124 resultados para Involution


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In S. postica the hypopharyngeal glands are present in workers, males and queens. The glands of newly emerged workers are in a prefunctional phase, in nurse workers they reach their highest development and in forager workers they suffer reabsorption. The newly emerged males and queens, however, have well developed glands that soon start involution. The electrophoretical pattern of worker and male hypopharyngeal glands is compared with the pattern of nurse workers of A. mellifera. The results show simularities, as well as differences among the S. postica males and workers, and among the phases of worker life. The electrophoretic band pattern suggests that the hypopharyngeal glands of nurse workers of S. postica produce substances similar to the ones produced by A. mellifera. The similarity of the extracts of nurse glands of A. mellifera and S. postica, as well as the behavioural similarities of the workers, suggest the same function of this gland in both species.


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Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) were grouped into two experimental groups: GEx.01 suffered orchiectomy and after 30 days received doses of testosterone cipionate (T), while GEx.02 received weekly and alternated doses of the anti-androgens cyproterone acetate and flutamide for 30 days, and the animals were then euthanized. Structural evaluation reveals a more intense reduction in epithelial height in GEx.02. Smooth muscle cells (SMC) presented a star-shaped aspect after 30 days of hormonal ablation and basal membrane was shown to be more intensely grooved in GEx.01. In both groups, after hormonal replacement, recovery in epithelial height could be noted and the SMC presented its phenotypes, but an increase in RER was seen, characterizing a modulation from its contractile to secreting phenotype. In conclusion, the prostate presented involution capacity after androgen ablation and the ability to reorganize after hormonal replacement, but events resulting from orchiectomy and subsequent T replacement were shown to be more aggressive to the prostate. (c) 2006 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this work we show that the smooth classification of divergent diagrams of folds (f(1),..., f(s)) : (R-n, 0) -> (R-n x(...)xR(n), 0) can be reduced to the classification of the s-tuples (p(1)., W) of associated involutions. We apply the result to obtain normal forms when s <= n and {p(1),...,p(s)} is a transversal set of linear involutions. A complete description is given when s = 2 and n >= 2. We also present a brief discussion on applications of our results to the study of discontinuous vector fields and discrete reversible dynamical systems.


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Durante três anos, vacas Gir leiteiro da Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, em Uberaba-MG, foram examinadas, pela palpação retal, para verificação da involução uterina. em 111 parições de 104 vacas, a involução dos cornos uterinos teve duração média de 29,7± 9,6 dias e, na maioria das vezes, a involução da porção cervical demorou mais do que 43 dias. O tempo de involução foi mais longo em vacas com maior número de partos. Na primeira semana, o útero permaneceu na cavidade abdominal (95,0%), na segunda teve início o retorno do órgão à pelve (8,2%), na terceira aconteceram os primeiros casos de involução completa dos cornos uterinos (20,6%) e na sexta semana, a maior parte das vacas apresentavam involução completa (82,9%). Foram constatados seis casos de permanência do útero em involução na cavidade abdominal e oito casos de localização pélvico/abdominal na quinta semana após o parto, detectados somente em vacas pluríparas. Observaram-se 19 casos de retrocesso na seqüência natural das fases de involução. O retrocesso do útero para a cavidade abdominal só ocorreu em vacas com problemas sanitários. em sete vacas com metrite, verificou-se prolongamento do tempo médio de involução dos cornos uterinos e aumento do diâmetro cervical em relação às demais vacas do rebanho.


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Utilizando-se 15 cadelas no pós-parto, são descritas as características da involução uterina e determinado o diâmetro do útero, por meio de exames seriados de ultra-som em modo B (tempo real), no período de zero a 28 dias pós-parto. O diâmetro uterino declina progressivamente, sem influência da ordem de parto ou tamanho da ninhada. As características ultra-sonográficas do útero são melhor visualizadas na primeira semana pós-parto e a qualidade da imagem diminui com o progresso da involução. Pela técnica usada são visualizadas apenas três camadas constituintes da parede uterina.


