234 resultados para Generalisation


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Haptices and haptemes: A case study of developmental process in touch-based communication of acquired deafblind people This research is the first systematic, longitudinal process and development description of communication using touch and body with an acquired deafblind person. The research consists of observational and analysed written and video materials mainly from two informants´ experiences during period of 14 years. The research describes the adaptation of Social-Haptic methods between a couple, and other informants´ experiences, which have been collated from biographies and through giving national and international courses. When the hearing and sight deteriorates due to having an acquired deafblind condition, communication consists of multi-systematic and adaptive methods. A person`s expressive language, spoken or Sign Language, usually remains unchanged, but the methods of receiving information could change many times during a person s lifetime. Haptices are made from haptemes that determines which regulations are analysed. When defining haptemes the definition, classification and varied meanings of touch were discovered. Haptices include sharing a personal body space, meaning of touch-contact, context and using different communication channels. Communication distances are classified as exact distance, estimated distance and touch distance. Physical distance can be termed as very long, long, medium or very close. Social body space includes the body areas involved in sending and receiving haptices and applying different types of contacts. One or two hands can produce messages by using different hand shapes and orientations. This research classifies how the body can be identified into different areas such as body orientation, varied body postures, body position levels, social actions and which side of the body is used. Spatial body space includes environmental and situational elements. Haptemes of movements are recognised as the direction of movements, change of directions on the body, directions between people, pressure, speed, frequency, size, length, duration, pause, change of rhythm, shape, macro and micro movements. Haptices share multidimensional meanings and emotions. Research describes haptices in different situations enhancing sensory information and functioning also as an independent language. Haptices includes social-haptic confirmation system, social quick messages, body drawing, contact to the people and the environment, guiding and sharing art experiences through movements. Five stages of emotional differentiation were identified as very light, light, medium, heavy and very heavy touch. Haptices give the possibility to share different art, hobby and game experiences. A new communication system development based on the analysis of the research data is classified into different phases. These are experimental initiation, social deconstruction, developing the description of Social-Haptic communication and generalisation of the theory as well as finding and conceptualising the haptices and haptemes. The use and description of haptices is a social innovation, which illustrates the adaptive function of the body and perceptual senses that can be taught to a third party. Keywords: deafblindness, hapteme, haptic, haptices, movement, social-haptic communication, social-haptic confirmation system, tactile, touch


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The number of two-line and three-line Latin rectangles is obtained by recursive methods in a setting slightly more general than usually considered. We show how this leads to a generalisation which is proved elsewhere.


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Dingoes and other wild dogs (Canis lupus dingo and hybrids) are generalist predators that consume a wide variety of different prey species within their range. Little is known, however, of the diets of dingoes in north-eastern Australia where the potential for impacts by dingoes exists. Recently new information has been provided on the diets of dingoes from several sites in Queensland, Australia, significantly adding to the body of published knowledge on ecosystems within this region. Further information on the diet of dingoes in north-eastern Australia is added from 1460 scats collected from five sites, representing tropical savannahs, tropical offshore islands (and a matched mainland area), dry sclerophyll forests and peri-urban areas on the fringe of Townsville. Macropods, possums and bandicoots were found to be common prey for dingoes in these areas. Evidence suggested that the frequency of prey remains in scats can be an unreliable indicator of predation risk to potential prey and it was found that novel and unexpected prey species appear in dingo diets as preferred prey become unavailable. The results support the generalisation that dingoes prefer medium- to large-sized native prey species when available but also highlight the capacity for dingoes to exploit populations of both large and small prey species that might not initially be considered at risk from predation based solely on data on scats.


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It is demonstrated that Kibble’s method of gauging the Poincaré group can be applied to the gauging of the conformal group. The action of the gauge transformations is the action of general spacetime diffeomorphisms (or coordinate transformations) combined with a local action of an 11-parameter subgroup of SO(4,2). Because the translational subgroup is not an invariant subgroup of the conformal group the appropriate generalisation of the derivative of a physical field is not a covariant derivative in the usual sense, but this does not lead to any inconsistencies.


