996 resultados para Intercultural Competences


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Due to the recent implantation of the Bologna process, the definition of competences in Higher Education is an important matter that deserves special attention and requires a detailed analysis. For that reason, we study the importance given to severa! competences for the professional activity and the degree to which these competences have been achieved through the received education. The answers include also competences observed in two periods of time given by individuals of multiple characteristics. In this context and in order to obtain synthesized results, we propose the use of Multiple Table Factor Analysis. Through this analysis, individuals are described by severa! groups, showing the most important variability factors of the individuals and allowing the analysis of the common structure ofthe different data tables. The obtained results will allow us finding out the existence or absence of a common structure in the answers of the various data tables, knowing which competences have similar answer structure in the groups of variables, as well as characterizing those answers through the individuals.


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El objetivo principal de este trabajo de fin de grado es analizar la cultura de la región del País Vasco y Francia, a través de encuestas y entrevistas a un colectivo homogéneo, con el fin de obtener información sobre ellas y de este modo poder analizar sus efectos en las técnicas de gestión, liderazgo y negociación de cada sociedad.


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This project will examine cultural differences and dimensions and how they affect negotiations and intercultural management. It is necessary to consider that the cultural characteristics of each society, which in turn is made of different individuals, make intercultural relations complex and with many subtleties. We will apply these proposals to draw a comparison between Spain and two Southeast Asian countries: India and Sri Lanka using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.This project will examine cultural differences and dimensions and how they affect negotiations and intercultural management. It is necessary to consider that the cultural characteristics of each society, which in turn is made of different individuals, make intercultural relations complex and with many subtleties. We will apply these proposals to draw a comparison between Spain and two Southeast Asian countries: India and Sri Lanka using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.


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Jornada “Educación Intercultural, La Óptica Del Norte. Organiza: Mundubat, Bilbao, 22 de noviembre de 2003


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Throughout this undergraduate thesis, a study of intercultural management and leadership will be carried out with a special focus on language academies. We begin by analyzing the importance of cultural values and their effects on the perception of a leader. We then study the role of Strategic Human Resources Management in an intercultural environment. Finally, as an original contribution to this thesis, an investigation is performed that examines three local language academies and their management practices. After reviewing the findings, we hope to propose a sort of ‘best practices’ for language academies that could lead to a more harmonious relationship between teachers and their managers.


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Estudio sobre la minoría magrebí en la ciudad de Vitoria-Gasteiz. Análisis del concepto minoría, racismo, interculturalidad, asimilación, integración...Resumen de los últimos acontecimientos con el racismo y la intolerancia hacia el colectivo magrebí. Posibles métodos para lograr su integración en la sociedad


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O presente trabalho parte das concepções morais de Kant sobre o imperativo categórico, sua ideia de punir e a noção de cosmopolitismo, como uma forma de integrar os povos nos mais diversos cantos através de parâmetros racionais, visando alcançar o que o filósofo denomina de Paz Perpétua. O pós kantiano Hoffe é tomado como base para um modelo de Direito Intercultural, no qual, os cidadãos são unidos por valores universais em torno de pretensões comuns. Neste contexto emerge o Direito Penal Intercultural como forma de se consagrar bens comuns, através da tipificação de delitos que representam preceitos éticos globais, os quais merecem ser tutelados por estarem associados a direitos humanos. Nesta sociedade moderna marcada por grandes transformações em diversos setores, como decorrência da globalização, fala-se em uma nova área criminal, qual seja, o Direito Penal Econômico, trazendo crimes existentes em qualquer lugar do mundo, como as infrações tributárias, praticadas por criminosos de colarinho branco. A impunidade destes crimes é um fator notório. Em razão de tal fato e, por questões de justiça e solidariedade defende-se um modelo criminal de punição, que tem uma fundamentação moral e se mostra aplicável em qualquer país, independentemente de suas especificidades locais. Para tal é necessário uma releitura dos paradigmas tradicionais do Direito Penal e uma maior eticização de suas normas, proporcionando o que se chama Direito Penal Intercultural.