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Utilizaram-se 15 cadelas gestantes submetidas a cesariana e posteriormente a exames ultra-sonográficos seriados, em modo B (tempo real), para averiguação do diâmetro uterino nos dias 0, 3, 7, 14 e 21 pós-cesariana, com o objetivo de verificar a influência do ato cirúrgico na involução uterina. Os resultados (média e desvio-padrão, em centímetros) registrados para os dias estudados foram, respectivamente: 3,99+0,71; 3,27+0,51; 2,60+0,54; 2,01+0,34; 1,28+0,24. A involução uterina pós-cesariana seguiu o mesmo padrão do puerpério do parto normal, assim como as características das imagens ultra-sonográficas. O parto cesariana não influenciou no padrão de involução uterina.


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Estudaram-se os processos de regressão ovariana e atresia folicular em cachara, Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, mantida em cativeiro, na reprodução não induzida por hormônios. As características macro e microscópicas (diâmetro dos ovócitos e histologia) dos ovários foram descritas a cada 20 dias, em quatro estádios: na regressão inicial (Rg I - os primeiros 20 dias), na regressão intermediária (Rg II - do 21º ao 40º dia), na regressão final (Rg III - do 41º ao 80º dia) e na fase de recuperação ou de repouso II (R II - do 81º ao 150º dia). O experimento foi realizado do final de janeiro (verão-dias longos) a maio (outono-dias curtos). No início do experimento, as amostras apresentaram ovócitos com diâmetros que variaram de 437,5 a 1.187,5mm, sugerindo encontrarem-se nas fases perinucleolar, de maturação final e atrésicos. Aos 150 dias, os diâmetros atingiram os menores valores e pôde-se visualizar a zona radiata rompida e o vitelo reabsorvido. Concomitantemente, houve diminuição abrupta dos valores médios do índice gonadossomático, da temperatura da água, das horas de luz e de chuva. A involução gradual do longo processo foi dinâmica e complexa, afetando o êxito da desova (taxas de fertilização, de eclosão e de sobrevivência de larvas) e, conseqüentemente, o sistema produtivo.


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Epithelial cells from involuting rat ventral prostate (VP) express Matrilysin (MMP-7) mRNA. Herein, we investigated by immunohistochemistry the NIMP-7 protein location and its association with tissue changes following castration in the VP. Normal and castrated adult male Wistar rats were sacrificed at different times after surgery. VP was examined by immunocytochemistry and immunoprecipitation. Castration promoted a shrinking of prostate ducts with an extensive stromal remodeling. In the VP from normal rats, MMP-7 immunoreactivity was found in epithelial secretory granules. Three days after castration, immunostaining for MMP-7 was found in both the epithelial secretory granules and in the stroma just below the epithelium, mainly at the distal ductal tips. At seven and 21 days after castration, the immunostaining for MMP-7 was found only in the stromal space. Immunoprecipitation confirmed the specificity of the primary antibody by rescuing a pro-enzyme form (28 kDa) in the prostate extracts. The present results suggest that MMP-7 participates in the epithelial-stromal interface remodeling of the ventral prostate during the involution achieved by castration, probably in the degradation of components of the epithelial basement membrane. (c) 2007 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We construct infinite sets of local conserved charges for the conformal affine Toda model. The technique involves the abelianization of the two-dimensional gauge potentials satisfying the zero-curvature form of the equations of motion. We find two infinite sets of chiral charges and apart from two lowest spin charges, all the remaining ones do not possess chiral densities. Charges of different chiralities Poisson commute among themselves. We discuss the algebraic properties of these charges and use the fundamental Poisson bracket relation to show that the charges conserved in time are in involution. Connections to other Toda models are established by taking particular limits.


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Cherubism is a rare non-neoplastic hereditary disease, characterized by bilateral bone enlargement of the jaws and is accompanied by inflammation and fibrosis in childhood. An increase in jaw size is noted, with maximum enlargement occurring within 2 years of onset in most cases. By age 7, the lesions become static or progress relatively slowly until puberty. During the late teens, the disease may undergo spontaneous involution. The present case show a patient with history of bilateral enlargement of the jaw with the triad of clinical, histological and radiological findings that helps in the final diagnosis of cherubism.


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We characterize the hermitian levels of quaternion and octonion algebras and of an 8-dimensional algebra D over the ground field F, constructed using a weak version of the Cayley-Dickson double process. It is shown that all values of the hermitian levels of quaternion algebras with the hat-involution also occur as hermitian levels of D. We give some limits to the levels of the algebra D over some ground field. © Soc. Paran. de Mat.