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Digital elevation models (DEMs) have been an important topic in geography and surveying sciences for decades due to their geomorphological importance as the reference surface for gravita-tion-driven material flow, as well as the wide range of uses and applications. When DEM is used in terrain analysis, for example in automatic drainage basin delineation, errors of the model collect in the analysis results. Investigation of this phenomenon is known as error propagation analysis, which has a direct influence on the decision-making process based on interpretations and applications of terrain analysis. Additionally, it may have an indirect influence on data acquisition and the DEM generation. The focus of the thesis was on the fine toposcale DEMs, which are typically represented in a 5-50m grid and used in the application scale 1:10 000-1:50 000. The thesis presents a three-step framework for investigating error propagation in DEM-based terrain analysis. The framework includes methods for visualising the morphological gross errors of DEMs, exploring the statistical and spatial characteristics of the DEM error, making analytical and simulation-based error propagation analysis and interpreting the error propagation analysis results. The DEM error model was built using geostatistical methods. The results show that appropriate and exhaustive reporting of various aspects of fine toposcale DEM error is a complex task. This is due to the high number of outliers in the error distribution and morphological gross errors, which are detectable with presented visualisation methods. In ad-dition, the use of global characterisation of DEM error is a gross generalisation of reality due to the small extent of the areas in which the decision of stationarity is not violated. This was shown using exhaustive high-quality reference DEM based on airborne laser scanning and local semivariogram analysis. The error propagation analysis revealed that, as expected, an increase in the DEM vertical error will increase the error in surface derivatives. However, contrary to expectations, the spatial au-tocorrelation of the model appears to have varying effects on the error propagation analysis depend-ing on the application. The use of a spatially uncorrelated DEM error model has been considered as a 'worst-case scenario', but this opinion is now challenged because none of the DEM derivatives investigated in the study had maximum variation with spatially uncorrelated random error. Sig-nificant performance improvement was achieved in simulation-based error propagation analysis by applying process convolution in generating realisations of the DEM error model. In addition, typology of uncertainty in drainage basin delineations is presented.


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Place identification is the methodology of automatically detecting spatial regions or places that are meaningful to a user by analysing her location traces. Following this approach several algorithms have been proposed in the literature. Most of the algorithms perform well on a particular data set with suitable choice of parameter values. However, tuneable parameters make it difficult for an algorithm to generalise to data sets collected from different geographical locations, different periods of time or containing different activities. This thesis compares the generalisation performance of our proposed DPCluster algorithm along with six state-of-the-art place identification algorithms on twelve location data sets collected using Global Positioning System (GPS). Spatial and temporal variations present in the data help us to identify strengths and weaknesses of the place identification algorithms under study. We begin by discussing the notion of a place and its importance in location-aware computing. Next, we discuss different phases of the place identification process found in the literature followed by a thorough description of seven algorithms. After that, we define evaluation metrics and compare generalisation performance of individual place identification algorithms and report the results. The results indicate that the DPCluster algorithm performs superior to all other algorithms in terms of generalisation performance.


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A new generalisation of Einstein’s theory is proposed which is invariant under conformal mappings. Two scalar fields are introduced in addition to the metric tensor field, so that two special choices of gauge are available for physical interpretation, the ‘Einstein gauge’ and the ‘atomic gauge’. The theory is not unique but contains two adjustable parameters ζ anda. Witha=1 the theory viewed from the atomic gauge is Brans-Dicke theory (ω=−3/2+ζ/4). Any other choice ofa leads to a creation-field theory. In particular the theory given by the choicea=−3 possesses a cosmological solution satisfying Dirac’s ‘large numbers’ hypothesis.


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Identifying unusual or anomalous patterns in an underlying dataset is an important but challenging task in many applications. The focus of the unsupervised anomaly detection literature has mostly been on vectorised data. However, many applications are more naturally described using higher-order tensor representations. Approaches that vectorise tensorial data can destroy the structural information encoded in the high-dimensional space, and lead to the problem of the curse of dimensionality. In this paper we present the first unsupervised tensorial anomaly detection method, along with a randomised version of our method. Our anomaly detection method, the One-class Support Tensor Machine (1STM), is a generalisation of conventional one-class Support Vector Machines to higher-order spaces. 1STM preserves the multiway structure of tensor data, while achieving significant improvement in accuracy and efficiency over conventional vectorised methods. We then leverage the theory of nonlinear random projections to propose the Randomised 1STM (R1STM). Our empirical analysis on several real and synthetic datasets shows that our R1STM algorithm delivers comparable or better accuracy to a state-of-the-art deep learning method and traditional kernelised approaches for anomaly detection, while being approximately 100 times faster in training and testing.


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Many conventional statistical machine learning al- gorithms generalise poorly if distribution bias ex- ists in the datasets. For example, distribution bias arises in the context of domain generalisation, where knowledge acquired from multiple source domains need to be used in a previously unseen target domains. We propose Elliptical Summary Randomisation (ESRand), an efficient domain generalisation approach that comprises of a randomised kernel and elliptical data summarisation. ESRand learns a domain interdependent projection to a la- tent subspace that minimises the existing biases to the data while maintaining the functional relationship between domains. In the latent subspace, ellipsoidal summaries replace the samples to enhance the generalisation by further removing bias and noise in the data. Moreover, the summarisation enables large-scale data processing by significantly reducing the size of the data. Through comprehensive analysis, we show that our subspace-based approach outperforms state-of-the-art results on several activity recognition benchmark datasets, while keeping the computational complexity significantly low.


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Krishnan's reciprocity theorem in colloid optics, ρ{variant}u=1+l/ρ{variant}h/1+1/ρ{variant}v is generalised for the case when the scattering medium is subjected to an external orienting field. It is shown theoretically that a general relation of the type IBA=I′AB results in this case, where IBA is the intensity of the component of the scattered light having its electric vector inclined at an angle B to the vertical with the incident light polarised at an angle A to the vertical, the external field direction being parallel to the incident beam. I′AB is the corresponding intensity with the magnetic field parallel of the scattered ray. Experimental verification of the above generalisation is also given.


