84 resultados para ENOLOGIA


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The production of fine wines in the Sub-middle of the São Francisco River Valley, Northeast of Brazil, is relatively recent, about twenty-five years ago. This region presents different characteristics, with a tropical semiarid climate, in a flat landscape. Presenting high annual average temperature, solar radiation and water in abundance for irrigation, it?s possible the scaling the grape harvests for winemaking throughout the year, allowing to obtain until two harvests per year. Several factors may affect the aromatic compounds in wines, such as viticulture practices, climatic conditions, cultivars and winemaking process. This study aimed to evaluate the aromatic stability of Syrah and Petit Verdot tropical wines elaborated in two different periods in the year. The grapes were harvested in the first and second semesters of 2009, in June and November. The wines were elaborated and then, they were bottled and analyzed in triplicate, thirty days and one year after bottling, by gas chromatography with ionization detector flame (GC-FID), to evaluate the profile and the stability of the aroma compounds. Principal component analysis was applied to discriminate between wine samples and to find the compounds responsible by the variability. The results showed that Syrah and Petit Verdot tropical wines presented different responses, for stability of higher alcohols, esters and carboxylic acids.


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In the Northeast of Brazil, vines can produce twice a year, because annual average temperature is 26ºC, with high solar radiation and water availability for irrigation. Many cultivars have been tested according to their adaptation to the climate and soil, and the main variety used for red wines is Syrah. This work aimed to evaluate five clones of Syrah, grafted on two rootstocks, in two harvests of the second semester of 2009 and 2010, according to the chemical analyses of the wines.The clones evaluated were 100, 174, 300, 470 and 525, the rootstocks were Paulsen 1103 and IAC 313 (Golia x Vitis caribeae). Grapes were harvested in November 2009 and 2010 and the yield was evaluated. Climate characteristics of each harvest was determined and correlated to the results. Wines were elaborated in glass tanks of 20 L, with alcoholic fermentation at 25ºC for seven days, then wines were pressed and malolactic fermentation was carried out at 18ºC for 20 days. The following parameters were analyzed: alcohol content, dry extract, total anthocyanins, total phenolic index. High performance liquid chromatography was used to determine tartaric, malic, lactic and citric organic acids. Results showed that wines presented different concentrations of classical analyses, phenolics and organic acids according to the harvest date, rootstocks and clones. Principal component analysis was applied on data and clusters with wine samples were formed, explaining the variability, and results are discussed.


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A Campanha Gaúcha vem sendo classificada entre as regiões vitivinícolas mais promissoras no Rio Grande do Sul, especialmente pelas suas condições edafoclimáticas com maior restrição hídrica e drenagem do solo. Apesar do início da vitivinicultura nesta região datar da década de 70, a maior intensificação dos plantios e produção ocorreu nos últimos dez anos, porém sem muitos subsídios técnicos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar os efeitos da antecipação da poda hibernal e concentrações de cianamida hidrogenada (CH) sobre o potencial produtivo da uva ?Merlot?/SO4 conduzida nos sistemas de poda Guyot Duplo (DG) e Cordão Esporonado (CE).


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Considerando a importância da vitivinicultura para Veranópolis, RS, realizou-se o presente trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar a composição físico-química de vinhos tintos elaborados neste município. Desse modo, avaliaram-se 17 amostras de vinhos tintos comerciais ? seis de mesa e 11 finos, elaborados em diferentes safras. As análises foram realizadas na Embrapa Uva e Vinho, em Bento Gonçalves, RS. Avaliaram-se as análises clássicas, utilizando-se métodos físico-químicos; os elementos minerais, por absorção atômica; e os compostos voláteis, através da cromatografia gasosa. As determinações mostram que os vinhos enquadraram-se nos padrões estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira. A Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP) permitiu discriminar os vinhos segundo o tipo, ou seja, de mesa e fino. Os vinhos tintos de mesa caracterizaram-se pelo teor mais elevado de metanol e menor de compostos fenólicos, extrato seco, cinzas, alcoóis superiores, prolina e pH. Quanto aos tintos finos, seis amostras apresentaram maior teor de cinzas, alcalinidade das cinzas e pH; duas, mais cor e taninos; e outras três, teores mais elevados de alcoóis superiores, aldeído acético e Mn.