarrollar las herramientas del CIDEM con el fin de lograr un resultado satisfactorio en cada etapa realizada. Los consultores fueron apoyados por un estudiante de la facultad de administración.


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Este artículo pertenece a una sección de la revista dedicada al análisis de las políticas de formación profesional. - Investigación realizada dentro del Programa de Doctorado Interuniversitario en Educación Ambiental que se desarrolla con nueve universidades españolas. - A modo de anexo se incluyen las tablas y esquema referenciados en el artículo y la propuesta de un sistema de indicadores de sensibilización ambiental. - Resumen tomado parcialmente de la revista