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A procedure is offered for evaluating the forces between classical, charged solitons at large distances. This is employed for the solitons of a complex, scalar two-dimensional field theory with a U(1) symmetry, that leads to a conserved chargeQ. These forces are the analogues of the strong interaction forces. The potential,U(Q, R), is found to be attractive, of long range, and strong when the coupling constants in the theory are small. The dependence ofU(Q, R) onQ, the sum of the charges of the two interacting solitons (Q will refer to isospin in the SU(2) generalisation of the U(1) symmetric theory) is of importance in the theory of strong interactions; group theoretical considerations do not give such information. The interaction obtained here will be the leading term in the corresponding quantum field theory when the coupling-constants are small.


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The modern subject is what we can call a self-subjecting individual. This is someone in whose inner reality has been implanted a more permanent governability, a governability that works inside the agent. Michel Foucault s genealogy of the modern subject is the history of its constitution by power practices. By a flight of imagination, suppose that this history is not an evolving social structure or cultural phenomenon, but one of those insects (moth) whose life cycle consists of three stages or moments: crawling larva, encapsulated pupa, and flying adult. Foucault s history of power-practices presents the same kind of miracle of total metamorphosis. The main forces in the general field of power can be apprehended through a generalisation of three rationalities functioning side-by-side in the plurality of different practices of power: domination, normalisation and the law. Domination is a force functioning by the rationality of reason of state: the state s essence is power, power is firm domination over people, and people are the state s resource by which the state s strength is measured. Normalisation is a force that takes hold on people from the inside of society: it imposes society s own reality its empirical verity as a norm on people through silently working jurisdictional operations that exclude pathological individuals too far from the average of the population as a whole. The law is a counterforce to both domination and normalisation. Accounting for elements of legal practice as omnihistorical is not possible without a view of the general field of power. Without this view, and only in terms of the operations and tactical manoeuvres of the practice of law, nothing of the kind can be seen: the only thing that practice manifests is constant change itself. However, the backdrop of law s tacit dimension that is, the power-relations between law, domination and normalisation allows one to see more. In the general field of power, the function of law is exactly to maintain the constant possibility of change. Whereas domination and normalisation would stabilise society, the law makes it move. The European individual has a reality as a problem. What is a problem? A problem is something that allows entry into the field of thought, said Foucault. To be a problem, it is necessary for certain number of factors to have made it uncertain, to have made it lose familiarity, or to have provoked a certain number of difficulties around it . Entering the field of thought through problematisations of the European individual human forms, power and knowledge one is able to glimpse the historical backgrounds of our present being. These were produced, and then again buried, in intersections between practices of power and games of truth. In the problem of the European individual one has suitable circumstances that bring to light forces that have passed through the individual through centuries.


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A local algorithm with local horizon r is a distributed algorithm that runs in r synchronous communication rounds; here r is a constant that does not depend on the size of the network. As a consequence, the output of a node in a local algorithm only depends on the input within r hops from the node. We give tight bounds on the local horizon for a class of local algorithms for combinatorial problems on unit-disk graphs (UDGs). Most of our bounds are due to a refined analysis of existing approaches, while others are obtained by suggesting new algorithms. The algorithms we consider are based on network decompositions guided by a rectangular tiling of the plane. The algorithms are applied to matching, independent set, graph colouring, vertex cover, and dominating set. We also study local algorithms on quasi-UDGs, which are a popular generalisation of UDGs, aimed at more realistic modelling of communication between the network nodes. Analysing the local algorithms on quasi-UDGs allows one to assume that the nodes know their coordinates only approximately, up to an additive error. Despite the localisation error, the quality of the solution to problems on quasi-UDGs remains the same as for the case of UDGs with perfect location awareness. We analyse the increase in the local horizon that comes along with moving from UDGs to quasi-UDGs.


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The problem of generation of surface water waves at tile interface of two immiscible liquids by a onesided porous wave maker is studied in both the cases of water of infinite as well as finite depth by suitable application of the generalisation of Havelock's expansion theorem. The solution of the the problem of reflection of water waves due to a fixed porous wall is derived as a particular case.


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In this paper a generalisation of the Voronoi partition is used for locational optimisation of facilities having different service capabilities and limited range or reach. The facilities can be stationary, such as base stations in a cellular network, hospitals, schools, etc., or mobile units, such as multiple unmanned aerial vehicles, automated guided vehicles, etc., carrying sensors, or mobile units carrying relief personnel and materials. An objective function for optimal deployment of the facilities is formulated, and its critical points are determined. The locally optimal deployment is shown to be a generalised centroidal Voronoi configuration in which the facilities are located at the centroids of the corresponding generalised Voronoi cells. The problem is formulated for more general mobile facilities, and formal results on the stability, convergence and spatial distribution of the proposed control laws responsible for the motion of the agents carrying facilities, under some constraints on the agents' speed and limit on the sensor range, are provided. The theoretical results are supported with illustrative simulation results.